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Book reviews for "Varnalis,_Costas" sorted by average review score:

Coffee and Power: Revolution and the Rise of Democracy in Central America
Published in Hardcover by Harvard Univ Pr (1997)
Author: Jeffery M. Paige
Amazon base price: $54.00
Average review score:

Outstanding study of comparative commodity politics!
This study compares the political economoy of elites and coffee production in central america and goes a long way to explain the political history of the region.

This is extremely well thought out, very nicely written and the underlying intellectual rigor of the book makes it one of the "best reads" for both scholars and just, well, travelers. A really good book

A Colour Atlas of Meat Inspection
Published in Hardcover by Chilton/Haynes (1990)
Authors: J. Infante Gil and J. Costa Durao
Amazon base price: $77.00
Average review score:

A clolour atlas of meat inspection
Although this book has been out of print for about 10 years, it is still, in my opinion, one of the best texts about the subject ever produced. The authors took hundreds of photographs of pathological lesions and conditions in the main red meat species, including horses, which are not generally classed as meat animals in this country (UK). Alongside the photographs are explanations of the conditions and the judgement of the authors of fitness of the meat for human consumption.
For anyone involved in the production of meat for human consumption - Vets, meat inspectors - this book is a must, if you can get your hands on a copy!

Costa Blanca
Published in Paperback by Black Moss Press (2001)
Author: Raymond Joseph Fraser
Amazon base price: $17.95
Average review score:

Amusing, Entertaining, Frightening
Raymond Fraser"s book "Costa Blanca" illustrates the barren, frightening landscape of alcoholism and leads us into the depths of a soul bereft of self. It's amusing, it's entertaining, but it's a book with serious intent, and snyone living with alcoholism either as a victim, enabler, or innocent bystander, would do well to read it. Fraser portrays his unlovely characters with a deep sense of compassion. Many of them are so depleted their attempts at hope-filled solutions with impossible odds are tinged with a kind of noble courage. "Costa Blanca" is a journey into a world a disturbing proportion of our society inhabits daily. It is a world not without love, joy, and wit but one that ultimately destroys. It is also a journey through a mind and soul in torment and can be likened to Lowry and Orwell, but with a distinct Maritimes flavour. Now looking forward to Fraser's next!

Costa Rica (Children of the World-Set Two)
Published in Library Binding by Gareth Stevens (1990)
Author: Ronnie Cummins
Amazon base price: $22.60
Average review score:

Costa Rica (Children of the World-Set Two) by Ronnie Cummins
This book follows an 11 year old Costa Rican girl throughout a tipical day in her rural setting. The book is filled... *FILLED* with photographs, excellent captions and informative text. There is an information section in the back which provides even MORE useful details. I used it to write part of a Social Studies unit on Costa Rica! Fabulous source and fun to read!

Costa Rica (Nelles Guides)
Published in Paperback by Hunter Publishing, Inc. (1999)
Authors: Nelles, Klaus Boll, Detlev Kirst, and Ortrun Egelkraut
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $13.28
Buy one from zShops for: $11.88
Average review score:

First rate
Library Journal's review of this guide: "Combining encyclopedic coverage of destinations with loads of practical information and atlas- type maps, the series illuminates the wonders of nature but emphasizes the peculiarity of a place's people and their folklore."

Costa Rica Before Coffee: Society and Economy on the Eve of the Export Boom
Published in Hardcover by Louisiana State University Press (1986)
Author: Lowell Gudmundson
Amazon base price: $32.50
Used price: $6.90
Collectible price: $8.47
Average review score:

The idea that coffee wreack havoc in our society is wrong
Costa Rica Before Coffee is a book that clearly states that the myth of the land-holding self-sufficient peasant isn't true. Many Costa Ricans believe that before coffee our country was a paradise in which everybody used to own land and where there were no discrepancies in the society. With elegance, statistics and history; Lowell clearly expalins that coffee helped reinforce the democratic model in Costa Rica instead of undermining it.

Costa Rica: Quest for Democracy
Published in Paperback by Westview Press (1999)
Author: John A. Booth
Amazon base price: $33.00
Used price: $14.50
Average review score:

Comprehensive overview of Costa Rican democratic government
Placing Costa Rica in the Central American context, Booth evaluates common myths about Costa Rican democracy. He finds the glass half full and half empty: Costa Rica's demanding citizens and a responsive government interact vibrantly, yet 1980s-90s financial crises permitted neoliberal foreign lenders to somewhat erode democracy and undermine redistributive programs that once supported it. Citizens' beliefs and demands sustain democracy, but frustration with hard times and politicians eroded election turnout in 1998. Not a travel guide, the book should interest students, scholars, policy makers, travellers seeking depth of information. Beginning with theories about the nature of democracy and how it develops, Booth traces the growth of Costa Rican politics from militarism and elite rule in the late 19th c. through the development of full democracy since 1949. Chapters focus on how the present constitution and institutions work, social structure and civil society. There are also chapters political participation and culture, political economy under external neoliberal pressures, and foreign policy. Tables and an appendix provide abundant data on elections, politics, economy, and society through 1998.

Demanding Democracy: Reform and Reaction in Costa Rica and Guatemala, 1870S-1950s
Published in Hardcover by Stanford Univ Pr (1997)
Author: Deborah J. Yashar
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $13.98
Average review score:

New insights on democratization in Central America
The author makes a valuable addition to the dialogue on democracy by not only incorporating older approaches but also moving beyond them. Based on both archival sources and original interview data, this revised dissertation provides cogent arguments, lucid writing, and credible references. The book weaves together two perspectives on democratization often viewed as mutually exclusive: structural and agency approaches. It integrates these two by introducing a third approach: political coalition-building. The author's postulates are tested by examining the histories of Costa Rica and Guatemala. The histories of these two countries actually provide three case studies: one example in each country where democratization failed, and one example in Costa Rica where it succeeded. By introducing a new emphasis on the importance to democratization of the mobilization of the countryside, the author sheds new light on known historical events. She also emphasizes that not only the timing but also the sequencing of events is important in attempts at democratization. Finally, other conditions necessary to the emergence and permanence of democracy are identified for use in future studies. This book should enliven the debate on democratizatio

Dionysian Artificers
Published in Hardcover by Philosophical Research Society (1999)
Authors: Hippolyto Joseph Da Costa, Hippolyto J. Da Costa, and Manly P. Hall
Amazon base price: $11.50
Used price: $11.46
Collectible price: $19.99
Buy one from zShops for: $10.95
Average review score:

Commonality between Eastern and Western Creation myths.
"There is a mystical truth behind every physical fact even as there is a moral force behind every aspect of universal law"..."the letter of the law killeth but the spirit of the law giveth life". Hall's visually sumptuous interpretation of classical Greek creation myths is breathtaking. Both thrillingly readable and footnotely scholarly, his revelation of the common origins of the myths of East and West unfolds with the timeless rhythm of the Music of the Spheres!

Entre Curules & Estrados: La Consulta Preceptiva de las Reformas Constitucionales en Costa Rica
Published in Paperback by Investigaciones Juridicas (2002)
Author: Juan Carlos Rodriguez Cordero
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

"Between Curules & Courts..."
This book is an important contribution to the study of Law, Courts and Politics in Costa Rica.

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