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Stops short of explaining the effect of the various asanas on the Doshas (in Ayurveda) but does list the benefits of the poses.
A must have book for any student of hatha yoga

Swami Satyananda Saraswati, line drawings and diagrams, pp543.
Suitable for all teachers and practitioners.
Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha is recognized internationally as one of the most systematic yoga manuals available today. This enlarged and revised edition provides clear illustrations and step by step directions which smoothly guide the practitioner through the simplest to the most advanced practices. In addition, it includes the benefits and contra-indications of each technique along with focal points and breath awareness, to deepen the benefits and experience of the practices. A therapeutic index has been included for use by doctors and yoga therapists which incorporates the findings of yoga research.

The description of each practice are presented in a methodical and specific manner - each technique comes with set-by-step directions on the practice; breathing awareness during the practice; benefits; contra-indications; variations and so on.
The illustrations are line drawn rather than photographs: This is an advantage, as it stops the reader from over-identifying with the photo; & becoming too dispirited by comparisons to glossy photos.
If there is a drawback to the book, it's that it can be a little overwhelming - there's a lot of information here! Fortunately it's well ordered, and well presented.
Another point is that it doesn't try to replace role of a competent teacher : it's a textbook of practices rather than a specific course of instruction.
But this doesn't detract from the book at all - merely indicates the level that the book is aimed at.
If you're looking for a distillation of authentic yoga knowledge, this really is a book to have by your side.

Used price: $1.94

Fun and light-hearted, yet also enlightening, heartening, uplifting and utterly profound. Can't recommend it too highly.

Used price: $8.95

For those readers from a Western tradition and culture, such as myself, this work provides an English translation that brings heart and soul to any in-depth study of the Bhagavad Gita. For the first time, for example, I can study the translated names of all those characters in the scripture and story, and find new meaning and food for thought, bringing greater scope and depth to the story itself. But even more than the characters themselves is the knowledgeable and thoughtful rendering of each verse itself. Again and again, I will return to the translation to savor each verse, and to meditate upon his particular translation.
Further, as a novice and beginning student of Sanskrit, I strongly appreciate the pairing of Sanskrit type, easy-to-read transliteration, and beautiful translation, where I can move my eye and attention as I chant, enriching the experience for me. In addition, this book is clearly written by a scholar, not only of Sanskrit, but most definitely of Vedic scriptures--a trustworthy combination for one like myself who is exploring Vedic practice and scriptures in greater depth.
Thank you, Swami Satyananda, for this beautiful book!

Before Swami Satyanada became a swami, he lived in California for the first twenty years of his life. After completing his studies to became a lawyer, he set off for a trip around the world. When he reached India he was so attracted to the depth of India's wisdom that he couldn't leave. He ended up living in India, as a sadhu and swami, for the next twenty years. In India, he studied with many enlightened masters who taught him the esoteric meaning of all the Hindu scriptures. Then he spent many years studying and relating each scripture to his own life experience.
In 1985, Swami Satyananda returned to India with his guru, Shree Maa. Since then he has been teaching westerners how to apply these scriptures to their hectic, daily lives. It is this experience that makes his translation of the Bhagavad Gita particularly important and relevant for westerners. As the Swami says in his introduction, "every sadhu in every generation should rewrite the Gita, retranslate it into contemporary language and symbols, which are meaningful to the present time, place and circumstances."
I found Swami Satyananda's Gita lucid, impactful and filled with spiritual emotion. He did an excellent job of making this ancient text relevant and meaningful to my daily life. This remarkable translation of the Bhagavad Gita is a treasure.

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Nonetheless the book itself does stand on its own because Nikhilananda has provided along with the text a commentary taken primarily from Sankaracharya's famous and instructive gloss from the ninth century. (In some cases, it is true, the reader might wish that a commentary on Sankara's commentary be included!)
A point well made in the Foreword by William Ernest Hocking is that too many of the newer translations (and this applies today as it did in 1944) tend to avoid "a happy expression...to seek the different solely for the sake of differing." Nikhilananda is not afraid to use the tried and true and readily employs the "happy expression" that has worked so well in previous translations. His is a modest translation. One can see that his purpose is not so much to be the poet himself as it is to make the work accessible to English speakers. In his introduction, Nikhilananda interprets the Gita from the standpoint of Vedanta philosophy, which is to be distinguished from yogic philosophy and to some extent from the Hare Krishna movement. The Gita, as Nikhilananda expresses it in his Introduction, along with the earlier Upanishads and the Brahma sutras, "form the bed-rock of Vedanta philosophy." He follows his Introduction with a chapter entitled, "The Story of the Mahabharata," the grand Indian epic in which the Gita is nestled. Then there is Sankara's brief Introduction followed by a traditional "Meditation." After the text there is a Glossary of Sanskrit words and an Index.
This book, originally published by the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center in New York in 1944, is in keeping with the high quality of Swami Nikhilananda's engaging translation of The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna and the books on yoga by Swami Vivekananda also published by the Center. I would recommend that the serious English-speaking student of the Gita have this book, now in its Sixth Printing, alongside a more recent translation of the Gita--perhaps Stephen Mitchell's poetic Gita of 2000 or Kees Boole's Gita of 1979, which includes on left-facing pages a verse by verse transliteration of the Sanskrit--as an aid to study.
I have only one small complaint with Nikhilananda's book: the chapter and verse numbers should be placed at the top of each page for easy reference by the reader!

Used price: $8.47

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When I first read this book some ten years ago, I was tremendously inspired and got self-initiated to acquire the esoteric wisdom from the 'assumedly' complex literature of Hinduism. Reflecting on the book's subject matter has led me to read many of Swami Chinmayananda's other books, be it the commentary on the Bhavagad Gita or the Upanishads. Swami Chinmayananda's explanation, as in many of his other 'path'-books of self-development, appeals to any rational mind regardless of any nationality, creed or race.
The explanation is lucid in understandable English, which can be read & reflected individually, and also as a textbook, which can be studied systematically in a group.
This book is a fantastic rendering of the fundamental concepts of real Hinduism(Vedanta). After having read exhaustively other books on Hinduism & Vedanta by other authors, I always like to go back to this book and often say to myself' Yes ..I understand it better now'.
This book is a MUST HAVE for any real spiritual-book lover and a MUST READ for anybody who wants to be better prepared to face life's challenges.

Used price: $0.55
Collectible price: $10.59

If you have read "The Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramhansa Yogananda, "The Path"is the perfect companion piece, for it pictures Yogananda as Yogananda himself could not, as a being of pure Light and Divinity, a Yogi-Christ walking amongst us. If you have yet to read Yogananda's autobiography, it will be next on your list.
Believe me, the God spoken of in the "The Path" is a God we can all relate to. A warm, personal God, full of love and compassion for each one of us. A God of Ecstatic Bliss of whom we are all part; our seeming separation only a minor, and very temporary circumstance. A God who is gently bringing each of us, step-by-step, back to our true home in the ever new joy of pure Spirit. [The new edition of this book is entitled "The Path: One Man's Quest on the Only Path There Is."]

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For an explanation of these principles in prose by my favorite author, I strongly recommend "Maya", a short story that appears in the back of Hermann Hesse's Nobel prize winning novel, "The Glass Bead Game."
Widely acknowledged as a masterpiece of prose, philosophy and translation, Aesthetic Vedanta beautifully illuminates the timeless Sanskrit poem Rasa-lila, the sacred love affair of Radha and Krishna. Since its release in 1998, Aesthetic Vedanta has continually been one of the best-selling and most respected books on classic Hindu spiritual eroticism . Interspersed with original poetry and renderings of medieval verse of several Hindu mystics, this book reveals the means to access the spiritual reality of Rasa-lila.
Aesthetic Vedanta speaks to us of a tradition that is practical and profoundly beautiful, replete with visualization, ritual, song, and dance, both affirming and spiritualizing the erotic principle that lies within our souls.
"I'm so glad to have Aesthetic Vedanta to spell out the theology of rasa-lila. We've waited a long time for someone this accomplished in Sanskrit -this schooled in yoga - to set forth its tender philosophy."
- Andrew Schelling. Naropa Institute, Author of For Love of the Dark One: Songs of Miraba
"Aesthetic Vedanta recounts India's most important treatise on romantic love. More practical and interesting than the Kama Sutra, it involves the classic adventure of the fabulous Krishna. Swami Tripurari's treatment is a masterpiece."
- Louis Meldman, Ph.D., Author of Mystical Sex: Love, Ecstasy, and the Mystical Experience
"This book truly deserves, and undoubtedly will receive, a place among serious and scholarly works of global spirituality."
- George Fowler, Author of Learning to Dance Inside: Getting to the Heart of Meditation