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Book reviews for "Tamedly,_Elisabeth_L." sorted by average review score:

The cookery of England : being a collection of recipes for traditional dishes of all kinds from the fifteenth century to the present day, with notes on their social and culinary background
Published in Unknown Binding by A. Deutsch ()
Author: Elisabeth Ayrton
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Irreplaceable (somebody please reprint!)
This is well-written and deeply considered. I know of no other book which really attempts to cover the vernacular tradition cooking in England (though there are several historic recipe collections). Full of recipes begging to be tried (they work!), and full of enthusiasm too. I had the misfortune to order it from Penguin between it going out of print and actually disappearing from their list: I have been chasing and buying copies for my friends ever since.

Country Folk Medicine: Tales of Skunk Oil, Sassafras Tea, and Other Old-Time Remedies
Published in Hardcover by Budget Book Service (1995)
Authors: Elisabeth Janos and Elizabeth Janos
Amazon base price: $7.99
Average review score:

Authentic window into ingenious remedies from days gone by!!
Ms Janos has that rare capacity to intimately recall an era of natural remedies, self sufficient solutions and perceptive observation by ordinary folk , resulting in a compendium of valuable and long forgotten secrets of the body and soul.

The Dawning of the Day
Published in Hardcover by Amereon Ltd (1976)
Author: Elisabeth Ogilvie
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

A lovely Bennett's Island tale.
This is a lovely story of World War II widow Phillipa who travels to Bennett's Island to work as a teacher. Leaving behind her own young son, she focuses on reaching the students living on an isolated island off the coast of Maine. There, Phillipa confronts prejudice against a handicapped child, as well as learning things about herself.

Along with Ogilvie's usual wonderful descriptions of life on an island in the years following the war, the reader also gets a warm and simple love story of two lonely, independent people. As usual with Ogilvie's writings, there is a twist at the end and the seeming tranquility of island living really hides intense passions. A wonderful book I have read several times.

Day-To-Day Dyslexia in the Classroom
Published in Paperback by Routledge (1994)
Authors: Joy Pollock and Elisabeth Waller
Amazon base price: $25.95
Average review score:

Day-To-Day Dyslexia in the Classroom
At last a book on dyslexia with workable and sensible advice! The suggestions in this book can be used by parents and teachers alike and can still be applied in a big class, where the child can stay in the class room.

Dear Sarah
Published in Hardcover by William Morrow & Company (1981)
Author: Elisabeth Borchers
Amazon base price: $13.00
Average review score:

My friend Sarah read this book and she loves it

Do You Know Pippi Longstocking?
Published in Hardcover by R & S Books (13 October, 1999)
Authors: Astrid Lindgren, Ingrid Vang-Nyman, Elisabeth Dyssegaard, and Ingrid Nyman
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:

Stunning illustrations! A must for Pippi and Astrid fans!
I bought this book only for the illustrations. In fact, I gave hardly any consideration to what the writing would be like, but both writing and illustrations were a treat.

First, I'll go to the illustrations because they are the most novel thing about this book. This is the first Pippi Longstocking book every to be published in the US with the original illustrations by the (obviously) talented Ingrid Vang Nyman. Her pictures are amazingly bright and cheery. Great amounts of reds and yellows, blues, and greens were used. It doesn't seem like there was a dull color on her pallate. The colors on the cover are pretty much the only colors used throughout the book and the result is breathtaking. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying this is the Sistine Chapel or anything, but the pictures are so simple looking, clean cut, and almost "primitive" (that isn't really the proper word I'm looking for, but anyway...). I was persistently amazed on Ingrid Nyman's attention to detail. Her scenes focus on the main characters and there actions, but if you look around the scenes, the detail is wonderful!

Most of Astrid Lindgren's writing in the book won't be new to her fans, but the way she changes it is very pleasing. It is just perfect for young readers. I know that this is minute point that most people probably won't notice, but I loved the way Astrid Lindgren pulled the story from its original books into present tense. I felt much more inside the story this way and this shows her mastery and skill at writing for children of all ages.

This is must-have for Astrid Lindgren and Pippi Longstocking fans and perfect for those kids whom you want to know Pippi. At the moment, there are two ways in book-form to introduce kids to Pippi, the "Pippi Longstocking Storybooks" from Viking Press and this book. Although the intentions of Viking are admirable (indeed, the way they handled it is excellent), it doesn't fit for the age bracket that this book targets. Now, you can start children off on this book, lead them to The Pippi Longstocking Storybooks, and they're well on their way to reading the three classics!

Elisabeth of Schonau: A Twelfth Century Visionary (Middle Ages Series)
Published in Hardcover by University of Pennsylvania Press (1992)
Author: Anne L. Clark
Amazon base price: $39.95
Average review score:

Fascinating companion to studies of Hildegard of Bingen.
It's hard to believe that Hildegard of Bingen, world-wide hit phenomenon of the mystic nuns tradition, has only become widely popular since the 1960's. Now here is the first biography to do justice to her contemporary and arguably her soul-mate: Elisabeth von Schonau. This book puts our times in a great perspective, since Elisabeth, the spiritual daughter of Hildegard who was her friend and confidant, was actually more popularly received than Hildegard in those early crusader's times. Elisabeth's style was more dramatic and apocalyptic; she may have suffered from the lack of the freedoms that metaphorical readings of scripture can afford. However, she and Hildegard were curiously united at a distance in many profound ways, including the venerating of St. Ursula (Elisabeth was the expert here), and opposing the Cathars, who would have had the exemplary lives of the saints obliterated. This book is unique, well-organized, and all attentions it may receive would be we! ! ll-deserved.

Elisabeth Schumann: a Biography
Published in Paperback by Grant & Cutler Ltd (1996)
Authors: Gerd Puritz and Joy Puritz
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Elisabeth Schumann, by her son and grand-daughter.
I can't think of any category of readership who could find a disappointing page in this marvellous book. Elisabeth Schumann (1888-1952) proves to be a fascinating subject for a biography. Feted and adored by a music loving public, especially in Vienna between the two world wars, she established a lasting reputation firstly as the ideal Sophie in Richard Strauss's "Der Rosenkavalier", then for her roles in Mozart operas, and then for her lieder recitals and recordings. A woman who always wanted to be in love, her husbands included an architect, a conductor and a doctor. Although circumstances kept them apart for much of their lives, Elisabeth Schumann experienced her greatest joy in her relationship with her son, Gerd Puritz. "We were everything to each other", he comments. Sadly, just when Elisabeth Schumann was arranging to make her home in England with her son, his English wife and their three children, she died suddenly in New York in 1952.

Gerd Puritz's biography of his mother did not appear until more than 40 years later. While I regret the delay, and the larger readership it might have attracted earlier, the belated biography emerges as a thoroughly researched, scholarly, sturdily constructed and neatly edited work. Included are many excellent photos and a fully detailed discography. There's an obituary notice also, provided by Lotte Lehmann, which will bring a tear to any reader's eye. It resulted from a forty year friendship, perhaps unique in the annals of the performing arts, which began unpromisingly when they both were being considered for the role of Sophie in "Der Rosenkavalier", and Elisabeth Schumann was chosen.

Her voice, which I heard only once in London's Royal Albert Hall, was as beautiful as any singer ever had. Happily, it recorded well, and almost everything in her discography can still be heard in successfully remastered digital transfers. Many who hear them have said, "The dead soprano conveys more vitality and radiance than most who are still living". Thanks to the work of her son, and the additional work of her grand-daughter Joy Puritz, Elisabeth Schumann's life is worthily recorded also.

Elizabeth of the Trinity THE COMPLETE WORKS, I have found GOD, Vol 1
Published in Paperback by Ics Pubns (1995)
Authors: Soeur Elisabeth De LA Trinite and Sister Alethia Kane
Amazon base price: $10.95
Average review score:

Elizabeth harvested!
This centenary series of the Complete Works is a major accomplishment. Volume I ('I Have Found God') goes right to the heart of Elizabeth's mystical vocation with a positively riveting General Introduction by Conrad De Meester, O.C. D., followed by a brilliant translation of Elizabeth's writings by Alethia Kane. Elizabeth's four major spiritual treatises being written in the last three months of her life, it's difficult to go anywhere but to the distinct heart of her message. I doubt that I've ever read a more enlightened essay on Elizabeth than De Meester's. If you look to understand who this woman was, read his perfect Introduction; taken together with a brief biography, he produces an ancient Elizabeth in an essential light. His appreciation burns with real insight into an obscured message and an authentic modern mystic. Kane leaves Elizabeth's voice alone, as other translators have not, making Kane's courageous, and ultimately peerless contribution the more valuable by leagues. Highest recommendation for Vols. I & II-- it's a champion series.

Essential Paris (AAA Essential Guides Series)
Published in Paperback by McGraw Hill - NTC (01 April, 2000)
Author: Elisabeth Morris
Amazon base price: $8.95
Average review score:

Full of useful information
I have used several differnt travel guide book, and have found the AAA Essential series to be the best. This book is accurate in the best places to see. It also has the things to do to see the local culture, and explains when places are open and closed. It is also lightweight and slim, so it is easy to carry along anywhere.

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