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Book reviews for "Iddon,_Don" sorted by average review score:

Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus
Published in Hardcover by Hyperion Press (2003)
Author: Mo Willems
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.82
Collectible price: $13.75
Buy one from zShops for: $8.75
Average review score:

An instant classic!
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus is defintely the best children's book I have seen in a long time. Instantly ranking with me in the Where the Wild Things Are and Harold and the Purple Crayon category of excellence, DLTPDTB combines expressive illustration, thoughtful writing and a wonderful level of interaction with the reader.

Mo Willems has created a very feisty pigeon who will have children and parents telling it "no!" while also secretly rooting for it to succeed. Quick and fun, Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus has been as big a hit with the adults in my life as it has with the children. An award-winner for sure.

This new book is sure to become a Caldecott Medal winner
I bet this new book will be a future Caldecott Medal winner. It is sure to delight both children and adults alike. Children will love the story of that little blue pigeon and it is sure to make parents remember with a smile the willful nature of the three year old. This book is a must for your children's library. Five time Emmy Award winning writer and animator Mo Willems is sure to gain further recognition for his latest venture.

This new book is sure to become a Caldecott Medal winner
I bet this new book will become a Caldecott Medal winner. It is sure to delight both children and adults alike. Children will love the story of that little blue pigeon and it is sure to make parents remember with a smile the willful nature of the three year old. The illustrations are adorable. This book is a must for your children's library. Five time Emmy Award winning writer and animator Mo Willems is sure to gain further recognition for his latest venture.

Drive-in Movie Memories: Popcorn and Romance Under the Stars
Published in Paperback by Carriage House Publishing (2000)
Authors: Don Sanders and Susan Sanders
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.48
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $4.04
Average review score:

An excellent follow up
If you are interested in nostalga and/or drive in theatres, this is an excellent book. You may remember that Don and Susan Sanders came out with an excellent coffee table book entitled: "The American Drive-in Theatre." The original book was packed with previously lost photographs and memories of the drive in theatre.

Don and Susans latest work, "Drive in Memories : Popcorn and Romance Under the Stars," while physically smaller, is full of additional pictures and information about the drive-in theatres of yesterday. The new book is well written and edited. It will make a worthy edition to any one interested in the drive-in theatre.

...and hear the crickets. What a trip! Although drive-ins survive today, only a select few go to the trouble to capture the essence of the hey-day of the drive-in theatre. What is lacking in reality has been captured on paper. I didn't know what the Sanders could do to add to their previous book, The American Drive-In Movie Theater, but I was pleasantly surprised. I stayed up until I was finished one night. I simply couldn't put it down. Well done Don and Susan. -Stu Megaw (the Traveling Drive-In Enthusiast)

I love drive-ins
People remember different things from their youth, and one I remember most fondly is going to the drive-in movie. Because of that, I am drawn to books like this one. Though the text of the book is somewhat limited, it still evokes wonderful memories. It would be on my recommended list for anyone who wants to relive the "good ole days!"

Getting Your Foot in the Door When You Don't Have a Leg to Stand On
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill Trade (29 October, 2001)
Author: Rob Sullivan
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.26
Buy one from zShops for: $8.50
Average review score:

No disappointment here
Wayne Gretsky once said, (as quoted in Rob Sullivan's book) "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

Sullivan, a one time recruiter, in his new book Getting Your Foot in the Door When you Don't have a Leg to Stand On, gives you new strategies, ideas and steps to take to make those "shots" that will eventually land you the job you want. He has concrete examples for making your cover letter and resume really work and stand out in a sea of resumes.

This book has a wealth of ideas. For example, once you have a contact or lead into a company, ask for help rather than asking for a job. Getting an "informational" interview may be much easier than getting an interview for a job that may not even exist yet. In an "informational" interview, you have the opportunity to share your strengths and show how you might help the organization. If there is still no job at that company, your new contact will know you personally and be more likely to give you other leads or recommendations.

Sullivan's chapters on resumes and cover letters, in a very clear and concise manner, will give you concrete ideas on how to be more effective in your one and only contact with either a recruiter or a company. His advice in how to establish a "clear chain of events" is excellent. A resume that leaves more questions than answers in the readers' minds may well eliminate you from the start. Sullivan says, "Unlike your resume, every word of your cover letter will probably be read." Of course, then, crafting a cover letter with punch is critical, and Sullivan's book will give you clear steps to do this.

Sullivan's self-assessment exercises and his guidelines on the interview process, like how to field tough questions, how to prepare, and how to close the deal, are all valuable tools for the job seeker. Check this one out! You will not be disappointed.

Getting Your Hands on this Book
Rob Sullivan has created a wonderfully complete and enlightening source for landing your dream job. From discovering what careers and companies are right for you to negotiating the perfect salary, this book has it all. In addition to the wealth of practical knowledge contained in this volume, Rob has included numerous real life stories and quotes to lend character and authenticity to his work. I especially like the chapter on resume creation...great ideas for putting yourself on paper in a way that will definitely get you noticed. For anyone in the job market today and for anyone who will ever look for a new job in the future, get your hands on this book.

It's an Inside Game
While I'm not a recent college graduate, I'm looking at possibly transitioning into a different career or revitalizing my career in the same field. I found the book very informative and interesting--particularly as it relates to the need for self-analysis to be successful not only in a job search/interview, but in life. It's amazing what our thinking can do to us (or for us)in terms of developing positive expectations or prompting negative consequences. I also found the author's discussion of his overcoming social anxiety--as it relates to interviews, meetings, public speaking, etc.--to be refreshingly honest and inspiring. A book that offers more than the usual "say this, say that" fare.

Gi Joe: The Complete Story of America's Favorite Man of Action
Published in Hardcover by Chronicle Books (1998)
Authors: John Michlig and Don Levine
Amazon base price: $20.97
List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.98
Buy one from zShops for: $11.95
Average review score:

Essential Joe history
Excellent review of the life and times of America's Moveable Fighting Man. Especially interesting are the details of the conception and behind-the-scenes work in creating the prototype figure and marketing concept, an aspect of the story that may interest even non-Joe devotees. Collectors may wish to note that this is a much-expanded (and therefore more essential) version of the slender book included with the G. I. Joe Masterpiece Edition boxed figure.

Well researched and a tale well told
Don't confuse this book with the "GI Joe collector's guides" that exist in various forms. This is a different animal - - gripping, well-written nonfiction, telling the story of a small family-owned business and its leap of faith on a brand new type of toy for boys, the now-ubiquitous "action figure."

The story of the GI Joe product illuminates the story of the toy industry itself. I found this look inside the process of bringing a product to market and maintaining its value over the course of decades fascinating.

What great fun!!
I don't normally give a Five Star rating, but my god, this book is wonderful. The story is fun and indepth. The design is AMAZING and the images of the GI JOE figures are wonderfully shot.

If you have even a slight, passing interest in GI JOE, buy this book, you won't be dissappointed!

Los Cuatro Acuerdos: Una Guia Practica para la Libertad Personal
Published in Paperback by Amber-Allen Publishing (1999)
Authors: Miguel Ruiz and Don Miguel Ruiz
Amazon base price: $9.56
List price: $11.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $5.95
Buy one from zShops for: $5.60
Average review score:

Excelente libro
Un libro que te hace ver de que manera vivimos a diario, siempre guzgando y señalando a los demas sin darnos cuenta de nuestros propios defectos.
Este libro me ayudo personalmente a vivir el presente, a perdonar, y a tratar de abrir mi corazon al projimo dia con dia, a no tomar nada personal, no es facil pero tampoco imposible.
Lo recomiendo a todas las personas que necesiten paz en su corazon.

A very interesting but inspiring approach to life issues
The Four Agreements is a very inspiring book especially for those who are looking for insight and a new perspective on how to face and resolve daily challenges. Instead of psychoanalyzing possible root causes to life's ups and downs, Don Miguel Ruíz simplified the analysis and found the answers by grouping the solutions into four agreements. What's best about this book is its simplicity and clarity thus enabling all readers to enjoy and understand the uncomplicated but profound message that lies behind each agreement. Once you have read this book, you will realize that it is also an everyday guide that will take you through the forever-challenging path called "life". I highly recommend this reading because the book is uplifting and presents a unique approach to our day-to-day crossroads.


The Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog
Published in Paperback by Doral Publishing (1997)
Authors: Don Abney and Luana Luther
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.87
Buy one from zShops for: $13.09
Average review score:

The Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog
The book was very informative. This is a very complex and little-known breed. People need to be aware of what they are getting into when bringing a Catahoula into a suburban environment. This book was very helpful and straightforward. My Cindy is only 4 months old and is already exhibiting some of the traits pointed out by Mr. Abney. Consistency and persistence are very important when training this breed.

The definition of "Dog".
Finally, a book that discusses this wonderful dog. I adopted a stray dog 12 years ago. I did not know what kind of dog he was, but he was different from all the other dogs I have owned. My vet informed me that he is a Catahoula. He has been my companion ever since. I have been looking for someing more about this great breed and this book answered many questions about my dog, from why he has glass eyes to his need to please. My Catahoula was diagnosed with liver cancer recently, and has about six months left. If someone looked up the word "dog" in the dictionary, there should be a photo of a Catahoula. They are truly great dogs. Thanks for the great read!!

I wish there was a part two!
I recently adopted an 'unknown breed' dog from a no-kill shelter. While at the Grand Canyon last month, a tourist from Louisiana introduced himself, identified my dog as a Catahoula and gave an overview of the history...naturally I went home, checked the web, and confirmed his background. It has now become a hobby finding more and more information about this fantastic breed. Don Abney's book was a great foundation of knowledge for understanding our new family member and also having fascinating background history to tell my friends/family. All I could ask for is more pictures (color) and a list of reputable breeders/clubs...other than that I highly recommend this book! Thanks Don....

Surfing San Onofre to Point Dume: 1936-1942
Published in Hardcover by Chronicle Books (1998)
Authors: Don James and Donald H. James
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.71
Collectible price: $18.47
Buy one from zShops for: $9.89
Average review score:

Simpy beautiful
I ordered this quite a long time, and don't understand what took me so long in reviewing it.

As others have said, this book is amazing. The photographs are simply timeless and beautiful. I can't quite describe the vibe that it captures or conveys, but I found myself somewhat saddened by the book. The pictures kind of struck a whole "Dead Poet's Socitey," "Carpe Diem" mood with me. At the same time, they conveyed the beauty of a time in California (or for that matter, the U.S.) that is forever lost and will never be recaptured. A time of innocence and naivete, before everything became so tainted, jaded, and overcrowded.

I don't know, maybe that's just a crock. At any rate, as a surfer of 20 years, this book really touched me. I think it will touch any fellow surfer, or for that matter, ocean lover.

Definitely pick this one up before it goes out of print (as these things so swiftly seem to do).

absolute magic!
The faces and images have me so stoked! I have new found repect for the pre-war surfers, they paved the way, building on Duke's foundation.It also gives such a good historical perspective on the pre-war So. Cal. surf scene. It's bittersweet to see that so many of these lives and times were to be selflessly lost in the impending war. It also shows what a utopic place it must have been before the yuppies & developers destroyed so many fabulous spots. Something that magic can never last, it seems.A must for any surfer or red blooded Californian. A delight!

Achingly evocative - a beautiful memoir
I've had this book for a while, and I'm ordering more for Christmas gifts.

I recently got the wonderful "Riding the Rails," about teens during the depression who hopped freights to go Huck Finning. My father did this and wound up hanging out at "The Big Rock," which wasn't in San Onofre, but in Malibu. But conditions were similar: then, you really could camp out on the beach.

Like an idiot, I let my Dad pass on before asking him the details of those years. Now, the best I can do are secondary sources. But these help me reconstruct a picture of that world of his that ended with World War II.

Around the world, there is a stereotype of Southern California, which is immediately dashed upon visiting Hollywood Boulevard. However, the stereotype isn't so much lie as anachronism.

There really was a world that matched the current anachronism that is still the image of Southern California. Get this book, and you'll understand what I mean.

I Read It, but I Don't Get It: Comprehension Strategies for Adolescent Readers
Published in Paperback by Stenhouse Pub (2000)
Authors: Cris Tovani and Ellin Oliver Keene
Amazon base price: $23.13
Buy one from zShops for: $21.95
Average review score:

Down to earth
Tovani's approach to teaching reading to the most reluctant of learners is rather insightful. She does an excellent job of pointing out the assumptions that above-average readers make while reading that are not necessarily a part of the reluctant reader's experience. The only criticism I have of the book is that I had hoped to find ready to use material for the classroom. Instead, I found that while reading, it forced me to re-evaluate my own instructional approach. Ultimately, this is probably a far better thing than any quick fix approach. If you teach inner city kids or kids who come from homes where reading is not the norm, I believe you will find this book most helpful to your overall approach to managing the language arts classroom.

I Read It, But I Don't Get It Comprehension Strategies for
If you teach English/language arts, this book is a MUST!!! So often teachers assume their students can read well, but they are also good at faking it. This book helps teachers use real reading strategies in a practical way. I bought a few copies for my team to read this summer. I hope there is more to come from Cris Tovani.

Now I Get It!
We can finally stop giving up on high school students who just "don't get it." We don't have to surrender to the impulse to say "they will never be readers." In this book, Chris Tovani offers concrete strategies to guide struggling adolescent readers through a process that has become inaccessible to them.

It is energizing and exciting to have these tools to take to a classroom or a home with a frustrated teenager who does not believe in his or her ability to ever read well. It is the second chance that most high school students who are not excellent readers never believe can be theirs.

Now that "I Get It," I can't wait to take it to the classroom and help some young people learn why it is that people who truly read, love to read.

The New Couple: Why the Old Rules Don't Work and What Does
Published in Hardcover by Harper SanFrancisco (2000)
Authors: Maurice Taylor and Seana McGee
Amazon base price: $17.50
List price: $25.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.30
Collectible price: $12.00
Buy one from zShops for: $3.90
Average review score:

Some Decent New Rules
Among relationship self-help books, this is one of the better titles of the moment. Taylor and McGee write in a breezy style and sow their text with a large number of example couples, which make their story readable if uninspired. Their forte, however, is the comprehensiveness of their list of rules and the reassuring common sense they must have used in developing them. While none of the rules are new and different individually, listing them in this comprehensive fashion is useful, and makes this book stand out as one of the better examples of the genre.

Best couple book ever!
I was having problems with my husband and this book saved our marriage. The rules they present are so simple and clear. They make sense for today's relationships. I recommend this book for every single person and couple. Priceless!!!

Beyond Mars and Venus, a new constellation for couples
Such a smart book! Marriage counselors married to each other, Maurice and Seanna are two unique people who have managed to craft a solid, lively relationship for themselves without giving up their individuality. In The New Couple they pass on their experience, strength, and hope to their clients and readers in an interesting and entertaining way. The material is beautifully organized into ten "new laws of love" that make wonderful sense. The book is intellectually compelling and emotionally sensitive...almost too much to ask of any book. (I could not get through the Mars/Venus stuff.)

I found The New Couple so upbeat and full of good advice that I attended a workshop presented by the authors. I left their presence feeling that a relationship is possible, and I've started dating again after ten years of terror at the prospect of repeating my past mistakes. This is nothing short of magic! Read this book, you won't regret it.

Now You See Her, Now You Don't
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Author: Diana Gallagher
Amazon base price: $11.80
Average review score:

Now You See Her, Now You Don't
This was a pretty good Sabrina book. Sabrina keeps popping into TV shows and books, because of a spell Hilda tries to put on Amanda. This book has some funny parts, but in some places it was a little boring.

A short review by Abby
The Sabrina books are naturally good. Now You See Her Now You Dont is a really humorous book.It's all about a youth potion a random popping spell and Sabrina's bratty cousin Amanda.I think Sabrina fan's will really enjoy this fascinating book.

In and Out
Sabrina pops in and out of books and tv shows, because Amanda has put a spell on her. It's a great book, and it's real funny!

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