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Book reviews for "Iddon,_Don" sorted by average review score:

Lords of the Earth
Published in Paperback by Regal Books (1979)
Author: Don Richardson
Amazon base price: $11.89
List price: $16.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.53
Collectible price: $7.36
Buy one from zShops for: $9.49
Average review score:

Another Entralling Book
If this book won't give you a heart for missions, nothing will. This book tells the story of Stan Dale and the Yali tribe as cultures clash and the Gospel wins over the hearts of fierce and cruel warriors, whose enjoyment is to shoot so many arrows into a victim to porcupine him or her, and then eat with relish the corpse of a victim. These people are so entralled to their spirits that any violation of taboo was punished by death. Women were also excluded from all rituals and religion and deemed unclean. Into this walks Stan Dale charging forward with fortitude determination and a total reliance on God. Winning a few young converts coupled with tortuous hard labor to construct a basic airstrip, Dale and a friend were martyred. Then through a total act of Providence, God intervened miraculously and revival swept the Yali people at the same spot where the two missionaries were killed and dismembered by the appearance of a little missionary boy and his protection by a wise old man. You must read this book to find out what happens. After all is revealed, you will see the Hand of God, protecting Stan Dale and his family in a very humourous manner based on mistaken identity.

This book will give you a taste of the challenges in reaching a lost world. It is still going on today with organizations such as the New Tribes Mission whose missionaries were recently martyred in the Philippines. Truly amazing real-life stories.

lords of the earth is an excellent book! every time i read it i am amazed at God's grace and divine providence. don richardson is an excellent writer. his vivid description makes this amazing true story come to life. i've read it several times, and each time i just can't put it down.

Very Moving Book!
It is a very rare book that can move me to tears. This was so realistic, and so inspiring, I am recommending it to everybody I know

Math Power: How to Help Your Child Love Math, Even If You Don't
Published in Paperback by Perseus Publishing (1997)
Author: Patricia Clark Kenschaft
Amazon base price: $15.00
Collectible price: $37.99
Average review score:

one-two, buckle my shoe
It's a real shame that this book is now out of print. If you have young children, and you can find a copy of this book in the used book store, buy it at any price. Kenschaft is a math professor whose daughter is also a mathematics professor. She gives incredibly useful advice on how to get your child interested in mathematics and drives a nail into the coffin of the myth that there is a "math gene", and that some (most?) people are simply genetically unsuited to do math. All too often the problem is that kids are taught that math is boring.

Why do so many popular nursery rhymes involve counting? Kenschaft points out that favourites like "one-two, buckle my shoe" and "1-2-3-4-5, I caught a fish alive" teach kids to count to ten. I never met a kid who didn't like nursery rhymes; Kenschaft offers reams of useful advice on how to kindle that spark and keep it alive.

As an aside, a really good companion volume to this one would be Sarah Flannery's "In Code - a (young woman's) mathematical journey".

If you have concerns about the ... math acheivements in our country you must read this book and take action. If you have kids you will learn that they depend on you to teach them in ways that their teachers may not even be capable or prepared to do.

Math is usually taught in such a way that it actually discourages kids from liking it, feeling competent in it or wanting to pursue it.

While the primamry focus of the book is Math, its principles apply to all branches of education and learning. Learn that there are pitfalls to standardized testing and minimal competency standards.

The book includes practical advice for parents on how to encourage their children to hone their math skills and encourage their analytical skills since their teachers may not be equipped to meet children at their level in order to fully communicate and cover a subject in depth.

Seems that many teachers are not prepared to teach math in successful ways. We must put the focus and resources into preparing teachers in order to acheive the kind of results we want from their students.

The best book for parents wondering about 'reform' math
You've probably heard that youngsters who are anxious about math also do poorly in math. A lot of folks thought this was just because students with limited ability appropriately worried about the subject. Not so!

Just the other day I clipped a short piece that described a scientific study demonstrating that this "math anxiety" itself gets in the way of doing the math. The chicken that comes before this egg is not low ability but high anxiety. Finding ways to lessen that math anxiety can improve math achievement.

As a parent and as a math teacher this is important news. Many parents have worried about how they could help their children with math that is often very different from when they were kids. These studies tell us that we'd do better to try to find ways to turn a math "phobic" home into a "Math Power" place. Patricia Kenschaft's book is a wonderful blueprint for such a home 'remodeling' project.

The significant subtitle of this book is:

"How to Help Your Child Love Math, Even If You Don't."

There, as Shakespeare said, lies the rub. After all, most parents bring those same childhood math anxieties right up into their adult lives, right to the dinner (or homework) table. What Kenschaft does is to show you a wide variety of ways, starting even in pre-school, that you and your child can explore math in wholly new forms. You don't have to memorize the rules for fraction division all over again; you just need to find new ways of looking at math.

This book does the best job I have seen of describing the failings of the "old school" approach to math. It has an entire section entitled "Why so many children are damaged" including chapters entitled "How drill and kill cripples U.S. Math education" and "What every parent should know about testing and grading." (My only critique of the book is that this section is placed near the end of the book - you might read it first if you think that going back to the good ole days is the sort of change we need).

The book emphasizes the math of children up to about age 10 or 11, wrapping up with a chapter called "The Fifth Grade Crisis." I had never seen this term used before. But as a 6th grade teacher I believe she has captured an important soft spot in our math education system. Although the ups and downs of kids' math in school all sum up over many years, some important cognitive shifts take place as they open the door into adolescence. Fifth and sixth grades are often the place where they "decide" they are "no good" at math... decide they "can't do it". Kenschaft shows how much of that decision is just a reaction to some truly damaging practices in schools.

Kenschaft also encourages you to take a new view of your role in the school - beyond bakesales! She provides practical advice for you to become a school-math activist without being antagonistic. A chapter entitled "Getting along with your child's teachers" is full of good, practical advice. She concludes with a whole section about change entitled "Tweaking the Machine". Finally there are useful appendices and a great bibliography.

This book is especially powerful because it weaves the very personal with the broadly 'political'. Its combination of practical advice with broad policy discussions is unique. If you are a parent wondering how to approach the troubling questions surrounding your child's school math program, at both levels, this book will give you lots to think about.

A Matter of Time
Published in Paperback by Writer's Showcase Press (1900)
Authors: Don E. Kirchner and David L. McGee
Amazon base price: $23.95
Average review score:

A Great Achievement...
I met Don Kirchner almost 5 years ago when he handed me his most current draft of the book. I couldn't put it down. I was thrilled with the drama and action of his true story. Being a pilot myself I was intrigued with the danger and suspense involved in the flying aspect of the tale. The further I read, the more I was remined of how delicate and tenious our lives really are. Don's ability to deal with and overcome these challanging situations is what impresses me most about "A Matter of Time". This book is a great read and I highly recommend it.

How to Stay Up All Night
What a trip! No one could imagine what prison is like without reading this...and how the author grew and evolved during this experience is nothing short of inspiring. This book is written in such a compelling manner that I felt like I was living it myself. In addition to the joy, love, fear and the gamut of emotions experienced, I came away with a lesson about how we create the manner in which we experience our lives in a way that I could easily adapt to my own life. Of course, it kept me up several nights since I read it word for word so that I could hear and feel what I was reading. I feel that this book will become a classic.

A Must Read
"A Matter of Time" is the true story of the author's involvement in drug smuggling, his arrest and incarceration in the Federal prison system. More important, it is his struggle to become the person he is today; a person who devoted his time in prison to helping other prisoners return to an honorable life through education. He has continued this activity today through the establishment of a Return to Honor program to help those still within the system. Perhaps nothing attests to the author's worthwhile activities more than the fact that the very prosecutor who put him behind bars was the person granting him early release. Don't miss this harrowing, but successful, struggle--a fascinating story!

Moon Handbooks: Yellowstone-Grand Tetons (1st Ed.)
Published in Paperback by Avalon Travel Publishing (2000)
Author: Don Pitcher
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $7.35
Buy one from zShops for: $8.00
Average review score:

Great Road Trip Resource
This book was very imformative and valuable on a recent road trip to the parks with my kids. I provided a consise resource of information and facts in an easily readable form. A valuable addition to your glove box at the start of your trip, or reading material on the flight to Jackson. Highly recommended.

The only book you'll need to buy
There are many travel guides which will tell you where to eat, where to stay, and how much you can expect to spend. Some contain maps, important phone numbers, and local attractions. This book goes well beyond that. You will come away with a deep appreciation of the area and a better understanding of the wildlife. You will come to understand the differences between a black, brown, and grizzly bear and how to peacefully coexist with them in the park. You will learn how geysers work, what dangers exist, and how to help preserve the park for future generations.

Essential Companion for Yellowstone National Park
I just returned from a visit to Yellowstone and found this book extremely helpful both in planning the trip and as a reference while there. I particularly liked the author's reviews of the accomodations within the park, which I found to be accurate, especially his reviews of the accomodations at the Old Faithful area, Canyon, and Lake Yellowstone.

The book contains excellent, accurate maps and the descriptions of touring the park contain lots of little-known sites that were worth seeing. Also, the book contains great information on hikes within the park.

I looked at several other guides to Yellowstone, this one by far outshines the other ones that I saw.

Enjoy your visit to this wonderful park!

The New Rules of the Job Search Game: Why Today's Managers Hire...and Why They Don't
Published in Paperback by Adams Media Corporation (2000)
Authors: Jackie Larson and Cheri Comstock
Amazon base price: $8.76
List price: $10.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.39
Collectible price: $5.29
Average review score:

Great Approach to Job Search-Find expanding small companies
Recommends job seekers approach expanding small companies. Growth can be inferred through increases in stock prices. Job seekers should; 1) study industry periodicals and investment newsletters. 2) seek comments from venture capitalists and stock pickers; 3) focus on three rapidly expanding companies at a time and target them. One strong chapter describes handling an initial screening call from a company. Read it if you have trouble responding quickly to questions. Also recommends ways of leaving messages on voice mail that invite people to call back.

Adapted from Annotated Bibliography of Learning A Living; A Guide to Planning Your Career and Finding A Job for People with Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Dyslexia

Very Worthwhile Job Hunting Book!
I've read numerous job hunting books, but this one offers the unique perspective of the authors' experiences as recruiters. With this view from the other side of the desk (hiring), they let you in on what works and what commonly practiced job search techniques are a waste of your time.

The book is thorough in covering numerous aspects of the job search process. Some topics covered include, but are not limited to: The New Job Market, Motivating Yourself in the Search Process, Researching Industries/Companies, Telephone Skills, Resumes and Cover Letters, Getting in Front of Decesion Makers, Getting Hired, etc.

Sadly, this book is vastly underpublized.

Good advice for job hunters.
I've read a lot of job hunting books, and this is the best one to date

Nobody Don't Love Nobody: Lessons on Love from the School With No Name
Published in Hardcover by Gold Leaf Pr (1994)
Author: Stacey Bess
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $1.60
Collectible price: $4.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.90
Average review score:

understanding children
This book is about connecting with children and adults no matter their situation. It is about compassion and being non-judgemental. It is about seeing what is extraordinary in every child even when they are trying hard to hide from the world. Stacey Bess is intuitive, honest, straight-forward and compassionate. She connects with children not because she is perfect but because she realizes that she is human just like her students. If you want to find stories that will move you and inspire you, then this book is a path to that place.

Very touching
This is a book about a middle-class teacher who takes a job teaching homeless kids in Salt Lake City. She talks about the kids individually, the problems they had to face being homeless and the joys when she made a breakthrough. It was a lesson on hope and defiance of the odds. I found it especially touching when Karl Malone, a basketball player for the Utah Jazz, took the homeless students Christmas shopping and took them to a Jazz game. I found this to be a wonderful portrayal of the joys and trials of teaching homeless kids.

A beautifully written and honest collection of deeply touching stories that allows the reader a rare opportunity to see life through the tender, young eyes of a child living in a family homeless shelter, as told by their loving dedicated teacher. When the author was first asked to work in the 'School With No Name,' she had no specialized training or curriculum in working with this specialized population of students. But this pioneer let her heart be her guide as she created one of the best pilot programs in alternative education. Her stories will make you laugh, make you cry and will even make you angry. But most of all, it will challenge and inspire you to get involved and find your own special way of making a difference.

The Life and Death of a Druid Prince: The Story of Lindow Man an Archaeological Sensation
Published in Hardcover by Summit Books (1990)
Authors: Anne Ross and Don Robins
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $2.21
Collectible price: $6.87
Average review score:

Fascinating detective story
It is remarkable how much the authors and forensic anthropologists manage to induce from one partial body found in a bog. I found their speculations generally very persuasive, and the writing is very good.

My only quibble is that, as other reviewers have mentioned, the last 1/3 of the book the authors lose their narrow focus and go off on all sorts of speculation involving the druids in general - that part isn't nearly as interesting.

If you like this book, the closest analaogy I can recommend is to books describing how much information archaelogists have wrung out of Lucy, the Nariokotome (sp?) boy, etc. - this book reminded me of those.

A brilliant telling of a historical mystery
This book stands out in my memory as one of the best popular books ever written on an academic topic. The tale of the of Lindow Man- a body found in a peat bog- unfolds like a great mystery tale, and yet every bit of it is firmly rooted in fact. The story begins with the discovery of the body, and progresses through not only the investogation of the body itself, but through the discovery and reconstruction of ancient Celtic legends, the later British legends that derive from them, and finally their relation to the rituals that spelled the death of the man in the bog. The result is a tale far more exciting than anything you'd find in any fantasy or mystery novel.

Towords the end of the book, the authors get a bit speculative, but they're up front about this, and careful to seperate what's known from what is more conjectural. The authors' scientific training shows in the care they take to make the distinction clear.

Why this book went out of print when so many purely speculative books that aren't have as thrilling is certainly a mystery to me. If you have any interest in Celtic or Druid history, or in British legends, or in cultural and phsyical anthropology, get this book. If it doesn't go back into print soon, chase down a used copy. It's that good.

Best 'Mystery' ever!
I bought this book in a bargain basement when it was firstpublished. Since then I have read it several times, and it stillremains fascinating. The story unfolds after finding a brutally murdered 'corpse' in a bog and evolves into an enlightening glimpse of society in pre Roman Britain. Even though this is an archaeological story, this book covers so many fields of interest, I would recommend it to virtually anyone. A must read! END

Loved by Angels: Angels Are Right Beside Us-Even If We Don't Yet See Them
Published in Paperback by Bluestar Communication Corp (01 October, 1998)
Author: Sabrina Fox
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $7.67
Collectible price: $9.80
Buy one from zShops for: $8.97
Average review score:

Insightful, honest, fun, and an easy read
This book was a bestseller in Germany in 1997 before its recent 1998 debut, and it is a real gift! Sabrina's honest presence makes it easy to like and relate to her life, spiritual desire, experiences, joys. Following the steps of her journey we are also touched by the peace, love and joy that begins to integrate within her. We learn that it is our destiny, whenever we choose to make it so, to laugh, trust, love, and so change the world. As Sabrina states in the book, "I had learned to trust in God and trust in my angels. Trust had replaced my fear that something terrible could happen any minute...There is so much to see, and fear is like a pair of dark glasses that keeps (us) from seeing the light." Enjoy it!

Angels watch over us, protect us and guide us, only if you dare to believe with all your heart. I happen to be one of those firm believers, and while some of my own personal stories may not be as dramatic as some in this book, there have been many times in my life when, yes, there has been an angel beside me.

The author has written this book is such a delightful manner and uses a touch of humour to warm the heart of the reader. The book was a major seller in European countries in the late 1990's and once you read it you will understand why. The inspiration and comfort it brings to many will make the book well worth it's modest price.

An uplifting and sincere account that changes lives
A wonderful account of a personal experience with Angels that helped me to better understand what these mysterious beings really are. Angels are as much a hiiden part of who we are as they are separate from us. As much a reflection of our own 'Buddha Nature' as they are separate beings. This insight has really helped me to work with my own Angels in a joyful and spirit-filled way. Thank you Sabrina!

Published in Hardcover by Zondervan (01 October, 1994)
Authors: John Schmidt, Don Cousins, Bill Hybels, Bruce L. Bugbee, and Willem A. Van Gemeren
Amazon base price: $83.99
List price: $119.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $28.37
Buy one from zShops for: $83.94
Average review score:

A practical guide for affirming personal ministry
This is a great guide for the seeker or believer who has a heart to serve and needs a process to explore their personal uniqueness. The servant profile of passion, spiritual gifts and personality is a simple yet effective framework for facilitating a person to find pertinent ministry outlets. Having experienced the process personally, I found the design and flow of the course to be especially good, from the video vignettes to the huddle groups to the gift affirmation process, in which you have others help give perspective to your gifts. I also found the immplementation and leadership materials to be quite helpful in proposing and putting to work a gift-based ministry design in the local church. The only downside to the Network gift-based approach MIGHT be the "modernist" flavor that permeates the material. If you identify more with "postmodern" perspectives you might find Rick Warren's SHAPE process a bit more resonating. Overall though, a very good book that has had a signifigant impact in how churches are designing ministries and placing volunteers for service....I heartily recommend it.

Everything the Network Consultant needs to know in a nutshel
A concise and easy to use guide for consultants using the Network system in their churches. This guide succeeds in giving detailed guidance through the consultation (step 2) process of learning how to apply Spiritual Gifts. Network is an amazing system of assisting Christians in discovering and applying their spiritual gifts and talents to building God's Kingdom. These materials are definietly the means of growing transformed disciples who will transform the world through dedicated and enthusiastic service in God's Kingdom. This guide is a MUST for everyone who is a consultant in the Network Process! It give the ins and outs of consultations with example phrases and detailed outlines. I wouldn't want to consult without it!

Discover this NOW
I just completed the class this book accompanies. This was a milestone event for my wife and me. Both of us were saying "No wonder I'm like this and you're like that." I would recommend this for you not only to find your place in church (which it can help you with), but also to find your place in life. This book can focus you in on your Passion (where you should be), your Gifts (what you should be doing) and your Personal Style (how you will be doing it). This book will shine a light on you. Stop fighting your innate makeup and tendencies. And figure out just exactly what you are and how God made you.

Paddle to the Amazon
Published in Paperback by Prima Publishing (1992)
Authors: Don Starkell and Charles Wilkins
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $3.90
Average review score:

The best adventure I have ever read
It is hard to believe this actually happened, but with the detailed composition of Don Starkell and his son's journey, the reality is true - and frightening. More of a test of human endurance than "Alive", this book is a must read for anyone who ever wondered how strong a will can be. Don't miss the opportunity to learn about the riverways and cultures that inhabit them, from Winnipeg, Canada to the Amazon River. A must read.

Father and Sons Adventure, Danger, True Grit
I read this book three times over the years. This book is a must read, especially for father's and son's. Interaction between siblings, the love and pride the father holds for his sons, and vise versa. The challenge of the test was crucial in this book. The endurance unbelievable. The goal was focused. The strangers they met along the journey showed compassion and in their way contributed to the long journey with pride. Respect for father, respect for sons was observed. In away it was seasoned with mystery of what was around the next bend. Danger lurked in their midst. The dynamics of family was strong. I am lending my hardcover to a retired college professor, who is planning a much shorter journey by canoe with his two sons. During my reads of this work I felt the adventure with indepth observation of the different actions taken by the father and sons, during times of tension and fear of the unknown.. This book is exciting because it is REAL, about ordinary! REAL people in the REAL world without fabrication of a myth. A page turner, with definite purpose. Should be a mandatory read for all young men and fathers, as well as mothers. It is certainly an honor to read a real book with substance. I'm proud of the author to bring this work to the forefront for the reading public.

Excellent novel, with a great flow of events!
"Paddle to the Amazon" is a brilliant novel which should be read not only by canoeing enthusiasts, but by anyone who appreciates a book of quality, and adventure. Don and Dana Starkell have my greatest respect, and I look forward to reading his next book.

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