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Book reviews for "Varnalis,_Costas" sorted by average review score:

Abortion: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues)
Published in Hardcover by ABC-CLIO (1991)
Authors: Marie Costa and Mariarosa Dalla Costa
Amazon base price: $39.50
Used price: $2.22
Buy one from zShops for: $6.00
Average review score:

This book gave me the opportunity to see through the womens eyes and their point of view

Alexandrina : the agony and the glory
Published in Unknown Binding by Veritas Publications ()
Author: Francis W. Johnston
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Review from the Publisher
ALEXANRINA--The Agony and the Glory. Francis Johnston. A Portuguese victim soul, crippled jumping from a window to escape a rapist; she suffered the Passion of Christ on Fridays, spoke with Our Lord, and ate nothing save Communion her last 13 years. D. 1955. Fascinating! 29 Photos.

Altazor Temblor De Cielo
Published in Paperback by Ediciones Catedra (1994)
Authors: Vicente Huidobro and Rene De Costa
Amazon base price: $14.30
Used price: $10.81
Buy one from zShops for: $10.81
Average review score:

Poesía para todos
La poesía de Huidobro hace al lector descubrir nuevos mundos creados especialmente para él. Altazor es el poeta cayendo desde el cielo a la tierra, tal como la mayoría de nosotros. Cada Canto del libro encierra misterios y tesoros que Huidobro nos hace descubrir. Un libro de cabecera para contar historias y hacer que la imaginación no se duerma nunca.

Libro esencial para los que estudien poesía latinoamericana. Libro esencial para los que creen que "la poesía no debe describir una rosa, sino que hacerla florecer". Libro esencial para mi.

Animals in Jeopardy
Published in School & Library Binding by Children's Book Press (1991)
Authors: Beauregard and Diane Costa De Beauregard
Amazon base price: $11.27
Used price: $50.85
Buy one from zShops for: $1.49
Average review score:

excellent review of a jeopardized social class
The author describes the decline and fall of a jeopardized social class: nobility in decadent modern France. Her account of the dispaired struggle for recognition of these eccentric and unfairly criticized creative individuals is positively thrilling. She obviously knows what's she's talking about.

Archaeology, Volcanism, and Remote Sensing in the Arenal Region, Costa Rica
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Texas Press (1994)
Authors: Payson D. Sheets and Brian R. McKee
Amazon base price: $45.00
Used price: $40.00
Collectible price: $42.35
Average review score:

Comments by one of the contributors.
Final report on the most important project with a regional scope ever to be undertaken in Costa Rica. This book should be on the shelf of every professional archaeologist or aficionado with an interest in the Precolumbian civilizations of Central America.

Ask a : Judaism : Questions and Answers from the Internet
Published in Paperback by (24 December, 2000)
Author: Rabbi David Yehuda Costa
Amazon base price: $34.00
Used price: $15.76
Average review score:

A very good book for every Jewish house
Asking a rabbi in person is not always easy.With this book I got the reply to many of my questions about Judaism and I really enjoyed the nice stories included. Extensive glossary at the end.

Really a good book advised to every Jew or non Jew interested in Judaism.

The Blue Planet: Seas & Oceans (Young Discovery Library, No 22)
Published in Hardcover by Scott Foresman (Pearson K-12) (1989)
Authors: Diane Costa De Beauregard, Cyril Lepagnol, and Diane Dosta De Beauregard
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $5.47
Average review score:

Fantastic! Absolutely fabulous! Gorgeous! Exhilarating!
A totally unexpected experience, so typically french, it reveals all the secrets of the ocean in less than 40 pages. For scuba divers only.


California's Contra Costa County: An Illustrated History
Published in Hardcover by Diablo Books (1986)
Author: George Emanuels
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $50.00
Collectible price: $49.76
Average review score:

contra costa
Great Read, even though he is my Grandfather

Christ Outside the Gate: A New Place of Salvation
Published in Paperback by Orbis Books (1900)
Authors: Orlando E. Costas and Orlando E. Costa
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $45.00
Average review score:

Mission has to be done outside the gate to have credibility.
Orlando E. Costas, a missiologist born in Puerto Rico, was a former professor of Missiology at Eastern Bapstist Theological Seminary and Andover-Newton Theological Seminary. Much of his missiology was reflecet on the road, as he used to say. In "Christ Outside the Gate", Costas proposes a missiology and a missionary work which has to be autenticated by the those who hane not. It was Outside the Gate that Christ died and it was Outside the Gate that he set the example for the church. This book challenges the rich church to consider what kind of mission it is producing. For Costas, a mission done from the center to the periphery is not validated by the Gospel. This book is still a challenge for many missions directors and missionaries as well. Whoever reads this book will have his/her life challenged. My Ph.D. dissertation was on Costas'Missiology.

Cocos Island : Costa Rica's treasure island : a pictorial history and narrative of the myths and legends about the biggest hidden treasure in the world
Published in Unknown Binding by Impr. y Litografâia Trejos ()
Author: J. Christopher Weston Knight
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

THE authority on Cocos
Chris Weston's knowledge of Cocos, much like his father's before him, is simply the best in the world. Weston Bay is appropiately named..... This book is THE authoritive on Cocos....

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