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Book reviews for "Varnalis,_Costas" sorted by average review score:

Imagen y Trayectoria del Cubano en la Historia Tomo 2 : La Republica 1902-1959
Published in Paperback by Ediciones Universal (1998)
Author: Octavio R. Costa
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $52.60
Average review score:

Un Joya de libro; una Joya de historia: Un Joya!!!!!
Como cubana amante de mi tierra ( aunque fuera de ella como muchos) y sobre todo lectora asidua, encuentro el libro del Doctor Costa, una lectura que ningún cubano debe dejar pasar de largo. Hay que leerlo; es sensacional. En su gran obra, de dos volúmenes, no sólo nos encontramos con un gran escritor con dominio de nuestro bello idioma sino que vemos nuestra historia reflejada con una lucidez: que sólo un gran historiador y escritor logra en su trabajo. Me he sentido más cubana, después de leer los libros de Don Octavio, y sobre todo orgullosa de nuestra cuba que espero pronto recuperemos. Gracias Don Octavio por sus gran dedicación y trabajo. Todos los cubanos en el Exilio, les estamos agradecidos. Y, pronto seguro, con la ayuda de Dios y la historia... los cubanos dentro de nuestra maravillosa Isla podrán también disfrutar su obra. Y saber que en el Exilio, existe, un gran historiador que se ha pasado la vida plasmando con maestría nuestra Historia. GRACIAS DON OCTAVIO!!!!!!!

In the Shadow of the Towers: Collected Works
Published in Paperback by Writers Showcase Press (2002)
Authors: Stephanie Izarek and Dan Costa
Amazon base price: $5.98
List price: $11.95 (that's 50% off!)
Used price: $11.35
Buy one from zShops for: $13.02
Average review score:

A local perspective on 9/11
In the Shadow of the Towers is a collection of essays and poems by Tribecca residents about 9/11 and its aftermath. These are the folks who live two to six blocks from World Trade Center, who pulled their kids out of the elementary school three blocks north of the towers when the planes hit and were unable to return home for a month afterwards, but who eventually did return to rebuild their community next to the gaping hole of Ground Zero.

The past year has brought us many stories of the people who died in the Towers, the workers who cleared up the pit, tales of tragedy and heroes. This is a book written by the ordinary folks who just happened to live near the worst terrorist attack in history, and continue to live there, under an empty swath of sky that serves as a reminder to the worst day of their lives.

It's one more aspect of that day's history, small but touching, and the voices are worth hearing.

An Introduction to Cloud Forest Trees : Monteverde, Costa Rica
Published in Paperback by Mountain Gem Pub (07 April, 2000)
Authors: William A. Haber, Erick Bello, and Willow Zuchowski
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

An Introduction to Cloud Forest Trees
This book is an incredibly useful guide to the trees of Monteverde and should be bought by all students, faculty and tourists visting the area, who are interested in plants. It has a clear, easy-to-use key for plant identification and provides detailed, interesting information on most of Monteverde's important tree species. In addition, it provides a good introduction to plant ecology in the region.

I have used this book extensively in the field and have found it to be an excellent field guide. I would highly recommend it to anyone- whether a seasoned botanist or a tourist interested in learning more about the area's vegetation.

Introdução à arqueologia brasileira : (etnografia e história)
Published in Unknown Binding by Companhia Editora Nacional ; INL/MEC ()
Author: Angyone Costa
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Introdução à arqueologia brasileira: etnografia e história
Gostaria de comprar o livro "Introdução à arqueologia brasileira: etnografia e história" de Angyone Costa

La discordance des temps
Published in Unknown Binding by Masson ()
Author: Albert Costa de Beauregard
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Le feu sous la glace
LIvre sévère et concis. L'auteur analyse les causes et les mécanismes de l'expansion étatique dans la France moderne. Constat douloureux appuyé sur son expérience concrète de haut fonctionnaire dans une France encore marquée par l'empreinte Gaulienne, mais confrontée à l'émergence d'un monde radicalement neuf.

Le livre témoigne superbement de ce temps et des malaises de notre discordance collective à ces jours nouveaux. Son diagnostic reste juste, même si certains passages ont vieilli.

Mais c'est surtout son ton qui parait étrangement déplacée aujourd'hui. L'auteur évoque l'"effervescence anxieuse et altière" qui caractériserait l'histoire de notre pays. Où la trouverait on aujourd'hui?

Par ses exigences et par ses espoirs, le livre émeut malgré la réserve du style. Et il convainc par sa lucidité.

Labor of Love (Avalon Career Romance)
Published in Hardcover by Avalon (2002)
Author: Carol Costa
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $14.64
Buy one from zShops for: $14.64
Average review score:

One of the best Avalon romances
I have read Avalon romances and Avalon career romances for the last few years, and the quality varies greatly from book to book and from author to author. Labor of Love is one of the best. Well-written, engrossing, deeply romantic, and intelligent, it is a novel that I really enjoyed. Some Avalon romances are written in a shallow, eighth-grade style; this one is terrific. I was born and raised in St. Louis, so I appreciated the St. Louis setting, also.

Le temps déployé : passé, futur, ailleurs--
Published in Unknown Binding by Editions du Rocher ()
Author: O. Costa de Beauregard
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

You thought you knew what reality is. Think again!
It is time you loose your naivety on such vital topics as time, space, and the nature of the material world. If Madonna says she's a material girl, it's obvious from costa de beauregard's work that she totally ignores what this statement implies. So be cautious next time you say: it's real. Read this book, then listen to Madonna. Quite an experience indeed!

The Legal Guide to Costa Rica
Published in Unknown Binding by Centro Legal, S.A. ()
Author: Roger A. Petersen
Amazon base price: $22.50
Used price: $194.74
Average review score:

A must have book about living in Costa Rica
If you are moving to beautiful Costa Rica you must have this guide. It details in plane English the legal system in Costa Rica. It answers questions on citizenship, visa's, work permit, labor laws, and has sample forms of Costa Rican legal forms. If your planning on moving to Costa Rica and starting a business in Costa Rica you must own this guide, period. Great help on avoiding getting burned! The best part is the author is a Costa Rican born US Citizen educated in the U.S. including law school and lives in Costa Rica. He knows his stuff!

Let's Go Map Guide San Francisco 2000 (Let's Go Map Guide: San Francisco)
Published in Paperback by St. Martin's Press (2000)
Authors: Let's Go Inc, Elena De Costa, St Martins Press, and Kathleen McCarthy
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $3.78
Collectible price: $8.50
Buy one from zShops for: $3.99
Average review score:

An Excellent resource for getting around San Francisco, CA, USA ... it's a tough city to drive in, and you always need a good map or reference around to get where you are going. Tells you where all the hot spots are - a must by for those that live in San Fran as well as tourists!

Living Orthodoxy: In the Modern World: Orthodox Christianity & Society
Published in Paperback by St Vladimirs Seminary Pr (1999)
Authors: Andrew Walker and Costa Carras
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $11.00
Buy one from zShops for: $14.03
Average review score:

An outstanding collection concerning contemporary issues.
We should thank St. Vladimir's Seminary Press for this one. This book will help dispel the myth that the Eastern Orthodox Church needs to be dusted off for practical use in modern society. Each chapter stands on its own, although they all relate to Orthodoxy and modern society. Twelve distinguished lay and ordained Orthodox writers are assembled here. Topics include: 1)The Orthodox Vision of Wholeness, by Gillian Crow. 2)Living in the Future, by Bishop Basil of Sergievo. 3)The Eschata in Our Daily Life, by Metropolitan Athanasios of Hercegovina. 4)Orthodox Tradition and Family Life, by Sister Magdalen. 5)Lent and the Consumer Society, by Bishop Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia. 6)Death and Bereavement, by Bishop Anthony (Bloom) of Sourozh. 7)An Orthodox Approach to Bioethics, by Prof. H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr. 8)Orthodoxy and Modern Depth Psychology, by Dr. Jamie Moran. 9)Orthodoxy and Art, by Dr. Andrew Louth. 10)Man the Priest of Creation: A Response to the Ecological Problem, by Metropolitan John (Zizioulas) of Pergamon. 11)The Holy Trinity, the Church and Politics in a Secular World, by Costa Carras. 12)The Prophetic Role of Orthodoxy in Contemporary Culture, by Dr. Andrew Wlaker. Envoi: The Laos of God, by Metropolitan Anthony. Notes.

If you are interested in Orthodxy and Culture, you'll love this book! In fact, many of the chapters are so illuminating that I'd buy the book just for one or two of them. Enjoy!

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