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Book reviews for "Thomas,_Robert" sorted by average review score:

Youth on Trial: A Developmental Perspective on Juvenile Justice (The John D. and Catherine T. Macarthur Foundation Series on Mental Health aNd Development)
Published in Hardcover by University of Chicago Press (2000)
Amazon base price: $35.00
Average review score: 

Read this book. Change the system.

For anyone interested in how courts deal with juvenile crime, and for anyone who thinks there must be a better way, read this book. Drawing upon the simple, yet profound idea that children do not turn into adults on a single day, the authors elaborate on the deficiencies of a legal system that is, in fact, largely based upon just that notion. The chapters help us to envision a legal system that would see adolescent development as a gradual and continuous process, and that would not allow prosecutorial ambition alone to determine which young offenders should be held criminally responsible for their actions.

The American Discovery of Ancient Egypt: Essays
Published in Hardcover by Los Angeles County Museum (1996)
Amazon base price: $60.00
Average review score: 

I thought this book was great! The pictures of the objects are beautiful. Where a picture could not be obtained there is usually a detailed sketch of the object. The descriptions give not only insight into use of the archaological object but also surrounding information like similar objects and archeological context. Then the essays descibe the time period and unknown/debated issue of Egyptian Archeology. As a newbie to Egyptian Archaeology I found the book easy to read and felt that things were explained well.

American Foreign Policy: A History
Published in Paperback by D.C. Heath (1989)
Amazon base price: $22.66
Average review score: 

This is a terrific two-volume study of American foreign policy from the time of our founding.

Apheresis: Principles and Practice
Published in Hardcover by Amer Assn of Blood Banks (2003)
Amazon base price: $
Average review score: 

A tremendous amount of not-so-easy to find information in one binding. The material covers all aspects of hemapheresis from machinery to disease processes. The text provides invaluable information needed for the ongoing education of professionals as well as those in training.

The Art of John Biggers: View from the Upper Room
Published in Hardcover by Harry N Abrams (1995)
Amazon base price: $27.97
List price: $39.95 (that's 30% off!)
List price: $39.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score: 

John Biggers came to artistic maturity in an academic setting far from the art centers of New York. He was repulsed by the New York art scene that had so summarily dismissed black art when he had participated in a MOMA black student art exhibit. Perhaps his avoidance of the centers of art commerce were as responsible for the late acceptance of his genius as was the segregationist mindset in the United States during Biggers's early career. As well as producing important paintings, drawings, and sculpture, Biggers is one of this country's most important muralists, creating more than twenty major murals in fifty years. His life has been dramatic in both content and context. Wardlaw draws a clear portrait of African-American life in the black section of a sharply segregated Gastonia, North Carolina, where Biggers grew up in the 1930s, and the rich family and community life of rural black America of the time. The other essays, written by noted scholars, trace the history of Biggers's artistic career through a careful study and analysis of his body of work.

Best Loved Paintings: Pinkie and Blue Boy
Published in Hardcover by H E Huntington Library & Art (22 February, 1998)
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score: 

I love art history and I got some old prints of these paintings. However, I wanted to learn more about them. After much time and research I finally came across this book. It helped me out more then any other resource. I fell in love with it when I read it. It answered all my questions I had about the paintings, like why they are displayed together even though they were painted by different artists? or, Who was bluleboy and pinkie? The book also touches on other paintings by the same artists, which I found helpful and made me want to learn more. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves art, or art-history. It would be a good source for art-history teachers too!

Best Music for High School Band: A Selective Repertoire Guide for High School Bands & Wind Ensembles
Published in Paperback by Manhattan Beach Music (01 December, 1993)
Amazon base price: $39.95
Average review score: 

Painstakingly researched, compiled and written by three world-class wind ensemble authorities. With the combined experiences and vast international wind ensemble literature knowledge of these highly-regarded and well-respected American bandmasters Robert Grechecky, Thomas Dvorak, and Gary Ciepluch, you can be sure - no, you can be GUARANTEED! - that works included in this unique, expansive repertoire collection are not only suitable, but perfect for your programming needs as a band director. A must on the shelf (and on the desk!) of every band director, music educator, and music library around the world.

Blood: Principles and Practice of Hematology
Published in Hardcover by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (15 January, 1995)
Amazon base price: $199.00
Average review score: 

I extensively used the first edition of this book in my teachings to the medical & postgraduate students. After a life time of being through most of the textbooks of hematology, I thought of it as best of the lot. With that enthusiasm, I might have been the first one to purchase the second edition. Actually, I bought it during the ASH meeting when it was still blank papers inside a model light blue cover! Although I try to persuade myself that it is an excellent extension of that great book, I still need sometime to reach that conclusion. I do not know why I feel that the first edition was stronger in its contents. The best thing about this edition is its accompanying CD. An extremely powerful resource that can be put in the bag and be used anywhere. Most of the figures and tables can be used directly for teaching purposes. In conclusion, I think this book is the bible of hematology that could be a sole resource for people from the professorial hierarchy of the trade to the hematology laboratory technician.

C++ Database Applications With the Paradox Engine/Book and Disk (The Len Dorfman Practical Programming)
Published in Paperback by Windcrest (1993)
Amazon base price: $39.95
Average review score: 

C++ Database Applications with the Paradox Engine gives you the tools you need to write professional-quality Paradox business applications. After introducing you to
the Paradox Engine, its advantages, and latest developments, this book offers solutions and complete code for three crucial database functions missing from the Engine
itself: maintaining relational integrity, validity checking, and queries. Through the sample business application presented here, you'll learn how to plan an
the Paradox Engine, its advantages, and latest developments, this book offers solutions and complete code for three crucial database functions missing from the Engine
itself: maintaining relational integrity, validity checking, and queries. Through the sample business application presented here, you'll learn how to plan an
object-oriented application; create a user interface complete with drop-down and pop-up menus, scrolling list boxes, data field boxes, buttons, and more; integrate the
Paradox Engine and the user interlace by creating C++ classes for functions the Engine cannot perform; develop C++ classes that maintain the relational integrity of a
record in a multi-user environment; and create C++ classes that do queries.

Caldera OpenLinux System Administration Unleashed (Unleashed)
Published in Paperback by Sams (13 June, 2000)
Amazon base price: $49.99
Average review score: 

This is a very well written book covering topics that are more advanced than the usual beginners book. Topics are covered very clearly, and are written in a manner that will help anyone in their progression of using and administrating Caldera OpenLinux. A natural order of progression is used, and the examples are written to show how the syntax of commands are used. This book actually covers topics beyond the subject, such as TCP/IP networking, bridged environments, routing protocols, packet structure and OSI models. A quite worthwhile investment, and a must have for anyone administrating Linux.
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