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Book reviews for "Thomas,_Robert" sorted by average review score:

A Concordance to the Poems and Plays of Robert Browning (7 Volume Set)
Published in Hardcover by AMS Press (Duplicate of pubcode AMS) (1996)
Amazon base price: $1,910.00
Used price: $15.32
Buy one from zShops for: $633.60
Used price: $15.32
Buy one from zShops for: $633.60
Average review score: 

I especially enjoyed Prof. Berry's pithy musings about railroads and breastmilk, a connection many of us have long pondered but have never dared utter.

Contemplation in a World of Action (Gethsemani Studies in Psychological and Religious Anthropology)
Published in Paperback by Univ of Notre Dame Pr (1999)
Amazon base price: $14.00
Used price: $8.99
Collectible price: $6.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.00
Used price: $8.99
Collectible price: $6.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.00
Average review score: 

Thomas Merton lays a foundation for personal growth and transformation through fidelity to "our own truth and inner being." Merton's main focus is our desire and need to attain "a fully human and personal identity." This is a truly wonderful book for those who wish to know God.

Correctional Mental Health Handbook
Published in Hardcover by Sage Publications (2002)
Amazon base price: $69.95
Used price: $66.45
Collectible price: $66.45
Buy one from zShops for: $66.45
Used price: $66.45
Collectible price: $66.45
Buy one from zShops for: $66.45
Average review score: 

This book offers realistic hope for changing for the better the policies, procedures, and conditions for the growing corrections population. Not only does it provide an insider's view on reform, the insiders have clearly combined hope and reality in their suggestions.

Critical Care Skills: A Clinical Handbook
Published in Spiral-bound by W B Saunders (2003)
Amazon base price: $49.00
Used price: $25.50
Buy one from zShops for: $35.00
Used price: $25.50
Buy one from zShops for: $35.00
Average review score: 

After attending one of Ms. Mimms courses, I bought this book. It is explicitly detailed and offers the critical care nurse a sound base of knowledge. I have implemented several of the chapters into our competency program and refer to it regularly. Thanks to Barbara, we have a reference guide soley for the purpose of teaching new critical care nurses.

The Egyptians
Published in Hardcover by University of Chicago Press (1997)
Amazon base price: $58.00
Average review score: 

Being a beginner myself, I can't say that I enjoyed this book as an introduction to the Egyptians. The lack of a timeline and the assumtpion by writers that the reader is accustomed to the history of Ancient Egypt makes it difficult for someone who doesn't have a proper grasp of the ancient Egyptians' era to enjoy the reading. However, the portrait it gives of the various social groups which made up the Egyptian world is quite remarkable and can be enriching for any reader, even the unexperienced ones.

Elements of Ecology
Published in Paperback by Addison-Wesley Pub Co (1998)
Amazon base price: $75.00
Used price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $37.40
Used price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $37.40
Average review score: 

a very readable text...interesting, well written, and full of colorful diagrams. a good introduction to a discipline i had taken for granted.

Emergency Medicine, Self-Assessment and Review
Published in Paperback by Mosby (1985)
Amazon base price: $36.00
Average review score: 

Emergency Medicine Self Assessment and Review is a must to bring out the important clinical teaching points on the very factual and sometimes verbose chapters of the book it reviews: Rosen's Emergency Medicine Textbook. The explainations that are provided explain not only why the correct answer is correct, but also why the wrong answers are incorrect. The book enables emergency medicine attending physicians, residents and interested medical students a feedback mechanism to insure the most important points are understood, and not just memorized.

Encyclopedia of Medieval Literature:
Published in Hardcover by Greenwood Publishing Group (30 July, 2000)
Amazon base price: $99.95
Used price: $71.24
Used price: $71.24
Average review score: 

The Encyclopedia Of Medieval Literature is a superbly presended reference providing a comprehensive guide to literature written between 500 and 1500, examining the early works of England and the individuals which may have affected or participated in their creation. The literature of Islam, Russia and nearby areas are also covered, with entries including historical, literary and biographical data. An excellent college-level reference for students of medieval writing.

Environmental Experiments About Water (Science Experiments for Young People)
Published in Library Binding by Enslow Publishers, Inc. (1999)
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $12.50
Collectible price: $19.65
Used price: $12.50
Collectible price: $19.65
Average review score: 

I mainly bought the book for my first science experiment on the purification of water. There was only one experiment that I could use. It was easy to follow, the materials were easily availble. Color or else more pen drawings are needed so that you set up your science experiment right. It is a 6th - 7th grad level.

The Elements of Moral Philosophy in Three Books With a Brief Account of the Nature, Progress, and Origin of Philosophy (Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics)
Published in Paperback by Liberty Fund, Inc. (2003)
Amazon base price: $12.00
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