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Book reviews for "Iddon,_Don" sorted by average review score:

Published in Paperback by Live Oak Media (2001)
Authors: Don Freeman and Jerry Terheyden
Amazon base price: $33.95
Average review score:

I really like this book, because the lion is an great person who do what ever it takes just to make him look good or to make his fiends feel happy.

Fancy clothes don't make you dandy!
What a lovely children's book!...I love the simple illustrations and the sweet story which is a lot of fun to read to a toddler with a wonderful lesson for us all: Fancy clothes don't make you dandy, it's what's inside that makes us special!...

Warm and Happy Childhood Memories
Dandelion brings back such happy memories for me. I think I checked that book out of the library every Saturday as a child. It taught me that it is ok to be who I am. Kind of a childs view of "To thine own self be true". I know there are many wonderful new children's books out there. This is a classic that should not be missed, by anyone, young or old. If I had a nickel for each time my mother read this book to me--I would be a millionaire for sure--but I am richer by far in warm memories from that wonderful time. Get this book--you won't regret it.

Don't Be Afraid to Discipline
Published in Hardcover by Golden Books Pub Co (Adult) (1997)
Authors: Ruth Allen Peters and Ruth, Dr Peters
Amazon base price: $19.00
Used price: $0.72
Collectible price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $2.97
Average review score:

180 degree turnaround in 1 week!!
Got this for my 9 yr. old granddaughter. We were spending 4 hrs a nite on homework, her room was a disaster area and she was on a continuous restriction for her mouthing back and attitude. Knew something had to change. Wrote up the behavior plan based on this book; She actually liked the plan. Daily rewards and punishments, no more restrictions lasting days or a week, and privelege and money chips for good behavior, homework done in 1 1/2hrs and room straightened,dog fed,table set,coat hung up, etc every day. Amazingly within a few days, everything done as above! Her room is straightened with bed made and everything off floor in about 4 minutes(allowed 10 min). Homework always done without any hassle as soon as she comes in! Guess what she bought with her first savings? An ORGANIZER! Cannot praise this book enough! If you follow her steps and stick to the program yourself, you too can have amazing changes in your child. Her parents and I were so pleased and amazed with the change. I just wish I had had this book when my daughter was little. Would have made life so much easier! Every month or so, we reevaluate her program and make small changes on problem areas and that's about all the extra time needed. On the weekends, instead of homework, she straightens her closet or drawers or bookshelves. I showed her teacher the behavior plan and this book and she made copies of it for herself and other mothers when they are having problems. It will save your sanity and family and give house control back to you!

The manual you said you never got when you became a parent.
This book is absolutely readable! You learn real-life approaches to dealing with your kids! This is not a book of psycho-babble.

Dr. Peters is wonderful. She saved my family and my sanity.
My husband and I have been married for five years. He has 3 children from his first marriage and his ex-wife is the classic "emotionally needy parent" plus she is having problems with alcohol abuse. When we had visitations with the kids we would have an adjustment period of 2 or 3 days. After that their behavior would usually mellow out and the rest of the stay was okay. Recently DCFS stepped in and ruled that the children were no longer safe in her care and turned them over to my husband and I. The children are 14, 12, and 9, plus they have a 3 year old half sister that was given into our custody. Our house has been a combination zoo and war zone since they arrived. My husband and I were at the end of our ropes when I found this book. She has been the answer to my prayers.

Don't look back
Published in Unknown Binding by Andrews and McMeel ()
Author: Mary Engelbreit
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $6.00
Average review score:

I have been working my way thru the process of divorce and came across this book in a Mary Englebreit store. Since that day, I read it before I go to sleep and when I wake up! It has been an inspiration beyond words. Everyone, yes everyone, experiencing change should have this book!

Order by the case!
After having a painful conversation with my elderly mother-in-law about the fact that some changes would have to be made if she wanted to continue to live at home, I saw this book. I bought it and then told my sister-in-law (her daughter) about it. She said, "Did you get it for me or John or Michael?" I should have bought a case of them. It applies to everyone at some time.

Hope in a tiny package.
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I searched for something that would give me comfort and hope. "Don't Look Back," became part of my treatment and recovery. I am now 4 years cancer free and continue to share this book with family and friends.

Don't Tie Yourself Up in Nots: How to Untie Yourself from the Can Nots and Should Nots of Life
Published in Paperback by David P. Schloss (1991)
Author: David P. Schloss
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $0.72
Buy one from zShops for: $3.69
Average review score:

A great success book with no-nonsence straight to the point facts to turn your life around for the better. I found this book easy to read and refer back to it time and time again. Thank you David this book is a Gem in my collection.

This incredible short book contains more information on success and motivation than your average book. It gets right to the point and is so valuable that it can be read many times through. It will change your life.


Don't Waste Your Life
Published in Paperback by Crossway Books (2003)
Author: John Piper
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.85
Buy one from zShops for: $8.40
Average review score:

Only what's done for Christ will last
I find this book a modern day call equal to William Law's,A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life. Dr. Piper's passion for the essence and main point of life are evident in this work of challenge. I was actually sad when I finished the book because I didn't want the book to end. When I read Dr. Piper's words, scripture is clearer and I am refueled and ready to offer Christ my whole life. It is ALL by grace but here is a man who is not afraid to give us guidelines to what a Christian might look like. His challenge is for both the "young" and "old." He addresses those who would serve God in their jobs and those that God might call to missionary service. You will also be challenged in your use of money and whatever "shells" you might be prone to collect. I know God will be honored by this book. Do you want to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant"? Please, read this book.

Lay aside every encumbrance...
I can't believe I'm the first person to review this book, so I'll get that little bit of excitement off my chest.

The heartbeat of this book, and this man, is not to waste your life. You have one life to enjoy God and invite others to be glad in Him. Lay aside every encumbrance that you might win the prize, the upward call of Jesus Christ.

Specifically, this book aims to convince you that there is ONE thing in life worth pursuing, ONE thing in life worth giving everything for, ONE thing in life worth radically pursuing, and that is, the glory of God. Piper has, in other books, argued for this very thing. But I get the sense in this book that he is desperately pleading with this generation to throw away mediocrity and to be devoted wholly and completely to the Treasure of the universe, and that anything short of a total sell-out to Him will result in our saying in the end, "I've wasted my life!" He is urgent. This is a dangerous book that, if read carefully, will cause you to rethink and reshape not only what you're basing your life upon, but challening you to build what will last on it.

Written with a popular audience in mind, Piper sums up many of his other great books in a clear, passionate cry to be most satisfied in God, whether you're a missionary or a mail man. How can you, whoever you are and whatever you do, gladly make others glad in God? This book seeks to answer that question and urges you to take whatever steps necessary to secure your happiness in Him. I highly recommend it.

Absolute Must Read
When I first heard the title from this book, I was intrigued. His flier that was sent further intrigued me. On the one side it said something to the effect of "If you could have a good spouse, good kids, nice car, long weekends, a few good friends, a fun retirement, a quick and easy death and no hell, would you be satisfied?" You turn the flier over and it said "This is a tragedy in the making. Don't waste your life". Wow. You can see where he may be going...

What he has put together in this book is truly life changing, and will shatter many of your (and my) preconceived ideas on living a godly life - by using Scripture as his basis in all areas.

The first couple of chapters are more biographical/introductory, and how he came to where he is now. Although interesting, he does seemingly wander a bit in dealing with subjective and objective truth and existintilism in his life (the beginning was not my favorite part of the book). Those are phrases that put the majority of Christians to sleep. Do not let that stop you!! By the end of the 2nd chapter, he is going full force, and the book will seriously begin to challenge your ideas on how we are truly to live.

He has chapters focused on areas such as constantly looking to the Cross of Christ for our joy and our daily living and bearing fruit and being selfless in the manner that we live, as well as a fun expositional on Philippians 1.

However, while all the chapters were very good/excellent, Chapter 7 alone is worth ten times the price of the book. If you don't read anything else in the book, read Chapter 7. This chapter will grab you and radically force you to deal with your life. He quotes 1 Peter 3:15 about "always be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within you.." and turns around and asks the question (something like) "do people see hope in your life by the way you live - or is your life so much like the world's that there isn't much of a difference". I don't want to ruin the chapter by revealing all of the information, but he deals with money, finances, Christian living, and media - for starters. He gives wartime examples of living and shows from Scripture how we are to live.

For those who may be a bit intimidated by Piper, as a few of his books are more difficult to read for "mainstream" readers, this is also one of his easiest books to read and can be read by virtually anyone. This book is very "practical" and deals with daily issues of life. You will find few better authors today than John Piper, and while this book won't get the reading that a "Prayer of Jabez" or "Purpose Driven Life" will get - which is extremely unfortunate and a shame - those that do read this 190 page book will have transformed lives, and not just a warm fuzzy feeling at the end.

Be warned - you will be challenged, and you may not like what he says. However, what he says in the book is what needs to be taught and read today - and most importantly he is right, because his book is based on Scripture. I read a lot of Christian books, and not all of them are as good as I hoped. Trust me - you will NOT be disappointed in this book.

Draw Your Own Cartoons
Published in Unknown Binding by Bt Bound (2000)
Author: Don Mayne
Amazon base price: $16.10
Average review score:

Award-winning book a real hit with kids
I got this book for my son because it won the 2002 Oppenheimer Toy Portfolio Best Book Gold Award. For those who don't know, this is from a company that rates children's toys and books by how popular they are with the kids themselves. Anyway, this impressive book is a big hit with my son. He has practically worn it out, and goes to work on his cartoons right after his homework is done. I really can't believe the progress he has made. It's as if he has a private tutor! I got another copy of the book for his school's library, and they say it's now the most popular book there. Whatever Mr. Mayne is saying to these kids about cartooning, it's just what they want to hear. I recommend this book heartily!

Cartoons for the rest of us
Every kid, young or old, that has ever wanted to draw a cartoon has struggled with the elements of style. Anyone who has looked closely at Calvin and Hobbes, Doonesbury, or Peanuts can see that the drawings are deceptive; they seems simple, but are very complex graphically. At last, here's a book that shows the craft of cartooning in an utterly unassuming way. This book breaks down drawing cartoons to there barest elements, and by building on these elements, new artists can put together cartoons that can totally amaze. The tone is so conversational (and tongue in cheek) that the reader gets the feeling that Mr. Mayne is at their elbow, helping them to laugh at their mistakes and cherish their successes. The book refuses to take itself too seriously, at one point stating that cartoon characters routinely have four fingers because "Cartoonists are basically lazy." Although it at no point hypes itself as the "ultimate cartoon book for beginners", it is exactly that.

Delightful entertainment!
I purchased this book for my seven year old son, Benjamin. He loves cartoons, especially Captain Underpants, and wanted to see if he could draw his own. He didn't think he could draw well but after looking at the well laid out examples in the book, he came up with Super Embarrassed Man. He was really pleased with himself and now includes cartoonist on his list of things he'd like to be when he grows up.

Citizen Lazlo!: The Continuing, Unrelenting Correspondence of Lazlo Toth, American!
Published in Paperback by Workman Publishing Company (1992)
Author: Don Novello
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $2.12
Collectible price: $6.50
Buy one from zShops for: $4.96
Average review score:

LIke most sequels, it's not a potent as the original
As interesting as it is to see Novello expand upon his letter writing, there's something disappointing about this second volume. Perhaps it's the introductio of Lazlo into a world in which he's already known. The responses from correspondents who already "get the joke" make one feel as though they're peeking behind the Wizard's curtain.

Still, given the pungence of the concept and the quality of Novello's writing, this couldn't help but be another good read. It just couldn't possibly live up to the original volume.

Move Over, Father Guido!
Now that we have imitation Lazlo Toth's - even the Jerkey Boys are derivative, aren't they! - let's not forget that the same guy who puts on the big hat and sunglasses can be someone else when he wants to be.

I just wish he would have lunch with me at Sushi-To-Die-For?

Are you game?

As funny (for different reasons) as 'The Lazlo Letters'
The original book ('The Lazlo Letters') was set in the mid-70s and was essentially a tremedously funny, well-executed goof on Watergate and its participants. 'Citizen Lazlo' is wider in its timeframe (1977 - 1992) and focus (all over the map).

For flat out hilarity, nothing can beat (as mentioned by an earlier reviewer) the "Fit For a President Microwave TV Dinner" idea that 'Toth' pitches to the Campbell Soup Company. [Sample: Nixon-Mao Frozen Chinese the meal that ended 23 years of hostility.]

My favorite has got to be his pitch to Kinney Shoes for a new advertising campaign based on "The Wind Beneath My Wings," entitled "The Feet Within My Shoes":

Did I ever tell you you're my hero?

Tho' you're the farthest parts of me

I can run faster than a beagle

You are the feet beneath my knees

The cadence of these letters continues the unique, hilarious style perfected by Novello/Toth in his first book. Check out a sample greeting to Nicolae Ceausescu in 1988: "Belated Happy Birthday! Stand up! You deserve it!"

Truly laugh-out-loud funny stuff.

One note of interest: since this is the second volume, some of the respondents are in on the joke. Those that are respond with a matching level of humor.

Cookbook of the Year
Published in Paperback by Hara Publishing (1997)
Author: Don Collins
Amazon base price: $23.95
Used price: $9.95
Buy one from zShops for: $19.46
Average review score:

Easy and great!
It's a great cook book. I'm a beginner and everything I've made so far is wonderful. The recipes are 'me'-proof. Even my boyfriend is amazed. buy it.

Based on easy-to-follow, "kitchen friendly" recipes
Don Collins' Cookbook Of The Year is a meal-planning compilation of 52 weeks worth of outstanding recipes reflecting the culinary needs for the health-conscious cook. Enhanced with weekly shopping lists and time-saving tips, each creative and complete meal is based on easy-to-follow, "kitchen friendly" recipes. Each individual dish is accompanied by a preparation time estimate and serving numbers. From Orange Roughy with Mustard Glaze; Smoked Salmon Pasta; and Lemon Chicken with Rice; to Omelet with Italian Turkey Sausage and Spinach; Hot Fajita Salad; and Pasta Prima Vera, Cookbook Of The Year offers a full year's worth of culinary delights and terrific dining!

Great cookbook for busy moms!
I am the mother of twin infant boys and this book has made this part of my life so much easier. I do not have to sit down and plan our meals and prepare a grocery list anymore! It is such a timesaver and the recipes are delicious and easy to prepare. My husband loves the food, and I love not having to dig around in the pantry at 5 o'clock anymore in a frantic search for dinner ideas.

Diary of an Airborne Ranger: A Lrrp's Year in the Combat Zone
Published in Audio Cassette by Bantam Books-Audio (03 April, 2001)
Authors: Frank Johnson and Don Leslie
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $5.75
Buy one from zShops for: $4.81
Average review score:

Through the Eyes of a 19 Year Old
It was my privilege to have known Frank Johnson while serving with him in Vietnam. There were many times we set across from each other on our bunks and thanked God we were still alive. Frank indeed was a warrior and a man of great courage but there was also another side that was warm kind and gentle. A man that would take the time to listen to your problems, to help you when you were down and to support you when you needed a friend. This book is an accurate accountant of places and events that took place as seen through the eyes of Frank Johnson.With great pleasure I recommend you read this book. It is a supreme insight into what it was like for a 19 your old to have been exposed to the horrors of war. Burgess Wetta

Diary of an Airborne Ranger
This book really gives you the first hand account on what happen day by day to this soldier. What a great history lesson. It isn't soften down by someones memories of the Vietnam War but gives you the actual feelings that happen on that day. I find that when I am reading I get lost in the moment and feel like I am right in the jungle with this soldier. I was only 10 yrs old little girl when this was taking place. I looked up my birthday because I wanted to see what this guy was doing on that day when I was celebrating my birthday. Gave me a strange feeling. Thank you to ALL the war veterans who have fought for our freedom.

A LRRP'S YEAR IN A COMBAT ZONE...This was an excellent book. I just bought the book 2 days ago, and just finished it tonight. I had to read it every chance I got. The hell these guys went through, detailed explicitly in this book, is amazing. The honor and courage that these men showed, went above and beyond the call of duty. Definitely a must read, especially for those who have been in the military, and especially for those who have seen has certainly brought back memories for me.....

Don't Go Home With John (Sweet Valley High No. 90)
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (1993)
Authors: Francine Pascal and Kate William
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $2.64
Collectible price: $21.80
Average review score:

I think that this book is different then the others.
For once, there is something wrong with rich, popular Lila Fowler. I think that more people should have had more faith in Lila, and not gone against her. It had a lot of suspence, and irony. You don't expect this to happen to Lila, maybe one of the other characters, but not Lila. This book is a little different than the othes, and its a nice change.

An ideal date turns nasty.....
I thought that everyone's reaction to Lila's story wasparticularly truthful. Especially since some of her closest friendsrefused to believe that it really happened. It seems such a shame that Lila had to get another girl as evidence. I mean, if these so-called friends of hers had believed her in the first place, then she wouldn't have had to suffer. I definitely recommend this book to others. It also questions the notion of friendship as well as date rape.

Teen Series examines date rape
One of a rush of SVH books dealing with adolescent issues. Snobbish flirt Lila's romance with wholesome John turns nasty when he tries to force himself on her. Shattered, Lila falls into deep depression, made far worse when she finds the courage to speak up about the attack, only to find her peers turn against her. The lightweight series deals surprisingly well with the difficult issue of date rape, depicting it in ways that should move and affect its audience of young girls without distressing them too much. The surprising choice of having manipulative bad-girl Lila attacked by long-time "good guy" John, hero of a volume or two of SVH himself, works very well.

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