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The Author, a Hindu Monk from India who teaches in the United States, has taken care to make sure that no basic concept is left unexplained, and this he does with admirable conciseness.

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With his English translation, Swami Satyananda breathes life into the story of Hanuman's adventures in Lanka. The Sundar Kand is also a story of the very personal relationships that Sita, Hanuman, Lakshman and Vibishana have with Rama. These relationships come to life in this wonderful translation. The author has brilliantly captured the beauty and emotion of Tulsidasa's poetry
For me, the emotional impact of the Sundar Kand is it's demonstration of God's love for his devotees. The author's translation allows us to listen in as Rama, Sita, Hanuman and Vibishana so elegantly express their love for each other. For instance, one of the most poignant moments in the Sundar Kand, is when Sita, Rama's wife, is being threatened by Ravana, the ego. He tells her that if she won't sleep with him, she will be killed within one month. Sita cries in despair, "O Lord, you have completely forgotten me." Then Hanuman appears before Sita and gives Rama's message to her. Ram says "Since you have been separated from me, dear Sita , everything has been it's opposite. The new shoots of trees appear like fire, night appears to be the dreadful night of dissolution and the moon is as bright as the sun. A person's pain becomes a little less if they share it, but with whom can I speak who could understand? The truth of my love for you, my Beloved, only my mind can understand. And that mind is always with you. Know this to be the essence of my love. Listening to the message of the Lord, Sita became so absorbed in thoughts of love that she forgot her body.
Later in the Sundar Kand, when Hanuman returns to Rama with the good news that he has found Sita and she is alive, we find this exquisite exchange between Rama and Hanuman. "Listen, Hanuman, neither among Gods, men or men of wisdom has any embodied being performed such a great benefit to me as you have done. I cannot think that I will ever be able to perform a benefit to you of a similar value. Listen dear one, I have thought it over extensively and have concluded that I cannot be free from my debt to you." Tears came to his eyes and his body trembled.
Hearing the Lord's words and seeing his pleased countenance, Hanuman was filled with Delight. He fell to earth at the Lord's feet and called,"Protect me, protect me, oh Supreme Divinity." Again and again the Lord tried to raise him, but lost in deep love he would not get up.
The intensity of the love of a pure devotee like Hanuman for God is palpable in these flowing verses. Many books talk about devotion, but Swami Satyananda's Sundar Kand lets you feel that devotion. If you only read the English translation, you will be blessed by beautiful devotional poetry that captures a profound spiritual mood. If you chant or sing the verses you will be moved by this ancient scripture. This is a book that any serious spiritual aspirant will enjoy.
Mahavir Nanda

With his english translation, Swami Satyananda breathes life into the story of Hanuman's adventures in Lanka. The Sundar Kand is also a story of the very personal relationships that Sita, Hauman, Lakshman and Vibishana have with Rama. These relationships come to life in this wonderful translation.The author has brilliantly captured the beauty and emotion of Tulisdasa's poetry
For me, the emotional impact of the Sundar Kand is it's demonstration of God's love for his devotees. The author's translation allows us to listen in as Rama, Sita, Hunuman and Vibishana so elegantly express their love for each other. For instance, one of the most poignant moments in the Sundar Kand, is when Sita, Rama's wife, is being threatened by Ravana,the ego. He tells her that if she won't sleep with him, she will be killed within one month. Sita cries in despair,"O Lord, you have completely forgotten me." Then Hanuman appears before Sita and gives Rama's message to her. Ram says "Since you have been seperated from me,dear Sita , everything has been it's opposite. The new shoots of trees appear like fire, night appears to be the dreadful night of dissolution and the moon is as bright as the sun. A person's pain becomes a little less if they share it, but with whom can I speak who could understand? The truth of my love for you, my Beloved, only my mind can understand. And that mind is always with you. Know this to be the essence of my love. Listening to the message of the Lord, Sita became so absorbed in thoughts of love that she forgot her body.
Later in the Sunar Kand,when Hanuman returns to Rama with the good news that he has found Sita and she is alive, we find this exquisit exchange between Rama and Hanuman. "Listen, Hanuman, neither among Gods, men or men of wisdom has any embodied being performed such a great benefit to me as you have done. I cannot think that I will ever be able to perform a benefit to you of a similar value. Listen dear one, I have thought it over extensively and have concluded that I cannot be free from my debt to you." Tears came to his eyes and his body trembled.
Hearing the Lord's words and seeing his pleased countenance, Hanuman was filled with Delight. He fell to earth at the Lord's feet and called,"Protect me, protect me, oh Supreme DIvinity." Again and again the Lord tried to raise him, but lost in deep love he would not get up.
The intensity of the love of a pure devotee like Hanuman for God is palpable in these flowing verses. Many books talk about devotion, but Swami Satyananda's Sundar Kand lets you feel that devotion. If you only read the english translation, you will be blessed by beautiful devotional poetry that captures a profound spiritual mood. If you chant or sing the sanskrit you will be moved by this ancient scripture. This is a book that any serious spiritual aspirant will enjoy.

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Thank you Muktananda for revealing these sacred techiques to us!!!

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List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)

The book consists of a brief introduction and twenty short chapters. Chapter I sets forth the rationale for meditation. The focus of the next chapter is the teacher-student relationship in the practice of meditation. Chapter III outlines Patanjali¡¯s eight-step discipline to yoga and Chapters IV-X elaborate on these steps. Obstacles to and hazards in meditation are discussed in Chapters XI and XII, respectively. The well-known, but widely misunderstood, concept of kundalini power is the subject of Chapter XIII. The Sankhya theory of creation is briefly examined in the next chapter. A lucid discussion of Samadhi in its multiple forms constitutes Chapter XV. The post-Samadhi state is explained in the next chapter. The three chapters that follow discuss Japa, spiritual progress, and stress relief, in that order. Concluding remarks are offered in Chapter XX.
This is not a book for those who are looking for miracle mind control or ¡°power¡± yoga. Rather, it is intended for the true aspirants who are willing to diligently and earnestly practice the tried, tested, and time-honored techniques of meditation. The value of this highly instructive book is further enhanced by its many user-friendly features. These include the illustrations and photographs of sages and saints who have achieved Samadhi through meditation, a comprehensive glossary, and a detailed index. A list of recommended books for further reading is another appealing feature of this volume. In summary, the clear, concise, and non-technical discussion of the art and science of meditation, including many practical suggestions, makes this volume a must-have for any serious student and practitioner of meditation.