Used price: $14.92

Used price: $22.00
Buy one from zShops for: $43.93

The book served as my operating manual for the ASPEN software for modeling chemical processes. The book documented nearly every method used by ASPEN.

List price: $110.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $68.28
Buy one from zShops for: $76.45

Be warned, this book also contains extensive technical information, so if you are interested in narrative storytelling look elsewhere. This book is for the true devotee of battleships.

Used price: $2.08
Collectible price: $4.75
Buy one from zShops for: $10.00

Richard M. Shuster, Retired Circuit Judge
5th Judicial Circuit Court, Barry County,

Used price: $40.00

Used price: $21.97
Collectible price: $31.76
Buy one from zShops for: $35.00

This book is quite insightful, especially for a Southeast Asian media professional like myself. I recommend this book to everyone, even to those who work in the upper regions of the power sturcture of the media conglomerates critiqued in the collection.
For starters, it is a wonderful overview of how the media economy is shifting all over the world. The US market is saturated, as the book said, and the rest of the world is ripe for picking, especially my country, the Philippines.
This book is a tool to launch our own media analysis of what's happenning in our own countries. And from an analysis, we launch a critique, and from a critique, we launch steps to face the situation.
This book, published by New Media, is invaluable. I first read about it in an issue of Utne Reader. I took down the title and hunted it down in Amazon. I found it, bought it, and consumed it. I loved it because it gave me useful insights to work with.
This is a book I will dog-ear in my attempts to understand what to do in my field, and how to start my own media conglomerate from scratch. I already have my ideas, which I hope aren't just soundbites in my head.

Used price: $5.53
Buy one from zShops for: $5.43

List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.75
Collectible price: $5.46
Buy one from zShops for: $9.50

I have translated 37 of these collection into Farsi.The Farsi title is Dastan e Nagahan meaning Sudden Fiction.
Thanks to the talented authors of this anthology and its fine predecessors,Sudden Fiction and other titles like Flash Fiction and Sudden Fiction Continued.
I recommend the readers to buy this book and enjoy its taste in discovering a world wide scenery,multi cultural surprises and find new friends.
The stories are indeed perfect for bed time reading

Used price: $12.99
Buy one from zShops for: $13.45