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Almost all of the major opinions and arguments pro and con for each passage are cited along with their respective proponents and they are presented with great precision and scholarship. Although the author definitely has his own point of view, he is careful to write in a manner that at least comes across on paper as being fair and impartial to the reader.
Even though the exegesis is scholarly, it is not written to such a technical extreme that no one but a PhD can understand it. On the contrary, it is quite accessible to the average reader, yet has enough "meat" for anyone intersted in an indepth study. In short, you will enjoy reading it. This volume along with its companion volume on chapters 8-22 by the same author would be a highly prized addition to your library.

Used price: $17.25
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Indeed, Browning's masterwork may very well be the ultimate poetic epic in the English language, rivaled certainly not by Spenser, Wordsworth, and Pound but only by Chaucer and Milton. The fact that even the "trial of the century"--the O. J. Simpson case--did not produce widespread renewed interest in its literary predecessor and equivalent would produce surprise and disappointment were I not so aware that, outside of Shakespeare, the academic canon has been foreshortened (and engendered) to a tradition that begins with Virginia Woolf and ends with Sylvia Plath.
In "Ring and the Book" Browning takes the sordid event of an enraged husband murdering his helpless bride--the daughter of a prostitute and rescue project of a priest--to "explain the ways of God to man." The reader of the poem becomes, in effect, a "privileged" juror in the trial of the murderer, positioned through Browning's protean and powerful rhetoric within the consciousness of each of the principals before finally being enabled to glimpse the "truth" that affords meaning to human mutability and suffering.
The poem no doubt will remain in dust closets, largely unread even by literature Ph.D's. But there's little chance of its ever becoming lost. Like the priest-hero of the poem, a few priests of the imagination will ever so often make the poem's discovery and be lured into the quest of pursuing its singular meanings.

Used price: $4.46
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The second printing of Shakespeare as Political Thinker gives hope to those interested in relearning ancient wisdom and pays tribute to its inspiration, Shakespeare's Politics (Allan Bloom).

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List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
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List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)

Robert H. King traces the paths of these two men toward their historic meeting, yet respects their differences and the differences between Christianity and Buddhism. According to King, the contemplative practice which each of them followed in his own tradition led both of them into an active role in worldly affairs and to a deep respect for each other and for one another's tradition. King sees here the start of a fruitful inter-religious dialogue and the beginning of relationship between very different traditions.
I really enjoyed hearing how these two men, from such very different backgrounds, arrived at a similar place of "engaging" the world and its problems.
Anyone interested in learning about contemplation, either Christian or Buddhist, will find much to think about in this book.

Used price: $195.85

The richly layered symbolism portrayed in this popular icon offers valuable information about our challenging life experiences, inner processes, and states of mind. The underlying psychological principles expressed in the elegantly concentrated symbols of the diagram have influenced and informed my work as a clinical counselor for many years. Ms. Dunnington takes a refreshingly straightforward approach, and does not reduce this great tradition to the spiritual slogans and simplistic formulas that are so popular today.
The series of full color plates included in the text are both instructive and visually delightful. When approached appropriately, the Bhava Chakra can serve as a mirror or lens through which we can observe our own inner conditions, and transform them into states of enlightened awareness. Highly recommended.