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Jordan Davidson was a simple man that had a successful construction company. He meets Cara Lynn when she comes to check out a stray dog he had in his home. He finds himself attracted to this young woman after only knowing her for a short time.
Each had issues they needed to resolve and a first it didn't seem like they were going to come together. They had alot of interference from a man named Evan Fitzgerald, who wanted Cara Lynn for himself.
The secondary characters and romances in this story were really good and made the book come together. It was a well written book, but what would you expect from Ms. Sims.

Used price: $7.95
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Her messages should be loud and clear for all who read with an open heart. She TRULY is here for us, and she shows this through the ones whom SHE chooses to appear. I feel, not only does God work in mysterious way, but Mary too.

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List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.48
Collectible price: $10.50
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other than these minor corrections, the book is wholly excellent in that it draws one much closer to Mother God in an extremely religiously correct manner explaining the full beauty, grace, love and mercy of God, and that is the whole point of our existence on earth. there is no doubt that Ms. Connell's books have sold well. Mother God is behind her and Mother God loves and protects fiercly those that come to her.
Although Mother God does not care what she is called, it is still best to understand that Mother Mary is Mother God is Mother Earth is Gaia, Diana, Isis, etc. and all the hundreds of names that people have called this most gracious, full of love apparation throughout the long milleniums of our existence.
She is there, She loves us and She cares.
Read the book, see Her grace and glory

Used price: $5.00
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Used price: $16.63
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I lurked for a while before joining in the discussion and was surprised to find a group of people were reporting out-of-body experiences and lucid dreaming, some on a regular basis. Although I felt that a number of the explanations being offered were rather fanciful, the reports of the experiences themselves seemed genuine. This was fascinating because it meant that a part of the human population were having dream, or dream-like, experiences that others like myself had never known.
I was curious to read more, so I ordered it forthwith via the Internet.
This is a substantial tome which, in paperback, runs to nearly 350 pages, if you include the detailed annotation, extensive bibliography and index, which are the proper appendices of any work which aspires to scientific credibility.
I mention scientific credibility because, unlike some of what is written about this subject, the authors have adhered to the ideal of scientific objectivity. Although written for a lay audience, they examine the research and thinking in this field in considerable detail, and they have been scrupulously fair in giving the various theories due and proper consideration, even those that some might consider more speculative.
In one aspect, though, they have a considerable advantage over other researchers: they have experienced lucid dreams and OBEs themselves.
The human mind and/or brain has been described as the most complex object in the known universe. Imagine trying to discover how a computer works from scratch: there is no manual, no help files and, initially, no knowledge of what it is made from and how it is powered. Even worse, it is associated with baffling phenomena such as consciousness. Imagine how much of a help it would be if you could think as a computer thinks, if you could learn about it from the inside, as it were.
This is especially true of an inaccessible phenomenon like dreaming, the activity of the conscious mind while the body is asleep. Janice and Jay are, therefore, in the rare and privileged position, for scientists, of being able to observe and experiment on themselves, of having a more intimate acquaintance with their subject-matter than is afforded to most researchers.
They have put this insight to the best possible use in this book, which I would recommend as the first choice for anyone who wants to learn more about lucid dreaming, and I can only endorse the words of one of the foremost researchers in this field, J Allan Hobson, when he writes in the Foreword:
"Brooks and Vogelsong are true scientists in both their adherence to value-free description and their state-of-the-art interpretation of their data.
The Conscious Exploration of Dreaming is a healthy antidote to the abundant New Age hyperbole on this important and serious subject."

As in McLeester's book, THE CONSCIOUS EXPLORATION OF DREAMING takes a balanced and fair approach to lucid dream potentialities and dream control, demonstrating that we always control our dreams to some extent through suggestion and that control and dream behavior are highly customized to each dream individual scenario.
The book is largely anti-psychoanalytical and attemps to show that rather than constituting symbolic distortions or affective resolutions, dreams simply are build-as-you go situations which we create in response to random brain activation. There is an existential "throwness" element to them; we are suddenly in Act II without an Act I. If we dream of panicing during a school exam, it's because we actaully "haven't" prepared for the test and we should panic, given the situation. No need to involve the Id and Superego in explaining the story.
I've been researching dreams and lucid dreams for over thirty tears, and this is surely one of the best tracts on the subject that I have seen in that time. Highly recommended.

Used price: $13.79
Buy one from zShops for: $13.09

I know I will as I will be going to Ayer's Rock (Uluru) in Australia in a few months and it's also a big desert!

I spent the first week of September in southern California this year, and on Sunday before Labor Day I drove from Los Angeles up to Death Valley. I hadn't been there since I was a child and I have to say although it is a desolate and lonely place (and 114 degrees at Furnace Creek the day I was there) it is also one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. The sand dunes at Mesquite Flat alone are worth the trip.
Everyone should see it, but if you can't buy the book. My copy came shrinkwrapped in plastic which I really like, the last thing you want is to buy a nice book like this in a bookstore where someone has spilled coffee on the pages.

The Sonoran Desert had a similar effect on me years ago and expanded my sense of what ilandscape photography could be. Stone Canyons did not have as great of affect on me as the first book
More than anything else, the images in this book remind me why the large format camera is such a tremendous aid to seeing something more clearly and perceptively than you can with the naked eye. even more so than a 35mm or medium format or easily portable digital gear can. Some of the photos even have a sense of humor to them and when did you last see that in a photograph of a natural landscape? The reproduction of the images appears to be first rate and the design and typography of the book match its contents in quality.
In short there are wonderful things to be found in this book.