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Book reviews for "Helm-Pirgo,_Marian" sorted by average review score:

Teacher's Handbook of Children's Games: A Guide to Developing Perceptual-Motor Skills
Published in Hardcover by Prentice Hall Trade (1976)
Author: Marian Jenks, Wirth
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.88
Collectible price: $6.35
Buy one from zShops for: $17.34
Average review score:

A Great Handbook for Developing Perceptual-Motor Skills
I am a Pre-First Grade teacher. Our district provides a special program for academically bright, yet, developmentally young six year olds. We have been looking for guidance in working with children developing fine and gross motor skills. This book provides step by step directions that require little or no special equipment. The activities are easily adapted to various ages or developmental needs. I am thrilled to have found such an outstanding resource.

They Loved Their Enemies: True Stories of African Christians
Published in Paperback by Herald Pr (1988)
Author: Marian, Hostetler
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $3.40
Collectible price: $4.18
Buy one from zShops for: $5.25
Average review score:

This book is a must read for every warmonger and military agressionist.

If you think war is the only way to face dangerous international relations or settle disputes, or if fighting seems normal and desirable to you, you must read this book to get the other perspective.

It'll make you get out of your comfort zone at look at yourself with a longing to be a peacemaker.

Voices of Revolution, 1917
Published in Hardcover by Yale Univ Pr (01 January, 2002)
Authors: Mark D. Steinberg and Marian Schwartz
Amazon base price: $40.00
Used price: $13.75
Buy one from zShops for: $23.35
Average review score:

A remarkable collection of documents and interpretations giving one an understanding of the revolution from below. By the way, I notice that the original Russian texts of the documents are available at

Waging Peace in Our Schools
Published in Hardcover by Beacon Press (1996)
Authors: Lantieri Linda, Janet Patti, Marian Wright Edelman, and Linda Lantieri
Amazon base price: $22.00
Used price: $3.00
Collectible price: $5.29
Buy one from zShops for: $5.98
Average review score:

A fabulous tool for working with chldren to wage Peace.
Waging Peace in Our Schools is one of the finest books I have to refer people to. Whether they be students, teachers, directors/administrators, or parents. This exquisite volume by Linda Lantieri and Janet Patti includes experiential work behind creating a peacable climate at school, and cogent observations within the context of our society and the process of education. Outstanding as a reference for those working in Equity relations, peer relations, parenting adolescents, non-violence work, et al. I first encountered this volume as an Early Childhood Educator working with Preschool teachers, and found it to be a well met friend in that arena as well. If you are concerned about the plight of violence in our schools, and would like to know what you can do to help; this is also an exquisite primer.

The Whole Woman: Take Charge of Your Health in Every Phase of Your Life
Published in Paperback by Wholecare (04 May, 1999)
Authors: Lila A., M.D., M.A.C.P. Wallis, Marian Betancourt, and Hilda R. Muinos
Amazon base price: $17.50
Used price: $0.89
Collectible price: $2.80
Buy one from zShops for: $0.80
Average review score:

Where was this book when I was 13?
Fabulous! This book is highly informative yet easy to read and understand. It meaningfully chronicles all the stages of a woman's life with both personal accounts and an abundance of up to date clinical information. If you're a woman you should definitely read this book, then pass it on to your daughters, sisters, mothers, any woman you care about.

Wisdom's Feast: Sophia in Study and Celebration
Published in Paperback by Sheed and Ward (1997)
Authors: Susan Cole, Marian Ronan, and Hal Taussig
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

A classic for Christian worship of the Divine Femmine
In this updated edition of the 1986 work we are provided a unique handbook of how to invoke the divine feminine as identified with wisdom. It combines the theory and practice of the celebration of Sophia - whose name literally means "wisdom" - in one useful and handy volume. In this new edition of Wisdom's Feast, the authors combine exercises, liturgies, sermons, study guides, prayers and meditations to create the first book to guide book of rituals for experiencing Sophia in worshipful setting.The work has been popular with women's circle worship and among congregations who wish to extend their worship in gender inclusive ways. Highly recommended for Christians who feel some trepidation toward invoking the feminine divine because of its strong biblical basis and for anyone who wants more than a superficial orientation toward enriching their ceremonial life. Susan Cole, Marian Ronan and Hal Taussig developed study and celebration of Sophia after years of research and implementation in women's groups. Cole and Taussig are Methodist ministers; Ronan is an author in the field of image-building. Wisdom's Feast is a comprehensive work with much practical information that includes: An introduction to Sophia. Activities for women's groups, churches and academic settings. Exercises on the most prominent Sophia themes in the Bible. Meditations and sermons. A comparative study of the biblical Sophia and other goddess figures. Studies of Sophia as mother, creator, wisdom and teacher.

With This Ring
Published in Paperback by Bethany House (1984)
Author: Marian Wells
Amazon base price: $7.99
Used price: $0.68
Collectible price: $3.73
Buy one from zShops for: $2.95
Average review score:

Heart Wrenching
This book was so moving. I was literally crying at the end of this book. Rebecca did not deserve all the suffering she went through. I recomend this book to anyone who wants to learn more about the Morman religion and how it all got started. This book made me cry when I learned how Morman husbands treat their many wives, and the things they think they have to do to EARN Heaven.

The Zen Environment: The Impact of Zen Meditation
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (1983)
Author: Marian Mountain
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $0.80
Buy one from zShops for: $7.95
Average review score:

My first love
This was the very first book on Zen I ever read, back in 1985. Since then I have realized that it is a bit preachy and kind of limited, but it still has real depth. Over the years I probably read it 5 times. It is the kind of disjointed story about Marian Mountain's discovery of Zen. I since learned that she was really Marian Derby (she got a divorce which may explain the name change, I don't know) who was an early student of Suzuki Roshi in San Fran in the 1960s. The book also throws in lots of anecdotes about the ancient Masters, too.

I treasure my old worn, yellowed copy. Despite the limitations of language and style, the truth of Zen shines through and can still inform new readers.

P.S. You can buy used copies in various places, including

Rachel's Holiday
Published in Hardcover by William Morrow (25 July, 2000)
Author: Marian Keyes
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $0.97
Collectible price: $9.75
Buy one from zShops for: $20.00
Average review score:

Another Marian Keyes Gem!
I have long been a fan of Marian Keyes work, and just like all her other novels, RACHEL'S HOLIDAY does not disappoint. Rachel's Holiday by Marian Keyes. HOLIDAY is a wonderful, soul-searching, funny at times, honest and touching novel. Intelligent chick-lit, if you will.

HOLIDAY is the story of Rachel, 27, who nearly dies of a drug overdose and gets checked into a rehabilitation center in Ireland. Rachel is one of the more likeable characters I've come across in a while. She has problems, she's realistic and human. She is so full of flaws and lovable that almost anyone can relate to her. The book begins in New York City where Rachel is living in a drug-induced haze most of the time. She has a wonderful boyfriend, Luke, a great roommate, Brigit, who is also her best friend, and lots of fun nights out partying. Of course there is the flip side of the coin where she hates her job with a passion and calls in often, and lately hasn't been getting along with her best friend or boyfriend. Apparently things aren't as great as she'd imagined, because one night, while taking sleeping pills to try to get herself asleep, she took too many and woke up in a hospital having her stomach pumped. There begins her family's frantic efforts to get her to agree to check into Cloisters, a supposedly famous rehabilitation center. Rachel just knows nothing is wrong with her, however when she remembers that many famous celebrities have went into this rehab center, she figured it would be totally relaxed, like a holiday and she finally agrees. Cloisters is NOT a posh, relaxing place at all. It's a tough rehab center, full of people with real addictions.

As Rachel spends more time at the rehab center, she comes to realize, through a painful and slow trial, the maybe she is indeed an addict. Her journey is a slow, sometimes painful, occasionally funny, often tough one. Not your usual frothy chick-lit novel, and thank goodness for that! Highly recommended!

Marian Keyes does it again
There is a reason Marian Keyes is one of my favorite authors. I think I read this book nearly two years ago. I was first introduced to Marian Keyes when my husband bought me Watermelon. When I finished it I knew I needed to have more! That began my search for her books. That is when I found I ordered everything she had written and pre-ordered one of her books that wasn't published yet. All of the books were well worth the extra cost to ship overseas and well worth purchasing from the UK. Rachel's holiday became my favorite. Which was amazing because I swore that I couldn't find a more entertaining book than Watermelon.

Rachel's Holiday is a wonderfully entertaining book about Rachel, the sister of Watermelon's heroine Claire. Rachel is addicted to drugs and alcohol and nearly ruins her life although she thinks there isn't anything wrong. She looks at rehab as a "holiday", she could use a vacation anyway, and she might get to see some celebrities while she is there. This isn't your typical book about a 20-something hitting rock bottom and having to pick up the pieces of the life she has ruined. The story is so witty and so funny that I laughed out loud but it is much more than that. I really fell in love with this book and the author. I wait for her books the way kids wait for Harry Potter!

Buy this book and you won't be disappointed. Better yet buy all of Marian Keyes' books.

Tackles a Serious Problem With Wit and Humor
I picked up this book to read only knowing that is was supposed to be similar to Bridget Jones's Diary. As I read it, I realized that the two books really didn't have much in common, but this book was amazing in its own right.

Rachel's "holiday" is actually a 2-month stay in drug rehab. I really liked the way we only saw her life through Rachel's eyes, until slowly she came to the realization that she did have a problem. Drug addiction is something that so many people can relate to...whether you've been through it yourself or know someone who has. Keyes tackles this issue with wit and sympathy. I felt so sorry for Rachel during her denial and so happy as she began to see herself the way her loved ones did.

Despite its heavy subject, this book is still a light summer beach read. Almost every page contains a laughable scene, and there is an element of romance woven throughout the story. I highly recommend this book, and Keyes's companion piece "Watermelon", whose main subject is Rachel's sister Clare.

Published in Paperback by Dufour Editions (1995)
Author: Marian Keyes
Amazon base price: $11.95
Average review score:

As usual, a winner
Although this is Ms. Keyes' first book, I have read four of her others before reading this one. Now I wish I would have read this one first so my expectations weren't so high.

The central characer of the book is Claire, whose husband whom she deeply loves annouces that he has been having an affair and is leaving her while she is still in the hospital after giving birth to their first child. Claire flees her marital home in London to return to her family home in Ireland where she has a total breakdown, manages to loose her"baby weight" and meet a new love interest just about the time her philandering husband decides to kiss and make up.

Had I not read those other four Keye's novels I would have probably given this one five stars instead of four, but after reading about Claire's sister Rachel in Keyes' Rachel's Holiday and other stronger characters in subsequent books I found Claire to be rather lackluster. She's missing the "oomph" of Lucy Sullivan, the pizazz of Tara in Last Chance Saloon and the spark of Lisa in Sushi for Beginners, all also by Keyes. Claire's family members, however, are dazzling jewels from her clueless father to her nasty sister Helen (who I just LOVE!) and they alone are enough to make this a good read. I can't WAIT to read more about this amusing family in Keyes' upcomming new novel.

My advice is if you are new to Keyes this is a great jumping off place - it only gets better from here.

Who knew books could talk!
I picked this puppy up at the Goodwill Book Fair (an event not to be missed for folks who like their dirt-cheap books) last weekend. The cover was pure cheese, but I'm a sucker for anything that has been granted a favorable nod from the NYT Book Review, so I decided to splurge and pay the 90 cents to get it. What a find! Marian Keyes is a gifted writer -- not in any academic high-falutin' sort of way -- but in a way that you'd like your best friend to talk. She's hilarious, and her descriptions of the misadventures of the muddled Claire had me laughing out loud. Ms. Keyes has a way of writing about life that makes the reader exclaim, "That's exactly it!" I thoroughly enjoyed the novel, though I have to agree with another reviewer that Claire's dealings with James at the end of the book were the weakest parts. Perhaps a little more than the cursory glance at their relationship at the onset of the novel would have helped that out a bit. Overall, a pleasurable and humorous read, full of clever insights.

Need Something to Bring to the Beach - Here it is
What a lot of fun this book is to read. Marion Keyes has written a hilarious story with a completely sympathetic protagonist. Poor Claire manages to tell her sad story--her husband walks out on her the day their first child is born--and make it into a breezy, funny romantic comedy. Watermelon is a wonderfully light novel (nothing heavy here, if you are looking for that, look elsewhere) that will have you laughing and telling everyone how funny it is. In the end, Claire's no good husband comes back and, well I won't spoil the ending, but let's just say Claire must choose between her husband and the hunky younger man she's met. The story will not disappoint and will keep you reading. Enjoy!

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