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Several contributing authors discuss a particular molecular technique and how it can be applied to a specific question in plant and animal conservation biology. Each chapter does an exceptional job in discussing the relative cost, time, advantages and disadvantages of using a specific molecular technique and its relevancy to a specific question. Additional chapters review approaches to analyzing molecular data and their utilization in several case studies. For each case study, authors provide hypotheses, detailed background description of the organism, the molecular technique which best suits the question pursued, elaborate discussion of the data, and finally, insight that has been gained from the study and can be utilized for further management and conservation. In depth discussion of how inferences can be made from molecular genetic data in defining a tangible "unit" for conservation in management programs makes this section the definitive strength of the volume.
This volume reinforces the notion that the largest threat to populations and species today is our little understanding of their environment and the protection it demands. This compilation successfully explores this topic in both theory and application and it defines the future of molecular approaches in conservation biology.

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Used price: $17.75
Collectible price: $21.69

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Collectible price: $36.84
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