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Assembling a bibliography like this takes years of dedicated work. This particular bibliography is outstanding for a number of reasons.
Most entries are annotated, using codes to conserve space -- the need to refer to the two-page table of codes is a little inconvenient, but there is no other way to annotate without greatly increasing the length of the book. Annotations are extremely valuable to those using a bibliography, and their inclusion makes this bibliography particularly valuable.
The entries are both alphabetized by author and sequentially numbered. The comprehensive index cites to the sequential numbers to conserve space. The entries for 1986-1987 appear in a separate list at the end of the book, with their own index, but that does not detract from the utility of the book.
The actual list of references is in small print, but the entries are still easy to read -- with over 12,000 entries, small print is necessary to keep the book at a size that is convenient to use.
The authors explain in detail how they assembled the bibliography, and offer the user a number of practical tips. An interesting bar graph following the preface shows the geometric growth of the crayfish literature during most of the 20th century.
The copy I purchased came with a CD. I have not had time to fully explore the CD, but it should be extremely useful to anyone who needs to assemble a preliminary bibliography on a limited aspect of crayfish biology.
Finally, the full-color photo of a longpincered crayfish on the dust jacket is striking.
This is not bedside reading for most folks, but it is an extremely valuable reference for anyone interested in studying crayfish or branchiobdellids. Thanks to the authors for a monumental task well done.

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In addition the sample documents are meticulously presented and are easy to follow. Consequently it enables both the layman and the experet to develop a comprehensive audit plan, checklists and audit reports.
The contents enable current ISO 9001:1994 sytem users to easily transfer to the new standard.
As a professional trainer I have fould the book to be an invaluable aid to support training programmes.
Any company purchasing the book will save thousands in consultancy fees...

Zelenka was not cooperative with historians. He left no portrait and had no children or close students to whom he could have confided his secrets. He kept no known personal diary. Zelenka is not recorded as having married. Leaving so little behind makes the task of defining the man difficult.
Dr. Stockigt weaves together a picture of life as a Bohemian child learning music, one which Zelenka must have lived. She shows the world of Zelenka as he matured, from Count Sporck's orchestra to the Dresden hopfkappel. She shows the Byzantine politics of the Dresden Court, the tensions between the Catholics who are tolerated for political reasons and the Lutheran majority who resent "Papist" influences in the Court. We learn of the thread of the Jesuits throughout Zelenka's life, from his education at the Klementium to his life at the Dresden Court. The Jesuits, the feared agents of the counter-Reformation, are to be seen at every turn in Zelenka's adult life.
She chronicles Zelenka's triumphs, his downfall at the hands of Hasse and his eventual death and then his legacy as a composer.
Dr. Stockigt focuses closely on Zelenka's music, offering analyses of themes, technical points and performance practices. We learn that the Dresden Catholic Chapel had castrati, who went on "strike". Dr. Stockigt reveals that Zelenka's patroness, the Empress Maria Josepha, protected him and we are shown his loyalty and devotion in return. We learn of her critical role in preserving his musical legacy and in how Zelenka crafted for her fine works of devotion.
We are gratified to know that many of the best composers of the time esteemed and valued Zelenka's music - even Lutherans who had no great love of Catholics in general and Jesuit trained Catholics in particular. This does not exclude J.S. Bach, with whom Zelenka collaborated on Masses and compositional practices at the Dresden Court. We discover that Zelenka's help was critical to the first performance of Bach's mass in b minor. We are also told of the fellowship and friendship between Zelenka and Johann Georg Pisendel, much admired violinist. We also learn the G.P. Telemann, one of the greatest composers of his day, attempted to publish Zelenka's "Responsora" at risk to himself.
Dr Stockigt shows the "afterlife" of Zelenka, from his relative neglect after death, to his legacy during the years preceding the Dresden holocaust, to his hesitant but sure "renaissance" today. It is obvious at every turn that Dr. Stockigt is fascinated with the man, loves his music and shares both with the reader.
This book reveals a long gone world, warts and all, to those who value the music of those times. This book also attempts to show, as best as can be done, the man behind the compositions.
Gene Herron

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The book begins with Janice and her family at home at the beginning of the Revolution. Janice's father is a troy, which means he was a support of the British. The male central character (whose name escapes me, but I'll refer to as Mark)was an indentured servant working for her father. He and Janice are friends, who eventually fall in love, but there are obstacles in the way. For one thing, he leaves the Meredith's family's service before his indenture period is over in order to join the Revolutionary army. Before he leaves he gives Janice a locket. Inside is a picture of a beautiful woman, who the reader and Janice eventually meet.
The book continues with Janice's adventures during the revolution. She meets "Mark" several times throughout the book. Janice also meets many well known historical figures along the way, including George & Martha Washington. "Mark" becomes an officer and is on General Washington's staff.
Janice meets the woman, whose picture is in the locket and is jealous. Eventually, she learns who the woman is. At one point Janice and "Mark" are engaged, but the engagement is broken. Janice's father is an active troy and he becomes a prisioner of the Revolutionary Army. Janice asks "Mark" for his help to save her father. He ends up doing something that could get him in serious trouble himself. He never tells Janice. Her father is free, but the engagement is broken. It is Martha & George Washington, who eventually tell Janice what "Mark" did to save her father and at what risk to himself.
I rate this book "5 star." As I said it is one of my all time favorite books, which I would love to read again. Even after 30 years I remember the book. This is a book for adults and one that parents can feel comfortable giving to a 13 year old to read.

List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
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