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Book reviews for "Bornstein-Somoza,_Miriam" sorted by average review score:

Soul Reflections
Published in Paperback by International Academy Of Voice And Stage Press (01 November, 2002)
Author: Miriam Jaskierowicz Arman
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $9.70
Buy one from zShops for: $9.65
Average review score:

Mariam Arman Does It Again!
While her first book, 'The Voice-a Spiritual Approach to Singing, Speaking, and Communicating', is an intelligent and inspired journey into the techniques and deepest concepts of what the Voice is and how to channel it, 'Soul Reflections' is a journey into the very soul of Mariam herself, complete with her own vivid poetry and art. Mariam touches on all sorts of subjects close to her heart, always ringing true without pretense or self awareness. Her expressions are an affirming example for any artist or non-artist, showing us how wonderful the unhindered spirit's creations can be when we get out of the way and just let it FLY. Make sure to get a copy on cd also, because hearing the words spoken in Mariam's VOICE really brings it to life !

Spinning Fantasies: Rabbis, Gender, and History (Contraversions, 9)
Published in Paperback by University of California Press (November, 1997)
Author: Miriam Peskowitz
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $7.48
Average review score:

review of Spinning Fantasies
This is a tremendous book. It changed my life and the way I view the world. This book should be read by everyone interested in Judaism and gender. For an academic book, the prose is poetic and crystal clear.

Stages of Drama
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Press (Short) (December, 2002)
Authors: Carl H. Klaus, Miriam Gilbert, Bradford S., Jr. Field, and Klaus Gilbert Field
Amazon base price: $54.00
Used price: $25.25
Buy one from zShops for: $35.50
Average review score:

Thetre history never looked so good
Top notch book, a comprehensive look at theatre history. The editors have improved a lot since their last edition. I like to keep mine under my pillow.

Surgery Electives: What to Know Before the Doctor Operates
Published in Paperback by Carmania Books (September, 1996)
Authors: John McCabe and Miriam Ingersol
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $0.54
Buy one from zShops for: $9.95
Average review score:

A medical resource that can literally save your life.
Anyone considering surgery should read 'Surgery Electives' ASAP. In addition to thousands of listings of health and medical organizations, self-help groups and pertinent books; you'll learn which questions to ask your doctor, how to choose a second-opinion physician, what to expect during your hospital stay, how to correct billing problems, the truth about certain surgical procedures, what to do if something goes wrong, and other essential information. Special section on alternative/holistic therapies and the connection between food and health. A thinking person's frank guide to the medical industry. 'Surgery Electives' is recommended by Pulitzer Prize-nominated author John Robbins. It is also recommended by Safe Medicine for Consumers; Citizens for Health; The New England Patients' Rights Group; CLARION - the newsletter of the International Cesarean Awareness Network; Midwifery Today Magazine; The Y-Me National Center for Breast Cancer Information and Support; Families Advocating Injury Reduction; American Silicone Implant Survivors; Congressman Pete Stark; and Sandra Gilbert, author of "Wrongful Death: A Medical Tradgedy."

Thank You, Solomon
Published in Hardcover by Bay Light Publishing (January, 2002)
Authors: Charlotte Lundy, Miriam Sagosti, Evelyn L. Waldrep, and Miriam Sagasti
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.00
Collectible price: $11.65
Buy one from zShops for: $11.90
Average review score:

Recommended for young readers age 3-10
Recommended for young readers age 3-10, Thank You, Solomon is a color picturebook about a little boy who gets a new puppy as a Christmas gift. But puppies require a lot of care, and only someone who can be responsible for a puppy's needs can own a puppy. The boy learns what it is to be responsible from the biblical story of Solomon. Engagingly written by Charlotte Lundy whose narrative is wonderfully showcased with the artwork of Miriam Sagasti, Thank You, Solomon incorporates the biblical story of Solomon's succession after the death of his father King David. Highly recommended for family, Sunday School, Bible School, and community library collections.

This Is the Tree
Published in Paperback by Frances Lincoln Ltd (03 May, 2001)
Authors: Miriam Moss and Adrienne Kennaway
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $14.72
Buy one from zShops for: $11.98
Average review score:

An amamzing tale of the African Baobab tree
This book is an amazing story of an African Baobab tree through the seasons. My kids love it and we often read it several times at one sitting. The illustrations are rich and colorful, all the plains animals are represented. It's a lovely book which links nature, human and animal life in a realistic and engaging fashion.

Though he slay me : a story of courage shining through heartaches such as few of us have experienced
Published in Unknown Binding by Review and Herald Pub. Association ()
Author: Miriam Wood
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Though He Slay Me
I have this book now for nearly 20 years. I have to get new copies because it is continuously being borrowed from my library. This book is a story of a couple in Christian ministry who suffer at the hands of their "Christian" but unsaved members and church leaders. But the faith and courage is so encouraging it is a book that I would recommend to present day Pastor's wives, especially from the more established and traditional church organizations. God's grace is sufficient.

Traditional Arabic Cooking
Published in Hardcover by Garnet Pub Ltd (September, 1997)
Authors: Miriam A. Hashimi, Miriam Al Hashimi, and Gloria D. Kifayeh
Amazon base price: $27.95
Used price: $21.50
Average review score:

Traditional Arabic Cooking
I have a collection of around 700 cookbooks now so I am pretty picky about buying new ones. I checked this one out at the library thinking I would only find a few recipes I liked but ended up liking about every page! I had to have my own book. The recipes are great and most are easy to follow. For the more adventuresome, there are recipes for yogurt and for cheese. I especially found the bread section inviting. I can almost smell them baking. Lots of marinades, pickling, and grilled items, too. I am really looking forward to using the recipes this summer for BBQ's.

The Transplanted Executive: Why You Need to Understand How Workers in Other Countries See the World Differently
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (May, 1997)
Authors: P. Christopher Earley and Miriam Erez
Amazon base price: $32.50
Used price: $9.99
Average review score:

The Transplanted Executive
As an executive who has worked in the Maquiladora industry for twenty-five years, I consider this one of the essential books in my library. It is one of the few international management books that goes beyond identifying cultural differences to recommending actual strategies to implement.

My library includes books by Hofstede, Trompenaars, Poortinga and Diaz Guerrero.

The Trivium: The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric
Published in Paperback by Paul Dry Books Inc (May, 2002)
Authors: Miriam, Sister Joseph, Marguerite McGlinn, Miriam Joseph (Sister), and Miriam
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.82
Collectible price: $18.75
Buy one from zShops for: $11.10
Average review score:

From syllogisms, to common linguistic fallacies
Deftly edited by Marguerite McGlinn, The Trivium: The Liberal Arts Of Logic, Grammar, And Rhetoric by Sister Miriam Joseph Rauh (1898-1982) is a "user friendly" guidebook to better understanding the structure and usage of the English language. Individual chapters address everything from syllogisms, to common linguistic fallacies, to hypothetical and disjunctive propositions, and more. A superbly presented and accessible guidebook The Trivium offers a solid grounding for writers of all degrees of experience and background in fiction, nonfiction, as well as especially academic writing where the interpretations and literal truth of linguistic expression is under an exacting scrutiny. The Trivium is a highly recommended and welcome contribution to any serious and dedicated writer's reference collection.

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