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This book, which I originally stumbled across quite by accident, couldn't be further in theme and temperament from that lot -- this is aboslutely the gentlest, most respectful, most loving book that I could imagine on the subject. It makes no attempts at conversion, but in a very scholarly -- yet very readable -- way, takes Christ's Sermon on the Mount (paying special attention to the Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer) and makes line-by-line comparisons to the ancient teachings of Hinduism.
Prabhavananda was a monk of the Ramakrishna Order -- and one of Sri Ramakrishna's most fundamental teachings was the 'oneness of all religions', that, when sincerely believed and practiced, 'all paths lead to the same goal'. This incredible, tender book shows how deeply true his teachings were. Ramakrishna -- a Hindu saint of the 19th century who worshiped God in the form of the Divine Mother, and who experienced ecstatic visions of Christ, Mohammed and Buddha as well -- was one of the most unique, unpretentious, all-encompassing figures in any religion. He embraced them all. Would that we had, in this 'modern, civilized era', when people are still killing each other over the way they each worship God, a teacher so unifying, so true of heart, that could shine the light of wisdom on our folly.
Prabhavananda's book brings Ramakrishna's unifying word to modern readers in a wonderful way. I was touched to the core of my soul by this book -- I can wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who honestly, in their heart, practices ANY faith. It was written to unify, not to divide -- it could be treasured for that alone.
For anyone interested in further readings on Sri Ramakrishna, I can recommend THE GOSPEL OF SRI RAMAKRISHNA, or (if this 1000+ page volume is too 'heavy' for you) Lex Hixon's stunning book GREAT SWAN -- MEETINGS WITH RAMAKRISHNA.

The majority of the American public is blind about the rest of the world's great achievements, not just mathematics, but also the arts and sciences. Truly unfortunate.

Incluye .TODO!!

Con los antibioticos, estamos creando MONSTRUOS BACTERIANOS Y VIRALES...
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Todo lo que abarca la Medicina Naturista ( Ahohra conocida como alternativa )
Cómo practicarla, sus aplicaciones y resultados..
Una obra completísima !

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Swami Nikhilananda was a genuine Hindu holy man who was also a scholar and he brings to this translation rare insights that can only be found from the actual experience of what he is writing of.
Be careful of premature comparisons between the Upanishads and the teachings of Buddhism: While there are similarities between both traditions, they are each distinct and have their own value and integrity as religious systems and both make a decided contribution to the wisdom of the religions of the east.

So if your purpose is to try to understand this volume just by itself, there are chances you'll get struck by the depth of its meaning. So please first get into some other medium to advanced books in Hinduism and Buddhism before trying to absorb this volume, because the other previous three volumes are not enough to get across this one...but the essence is there, Gotama relied on the content of this volume for his Teachings, no doubt.
When you'll be done with the four volumes, you'll understand where the Buddhist Teachings come from...these Upanishads constitute the essence of the Hindu and Buddhist philosophies.
Unfortunately, they are probably the most cryptic texts that deal with the Ultimate, the style is so crude that one should not read them nor teach them to people that have not spent many years at studying the basics of the Indo-aryan philosophy (be it Hinduism, Buddhism,...) and are not prepared to approach the Absolute. Find a qualified teacher before reading them, unless you could be mislead and loose more time than if you had learned the basics before. So unless you know what you'll find in there, don't read them. If you feel prepared to it, get into it. If the Vedanta considered them as the secret teachings, it's not for the sake of hiding them, but rather because their use should be restricted to the most advanced scholars. There is no discrimination in this, only a will to prevent misunderstanding and misinterpreting of this difficult topic, nothing else. If you don't trust me, get into it and you'll understand very soon what i'm talking about. It's useless to begin learning a subject with the most advanced textbooks, except making you disgusted of it, so please don't try to catch the Ultimate directly with the Upanishads.

This volume is less abstract than the previous two volumes so people that prefer metaphors and more practical stories will be more at ease with this volume.

Used price: $20.00

see ourselves and the universe. Were some ancient civilizations much more advanced than what we allow?
Particularly, India's Vedic texts challenge our pride and conceptions. The sages of India's lost past delighted in knowledge of the nonmaterial. But they testify that they also knew how to produce material benefits without industry. Dare
we consider that the subcontinent of India, thousands of years ago, was the center of the greatest spiritual wisdom and mystical technology that the Earth has seen?
The India of remote antiquity may surface as the greatest find in the new millennium. Searching for Vedic India reviews
the latest research from both mainstream and independent sources. Most importantly, it unfolds the ancient answers to the
modern riddles of consciousness, reincarnation, extraterrestrial contact, and spiritual dimensions beyond the laws of time and space.
Devamrita Swami is an author and researcher specializing in the history and knowledge of ancient India. Born in New York City, he began his immersion in India upon graduating from Yale University in 1972. Visiting India annually for almost three decades, he is an ordained sannyasi, or monk, of India's Vaishnava spiritual tradition. He is now based in Australia, from where he travels to every continent. His previous
book, Perfect Escape, is a contemporary commentary on a section of the spiritual text Srimad-Bhagavatam.

Deep in lost history, did high civilizations and advanced knowledge thrive? The ancient Vedic literatures of India describe a worldwide civilization that flourished at a time when modern historians insist that humans like us existed simply as hunter-gatherers. This Vedic civilization, centered in India, employed technologies based on a scientific understanding of the physical elements and forces we know today, as well as more subtle conscious elements.
Devamrita Swami, who has spent a lifetime in his own search for Vedic India, takes us on a journey of intellectual discovery through the history of the remarkable Vedic civilization and its knowledge, locked in the ancient literatures of India. His wit and wisdom combine to make our search for Vedic India not only illuminating but entertaining. He tells us not only the truths of Vedic India, but how they are again coming to be. Searching for Vedic India thus takes us not only into the past, but into the future.

I've read it once but to get a good grasp on the information presented here would deserve a thorough study.
There's plenty of material here to keep even the most stodgy intellectual type of person entertained and amazed - what to speak of its potential for people who have a taste for engaging others in stimulating discussion.
Get this book while you can. You won't regret it.
Edward Pattillo

read it i was 15 years old.The sweet description of the path of bhakti (Divine-love-consiousness) filled my heart with a deep love of Krishn,and Chaitanya mahaprabhu who originally reavealed these verses.
This book should be read by anyone who loves God.

It presents a remarkably clear exposition of the material, psychic and Divine phenomens, the nature of each and the relationship of each one to the others. There is an impressive lucidity, clarity and coherence in the way deeper spiritual topics are tackled and unveiled, something I have not come across in other books. Facets of the material world, such as Gravity, Time Energy, the different levels of mind, the psychic field and psychic powers, spiritual healing, celestial worlds are some of the topics which are clearly explained, as is the process of Divine attainment.
Questions I have had for many years were answered. This book is fascinating and is a must for the aspiring spiritual student. It would also be of interest to the scientific minded who are open to the possibility of receiving God-realization.

There is much, much more packed into this book. Swamiji explains gravity, time energy, the human mind, sanskars, psychic powers, astral travel, spiritual healing, in short, all the varied phenomena in the material world. Then he explains the composition and properties of the Divine world and how a soul can actually attain the divine abodes. This book should especially appeal to anyone with a scientific inclination who is open-minded and sincerely wishes to find God.

Used price: $2.25

The book is a masterpiece and it is beautifully done. Check it out.