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Rupert is a woman's dream and he and Solange have teamed up. They reach a turning point in their relationship where they would do anything for each other and silently voice their feelings to one another by saying "I will do anything . . . "For Your Love".
The couple's love affair is romantic, thrilling, and exciting. The book will keep you turning the pages. I look forward to another chapter in the lives of Solange and Rupert. Maybe Rupert will get his wish and Solange will present him with a replica of Rupert in the form of little Rupert Jr. Who knows? Certainly there is room in the making for another story.

Used price: $6.95
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He writes as he feels-- not to some prescribed form or method but simply as he is. Longitudes is a delightful read that you'll wish to share over and over again. My favorite line is from the poem, "The One-Legged Hopping Man-- "In a world of the misbegotten, perfection is seen as error ..."
Do yourself a favor and read this collection.

Used price: $2.20
Collectible price: $4.99

List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $0.94
Collectible price: $1.58
Buy one from zShops for: $3.94

List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.48
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This is the book I wish I'd had when my son was born. I would have had a an abundance of helpful information, I would have been reassured that it was OK - in fact, essential - to trust what my heart told me, and I would have had the perfect book to show skeptical friends and relatives.
Baby Matters would make an especially welcome and useful baby shower gift. It is an excellent choice for any new parent. If babies could talk, I'm sure they would agree!
Jan Hunt, M.Sc., author of The Natural Child: Parenting from the Heart (New Society, 2001)

List price: $22.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.85
Collectible price: $22.00
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In the Preface, Shuman first acknowledges the "conventional wisdom" that if a given business is based on a good idea and that idea is effectively implemented, the business will succeed. Then he rejects it: "In reality, no matter how good a business idea is, no matter how well the idea is implemented, as soon as you open your doors for business [literally or virtually], you will find your business has to change -- not just minor adjustments and small shifts in marketing or product design but radical [italics] change." Shuman then asserts that what he calls "The Rhythm of Business" (TROB) is the most reliable process by which to develop and grow successful businesses of every size and type, not just today but yesterday and tomorrow. (The Rhythm of Business is the title of Shuman's previous book.) Given this methodology and all of the new technologies, Shuman then shares a "second thought": the business pattern required for the 21st century "is what I call the Collaborative Community."
In this book, Shuman and Twombly (with David Rottenberg) develop that "second thought" by incorporating -- integrating, actually -- technology with TROB inorder to enable their readers "to stay in touch with us and continue to develop their understanding of how to achieve and maintain success in our new networked world." What they envision, in essence, is a new "fraternity." The material in the book is organized within three Parts: The Revolution in Business, The New Reality, and The New Business Pattern, followed by a "References" section for those who wish to extend and enrich their understanding of various issues addressed in this book.
For whom will this book have the greatest value? Probably owners/CEOs of small-to-midsized companies; especially those who are perhaps struggling, now, with the always-difficult transition from entrepreneurship to professional management. Decision-makers in larger organizations will also derive substantial benefit from this book, especially if they are primarily responsible for business units or even departments within those organizations. Those who share my high regard of this book are urged to check out Fitz-enz's The E-Aligned Enterprise, Segil's FastAlliances, and O'Dell and Grayson's If Only We Knew What We Know.

I enjoy business books that you can read in a couple of hours but that still have plenty of substance. COLLABORATIVE COMMUNITIES fills that bill. It details how business models have changed along with the growth of technology and believes that for the foreseeable future COLLABORATIVE COMMUNITIES are the way to go. If you are interested in insights into strategic timing, information infrastructures and how to build a profitable collaborative community, this book is an excellent choice.

Used price: $8.29
Buy one from zShops for: $11.25

Beverly Lahaye and Janice Shaw write about five women from Bible times, putting flesh upon the skeleton of words, breathing life into the forms. Only women who have, themselves, walked through uncharted territory and discovered the faithfulness of God in their own lives could bring these Bible characters to life.
These two authors have done a wonderful job of doing just that!
This is a book I will keep to read again!

List price: $39.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $18.97

This book not only deals with Internet based companies, it gives the reader the information necessary to integrate an online business with traditional channels. It provides complete knowledge of how goods flow from the initial source all the way to the customer's premise. The author explains how to reach the ultimate goal of a state-of-the-art logistics and fulfillment operation. The book details how to determine in real time the sales data, warehouse inventory, production plans, and shipment schedules as an order traverses the value chain. There is even a detailed explanation of the tools need to crunch the necessary numbers into some form of reliable forecasting.
The author really understands that the success in the world of multi-channel requires a well-defined business model and the tight integration between legacy and online applications and systems, specifically in the areas of product category, customer, order, distribution, fulfillment, data, and operational management. While the book does point out that logistics and fulfillment is no easy task, it also explains that optimal logistics and fulfillment is achievable and the end result will make all the effort and money spent worthwhile.

Used price: $5.39
Buy one from zShops for: $5.39

Although I have yet to read "A Second Chance For Love," which is a continuation of this novel, I think I will like it better than this one. If you ask me, she could have combined both stories into one book, focusing on Toni and Charles's (Georgie's parents) romance.

The plot thickens not only with the discovery of the twins, but also when Clay realizes that someone is out to murder Georgie. However, that someone is set to not only destroy Georgie, but must destroy Georgie's twin sister, Bree in order to get what the murderer wants.
Toni Shaw, Georgie and Bree's mother, and Charles Waters (Chuck) lover years ago is forced to protect her children in any way possible. Toni must confront Chuck after years of separation, but will the confrontation also bring to surface Toni's undying feelings of love? A love that was never buried even though Toni thought Chuck had neglected her in a time of need years ago. Toni must now confront all of her feelings for all the right reasons -- those for her children as well as to put a close to a past that held deep love and a future that still has love in it for Chuck. Those feelings of love are not only from Toni, but Chuck must also realize his feelings and what he gave up years ago.
"All the Right Reasons" has suspense and romance. Also, there is a story in itself with Toni Shaw and Charles Waters. "All The Right Reasons" is a great book!