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Book reviews for "Varnalis,_Costas" sorted by average review score:

Cytochromes P450: Metabolic and Toxicological Aspects
Published in Hardcover by CRC Press (06 September, 1996)
Author: Costas Ioannides
Amazon base price: $219.95
Used price: $188.42
Buy one from zShops for: $188.42
Average review score:

This book is a comprehensive collection of in-depth reviews on each cytochrome P450 family, with metabolic and toxicologic implications. The book starts with a historical perspective and provides anecdotes describing the identification of this superfamily of enzymes and the elucidation of their functions. This is followed by a didactic, rigorous discussion of the chemistry of P450-mediated reactions that elucidates the complex nature of biotransformations catalyzed by these enzymes -- a must-read chapter for graduate students and researchers with an interest in the mechanistic aspects of oxidative drug metabolism. The book devotes a chapter to each family of P450 enzymes. These chapters are multi-faceted with respect to their scope and intent. There is a good balance of genetics, biochemistry, clinical pharmacology, and toxicology, which makes it useful and interesting for readers with diverse backgrounds. For readers with an interest in the relatively new and fairly intimidating field of computational P450 active site modeling, the chapter on molecular modeling will be a good starting point. This book served as an important source of information for me during my graduate research that was focused on the P450 superfamily. Although the primary focus of my research has been on human P450 enzymes, reading this book has allowed me to appreciate the diversity of this superfamily of enzymes throughout the phylogenetic spectrum and has helped me understand the differences and similarities in xenobiotic metabolism between the various species that are used in drug discovery and development. Research in the field of P450-mediated metabolism is in its exponential growth phase, given the increasing application of molecular genetic methods and computational xenobiotic-protein interaction models. A newer edition of this book will thus be a welcome contribution to the scientific community for the new millennium.

Dinosaur Safari Guide: Tracking North America's Prehistoric Past
Published in Paperback by Voyageur Press (1994)
Author: Vincenzo Costa
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $3.59
Buy one from zShops for: $5.89
Average review score:

Travel guide to dinosaur exhibits in USA and Canada
I stumbled on this book in the stacks of my public library and was happily surprised.

This is a guide book to dinosaur related sites and exhibits across the Unites States and Canada. I found it useful for finding places to visit on a recent trip to the West Coast and to find places to visit near my home for day trips to find dinosaur-related exhibits. This book is a gem!

The book is divided by geographic regions. Each featured location has a descriptive paragraph about the exhibit/site/museum. Then lists give information about the specific features such as which articulated skeletons are on display, the hours, admission fees, address and even directions. Some maps are included to boot. This book was published in 1994. Of course any travel book has the risk of being not current as soon as it goes to press so I found that the hours of operation and the fees were out of date. However, having the basic information is very helpful. Because eight years had past since the publishing date, I took sources from the book and double-checked in the information online at the websites of the museums for the most up to date information.

There is also a basic introduction to dinosaurs and a four page listing of Latin names with pronunciation guides and the English interpretation for each; both are helpful for beginners like our family.

El día que Nietzsche lloró
Published in Paperback by Emece/Argentina (1992)
Authors: Irvin D. Yalom and Rolando Costa Picazo
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $9.99
Buy one from zShops for: $17.99
Average review score:

El dia que Nietzsche lloro
Esta novela de Irvin D.Yalom nos embarca en una lectura esquisita, como es una mezcla bien balanceada entre narracion novelistica, pensamientos psicologicos y filosoficos. Nos muestra una combinacion del pensamiento Nietzscheniano, su fortaleza asociado al inicio del entendimiento del subconciente de Freud de finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX. Con la caracteristica fundamental de que los hechos ahi presentados son aplicables al hombre comun, que suceden todos los dias y en muchas diferentes circunstancias. Nos muestra de una forma estupenda muchos aspectos de la problematica existencial del hombre en su edad mediana de la vida y nos deja al final el sentimiento de tomar algunas conclusiones por nosotros mismos.

Frommer's Costa Rica 2000
Published in Paperback by Hungry Minds, Inc (02 August, 1999)
Authors: Arthur Frommer and Eliot Greenspan
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $1.50
Buy one from zShops for: $12.95
Average review score:

Easy to Use Guide for 1st Trip Planning
I recently bought this book and have found it generally useful for planning my first trip. The book is well organized and gives a great overview of activities and places to see before it guides you through each region.

However, those interested in adventure travel that veers off the beaten path a little more may be wise to purchase a second book that delves more into these sorts of offerings, as this book does not cover this sort of thing very well.

Over all, though, it's a good book to have.

Greek Myths: Gods, Heroes and Monsters: Their Sources, Their Stories and Their Meanings
Published in School & Library Binding by Atheneum (1988)
Authors: Ellen Switzer and Costas
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $3.99
Collectible price: $5.25
Average review score:

Grest Mythology
This was one of the better mythological books I have ever read. The best part about it is that it explains each myth in full detail. I f you love Greek history, and love studying Ancient Greek religion, this is the book for you!

How to Assess Authentic Learning, 3rd Edition
Published in Paperback by SkyLight Professional Development (04 March, 1999)
Authors: Kay Burke and Arthur L. Costa
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $19.95
Average review score:

very useful
This was the book for one of my college courses, and it was very useful. I am going to purchase the book so I am able to take it with me wherever I teach.

Insight Guides
Published in Paperback by Hungry Minds, Inc (1990)
Author: Insight Guides
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $8.50
Average review score:

Good-looking but hard to lug
Insight's City Guides combine stunning photography with literate text and a smattering of basic travel information. The Insight Venice guide is worth adding to your bookshelf, but its practical advice is getting a bit long in the tooth and its heft makes it less than ideal as a take-along guide. - Durant Imboden, Venice for Visitors,

Law and the Image: The Authority of Art and the Aesthetics of Law
Published in Hardcover by University of Chicago Press (1999)
Authors: Costas Douzinas and Lynda Nead
Amazon base price: $47.00
Average review score:

This is an interesting recopilation of essays about the relationship of law and art, normativism and creativity, obscenity and common mores. It contains contributions by several scholars in the field of Art and Law and is edited by professors Costas Douzinas and Lynda Nead.
The main scope of the book is to provide insights into the relationship between art and the law. As the editors write in the introduction:
"Lawyers live by the text and love the past, they hate novelty and misunderstand new languages. The law is able to appreciate new art only after it becomes like law. Great art, on the other hand, precisely because it breaks away from conventions and rules and expresses creative freedom and imagination, is the anthitesis of law. The law of art is the opposite of the rule of law......"
So here we find out how the individual is treated in abstract by the law and how the self in art is free, corporeal, with gender and history. We also learn about the allegorical images of Justice, during different ages and how obscenity, law and art intermingle. I found very illuminating,in this perspective, the basic qualities that prof. Nead assigns to the connoisseur of art: knowledge and judgment. "Connoisseurship -she writes- assumes a thorough knowledge of the subject concerned, which forms the basis of a critical judgment. But what kind of judgment is involved in connosseurship? The obvious answer would seem to be, an aesthetic sort-the perception and appraisal of pure form, of that which is beautiful. But at the point at which connoisseurship appears to have clearly defined aims and objects, the borders begin to dissolve; cerebral criteria become corporalized and the judgement of artistic form is compromised by the regulation of bodies and behaviors.."
And finally a startling conclusion is drawn: the prevention of obscenity by law acts to control mass culture and publics and to insulate the high culture and private consumption from legal intervention. This because what gentlemen choose to have in their private collections is a matter of taste; it is not a matter for the law......

Lonely Planet Catalunya & the Costa Brava (Catalunya and the Costa Brava, 1st Ed)
Published in Paperback by Lonely Planet (2001)
Author: Damien Simonis
Amazon base price: $12.59
List price: $17.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.50
Buy one from zShops for: $11.69
Average review score:

Useful like most LP guides
I'm a big fan of Lonely Planet guides, so carried this (and the LP Spain guide as well) on a recent trip to NE Spain. This is a relatively recent edition, and so I found it to be largely accurate, though (understandably) some prices and hours had changed. Every phone number I tried was accurate, and the guide led me to some cheaper/better than the usual hotels. Of course, the flip-side of that is that the cheaper/better hotels are more likely to be booked up because they are mentioned in LP.

There were a few bars or restaurants in Barcelona that had either changed names or closed (or I completely missed them) that were in the guide... And if you are focusing on barcelona, maybe carry the LP Barcelona city guide also, since as the title would lead you to believe, the focus of the book is on the entire province, with only about 1/4 to 1/5 of this volume devoted to the city of Barcelona.


May the Best Team Win: Baseball Economics and Public Policy
Published in Hardcover by The Brookings Institution (05 March, 2003)
Authors: Andrew S. Zimbalist and Bob Costas
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $17.42
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $16.29
Average review score:

Terrific work on the state of baseball
Bob Costas's popular "Fair Ball" was an examination of baseball from the fan's perspective. "May the Best Team Win" is a similar work, but is written from the point of view of a professor of economics. Mr. Zimbalist's writing style is often just what you would expect from an economist; the text is very dense and may turn off some readers. Luckily, the book's fault is also its strength. The well-researched analysis provides irrefutable arguments in favor of making changes in the game, and educates the reader far better than other authors' attempts.

This deeply probing work uncovers the abuses and inefficiencies in the baseball industry, and concludes that baseball's monopoly is the devil in the details. Team owners use their monopoly power to "derive higher returns, misallocate resources, and take advantage of consumers." Any fan who has paid $5 for a ballpark hot dog will definitely empathize with his findings.

"May the Best Team Win" addresses the competitive balance (or competitive imbalance), the myth of non-profitability, the collective bargaining agreements, and how teams convince cities to foot the bill for new stadiums.

In the end, Mr. Zimbalist outlines some possible solutions to help improve the game. Some of his ideas seem workable, while others seem idealistic and unrealistic. However, all of his suggestions are well worth reading. This is an ambitious effort, and fans with serious concerns about the future of the sport will definitely appreciate this analytical endeavor. Zimbalist has taken on a difficult issue, and shown that he has more than just warning track power.

Highly recommended.

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