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The problem is that blaming demons for everything shifts the responsibility to someone or some thing else instead of taking personal responsibility for our sins and problems.
Robert Dean handles this topic very well. He identifies the true culprit for our problems, ourselves. While the devil is active and powerful, he cannot make us do anything. We make our own choices. If we blame Satan, we are just reacting to circumstances rather than living in reality.

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List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
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With the current catastrophic pest outbreaks in Southern California this is a book that everyone living in the forested areas should purchase, read, and follow up with the other references. It lists which agencies are involved and how to contact them.
A long overdue publication!
Brian Barrette, Staff Chief
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

Used price: $5.75
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But the book is devoted to the poetry of Thomas Merton, and three poems are selected for extended exegesis: "Elias," "Night-Flowering Cactus," and "Stranger." These poems are from a kind of middle period in Merton's verse-work, after the early declamatory hymns of devotional imagery and stentorian phrasing, and prior to the jolly anarchy of "Cables to the Ace." These middle poems are especially well-chosen, spare without being stark, musical without being flowery.
Waldron's patient stanza-by-stanza interpretation teaches us much, and convinces us that "Elias" is a great achievement, unfairly overlooked. (The reader is even invited into the red trailer where Merton composed the poem!) "Night-Flowering Cactus" must be read aloud, slowly and reverently; it is perhaps the poem in the book worthiest of comparison to a scriptural psalm. "Stranger" is a quietly luminous verbal icon, seeming to rhyme without actually doing so, with softly secure lines of a Blake-like or Roethkean simplicity.
The book ends with suggestions on how best to read poetry in a prayerful fashion, and with an ample syllabus of poems by a variety of authors whose words instill the serenity (and sometimes the tumult) of religious contemplation. With boldly natural artwork by Helen Kita, a laudatory introduction by Sister Macrina Wiederkehr, and deeply respectful -- if not reverent -- exploration by Robert Waldron into Merton's verse, this book is perhaps the best in the "Poetry as Prayer" series. This reader is most grateful.

Used price: $15.00
Collectible price: $14.99

You have done a wonderful job! The material is clear and concise. Easily understood by all. I have the utmost respect for your work in the field and as an author.