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The book ends with his meeting with Mata Amritanandamayi and Her changing the course of his life. His experiences with Mata Amritanandamayi, especially Her compassion towards him and all fellow beings and his accepting Her as his master(Guru) is very touching.
It is a very easy to read book.

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The method of Kali worship outlined here is very traditional and very particular. There are many Hindu terms used, even in the English translation, where no explanation is given, and this is not particularly helpful either.
In short, this is really a book that is designed for the person who wishes to worship Kali in the way that the authors do, and the book probably goes well with their teachings. It will not be useful to someone who is not already familiar with Kali worship and Hinduism, and may in fact confuse them terribly.
The problem with the book and the teachings within is that they are not practical for the person who has to deal with everyday life. Very few people have the time, or can make the time, to do these worship exercises in the way this book recommends. The poetry that appears throughout the book is beautiful, but it is difficult to read, given the line by line translation of the text, which is given first in Sanskrit, then in phonetic Sanskrit, then in English.
Overall, I must admit, I found this book to be a disappointment, and I certainly would not recommend it for someone who is just being introduced to the Dark Goddess. This is a book that is very definitely oriented toward a particular type of Kali worship, and very specifically Kali worship as it is practiced and taught by Shree Ma and Swami Satyananda. If you are not a follower of those people or that particular path, this book may not be what you are looking for.
If you are a follower of Shree Ma and Swami Satyananda, this book of course will go well with your studies - and you will also have the benefit, I suppose, of other material provided by them that will explain some of the terms not translated in the book, as well as the reasoning behind why the rituals are conducted in this way.
However, without this knowledge, this beautiful book is quite difficult, and I suspect even if one was a student of the teachers named above, the lack of any sort of layout, section, or chapter separation would be daunting. Perhaps it would have been better to release the book simply with the English translation by itself, and provide a separate section with the Sanskrit and the phonetically translated Sanskrit text.
For someone discovering Kali I would probably recommend Lex Hixon's "Mother of the Universe" before this. This book is primarily useful for disciples of Shree Ma and Swami Satyananda; others will find it difficult.

by Swami Satyanananda Saraswati and Shree Maa
For those of you who want to worship the Holy Mother as Kali this is a great book to get. It offers a traditional way of worshipping Kali. You will learn the mantras, the mudras, traditional worship and tantric offerings to Kali. It is written in Sanskrit, Roman phonetic translation, and in english. I do wish the Roman phonetic translation was more understandable. Also I wish that they listed all the things that are required for the diffrent sections of this book as well, otherwise its a wonderful book on the Worship of Kali. You can do this book all the way through which will take hours or do a chapter or two at a time. The chapters are: Kali Puja, Sankalpa, Ganesha Puja, Kali Dhyanam, Adya Stotram, Puja Naivdeya- Offerings of worship, Adya Kalikadevyah Shatanama Stotram, Kali Kavacam, Sri Kalisahasranama Stotram, Consecration of Tantric Offerings, Gharbha Dhana Viddhi, Mudras for Worship. The Mudras are hand signals that are used to call the diety into yourself are call forth the ancestors. The Ganesha Puju is a small chapter in calling Ganesha and worshipping him the son of the Divine to remove all obstacles and to announce your desire to worship Kali. Sometimes when i can not pronounce the mantras in the sanskrit I use the english translations mixed with the Sanskrit or should i say the Roman phonetic translations.
From the back of the book
Kali is the Goddess who takes away darkness. She cuts down all impurities, consumes all iniquities (evil) purifies Her devotess with the sincerity of Her Love. Now we can worship Her according to the ancient tradition. Kali puja is a treasure house of Her Wisdom. It contains abundance Kali's living tools for living: Her sattvic worship, Her Hundred Names, Her Thousand Names, Her Armor, the mantras for offering bhanga, alcohol, animal sacrifice and how to give birth to spiritual children. These offerings have great spirtual significance when preformed with the mantras which explain the meanings and appropiate circumstances for such worship. Shree Maa, the Respected Holy Mother from Kamakhya in Assam, has devoted her entire life to the worship of the Divine Mother. Swami Satyananda Saraswati has translated numerous volumes of Samskrita Scriptures published in India and abroad, and both are teachers respected around the world. Kali Puja is presented in the original Samskrita, a Romanized phonetic transliteration, and a complete English Translation. This is without doubt the first time that many of these mantras have been translated from their original language. At last the rest of the world is invited more deeply into the mystery of the Divine Mother.
This is a great book as now the secrets have been revealed! Finaly we the rest of this world can worship Ma Kali traditionally. There is no other book that I know of today that gives details into the worship of the Mother like this, at least not one that is published in English.
Despite my two gievences with this book it deserves 5 stars

I open this book at random , usually before bed...for something to ease any stress or thoughts of the day...I highly recommend this book to devotees of Kali, but make sure to also get a historical book as well!

List price: $15.00 (that's 30% off!)
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We are a couple who married for the "wrong" reasons after knowing each other 3 weeks and now 4 years later have a son and a respectful and loving relationship. Tantra and recently this book have allowed love and a deep connection between us to flourish.
We are proof that soul mates can come about by concious exercises such as the ones in this wonderful book and not through the flimsy and romantic belief that there is "one" special person out there...

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The interpretation strongly favors the personal God, clearly the proper and most illuminating view of the Bhagavad-gita.
For me this compact, enjoyable, and uplifting book is a perfect companion on long trips.

Harry Jaganath.

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Sure, Mohini. That's a wonderful idea. Here's the nectar.... We were tricked, ripped off!... Hey Daksa, do you know who you're talking to? This is not just an ordinary hippie to whom you speak...I will show that Siva, I will fix him!... Uh, uh, He is at Kailasa. He just sent me down to say 'Hello'.... Boooo! what kind of father are you?... Okay, King, be free from pain.... Indra said, 'It will come in handy.'
This is the way these ancient and eternal stories are rendered, apparently to attract children raised on Disney and McDonald's. But even here the author is going to fail, because each page is bristling with diacritical marks which only a Sanskrit scholar can interpret. A lot of gross mispronunciation is going to result from the author's hardline Sanskrit notation. Chandra will be pronounced Kandra; Shiva will be pronounced Siva; Satchitananda will be pronounced Satsitananda. It's a odd vision the author has of his ideal readership: a mother versed in Sanskrit, reading aloud to her culturally-challenged child.

Used price: $5.00

The book was excellent for what it was and I bought it used, I would recommend it for those who are serious in study and want another way to look at the universe, I wouldn't buy it if you are just looking to astral travel and want a road map and instructions.

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