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Book reviews for "Herbrand,_Janice_M." sorted by average review score:

Cyclops Awakes: A Newspaperman Fights Back After a Massive Stroke
Published in Hardcover by Lucky Press (01 July, 2000)
Authors: John E. Mantle and Janice Phelps
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

A vividly told, absolutely candid story
John Mantle ran his own community newspaper, the "Fort Mill Times". He was at the top of his game, as well as a successful businessman, avid motorcyclist, and pilot. Then he was felled by a catastrophic stoke and in the flash of a second nearly died, but survived paralyzed and unable to speak. He was dependent on his wife for every aspect of life from basic hygiene to exercise. Cyclops Awakes is the story of John's tremendous struggle to come back from such a devastating health crisis, and his search for sanity on the hospital stroke floor. Here also is the story of small-town journalism and the mindset of a conservative South Carolina community that rallied around its opinionated, liberal publisher -- a community that simply refused to let him curl up and die. Cyclops Awakes is a vividly told, absolutely candid story of the human condition and highly recommended for anyone attempting to beat the odds of a major stroke or other quality-of-life injury.

CYCLOPS AWAKES: It's Deja Vu a for a fellow survivor.
It was deja vu all over again! Reading this book grabbed me, mind and body, lifted me out of my motorized chair and put me back, nine years ago, in the hospital emergency room. John Mantle's vivid description of his experiences as a stroke survivor are so true they made me cry, they made me laugh and they made me take heart as well. As a fellow "stroker" I had similar experiences, and I truly appreciate his struggle and his dignity. Although I have read many books on the subject I found this one fresh, informative, interesting and readable. His writing style, as well as his living style, is truly inspiring. I recommend the book highly.

Back from the abyss
John Mantle is the perfect individual to write about having a stroke and recovering from this catastrophic event. As a professional journalist and publisher, he knows the difference between fact and feeling - and has a clear sense of what is dramatic and readable. He is also honest and willing to admit his own foibles and character defects, which gives his tale a real human touch. Cyclops Awakes is as exciting to read as a thriller. I've never known anyone who had a stroke and lived to tell about it; I feel that now I have a view from the inside. The book is a real tribute to stroke victims and their caregivers.

Dark of the Moon: A Novel
Published in Hardcover by Baskerville Publishers, Inc. (1994)
Authors: Janice Daugharty and Jane Howle
Amazon base price: $19.00
Average review score:

Excellent novel!
Wonderfully written. Daugharty has a true "voice of the South". This story grabs you from the start and keeps you going.

Janice Daugharty's book is sensuous and romantic.
Janice Daugharty is a fantastic storyteller. She creates original storylines and unforgettable characters. "Dark of the Moon" is sensuous and romantic, but life affirming as well. The central character, Merdie is unhappily married to an abusive man. When a stranger enters their closed world, she must decide whether to remain the dutiful wife and stay with her family or lose everything and leave with the man she has fallen in love with. Merdie's dilemma is enlightening and inspiring; sometimes you must follow your heart. I loved this book so much. Janice Daugharty is a remarkable writer and I am desperate to read any new book that she has written.

The best novel ever about moonshiners & their antagonists
A wonderfully sensitive, closely detailed, and altogether excellent novel of an old-moonshine, new-marijuana family and the ATF agent who blows themn apart with love, set on the Florida-Georgia border in the early 1990s. Janice Daugharty is the latest great writer to wear the gorgeous Sounthern-gothic mantle, and she does it justice, as a worthy, witty heir to Flannery O'Connor. Her style sings with new Southernisms and timeless poetics, her characters come to full contradiuctory life in every crackling scene, and her imagination satisfies every last yearning a reader might have. This novel's a gem!

Elementary School Librarian's Survival Guide: Ready-To-Use Tips, Techniques, and Materials to Help You Save Time and Work in Virtually Every Aspect
Published in Paperback by Center for Applied Research in Education (1993)
Authors: Barbara Farley Bannister, Janice B. Carlile, Kathy Baron, Barbara J. Bannister, and Janice B. Carlilr
Amazon base price: $20.97
List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

The Bible for New Elementary Librarians, even as Para-profes
This book, which I discovered in a catalog from World Almanac, I believe, was a very useful asset in my two years of learning experience as an emerging librarian. I found information which was verified in my graduate school coursework to gain my Masters' Degree in Library Science. Later, I found many recommendations and commendations for this volume. I will continue to return to this book for resources and ideas and good basic aids to the librarian in an elementary school. Additionally, their are great ideas that can translate to middle school and high school librarians and their many, multi-tasking roles!

That's what this book does. It helps very much.
It has forms, charts, letters, and patterns to
help you. Topics such as physical organization
of the library, how to build
support for your programs, discipline,
storytimes, and booktalks are just a
few of the many subjects covered in this book.

It goes beyond what you learn in school and it is
all in this one handy volume.

Survival Guide
This book truely is a survival guide! As a new media specialist I was basically clueless about how to get started. This book offers suggestions for everything a media specialist has to deal within an elementary school. It offers everything from positioning furnisher, sample activities/lesson plans, reproducible worksheets and letters, etc. This book is easy to read and understand. I would recommend it to all new media specialist or veterans looking for new ideas.

Empowering Adolescent Girls: Examining the Present and Building Skills for the Future with the "Go Girls" Program
Published in Hardcover by W.W. Norton & Company (15 May, 2001)
Authors: Craig Winston Lecroy and Janice Daley
Amazon base price: $32.00
Average review score:

A Timely and Necessary Book!
Empowering Adolescent Girls is a "must-read" for anyone who has an adolescent girl, knows one, teaches one, counsels one, works with one, is one, or is in any way curious about what makes them tick and how to more successfully communicate with them. This is an intelligent, articulate, compassionate, and realistic approach to a very difficult and important social phenomenon. Daley in particular is masterful at connecting clinical theory to everyday application, and does so in prose that is both concrete and clear. She manages to seamlessly blend tough-minded seriousness with humor and empathy, revealing both extensive experience with and a natural feel for her subject. Do yourself a favor and put Empowering Adolescent Girls, and the accompanying Go Grrrls Workbook, at the top of your summer reading list!

A Timely and Necessary Book!
This is a "must-read" for anyone who has an adolscent girl, knows one, works with one, is one, or is in any way curious about what makes them tick and how to communicate more successfully with them. An intelligent, articulate, compassionate, and realisitic approach to a very important and difficult subject. Daley in particular is outstanding at connecting clinical theory to everyday application, and does so in prose that is both concrete and clear. She manages to seamlessly mix tough-minded seriousness with humor and empathy, revealing both extensive experience with and a natural feel for her subject. Do yourself a favor and put Empowering Adolsecent Girls and the Go Grrrls Workbook at the top of your summer reading list!

An excellent tool for working with adolescent girls.
I just finished reading empowering adolescent girls and I am going to start over at the beginning. This book contains a wealth of information. It is encyclopedic in scope, but offers specific strategies for working with real girls. The curriculum that is included in the book is really helpful as it lays out exactly how to conduct a group meeting. It even has evaluation tools and a companion parent curriculum to use. It's like getting three books in one. The workbook is a perfect tool to use with girls. It incorporates fun and informative activities in an interactive format that I know my clients will love. I'll be using this as a reference for years to come, and expect to order several more workbooks for clients to use.

Everyone Is a Customer: A Proven Method for Measuring the Value of Every Relationship in the Era of Collaborative Business
Published in Hardcover by Dearborn Trade Publishing (2002)
Authors: Jeffrey Shuman, Janice Twombly, and David Rottenberg
Amazon base price: $16.80
List price: $24.00 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Reshaping A Business To Meet Customer Needs
"Everyone Is A Customer"(2002) is a companion book to last year's "Collaborative Communities"(2001), which taken together, present a realistic roadmap for companies interested in changing with the times. They build on Peter Drucker's insight that when a business thinks through the relationships that make the most sense, it is the customer they should focus on to increase sales and profits. According to authors Jeffrey Shuman and Janice Twombly with David Rottenberg, This well written and insightful book, takes the reader step-by-step through an understanding of what it takes for a business owner to survive, innovate and prosper in the new era of collaborative business that relies so heavily on the networking of relationships to succeed.

The authors urge business owners to recognize the natural process of change that takes place once a business is started, resulting in the unforseen development of new products,new service, and new customers. They call this process the "rhythm of business." For companies and business owners interested in better understanding the expectations of their customres and what it takes to succeed in today's economy, this book is highly recommended.

Business rules are now changing for the better!
Finally, an innovative method for entrepreneurs and business professionals alike. It's about time someone has come up with a method that makes sense.
Shuman and Twombly have developed and innovative method for measuring and managing the value in your business relationships. It sounds obvious at first however; their methodology shows you how to systematically work towards making each interaction a win-win situation.
This method is of significant value for entrepreneurs. In today's economy start-ups are having a hard time obtaining funding. Everyone Is A Customer show how entrepreneurs can start-up a business with less money than one would expect.
Business professionals will also receive value from this as the traditional way of doing business has died. More companies need to be customer focused and this can only be achieve by win-win relationships between your company's community and their customers.
I highly recommend reading this book, as it will open your eyes to a different yet common sense way of doing business.

Breakthrough Perspectives on "The Customer"
Two of the most celebrated teams were comprised of the animators at the Disney Studies who produced the first feature-length animated film (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) and the team of physicists at Los Alamos who designed the first atomic bomb (dropped above Hiroshima and then Nagasaki). Most other teams receive no publicity although what they contribute is of great importance to their respective organizations. With the assistance of David Rottenberg, Jeffrey Shuman wrote The Rhythm of Business in which he asserts that each organization evolves in often unpredictable ways and to an extent takes on a life of its own. The challenge for decision-makers is to recognize that "rhythm" and then ensure that everyone involved is in "harmony" with it. Later, again assisted by Rottenberg, Shuman co-authored Collaborative Communities with Janice Twombley. In it, they correctly explain why and how communication, cooperation, and collaboration are essential to the effectiveness of teamwork. No news there. What differentiates their book from so many others is that they define "community" so as to include literally anyone who is directly and even indirectly associated with a given organization.

In this volume, Shuman and Twombley develop in much greater depth several of the ideas which were introduced in the previous book. For example, they explain how and why an organization's effective communication, cooperation, and collaboration can nourish and indeed strengthen its relations with customers. In fact, according to them, literally anyone associated directly or even indirectly with that organization must be viewed -- and treated -- as a customer. Moreover, they introduce and then explain a proven method for measuring the value of every relationship, both within and beyond the organization.

Shuman and Twombley carefully organize their material within three Parts: The Era of Collaborative Business, Purposeful Collaboration, and Choreographing Your Success. They agree with Drucker's admonition that "you increasingly have to think through what relationships make the most sense -- the customer is the most important relationship." The challenge is to identify all customers, classify them according to the nature of their relationship with the given organization, and then determine with meticulous care their relative importance to the organization's own objectives. This is an on-going process, requiring both rigorous vigilance and absolute precision, because the relative value of customers can increase or diminish and do so suddenly and unexpectedly. Shuman and Twombley explain HOW to design, implement, and then monitor this process by guiding their reader through it (literally) step-by-step. Throughout the book, they also provide dozens of "Figures" which graphically support key points. For example, Figure 8.2 illustrates the "Relationship Scenario Matrix" whereas Figure 10.1 illustrates the "Purposeful Collaboration Process." Shuman and Twombley are well aware of all the risks involved. They identify them and then suggest how to avoid them or at least minimize their impact on the value measurement process.

Obviously I think highly of this book. I also have a healthy respect for the difficulty of applying Shuman and Twombley's ideas. My own rather experience suggests that most people do not fear change; rather, they fear the unknown. Hence the importance of effective communications and the even greater importance of getting everyone actively involved in the process, but only after they fully understand what the objectives are as well as why those objectives are important, not only to the organization but also to every individual within that organization. I also agree with Drucker about customer relationships while presuming to suggest that the value of those relationships is almost entirely dependent on those employees (or if you prefer, associates) within the organization who interact with customers.

Near the end of the film Spartacus, the Roman general Marcus Licinius Crassus (played by Laurence Olivier) and his slave master Lentulus Batiatus (played by Peter Ustinov) walk among the survivors of the defeated gladiator army looking for Spartacus. They are told that unless they identify him or his body, they will be crucified. One by one, they stand up proclaiming "I am Spartacus!" I recalled that scene as I finished reading this book. It is not enough merely to measure the value of customers. That value must also be sustained, preferably increased. When a corporation (let's call it OmniGlobal InternationaI) achieves both, every one of its people can proudly proclaim "I am OGI!"

In fact, from a customer's perspective, anyone with whom she or he interacts in an organization IS that organization, for better or worse.

Exchange System Administration
Published in Textbook Binding by New Riders Publishing (14 April, 1999)
Author: Janice Rice Howd
Amazon base price: $34.99
Average review score:

No waffle, just the facts
I wish this author would put pen to paper again - this book was a joy to read; succinct, apposite and conversational in tone. Brilliant!

power of groupware
Books give idia opn core technology on exchange. I am happy that this book will not for paper passing orientation

Author Knows her stuff
I am a Microsoft Certified Trainer and had the pleasure of sitting in on one of the authors presentaions. I expect the technical content of the book will be first rate. This should also be an easy read if half of her sense of humor translates well into print.

I am looking forward to the release of the book.

Handwriting Without Tears (TEACHERS edition)
Published in Paperback by Handwriting Without Tears (1998)
Author: Janice Z. Olsen
Amazon base price: $7.00
Average review score:

Great for learning disabled
My daughter is dyslexic and this is a great tool for her. Even my three year old likes to play with the wood pieces. The program is great for home schoolers. It is easily taught.

Handwriting Without Tears and Fears
An excellent first tool for little hands who have not a clue as to how to form letters. This systematic program guides kinesthetic memory for correct motor production of the letters of the alaphabet. A must for all Pre-school, kindergarten and first grade teachers. Especially designed to give aide to children with poor motor coordination. Good habits are formed in a fun writing format. I hightly recommend it!

Handwriting Without Tears and Fears
An excelent first tool for little hands who have not a clue as to how to form letters. This systematic program guides kinesthetic memory for correct motor production of the letters of the alaphabet. A must for all Pre-school, kindergarten and first grade teachers. Especially designed to give aide to children with poor motor coordination. Good habits are formed in a fun writing format. I hightly recommend it!

The Hidden Addiction and How to Get Free
Published in Hardcover by Little Brown & Company (1986)
Authors: Alan Nourse and Janice Keller Phelps
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

From the Author
I have treated over 15,000 addictive patients with the program in this book. After 15 years the book is still as valulable as the day it was published by Little, Brown, INC. I created the qustionaire and score sheet to help interested people to learn about Genetic Addictiveness and to determine if they indeed are addictive. The self-treatment program was drawn from standard Medicine and Holistic Medicine over many years in my practice. This plan enabled me to get sober and become physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually free! It works much better than any other method I have ever seen. This program is approximately 60% to 70% successful "long term"---far beyond the 3% to 10% of in-patient treatament centers. It is a self-motivated plan with strong support from Mega-Doses of Vitamin and mineral and herbal supplements, as well as many support activities. I am available for consultation by phone or mail (below) or E-mail

the best arsenal against addiction ever been
the outstanding book here is a must for every person who is addicted to:caffeine,nicotine,alcohol, sugar,marijuana,antidepresants,sleeping ppills, and much more. this book is dealing with a true self expirience alcohol addict that beat it with her wisdom as a m.d. who also backed it up with orthomolecular-nutrition method that described in details in this book in every specific addiction you may have. the psycological aspects of the addiction is also described very wisely in this book, and the book is written in a very easy to follow and in organised way. i must add that from my expirience i can tell you (the reader)that i treated alcohol,caffeine,nicotine,sugar,and sleeping pills in almost exactly the same way as the author of this book did. this book is very relevant in his knoledge and strategies, and practically, i do recommand it with all my heart to every addict,physician, and the lay person.the only addiction that this book didn't help is the addiction to that book. buy this book today!.

I found the secret to my emotional roller coaster, WOW!
Dr. Phelps makes such a brilliant and provocative case for the biochemistry of addiction. You either have the "bad" genes or you don't. It removes the stigma of alcoholism etc. and brings the issue down to understanding your biochemistry and managing it appropriately. Although I don't smoke, drink or use drugs, I discovered through the questionnaire that I am a High Addictor (based on family patterns of addiction). Sure enough, when I removed seemingly harmless foods from my diet, (sugar, white rice, white flour, caffeine), my focus sharpened dramatically, I lost over 15 pounds, and my emotional mood swings stopped. I managed to maintain this "eatting program" for over a year. Regrettably, I fell back during the Holidays and have yet to fully re-establish the discipline that made me feel so MUCH BETTER! You'll be glad you read this book, and like me you will recommend it to countless people. A companion book that has a similar content, though for weight loss is Mastering the Zone by Barry Sears, Ph. D. Good luck! Linda Schiller-Hanna

Let's Be Enemies
Published in Paperback by HarperTrophy (1988)
Authors: Janice May Udry and Maurice Sendak
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score:

My Mom bought this book for me because my "best friend" and I were always fighting. That was 1971, and I was 5 years old. I have always remembered this boook. It was probably the first book I ever had that didn't make it look like kids were always nicey-nice. This book shows how friendship endures despite differences. Even though we don't see each other but once a decade or so, now, I still think of that "best friend" and the good and bad times we had together. And I think of this book and the things it taught me -- children can be mean to each other (though nobody wants them to,) and friendships can endure.

35 year favorite
This book was a favorite of my sister's when we were young. I'm taking 1965. She is now 37 with three kids of her own. I got it from the library for my 2 and 6 year old children. It was a big hit. They giggled, the 2 year old did because her sister did. It has become a favorite in our house all over again. Especially since I have bossy kids.

Sendak and Udry are right on the money with this baby!
This is a great book for four or five year olds. It is actually very realistic; young children are constantly making, breaking and renewing friendships, all in the great process of self-discovery and practice. This book could be used as a tool to discuss friendship with kindergarteners. The illustrations are perfect. The line drawings are simple, with only three colors: red, green and black. But I knew just John and James were feeling. This book is timeless!

Love in Bloom (Arabesque)
Published in Mass Market Paperback by B E T Books (2002)
Authors: Francine Craft, Linda Hudson-Smith, and Janice Sims
Amazon base price: $5.99
Average review score:

Three Winners
FrancineCraft, Linda Hudson-Smith, & Janice Sims have all done it again.
Maya Williams and Christopher St. John have both been hurt. Neither think they will ever love or trust again,they guard their hearts at all cost. Once high school classmates, Maya needs work done for the Valentine Masquerade Ball, when she goes to his company sparks fly. She gives in to her feelings, he runs from his knowing he has to protect himself and his daugther. Out of the mouth of babes, when his daugther ask him daddy why don't we go back and marry Maya, he did just that.

Austin Carrington , pro football player at the age of 16 made a promise to the foster sister in his parents home, days later she was taken away. Austin nor Ashleigh (Sariah) know why she was taken away. Years late on the Forbidden Fantasy cruise they see each other again. He isn't sure who she is , but she knows this is her Austin. He is forbidden to her because he is engaged to marry someone else (so she thinks). They agree to spend all their time together on the cruise. As the cruise ends Austin and Ashleigh both make a promise to each other to be forever valentines.

Kiana & Gerrick Merrick are back, they bring with them Bethany Porter a literature professor and Colin Armstrong a self made millionaire. Gerrick and Colin have been frinds since childhood, Gerrrick and Bethany work at the same college her friendship with Kiana started when she married Gerrick. Colin decided to go back to college to get his degree, takes a class from Bethany, and not only does he ace the class, but he become the teache pet for life.

Three Great Authors - Three Great Stories!
In Love's Masquerade, Francine Craft introduces us to Maya Williams and Christopher St. John - old high school friends who are reunited as adults. This charming story is made complete by the many supporting characters that help Chris and Maya realize that they belong together.

Linda Hudson-Smith's Forbidden Fantasy is set on the high seas. Ashleigh Ayers must confront her past hurts and the only man she's ever loved while on a 14 day cruise. Well, you know what they say, cruises are made for lovers! Things get pretty wild as these two find love under the stars and on the ocean!

My favorite story was "Teacher's Pet". I'm an avid Janice Sims fan, and as most of her fans know by now, she never disappoints. In this story, Ms. Sims introduces us to Bethany Porter and Colin Armstrong. Bethany, a literature professor, must learn to trust again as Colin, the self-made millionaire, barges into her classroom and her heart! Ms. Sims will have you rolling with laughter from the funny - no hilarious - situations in this story! And the passion - wheeewww! It's a good thing this story was last; the passion in it threatens to disintegrate the entire book! Janice Sims is "off the chain" with this story...and her fans are gonna love it!

All Three Stories were GOOD!!!
Francine Craft starts off this anthology with a story about two people who knew each other in high school. Maya Williams is now a health food store owner. She's divorced and doesn't hold out much hope of meeting anyone. Christopher St. John is also divorced with a young daughter and he's like-minded. Of course we know that true love will change their minds. Good job, Ms. Craft.

Linda Hudson-Smith's story is about a social worker, Ashleigh Ayers who has had a crush on football hero Austin Carrington practically all her life. Whom do you suppose she meets on a Caribbean cruise? None other than Austin! Lovely story, Ms. Hudson-Smith.

Rounding the anthology out is Janice Sims's story about a literature professor at a historically black college, Bethany Porter, who becomes reacquainted with Colin Armstrong whom she knew when she was seventeen. Twenty years later they're two different people but sparks fly whenever they're in a room together. Will she have the nerve to act on it? Any loyal readers of Ms. Sims's books know you're in for a lot of laughs, and passion. Ms. Sims does not disappoint in this keeper!

For loyal Sims readers: The novella in this anthology connects with A Very Special Love (Gabriel and Kiana's story) and This Time Forever. Gabriel and Kiana appear in all three stories! I love connecting stories.

Arabesque came through with this anthology!

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