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Its a very easy & short book, 110 small pages to be exact. I believe in the oneness of religion. I believe in "christianity" but do not limit myself to that. I have come to realize this through the Baha'i faith. The founders of other religions have been just as true manifestations of God.
I know alot about religions, but I barely knew anything about Hinduism other than a few basics. I suspected it would be a harder one to reconcile or complement with Judeo-Christian-Muslim concepts. But from what has been revealed to me in this brief handy book was completely parallel to my beliefs and Baha'i type beliefs, that is I could see the unity of its god with the western god, which i believe is the same god.
One point they made where this was evident, which I agree on is, in the Christian religion, is Jesus claimed to be the son of God and to be coming from the Kingdom of God to reclaim conditioned souls. As followers of Baghavadgita, they admit this claim to be true. Krishna is to Hinduism what Jesus is to Christianity, I recognized this reflection of Baha'i principles.
Also, just as the New Testament stressed, he enforces spirit over material body. Eternal over the temporal. Granted, there are some differences. They emphasize many births until you reach Krishna consciousness, what we know as reincarnation. But this is all really still up for interpretation, did not Jesus say that to enter the kingdom one needed to be "born again?"
One other connection to Jesus I made, do you remember when he said worry not about what to eat, drink, and wear for the birds do not do this but the Father provides for them? The author illustrates what we have become through materialism that our animal-friends have not lost. If we threw grain on the street, pigeons may come and eat a few crumbs, then fly away leaving the rest. If we were to place bags of flour on the street someone would come and take 10 or 15 and leave no others, they would take much more than they actually needed whereas all the birds would be fed by the same grain. God provides us with these things indeed, if we could only distribute them.
But upon reading this I am able to unite Hinduism with the oneness of other beliefs. This served as an easy but wonderful introduction to Hinduism for me. I can see my belief through comparing this books message and the ones I had learned previously...The Lord is manifested to different people at different times to give the appropriate message in the given setting.
If this has never become evident to you, please read this book. A book that I got for almost free on a whim that I thought I might possibly never read has been so very satisfying to me that I thought I would share it and hope you consider it

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List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
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As well, because of its somewhat segmented structure (in comparison to SC), it is a book that one can have handy at any time, to read a paragraph or two---and be woken up yet again (isn't it irritating how quickly we fall asleep!).
Unreservedly recommended.

List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.00
Collectible price: $9.99
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