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In desperation, David turns to Grace Blanchet, the mother of Claire's best friend. Grace agrees to fostre Claire while father and daughter work things out. She knows this is what's best for Claire. She's just not sure it's best for her. Does she really want to "play house" with a man who, much as she's attracted to him, reminds her of another man---one she'd prefer to forget?
The Daughter Merger is another winner for Janice Johnson. It's charming and well-written. I stayed up late into the night to finish it. The characters of Grace and David are both realistic and likeable. These are two people you're happy to see end up together. With a lovely blend of humor and romance, The Daughter Merger is a book I'd recommend to anyone who wants a really great read.

Used price: $1.24
Buy one from zShops for: $6.20

List price: $17.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.52
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By the way, the best subtle reference to sex I've ever found is in this book. When Tice says, "Let's try out that new shuck tick of your'n" and gives Hannah a gentle shove in that direction... and the rest is left to the imagination.

Used price: $1.10
Collectible price: $3.89

Used price: $24.00
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This is a republication, with only slight changes, of the 1993 edition, so the technology and costs are not up to date. But it's not hard to think in terms of digital cameras instead of videotape.
Highly recommended.

The most useful idea I came away with is that testing needs a specific purpose. You can't just test a system's usability; you test, for example, the navigation system or a membership form.
The only flaws here are a couple of omissions. There's no mention of testing web applications, though the principles covered here can be extrapolated to other purposes. And there is no mention of the ultra-cheap guerilla testing tactics. I doubt Dumas and Redish would approve of them, but it would have been very helpful to read about where these alternative methods were effective and not.
This book is a keeper. While my organization will not likely be doing full-blown usability testing for awhile, I'm now more able to evaluate and communicate with third-party testing facilities. And this book will influence all of our other evaluation and assessment testing methods.

As someone who has done research about usability, taught about usability to over 1000 practitioners, and developed usable systems (some more so than others) for 20 years, I am still impressed every time I open this book. I recommend it as the best practical book on developing usable software (although I also recommend other books, such as Nielsen's "Usablity Engineering" and Rubin's "Handbook of Usability Testing").

Used price: $1.44
Collectible price: $1.00

Used price: $18.81
Buy one from zShops for: $18.70