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Book reviews for "Herbrand,_Janice_M." sorted by average review score:

Dirt Rider
Published in Paperback by Lake Pub Co (1987)
Amazon base price: $9.90
Used price: $4.98
Used price: $4.98
Average review score: 

I think this is a good magazine, it gives in depth reports on all the riders it can also hook you up with alot of gear. It also has a great picture selection and they get great photo graphs. The only thing wrong with this magazine is that it is not long enough. It is to short they need to put more pictures and Reviews. If you like dirt bikes than subscribe to this magazine. Or even if you just like the pictures they have a great selection.

A Dog Named Sam
Published in Hardcover by Dial Books for Young Readers (1996)
Amazon base price: $12.99
Used price: $8.50
Used price: $8.50
Average review score: 

I think that Janice Boland has a way with her words and itreally made me and the children that I have read her book to laugh.The illistrations also make her books ones that we always come back to. I had a chance to take care of Janice's grandkids and that is how I learned about her books. I will forever love them and have recently bought 3 more books to put away for my own children one day. Keep up the great work.

A Drop of Love: A Journey of Love From Imagination into Full-Blossom Reality
Published in Paperback by Hatched Ideas Publishing (25 November, 2001)
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $6.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.51
Used price: $6.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.51
Average review score: 

A Drop Of Love is Bradford Johnson's poetic celebrations all the aspects of romantic relationships. This outstanding and enthusiastically recommended collection of one hundred upbeat poems are showcased with chapter illustrations and thematic border designs by Janice Clymer. Love As A Strategy: In our unspoken pledges/we entrust each other/with vulnerabilities/that we don't even know/about ourselves;//in our labor of love we refuel smiles with sunrise,/and acknowledge the sunsets/as they lure away the/last remaining daylight.//In our chess game/with the world we search/our hearts for survival tactics/to move successfully/against the timer;/in our lust for living/we rage, rage against/the dying of what might/really be an answer disguised/within the question.//In our own ambiguities/and uncertainties we may wonder,/but we stoke the fires of action/so that, ultimately, we will/die with our boots on.

The Elfin World of Mosses and Liverworts of Michigan's Upper Peninsula and Isle Royale
Published in Paperback by Isle Royal Natural Hist Soc (1993)
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $15.34
Used price: $15.34
Average review score: 

This is helpful for the lay person because it groups Bryophites by their habitat, such as on stumps, rocks, forest types, stream banks, etc.

The Enduring Hills
Published in Hardcover by University Press of Kentucky (1988)
Amazon base price: $30.00
Used price: $2.79
Collectible price: $6.75
Buy one from zShops for: $24.28
Used price: $2.79
Collectible price: $6.75
Buy one from zShops for: $24.28
Average review score: 

Janice Holt Giles is one of my favorite authors, and her first novel is excellent. Anyone who has ever read "Miss Willie" or "Tara's Healing" will love learning how it all started with Hod and Mary. Her descriptions of the Kentucky mountains and the lifestyle there are concise. I especially enjoy reading about Hod's thoughts and the moral dilemmas he faces as he grows older. This book contains several interesting points for us all to ponder, and the plot moves along nicely. I highly recommend it, as well as any other books by Janice Holt Giles!

Enhancing Lamaze Techniques: The Exercise Book for Pregnancy Birth and Recovery
Published in Paperback by H.P. Books (1988)
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $1.98
Collectible price: $6.87
Used price: $1.98
Collectible price: $6.87
Average review score: 

This book is filled with extremely useful info for anyone who is pregnant or has just given birth. Unfortunately, the book is now out of print, but I found out it can still be ordered directly from the author at I found the exercises to be extremely helpful and the tips on eliminating back discomfort as well as other common pre and post problems to be really useful. There is also a chapter on nutrition as well as one on helpful hints for everything from breasfeeding, bathing your baby, cribs and carseats for once your baby is born. I think I used this book everyday during my pregnancy as well as up to 6 months postpartum. Thank you, Janice.

Environmental Science: High School Science Fair Experiments
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics (1994)
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $28.92
Used price: $28.92
Average review score: 

This book is amazingly informative and has tons of info and great science projects

Essential Cake Decorator
Published in Hardcover by Smithmark Publishing (1994)
Amazon base price: $14.98
Used price: $3.95
Collectible price: $12.71
Used price: $3.95
Collectible price: $12.71
Average review score: 

Here are what I consider to be good ingredients for successful missions: Clarity, simplicity, friendliness and creativity.
This book has it all. Although not long, I feel it has just the right amount of information for a beginner, like me. Each cake recipe and every type of decoration is shown in professional photographs. Information about materials, where to get them and what to do with them, is clear and concise, followed by step-by-step pictures.
The Essential Cake Decorator caught my eye a few years ago and once I opened it, Ms. Murfitt took me on a wonderful journey through marzipan, chocolate, sugar paste and piping techniques. Against all odds (I am definitely an amateur), I was successful whenever I followed instructions.
I haven't tried the big fancy cakes yet, but I keep looking at their photographs and it gives me food for thought...

Exercises in Refractometry
Published in Paperback by Slack, Inc. (1990)
Amazon base price: $37.00
Average review score: 

The unique "exercises" feature of the original E in R has been reprinted in "Optics, Retinoscopy, and Refractometry" by Al Lens.

Fair Game
Published in Paperback by Harlequin (1996)
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $2.12
Buy one from zShops for: $1.08
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $2.12
Buy one from zShops for: $1.08
Average review score: 

This was a very good book. It had a lot of romance and a lot of mystery in it. The characters were very good. And there were a lot of twist and turns in the book. When you (as a reader) feel you know who the killer is, it seems to change.
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