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Though he died at an early age, Sang has achieved respect and admiration for his poetry, which was (and continues to be) as radical as that of the language poets of our own century.
Sang's surreal work is infused with politics and a keen eye on society, bringing forward his search for truth and justice in dire times. Artist Janice Olsen has captured the mood of Sang's poetry in her art works, which beautifully accompany the poems.
Crow's Eye View is a wonderful and exciting collection, as well as a piece of history, as this is the first ever English-language collection of his poems. Surely, this is one not to miss out on!

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Used price: $191.91

The book covers every aspect of food allergy & intolerance. It is written for both the health care professional and the lay public. It is well laid out and includes scientific information at the beginning of each of the 37 chapters.
The book contains a comprehensive method to detect culprit foods. It then details the foods you need to avoid and the ones you are allowed (by food group)for each food sensitivity. In other words, if you are sensitive to certain foods, you are given all the information you need to balance your diet using alternative foods.
The chapters on irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and pediatric food allergy were of particular interest to me. The IBS recipes in the appendices are very good. The author's approach to IBS really works! Her theory is to rest the irritated bowel first (no rough foods - let it heal first) and then gradually add foods. You soon know which foods are causing you problems.
The pediatric section gives lots of valuable information on how you can help your baby avoid developing food allergy. It is especially useful if either or both parents have a history of allergy. The author gives a diet for breastfeeding mothers to follow. There is a chart to guide you on which foods to feed your baby at each stage of life (from birth to 2 years).
There are chapters on specific conditions - such as diets for migraine, Crohn's disease, urticaria & angioedima (hives & swelling), attention deficit disorder (ADDH), and eczema. Other chapters include specific methods if you are sensitive to nickel, sulfites, egg, grains, soy, peanut, yeast, molds, milk, lactose, chocolate, fish, shellfish, tyramine, histamine, food coloring agents, salicylates, benzoate, MSG, nitrite, nitrate, and/or butylated hydroxyanisole.
The author advises the reader to consult a physician when using the book.
Dr. Michael Lyon (MD) refers to Dr. Joneja's book in his new book "Healing the Hyperactive Brain" .
I attended an international symposium on Sustainable Medicine at Oxford, UK last year. Dr. Jonathon Brostoff who is the first chair of allergy in a UK medical school and is recognized throughout the medical world as an expert in allergy stated on the lecture podium that Dr. Joneja's book is by far the best ever written on the topic.
Dr. Brostoff highly recommends it. It deserves to become a standard reference text, according to Dr. Brostoff's colleague, Dr. Michael Radcliffe.
I highly recommend Dietary Management of Food Allergies & Intolerances to physicians, dietitians, community health nurses, and to people who suffer from food sensitivities.

Used price: $1.10
Collectible price: $3.43
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My fiance is from Cyprus, an island off of Greece, and this book has helped me learn more about where he is from. I recommend this book to anyone no matter the age. I found the pronunciation guide at the back of the book and throughout the book, extremely helpful. The text was clear enough for children and adults to understand. I feel this book is inciteful in exploring different cultures. I highly advise teachers to buy this book when studying about different parts of the world. Haskins and Benson also have other counting books for many other countries.