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He does not like to be identified as a Hindu. He is not preaching any sect's truth over the others, instead a universal spiritual Unity that anyone who wants to love God can experience. The distinction of "Hindu" "Muslim" or "Christian" is a rubber stamp that was later added on to God consciousness.
We cannot follow a religion or love God until we know the meaning of what these 2 things refer to.

I almost underestimated the book because of it's easy read style, but it holds some of the most sublime topics and answers I have ever found in a piece of literature. It also pulled no punches. Topics like evolution, god has a personality, and Christ and Krishna really made me think and question my own life.
I will always be eternally greatful for this book.

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!Happy Reading!

Much of Swami Rama's life seems biblical in it spiritual "magic"--it displays similar themes and miracles that you find in the New Testament. For instance, his father's guru predicted that he and his wife--although he was over 60, and she over 40--would have a son who would follow the father's master. The parents, childless for years, declare that this would be a miracle, but that if it happens, the child is his. 18 months later, they have a child, the Swami. When is three, the Master returns and initiates him by whispering a mantra in his ear.
When the Swami is still young, his parents die, and the master comes for him, and they travel together. Often, the master sends his disciple off to study with another guru for a period of time, but throughout his training into his adulthood, the master is, so to speak, the point around which the Swami Rama orbits in his spiritual peregrinations.
He describes many miracles. We witness a resurrection, a miraculous feeding of the poor, and other bizarre, often familiar, miracles. India seems like a land of magic.
Is all this b.s.? Who knows. One thing is certain...the Swami Rama is not self-promoting in this book. He doesn't present himself, for instance, as the performer of miracles. But he does witness them, and is on at least on occasion the recipient of one.
In any case, this book is a good read--simple, wise, and entertaining. I can't recommend it enough.

American readers who are not familiar with cricket have nothing to fear about the frequent references to it in the book - it's sufficient to know that cricket is a sport which was (and is) hugely popular in India - an added irony as its was adopted after the British brought it with them. However, it may help to know that Swami's nickname of "Tate" is after the famous England international cricketer, Maurice Tate (1895-1956), who was particularly famous in the 1920s and 1930s.
The book is generally well-written, but I found problems with the author's style. Swami's views of the world and the way he expresses himself are not consistently convincing - at times it reads more like the auther stating his own mature views rather than those that would be expressed by a ten year old boy. And, churlish though it may be, I couln't help a small laugh at a line like:
"The teacher came in and stood aghast. He could do little more than look on and ejaculate."
Though this probably says more about the state of my mind and sense of humor than about Narayan's writing.
"Swami and Friends" has a great deal of appeal, but many faults too. However, one must take into account that it was a first novel, and it certainly hasn't put me off reading more of Narayan.

List price: $39.95 (that's 30% off!)

many questions about spirituality. Many references are given
about the practices that are followed by the himalayan masters.
And its a well written very inspiring book.
I read it many times and will read it many more times.

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1. Chapter One: Arjun gives up determination to fight at the battlefield of kuruksetra out of grief n pity when he sees his intimate relatives, teachers and friends in both armies ready to fight and sacrifice their lives.
2. Chapter Two: Krsna begins his teachings to Arjun and explains the distinction bet. the temporary material body and eternal spiritual soul. Characteristics of self realized person is explained.
3. Chapter Three: Karma Yoga i.e. one must engage in activity where actions can bind one to the world or liberate. Perform for the pleasure of god's will without selfish motives and attain transcendental knowledge.
4. Chapter Four: Transcendental knowledge, spiritual knowledge of the soul, of god and their relationship. Krsna explains history of Gita, purpose and significance of his periodic descents to the material world and the necessity of approaching a guru.
5. Chapter Five: Action performed and their fruits to attain peace, detachments, forbearance, spiritual vision and bliss.
6. Chapter Six: Controlling of the mind and senses and focus on concentration on god (lord is in heart)& explains the meaning of 'samadhi' full consciousness of supreme.
7. Chapter Seven: Knowledge of Absolute god. Krsna is the supreme truth and advanced souls surrender unto him in devotion.
8. Chapter Eight : Attaining the supreme god and remembering krsna in devotion whole life n at time of death, one can attain to his supreme abode, beyond material world.(This is one chapter that is always spoken in most Hindu families during ritual rites when someone dies)
9. Chapter Nine: The most confidential knowledge of bhakti - praying to godhead krsna.By reviving one's pure devotion, one returns to krsna in spiritual realm.
10.Chapter Ten: All power, beauty, grandeur or sublimity, in material or spiritual world are manifestation of krsna.
11.Chapter Eleven: Krsna grants Arjun the vision and reveals his form as cosmic universe and explains his own humanlike form is the original form of godhead and one can perceive only by pure devotion.
12. Chapter Twelve: Bhakti yoga to attain luv of krsna and they develop divine qualities.
13. Chapter Thirteen: Difference bet. body, the soul and supersoul beyond them both attains liberation from material world.
14. Chapter Fourteen:Souls are under the control of three modes i.e.qualities of material nature - goodness, passion and ignorance. How these modes act upon is well explained here.
15. Chapter Fifteen: Detaching oneself from material world and understand godhead. One who understand krsna surrenders to him and become devotional.
16. Chapter Sixteen: Difference of Divine and Demoniac nature is explained here. How to gain spiritual perfection.
17. Chapter Seventeen: Three types of faith evolving from three modes of material nature. Acts performed by those who have faith in passion and ignorance yield only impermanent, material results whereas acts performed in goodness, lead to pure faith in krsna.
18. Chapter Eighteen: The concluding part which explains the meaning of renunciation and effects of the modes of nature on human consciousness and acitivity. Surrendering to god which frees one from sins, bring enlightenment and be eternal spiritual mode.
Krsna says in Gita,
"Aham sarvasya prabhavo, Mattah sarvam pravartate
Iti matva bhajante mam, Budha bhava samanvitah" meaning "I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who perfectly know this engage in my devotional service and worship me with all their hearts"
So, if you have read Bible or Koran or any religious book, Bhagvad Gita is a choice 'Absolute'to read about the 'Absolute Godhead' After all, God is a mystery and nobody ever knows who the real person is otherwise I feel, there would be no wars and only peace on earth if Bhagvad Gita Mahima (krsna's sayings) is followed by humans. A sure Pick.

Srila Prabhupada - thank you very much.

Someone who has a pre-concieved philosophical fixation will probably not be able to enter into the sublimity of this transliteration due to a challenging spirit. The same holds true for anyone who is looking to blindly follow a religious mandate. Bhagavad-gita requires not only candid inquiry and thought to understand its deep message - it also requires a qualified teacher who is authorized in disciplic succession.
AC Bhaktivedanta Swami is such a qualified teacher as he is directly initiated into a disciplic lineage that began with Sri Krishna Himself who spoke the Gita to Arjuna 5000 years ago.
Without the natural respect and submission that should accompany the reader when imbibing the words of such a great teacher one might feel dissapointed by his commentaries.
This book is not for anyone who desires to use 'spirituality' and spiritual understanding as a means to aggrandize themself. In the hands of Bhaktivedanta Swami, Bhagavad-gita's message of unalloyed devotion remains intact and accessable to the sincere at heart.
I found it interesting that most of the reviews for Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavad Gita As It Is are weighted to either extreme. This holds true with the text wherin (Chapter Sixteen) the divine and demoniac qualities of man are explained:
Pride, arrogance, conceit, anger, harshness and ignorance-these qualities belong to those of demoniac nature, O son of Prtha.
PURPORT by Srila Prabhupada
In this verse, the royal road to hell is described. The demoniac want to make a show of religion and advancement in spiritual science, although they do not follow the principles. They are always arrogant or proud in possessing some type of education or so much wealth. They desire to be worshiped by others, and demand respectability, although they do not command respect. Over trifles they become very angry and speak harshly, not gently. They do not know what should be done and what should not be done. They do everything whimsically, according to their own desire, and they do not recognize any authority. These demoniac qualities are taken on by them from the beginning of their bodies in the wombs of their mothers, and as they grow they manifest all these inauspicious qualities.
One might argue that His Divine Grace is being harsh himself by writing such a purport. I understand this to be a conteptuous misconception stemming from an ideology which is not able to distinguish between the love offered by a genuine well wisher and the personally motivated criticism one generally can experience in materially competitive life. The kitten feels safe in the teeth of the mother cat whereas the rat feels the jaws of death.
This book invited me to take a good look at myself and what I desire. It opened the door to a higher plane of understanding centered not around my frustrated attempts to seek pleasure in this world; but instead it gave me the neccessary understanding to focus on the even more natural inclination to love purely - a propensity that can only be reposed with Krishna. This simultaneously reveals my actual identity as a loving servant of the Supreme Lord.
Find out who you are - read Bhagavad Gita As It Is today!
your servant,
Ekendra das

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Art and Science of Raja Yoga has everything from easy beginner routines, to more advanced postures. And this book doesn't make you feel like some couch potato just because you can't do advanced pretzel poses.
I also enjoyed the pranayama breathing exercises and meditation practices. I had never 'got' meditation until I began practicing some of the simple meditation techniques in this book.
You can also contact the publishers of the book for followup support with your practices- everything from retreats, to other books, and more. I've never, ever heard of anything like this. Check it out!

Each unit is broken down into 'do-able' pieces. One can read through the entire book then go back at anytime or take one chapter at a time and absorb as much as necessary. I especially like the sections on Breathing (Pranayama)- offering many different techniques that can be incorporated into daily life at any time! There is also Philosophy, Meditation, Diet, Postures and Routines for every section or unit.
I am not a Hatha Yoga expert but am very much the amateur! I do Hatha Yoga to open my heart, to stretch my sometimes rather stiff body, and also to prepare myself for meditation. I like the Affirmations offered by Swami for each posture (asana). They help me to go deeper into the postures, and to direct my energy into a calm and positive direction.
I appreciate being able to read a book and develop my own thoughts on that subject - not having someone's beliefs shoved down my throat. I feel that the approach taken in this book offers me just that, a way to read and decide what works and what does not work for me. I really believe that this course in the Art & Science of Raja Yoga is great for everyone, beginners and those already committed to their Spiritual Path alike!

This easy to read, and easy to study, book is divided into fourteen chapters. Each chapter has a section on: Philosophy, Yoga Postures, Breathing, Routine, Healing, Diet, and Meditation.
There is an extraordinary wealth of information in this valuable book. If you practice what is taught here, you'll be following the ancient science of Raja Yoga- in all it's richness and depth.
Many modern yoga teachers extract just one aspect out of Raja Yoga, such as the physical postures, and call it 'yoga'. This has caused much confusion in the public mind about just what is yoga. In addition, many Westerners, who are uncomfortable with anything smacking of 'religion', have removed much of the rich philosophy of Raja Yoga.
For instance, there is a great deal in the Bhagavad Gita (the greatest yoga scripture from India) that deals with devotional practices and meditation. Any book on Raja Yoga will include these practices. This book does just that.
If you want a merely physical approach to 'yoga', then you might find other pop-yoga teachers more attractive, though even the yoga postures taught in this book make it a worthwhile investment. If you want the Art and Science of Raja Yoga- as taught for millenia in India- then I would very highly recommend this book.
The author is a Westerner who has practiced Raja Yoga for over fifty years, and studied under a Master Yogi from India, Paramhansa Yogananda. As a Westerner, I found the manner of teaching to be highly effective. It's written in a way that communicates ancient practices in a Western style- without diluting or changing those practices.
I've practiced what is taught here, and the value I've received is truly priceless. I can't recommend this book highly enough.

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Unfortunately, it can not be helpful to people, who are not too familiar with Vedic philosophy and practice, in the contemporary Western world.
I've also asked many Ayurvedic practitioners, about their intelectual experience of this book. Similarly, many of us were disapointed, regardless of the country, ie. USA, Europe or even India.
There are many great books on this timless subject,just to mention few authors like: David Frawley, Vasant Lad, Robert Svoboda, Maya Tiwari and Atreya.

Happily I have just purchased the "AYURVEDA ENCYCLOPEDIA" and could not be more pleased. I hesitate to say I am reading it although that is exactly what I am doing with it. Most will find it a marvelous reference tool. Others will find specific portions that address their needs.
It is difficult to explain the "flavor" of the book however it is clearly not a book that has been put together by a Madison Avenue driven mega-publisher. It felt far more like a labor of love than a commercial effort.
Anyone seeking a great reference tool, a teaching text, or overview of Eastern medicine would be well served by Swami Sada Shiva Tirtha's "Ayurveda Encyclopedia".
The topics covered include the history or Ayurveda, Sanskrit, Yoga, specific medical conditions, herbology and much more. It is sprinkled with Eastern Philosophy as well as art work.
As I begin my Ayurvedic education I am confident I will be pulling it from the bookshelf frequently.

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Kroon first became interested in urine therapy in India after sustaining a serious injury to his foot. When instead of healing, the foot gradually grew worse, someone suggested that he use urine compresses. Having nothing to lose he decided to give it a try - and it worked! He then set about researching the subject, both in India and the West, and 'The Golden Fountain - The Complete Guide to Urine Therapy' brings us the fruits of his research and his years of practical experience.
Although not a large book it's packed with an enormous amount of fascinating and valuable information, too much to even begin to adequately describe. After a brief Introduction, Kroon takes up the history of Urine therapy in both the West - where it was used to cure innumerable complaints in earlier centuries - and in the East.
Urine, we learn, has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-cancer properties. Also, by strengthening the immune system and correcting the imbalance which underlies most disease, it can in many cases help to cure just about anything, and it has other valuable properties too.
A chapter on Applications is included which describes the various ways urine can be used, both internally and externally, to promote health, beauty, longevity, and even sexual potency! Detailed instructions are given on drinking, bathing, gargling, douching, eye and ear drops, sniffing, massage, compresses, rubbings, foot and hip baths, scalp and hair massages, and other applications.
Chapter 5 is devoted to the 'Medical and Scientific Aspects of Urine Therapy.' In it we learn that urine, far from being the nasty stuff most of us suppose, is a veritable natural pharmacy. It is a sterile liquid, filtered from the blood by our kidneys, and consists of energized structured water plus upwards of some 200 substances.
Among these substances are such things as amino acids, proteins, enzymes, vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, B6,B12, ascorbic acid, etc.), hormones (gonadotropin, vasopressin, cortisone, testosterone, oestrogen, etc.) urea, allantoin, DHEA, H-11, HUD, Interleukin, prostaglandin, and so on.
Some of these are in fact being extracted from urine by today's pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, repackaged, and sold to us under various names - though without of course telling us where they came from. Chapter 5 concludes with a 60-item bibliography of the scientific literature.
The book then moves on to a section of personal testimonies from people around the world who have experienced the remarkable health-promoting powers of urine therapy. Their general attitude is pretty well summed up by one gentleman from India who wrote: "Urine therapy is the gift of God - a panacea - for human beings and animals" (page 80).
Kroon's is a remarkably rich and interesting book, contains much about the How's and Why's and Wherefore's that I haven't been able to touch on here, and it can be heartily recommended to all open-minded readers. The book is also extremely well written, has a useful general bibliography, and contains a number of interesting photographs, including one of the author.
His glowing complexion would be the envy of many, and you'd be hard put to find a more vibrant, healthy-looking and bright-eyed individual. One begins to feel that, if this is what urine therapy can do for one's health, well-being, and appearance - it might just be worth a try!

I used this therapy to help break my heroin addiction, and now I use it to maintain a positive, healthy lifestyle. There have been no relapses, and cravings I've felt in the past just aren't there this time around. If you have any type of addiction, from food to sex, this is the book for you.
Modern science may be a wonderful thing but take it from me - nothing beats a nice cup of your own urine.