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Learning is a habit that a good go player has to have. This short, easy to read volume lays the rest of the framework needed to start the process. The authors start with an introduction to the real task of the game, claiming and achieving territory. This is a more theoretical approach than the 'you need two eyes' approach of volume one, and, for the first time, the player is lead to looking at the whole board and the fine art of moving in a game where nothing moves.
This little bit of theory out of the way, the book turns to the core skills of Go playing - attack, defense, capturing, Ko fighting, hand-to-hand combat, the endgame, and the intricacies of life and death. All of the discussions are good. I give a special tip of the hat for the attention the authors pay to the playing of Ko's. It is one of the marks of beginning players that they avoid these repeating capture attacks like poison. Here the authors give enough attention to this strategy to get anyone past their doubts.
While this volume goes deeper than volume one, it is by no means heavily written or over analytical. Plenty of illustrations and examples, but the chapter tests are gone. There is a final exam though. Almost painlessly, the beginner is eased into having a good basic concept of what Go is about.

List price: $19.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.94
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List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.39
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Lucy Blue's story is an excellent story about the resilence of our canine friends when shown love and understanding. You will cry at the trauma Lucy must have gone through and the inevitable set-backs as she tried to understand that in Janice's home she was for the first time being given unconditional acceptance for who she was at any given time. You will get mad at how humans can do what was done to Lucy Blue and other puppy mill dogs. You will smile and be enlightened by the progress Lucy makes, and even though you probably don't know her be proud of the wonderful and beautiful Sheltie she blossoms into.

Before long, a vivid image of a tattered, shattered puppy-mill sheltie-girl began to form. Without meaning to or realizing how quickly my full attention had been captured, I found myself painfully waiting and hoping with the author through months of Lucy's numb avoidance of all efforts to reach her; and wildly celebrating the tiny victories that signaled Lucy's faint attempts to reach back to a single helping hand. She was a frail little candle, no doubt, and flicker by glow, her light got a little brighter. Lucy decided to give Love a chance and it bought her out of a slavery that kills the soul right out of the body. The writing is excellent, the story is sadly and wonderfully true. This book is a Healing unto itself.
I have been dumbfounded ever since about what the words 'puppy-mill-dog' really mean. God Bless the Beasts and Children for they have No Voice and No Choice. And please, while You are at blessing things, please Bless this woman who went into the night by herself to bring back a beautiful, bright heart.
She does it all the time.

This book will make you laugh. It will make you cry. It's a book that truly touches the heart.

Used price: $6.00

List price: $14.95 (that's 50% off!)
Used price: $18.80
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Thank you gene

Used price: $5.29

Used price: $6.95
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Used price: $4.90

List price: $27.50 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $18.50
Buy one from zShops for: $18.08

I am finding it very helpful for myself. It helps explain some of the research and possible help available.

I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to know what is happening inside his/her body. However, it is not the best choice for someone who just wants to feel better without understanding the biology behind this complex syndrome.

Used price: $27.95
Collectible price: $52.94

Finally, I know the difference between the Elder Gods, the Great Old Ones, The Outer Gods, and the Elder Things. You finally get the associations in the pantheon spelled out. You know how Cthulhu, Tsathuggua, Hastur, and Ithaqua (the Great Old Ones) differ from Azathuth, Nyarlathotep, Shuh-Niggurath, and Yog-Sothoth (the Outer Gods.) And of course you learn never to associate Nodens, Kthanid, and Yag-Thaddag (the Elder Gods) with any of these.
Come to think of it I probably shouldn't have spoken these names aloud while I was typing. What is that noise in the

After these, the average beginner knows the rules, but not how to actually play. An opponant will play a stone right next to one of theirs, and they don't know how to respond... do I play above it? or on the other side? do I ignore it and play another hoshi (star point)?
This book teaches the reader about making jumps (how to expand on territory you're claiming or keep from being captured), base extensions (in order to stake out territory), and the basics of ko fights and contact fighting (what happens when stones are played right next to each other). If you've done a bit of playing and problem solving online, I would recommend picking up the next book in this series at the same time. As soon as you finish this book, you'll begin to see more patterns in games and understand that there is more you should be seeing behind the moves. As a result, you will probably want to study the game more, and the next book is really still a mid-level book.
My only complaint about the book would have to be just that. The niche it fills, for the reader who has learned the rules but isn't ready for serious study of go patterns yet, isn't filled unless you have both the second and third book in this series. These probably should have been published as one larger book. That notwithstanding, it's an excellent second (and third) book of Go.
As a side note, while the fourth book in this series is quite interesting, it is not as much of a prerequisite for studying other books, such as the Elementary Go Series, as book II and III.