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Book reviews for "Tamedly,_Elisabeth_L." sorted by average review score:

God's Guidance: A Slow and Certain Light: Study Guide
Published in Paperback by Fleming H Revell Co (1997)
Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $1.00
Collectible price: $2.99
Buy one from zShops for: $4.10
Average review score:

Worth Re-reading
I am reading this book for the second time.I read bits aloud to any listeners I can find. As all of Elliot's books, it cuts to the heart of the matter of discovering what life was designed for. Read it the first time in one sitting. So much wisdom in here!

A conmon-sense guide to the Christian life
This book does not contain a "magic formula" for finding God's will, but it is a valuable collection of suggestions from someone who has experienced more than the typical share of difficulties. She has said "Yes, Lord." to things that would make the average believer cringe. And her very readable advice points you time and again to the Bible, and to Biblical ways of making decisions. I have found her counsel to be dependable, and I recommend this book as a worthwhile addition to any Christian's library.

Home Page Improvement
Published in Paperback by Hungry Minds, Inc (03 July, 1997)
Authors: Elisabeth A. Parker and Elizabeth Parker
Amazon base price: $29.99
Used price: $5.69
Buy one from zShops for: $5.12
Average review score:

An excellent book even for experienced web designers.
This is an excellent book....Although I know how to code in Html and have my own website. I strongly recommend to beginners to buy this book as it teaches you the basics and how to use all the fantastic tools and utilities to improve your Home Page. I have added a link from my Homepage to her website for anyone wishing to get a hands-on preview before buying this great book.

This is a great book... It has been a valuable tool for me in the web design business. It covers from picking the right colors to CGI programming... And it gives you helpful tips along the way... EVERYTHING you need to know about designing your own website is in this one book

I'll Be Your Mirror
Published in Hardcover by Scalo Books (2002)
Authors: Nan Goldin, David Armstrong, Hans Werner Holzwarth, and Elisabeth Sussman
Amazon base price: $38.50
List price: $55.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $38.22
Collectible price: $47.65
Buy one from zShops for: $38.22
Average review score:

art not of the void
this is one of the most important books available in contemporary photography. i admire it for its bold reality, honesty and shockingly moving images. Anyone who takes documentary photo seriously should own this book. there is no pomp or frill here just the pain, disapointments and celebrations of life and death.

Nan Goldin, a retrospective of brilliance
Goldin is the one of the most talented and prolific photographers of the 90's. Her work, which is based mainly on friends and lovers, is painful and delicate, striking a nerve in anyone who looks. It shows the beauty and horror of everyday life, sometimes bringing a tear to your eye. This book is worth every dollar.

In the Mothers' Land
Published in Paperback by Spectra (1992)
Authors: Elisabeth Vonarburg, Jane Brierley, and Elizabeth Vonarburg
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $1.99
Collectible price: $5.14
Average review score:

The best!
I've read this book about ten to fifteen times since I got this book. Everytime I read it, I find something new that captures my attention

The book follows a heroine after a devastating war.
In this lyric book, Lisbei, the heroine, discovers her extrordinary intelligence and secrets the matriachy of this world don't want revealed.

I dare you to stop reading once you've started.

In the Newborn Year: Our Changing Awareness After Childbirth
Published in Paperback by Book Pub Co (1992)
Authors: Elisabeth Brutto Hallett and Elizabeth Brutto Hallett
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $3.89
Buy one from zShops for: $5.00
Average review score:

Awakening the Spiritual Aspects of Motherhood
Ms. Hallett has clearly and beautifully addressed the "other side" of postpartum days. Aside from the physical, the days and weeks after birth offer each mother the gift of awareness. Awareness of the child, her life and herself. These stories of women experiencing the first nudges of spiritual awakening through motherhood push us all to examine our own experiences with our children. The pages ask us to consider the existance of something more powerful around us. It is a one of a kind book, daring to look at the most powerful time in a woman's life. Thank you, Elisabeth Hallett, for recognizing the miracle of this time.

Uniquely spellbinding!
While I often pour through a book from cover to cover within a day or two, not so with Elisabeth Hallett's _In the Newborn Year_! I savoured it for weeks! With every revelation and each reported experience, I was cast further and further adrift on a sea of my own thoughts and memories, recalling with amazing detail my experience of that intense, joyful and sometimes tumultuous time of life referred to as the postpartum.

This book was definitely not what I expected! More than conventional stories of mother/infant bonding, Ms. Hallett gives us intimate and thought-provoking glimpses into her own and other women's postpartum experiences, which for many include voyages into exotic imaginal realms, and mysterious, sometimes disturbing altered states of awareness. From the blissful to the surreal, no two experiences described in her book are alike, yet they are connected by a common thread. The message is that even the most difficult of postpartum journeys are transformational opportunities for the psyche which may lead, not only to a deep and more intimate connection between mother and child, but also to greater levels of personal growth and self-awareness, and the birth of enhanced creativity and freedom. My only regret is that _In the Newborn Year_ was not yet published when I began my own journey into motherhood!

Just One More Story
Published in Paperback by Templar Publishing (23 November, 2000)
Authors: Dugald Steer and Elisabeth Moseng
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Just One More Story
Just One More Story

By Dugald Steer
A little pig wants to read about the olden days and so the little pig reads
The pig prince, The ugly pigling, piggerella, and last of all, The prince and the porker.
Then he settes down for a nap. I like this book because I like pigs and they are cute.

Teacher approved-wonderful children's book!
As a fourth grade teacher, I found this book perfect when teaching writing, story telling, and point of view. It is endearing and is a favorite in my school's library. Children will love reading this at home, especially if they are familiar with classic fairy tales....pig style!

Kaleidoscope : Artistic Techniques for the Creative Soul
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Brookside Press (15 December, 2000)
Authors: Elizabeth Keely Wilson, Elisabeth Keely Wilson, and Elisabeth Keeley Wilson
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $8.00
Collectible price: $13.81
Buy one from zShops for: $12.50
Average review score:

Creative art, moving prose
Between the pages of this book Elisabeth Wilson bares her soul as artist and writer. Beautiful artwork combined with deeply moving prose creates a wonderful work that strikes a resonant chord in the reader. The final part of the book includes the materials and techniques that she used to create the artworks in the book. Wonderfully touching, a highly recommended read for when you want to turn your mind from the troubles of the day to a deeper, peaceful place.

Nurturing the creative spark that resides within
Kaleidoscope: Artistic Techniques For The Creative Soul by Elisabeth Keely Wilson is an inspirational book that blends beautiful, full-color artwork and innovative, brief, almost poetic commentaries about metaphysical and spiritual thoughts to guide the reader on an uplifting and transforming journey of personal insights and intimate revelations. Nurturing the creative spark that resides within, the bold, abstract yet vivid paintings have an especially profound impact in this superb presented volume of imagery, simple mental exercises, meditations to help transcend creative block in any literary or artistic medium. Kaleidoscope is highly recommended for students of metaphysics, spirituality, and the use of art for generating self-introspection.

Liberty of Obedience
Published in Paperback by Servant Publications (1987)
Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $3.30
Collectible price: $12.00
Buy one from zShops for: $4.16
Average review score:

one of e.elliot's best
the best hour i've ever spent reading a book! incredibly insightful. elliot asks great questions... what does it mean to be godly or worldly? how does a christian discern the will of God? for those of us who sometimes fall prey to legalism and merely "following the rules" of christianity, this is a must-read. short but very wise. i will read it again and again to remind myself.

True Christianity
The book impacted me in the following way: checking my motives as a Christian and challenging me to live to please and be motivated by God. It contained biblical insight into some difficult issues as to what it means to be a Christian. It is very short, but definitely worth the read.

Little Book of Unusual, Sometimes Disturbing Tales from the Edge
Published in Paperback by 1stBooks Library (2001)
Authors: Else Rasmussen and Elisabeth Rasmussen
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $14.84
Buy one from zShops for: $14.59
Average review score:

A Little Book of Unusual, Sometimes Disturbing Tales from th
So unusual I couldn't put it down until finished.Each story leaves you totally surprized. The content of each story was simply fasinating!! My mind was so distracted and my palms were sweaty. I can't wait to look for another book by this author.

a little book of unusual, sometimes disturbing tales from th
I found this book very interesting and entertaining. It has many stories that I can relate to, they remind me of summer camp around the campfire. Many are spooky but you know they just might happen to someone. It is perfect for taking and reading everywhere, when you only have a few minutes but want something interesting to do. I recommend it for everybody. I will give mine to my teenage daughter, it was good reading, she and her friends will enjoy it.

Published in Paperback by Touchstone Books (1997)
Author: Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Amazon base price: $8.00
List price: $10.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.87
Collectible price: $9.95
Buy one from zShops for: $2.99
Average review score:

contains everything you need to know about death & dying
This is another one of Dr. Kubler-Ross' sensitive books on death and dying. Her informed and emphathic approach to the topic should be read by everyone since death and dying are universal. You learn about the functioning of the human mind, the unique aspects of our existence, and will emerge from the experience enriched and with fewer anxieties about your own life.

Very helpful and inciteful book.
I read this book back in 1973, that is . the first publication of her clinical study. It was wonderful for me to be given a clear and inciteful understanding of the people around the loved one dying, let alone understanding the probable emotions of the person dying. As a caregiver, a term not used back then, I had no knowledge of the stages people go through in the event of a terminal disease. These "stages" were extremly helpful to me in understanding my own emotions and in caring for the sick one. This book was a God send for me.

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