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Book reviews for "Helm-Pirgo,_Marian" sorted by average review score:

Collector's Guide to Depression Glass
Published in Hardcover by E P Dutton (1973)
Author: Marian Klamkin
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $8.47
Collectible price: $8.00
Average review score:

This is not a price guide. This book is a good description.
This book Is a good description and selection of Depression glass. Most of the photos are B&W with a few color plates in a section there are 225 pages with a 22 point table of contents and a decent index.

This covers glass from the early 20's through the 30's this was machine-made and fairly inexpensive. They used bright colors including ruby, amethyst, bright green, iridescent carnival orange, aquamarine, cobalt blue, pail pink and yellow. The pieces are mostly tableware.

Computer Science Project Work: Principles and Pragmatics
Published in Paperback by Springer Verlag (15 March, 2001)
Authors: Sally Fincher, Marian Petre, and Martyn Clark
Amazon base price: $96.00
Used price: $85.81
Buy one from zShops for: $95.07
Average review score:

If you teach computer science, get this book
"Computer Science Project Work: Principles and Pragmatics" has the three hallmarks of a classic: it is passionate, well-researched, and well-written. It is passionate about educating new software developers, designers, and analysts wisely and humanely. It is full of real information--the authors collected data on hundreds of real group projects and pedagogical best practices. It is written without ostentation or obfuscation--it is as clear as water. I wish I'd had this book from the beginning of my teaching career.

Contemporary Art in Asia: Traditions, Tensions
Published in Hardcover by Asia Society (1997)
Authors: Apinan Poshyananda, Thomas McEveilley, Geeta Kapur, Jim Supangkat, Marian Pastor Roces, Jae-Ryung Roe, and Thomas McEvilley
Amazon base price: $49.50
Used price: $15.10
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $17.90
Average review score:

A Treasure Chest of the Exotic
In 1997 the Asia Society organized and presented a large traveling exhibition that began in New York , traveled to Canada and then to Asia. The name of the exhibition, as the name of this book, was CONTEMPORARY ART IN ASIA: TRADITIONS/TENSIONS and we have a fine documentation of what must have been an extraordinary show in this sumptious, highly informed book/catalogue. The art displayed is from India, Indonesia, the Philippines, South Korea, and Thailand. The curatorial thread is one of demonstrating how contemporary work in these very different countries is loosely united in each artist's use of traditional imagery to address contemporary tensions - gender, sexual, political, national, religious, and philosophical. The book has beautifully concise and erudite essays by writers from each of the cultures and there has rarely been a selection of commentators so well selected. Then come the visuals and the treats in store for those who do not know Asian art are endless. Some of the artists are extremely well known: Cho Duck Hyun and Kim Ho-Suk from South Korea, ChatChai Puipia and Navin Rawanchikul from Thailand, Nalini Malani from India, etc. But the real pleasure of this book is in the discovery of many lesser know, immensely exciting artists whose works are so gripping that the images jump off the page. The color reproductions are superb and the design of the book is elegant. This leaves us with the hope that the Asia Society will soon again curate another exhibition of this magnitude. This book is more than a fine art monograph - it is a fine history and philosophy text, as well.

Cooking for Comfort : More Than 100 Wonderful Recipes That Are as Satisfying to Cook as They Are to Eat
Published in Hardcover by Simon & Schuster (09 April, 2003)
Author: Marian Burros
Amazon base price: $16.80
List price: $24.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $15.95
Buy one from zShops for: $15.94
Average review score:

What Your Mother Cooked or You Wish She Did
Although we have yet to prepare any of the recipes, it was a joy just leafing through the book and seeing the recipes included. It is not a large book and is the first cookbook I read cover to cover as soon as it arrived. Memories of my mother's cooking flashed through my mind. It even includes a recipe for the first thing I remember cooking: Oatmeal cookies (although I did not include raisins). I heard the author on the Diane Rehm show and had to buy this book. It had at least a dozen recipes of dishes I had forgotten about, but tasted wonderful. I have learned that the best recipes are the simple ones. There is nothing fancy about these recipes.

Coping With the Stressed-Out People in Your Life
Published in Paperback by Ballantine Books (Trd Pap) (1994)
Authors: Ronald G. Nathan and Marian R. Stuart
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $0.26
Collectible price: $2.75
Buy one from zShops for: $2.49
Average review score:

Crucial book for helping you bring more harmony to each day
This is one of the best books I have read. I read every word. It provides brilliant ways for you to bring calmness to upset people, convey your support and help people feel deep rapport with you. As America's Communication Coach, I quote from this book during my presentations. As a motion picture director completing "LIVING, the motion picture," I use these methods to uplift my team members through the stress of filmmaking.

Courtly Dance of the Renaissance: A New Translation and Edition of the Nobilta Di Dame
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (1995)
Authors: Fabritio Caroso, Julia Sutton, and F. Marian Walker
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.00
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $11.73
Average review score:

A Must Have for the Historical Dance Enthusiast
This book is a wonderful reference tool for anyone interested in historical dancing! Translated and Edited by none other than Julia Sutton, this book explains many of the social dances and practices of the aristocrats. It includes the dance steps, an explanation of how they occur, music, and labnotation. This book is truly a must have for anyone with a serious desire to understand dance practices of the times!

The Creative Copycat
Published in Hardcover by Libraries Unlimited (1982)
Author: Marian L. Canoles
Amazon base price: $20.00
Used price: $6.69
Average review score:

Need a Bulletin Board Idea?
Considering that this book was first published almost 20 years ago, it is amazing that it is not out dated in its ideas for library and school bulletin boards. Thankfully, the ideas are still very relevant - Hard to tell when getting a book sight unseen. This book is page after page of good bulletin board ideas, including background ideas - use fabric it lasts and staples don't hurt it - and instructions on creating it. Her most useful tip - don't be afraid to copy something that has worked for someone else.

Dark Victory: The Tampa and the Military Campaign to Re-elect the Prime Minister
Published in Paperback by Allen & Unwin (01 April, 2003)
Authors: David Marr and Marian Wilkinson
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $19.70
Buy one from zShops for: $19.70
Average review score:

Profound contribution to Australian journalism
This is a book for the ages. In closely recounting the Tampa crisis, the "children overboard" affair, and the whole sordid mess of Operation Relex and its role in the 2001 federal election, Marr and Wilkinson have made a profound contribution to Australian political journalism, and to documenting the shameful record of Howard, his government of moral degenerates, and their distressingly inept Opposition. What might surprise some of Marr's critics is that this book shows an admirable lack of editorializing: he and Wilkinson don't need to seize the moral high ground and lecture the reader. The facts just speak for themselves. They make abundantly clear Howard's shameless tactics (such as 'dog whistle' and 'wedge' politics), the complete lack of independence in the Australian public service, and the contemptible weakness of military officers who refused to speak up with 'frank and fearless' advice even when they knew the government was lying. What the book also demonstrates is the terrifying gap between daily media reports and the reality of what goes on - and this in a country with a reasonably free press. To be fair, Marr and Wilkinson had the luxury of access to ministers, the detailed records of naval vessels, the reports of various inquiries and more than a year to write their book. But it does make you wonder: are most journalists just lazy? Or does the "news" move at such speed these days and get presented in such a format that it disallows the kind of close analysis a democratic citizenry deserves? Thankfully, people like Marr and Wilkinson are around to reassemble all the pieces for us - their role is essential in a country which seems to be suffering from collective A.D.D. when it comes to Howard and his kind. I was particularly impressed by the authors' meticulous research and referencing, helpful glossary and thorough indexing. This is an important book about a very important issue. I encourage all Australians to read it, and any potential illegal immigrants - sorry, foreign nationals (the Liberal's rhetoric is catching) - who might be interested in understanding the mockery of enlightened democracy that is Australian politics today.

Davis and Russell's Finding Birds in Southeast Arizona
Published in Spiral-bound by Tucson Audubon Society (01 July, 1999)
Authors: Treasure Chest Books, Nora Bowers, Rick Bowers, Dan Fischer, John Hoffman, Marian, Tucson Audubon Society, Mark Stevenson, Joan Tweit, and Dale Zimmerman
Amazon base price: $21.95
Average review score:

A MUST for Birding in Southeast Arizona!
As novice birdwatchers, this book was indispensable for planning our birdwatching trip to SE Arizona. It gave specific locations to visit for birds that you could expect to see there. Directions were clear and concise. With help from this book, we saw nearly every bird species we had hoped to see. This book is a must for this region!

Deck the Halls
Published in Paperback by Crest (1995)
Author: Marian Devon
Amazon base price: $4.50
Used price: $0.99
Collectible price: $0.99
Buy one from zShops for: $4.50
Average review score:

romance escapism for the intelligent reader
What can I say....most of the stuff written in the

What can I far as fun escapism is concerned this is the best stuff. Most of the Regency writers make the intelligent reader want to quit their day jobs and write Regency novels all day. You wonder where they get the authors. But this book only shows what a real master in this art can do. It's fun and funny, even dare I say witty? Enjoyable enough to read in a sitting,fun to read on a plane, and yes you can hide the cover if you want....but this book is like candy. Maybe not good for you, but in small doses brings a smile.

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