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Swami Prakashananda has given us 108 jewels, each one of which shines light on a different facet of our divinity. The Swami's guru, Baba Muktananda was a master storyteller, and used these little gems of wisdom to illustrate misuses of our divinity, to state pure truths, to inspire, shed light on and simplify our existence.
The stories are sometimes fables, sometimes parables, sometimes mantras, sometimes koans... always simple yet profound and very often humourous.
Stories have been used throughout the ages to push the imagination past the prison of reason, to a realm where peace can be tasted. Such tales often speak to the child within, to the innocence and perfection buried under years of "neglect."
These little masterpieces are packed with insight. For instance, there is the story entitled True longing in which a man asks a Sufi master if he can become one of his disciples, having studied many other paths. The Sufi master does not answer directly but rather invites the man to dine with him.
The man is flattered all the more so because the master shows enthusiasm with each successive mouthful. When the man is almost full and his eating slows the master seems displeased. So he again eats almost as much as before until he can no longer swallow even one more grain of rice.
The master then speaks explaining that many search for more and more knowledge when in fact they have not even digested what they know. Accumulation of information does not bring mental peace but rather mental dysentary!
I liked the story about the parrot who learns a mantra and repeats it constantly to passers-by and visitors. "Say Ram Ram and you will cross out all difficulties," is what he constantly repeats until the day he is really in trouble and would actually benefit from the powerful mantra. A reminder that truth teachings, in order to do us any good must become a part of us and not just something we repeat like a parrot!
The odd thing is that most of these tales have been around for eons, many are even apart of us in some way or other. It is however refreshing to be reminded of the treasures and tools that lie within, like stirring a soup that has been on the fire; the act of stirring seems to awaken the wonderful aroma within the soup (or soul!)
This is a great tool for all aspiring yogis. Everyone can get something out of these little gems on one level or another. This book makes for insightful and pleasurable reading! I therefore wish you all "happy reading!"

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Although I don't think every one of the tales suitable for children, most of them would delight both the parent who reads or tells it and the child who hears it!

Used price: $12.00

Swami Krishnananda is a multifaceted personality which like a diamond shines in every facet wherever he speaks or writes. His mind has absorbed all aspects of spirituality and the clarity of his vision enables him to meet the spiritual needs of all grades of seekers on the Path. This book aims at conveying something of the personality and revelations of Swami Krishnananda through his informal interviews, formal discourses, and expositions on the practical philosophy of life as lived here and now. The dialogues and discourses compiled here constitute but a sample of the inexhaustible stock of knowledge and wisdom which His Holiness has gained over a lifetime of reading, writing and expounding both Vedic Truths and other, including Western, philosophical systems.

Used price: $55.69
Collectible price: $100.00
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are a treasure for all true aspirants. Maharajshri, a realized adept of Kundalini Mahayoga, is truly among the greatest saints of any religion or time period. The spiritual seeker will be delighted by the depth and breadth of the wisdom in this book.