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Book reviews for "Cobbledick,_Gordon" sorted by average review score:

An Introduction to Mixed-Signal Ic Test and Measurement (The Oxford Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (2001)
Authors: Mark Burns and Gordon W. Roberts
Amazon base price: $115.00
Used price: $65.00
Buy one from zShops for: $69.87
Average review score:

Well written and very practical
I've been a Test Engineer for 13 years and take it from me, this book is so close to real life situation. It obviously written by people who practice the art of Test Engineering. I wish that I had this book in my very 1st year. This is the bible for every TE.

A truly practical book
Most texts on testing seem to be written for the design engineer. They talk a lot about the fault model, the doping process, how the pattern generation algorithms are not perfect...It's like teaching Chemistry at a cooking class.
But don't get me wrong, this is not a cookbook. It does teach a fair amount of "Chemistry". But it's able to show the reader why the theories are relevant and how to apply them. The solutions are presented in the context of the problems, not the other way around, like most text books.

best book on the matket for mixed signal test
I looked for a book which covers all the important issues for
mixed signal test. This book delivers all the nesessery information for a mixed signal test Eng. It explains all
issues very simple and because of so many example it is
very useful even for not-experienced people.

Journey into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (1990)
Author: Gordon Thomas
Amazon base price: $43.25
Used price: $35.00
Average review score:

Journey into Madness is one of THE ABSOLUTE BEST books I have ever read in my entire life. If I was the principal of a High School, Journey Into Madness would be a required reading for all of the students. The young people need to learn that they have the right to living a pain-free life. And they need to understand that they will NOT get into trouble for reporting distressful or torturous experiences to authorities like they're librarians, nurses, and teachers. Thank you, Gordon Thomas, for being so kind as to offer the peace and mercy needed in the hearts of so many children and adults around the world. The American children are forever in debt to you for your merciful kindness.


Discovering what the gov't can do shocks.
Mr. Gordon's research and objectivity is laudable, his book an eye-opener. It lends credance to movies such as Blind Sight. Mr. Gordon's description of Dr. al-Abub, his training and mission and that his current endeavors continue makes one wonder what humans can be about that they could do to others what they do. Can there still be Dr. Camerons/al Abubs working the torture circuit in the name of nationalism and belief?

Has far-reaching implications that are just as important now
The second review merely seeks to lessen the impact of the book "Journey into Madness" by Gordon Thomas by pointing out that other governments do similar things. No. Not on the scale and with the hypocrisy that the CIA does.

For those interested, who would like to know more about such practices and how the CIA and the medical community continue their terror and human rights abuses here and in other countries, there is some mention of this in "The Serpent and the Rainbow" by Wade Davis. He writes of the work of the American psychiatrist Nathan Kline (sp?) with the CIA in Haiti. This details their search for a drug they (doctors & the CIA) could use to control people - turn them into zombies. It mentions, coincidentially, the secret and not-so-secret primate and human experiments occurring at the New York State Psychiatric Institute by a Dr. Leo Rozen (sp). These practices still occur. The NIMH, in fact, are admittedly are giving people with mental illness Angel Dust (aka ketamine) to induce psychosis. This causes more irreversible damage than LSD.

Recently there were series of articles in the Harford Courant (1998) and the Boston Globe on drug abuses and torture used in private and publicly funded psychiatric hospitals.

The Last Sunrise
Published in Paperback by H&J Publishing, Inc. (1992)
Author: Harold Gordon
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $6.99
Collectible price: $7.94
Average review score:

Such a Horrifying, Inspirational Book!
This has been one of the most inspirational books I've ever read...
I woke up..., seeing the sunrise and feeling very thankful for my life.
This story follows the true events of a horrific time in our world, when our fellow mankind were treated so inhumanly, during the World War 2. This book is about a young boy's personal experiences and views of staying in the Nazi Concentration Camps. That young boy grew up to be; the author of this book! The true story told in this book was horrifying and yet wonderful. I'll never forget the story of Harold's life and I want to share it with others. I can't express the sorrow, joy and hope I felt for this author and all who unwillingly had to take part in those devastating times. Thank God, he survived and shared his purpose with us. Mr. Gordon you have inspired me beyond words. Forgiveness, is such an easy word to say but not so easy to do. I wonder what justifiable, excuse I could ever come up with to not forgive those who've hurt me. I'm so happy that you have triumphed and have received such wonderful blessings in your life!
I still hadn't decided when my kids should read this book, but after reading some other reviews, I'll definitely have my teenager read it now and my other children when they are just a bit older.
I guess I was trying to protect them from reading a firsthand account of such atrocious acts. My youngest and oldest sons are the age span that Mr. Gordon was during his experience. As a mother I couldn't imagine my children going through that. I think they should read it and we'll all pray that this History will never repeat itself! Once again, this is a book I'll recommend and never forget!
I read on one of the reviews that Mr. Gordon is a speaker, does he still have speaking engagements? I live in the same area he lives, if he's still here. I would be very interested and appreciate any information about him.

a grandaughters view
I first read this book when I was in the fourth grade and was very surprised that it was my grandpa that went through all of the trials described. I could not put the book down until I had finished it. When I finally did, my whole perception of this horrible war had changed. It was hard to grasp that these horrible circumstances had surrounded my grandpa's childhood. This book and his wise teachings have taught me forgiveness, hope, and faith. This book is an alternate for The Diary of Anne Franke. You get a different view, not one of growing up in hiding but one of growing up in concentration camps.

Fascinating! Should be mandatory reading for everyone.
This was an absolutely unforgettable book which I read cover-to-cover in one sitting. My range of emotions went from laughing out loud -- to crying out loud. It made me realize how truly insignificant my minor "life's little inconveniences" have really been, and forced me to reevaluate my set of values and morals. I have rarely been as touched and moved as I was by Mr. Gordon's story. It's a book I will never forget!

The New Massage
Published in Hardcover by Arcata Arts (01 September, 1980)
Author: Gordon Inkeles
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $4.22
Average review score:

Great book, great PRICE!
I own all the Inkeles massage books and was pleasantly surprised to get this one in hardcover for LESS than the softcover price of the other books. Same compelling style and terrific photography. You get more sensual massage here for the buck than anywhere else.

A very enjoyable experience
This book takes you all the way through a full body massage with great skill and confidence. Although the massage is rather detailed, you can really just start anywhere on the body. Great results!

Superb Massage Book; Travels Well
We took this book along on our South Pacific adventure. What a great way to make new friends. Unlike other massage books, the techniques here work as promised. We had many romantic afternoons and evenings thanks to The New Massage. Bravo!

Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility: Handbook for Clinicians-Resident Survival Guide
Published in Paperback by Scrub Hill Pr Inc (15 January, 1998)
Authors: John D. Gordon, John David Gordon, Jan T. Rydfors, Maurice L. Druzin, and Yona Tadir
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $4.99
Buy one from zShops for: $5.50
Average review score:

The PERFECT handbook for ANYONE in OB/GYN
This handbook survival guide is a FAST, accurate, useful way to reference any topic in Ob/GYN & Infertility.
As a medical student, this book has allowed me to shine many times over while on my OB/GYN rotation. All students and beyond should own this book. In fact, I feel extremely confident taking my national OB/GYN exam after studying and learning this book. EVERYTHING you need to know is broken down in an easy to read, organized, precise manner containing the most relevant needed information on a topic. Residents and attendings have been amazed at my depth of knowledge since I've read this book. What more could you ask for...

OB/GYN Must Have
This book is a must have for any clinician working with Obstetrics and Gynocology. This pocket sized reference covers critical topics and provides immediate answers to questions of issues that arise for anyone working with female patients. The book has easy to read algorithms and charts, information on all aspects of Gyn practice, including uro-gynocology and oncologic staging.

Obstetrics Gynecology & Infertility Review
This book continues to be a must have for everybody interested in or practicing Ob/Gyn. It is certainly the most convenient pocket reference anyone can expect to have.

This revision is definitely worth the investment, with updated information in all the disciplines within the field. New additions include the B-Lynch suture, expanded cancer staging and treatment algorhythms as well as expanded information on HRT. I highly reccomend picking up the 5th edition to add to your pocket!!

The Politics of the Prussian Army 1640-1945
Published in Paperback by Oxford University Press (1964)
Author: Gordon Alexander Craig
Amazon base price: $30.95
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $13.50
Average review score:

A Classic
Gordon Craig's history of the Prussian officer corps and its relationship with the state it served is a true classic of military history. The primary focus of the book is on the civil-military relations of the Prussian state beginning with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 and tracings its evolution and influence to the Second World War when Hitler and the Nazis crushed the political influence of the officer corps. In addition, the book also addresses a number other issues in exquisite detail, including the formation of the German General Staff, the strategy developed before the First and Second World Wars, and the social conflict of the unified German states.

Craig's conclusions on the Prussian officer corps, their reforms and their performance are rather "standard" as far as historical interpretations go - but that is due in no small part to the fact that the author in many ways set the standard. The most salient theme of the book is that for all the German military got right in planning, strategy and innovation, it was never able to effectively solve the civil-military relationship issue, and it was that failure that led to the disasters of the First and Second World Wars.

In Craig's opinion, the opportunity for success was formulated but squandered early in 19th century. After the devastating defeat at Jena in 1807 at the hands of Napoleon, the once vaunted Prussian military had to assess how and why the disaster had occurred. The solution presented by the great military reformer Scharnhorst was the institutionalization of military genius in a centralized, elite general staff and the accountability of the armed services to the German people through an oath of allegiance to a republican constitution, rather than personal fealty to the monarch. The former was adopted and proved a stunning success, especially in the wars against the Danes, Austrians and French in 1866-1872. However, the conservative officer corps' unwillingness to embrace the more liberal reform set forth by Scharnhorst kept the military at odds with the nation it served and ultimately led to the military's political dominance in World War I and political subjugation in World War II.

If you have a keen interest in civil-military relations, German history, or the development of the General Staff system this book is simply indispensable.

A Sweeping, Detailed Account
This excellent volume was one of my textbooks in college, and I completely underestimated its importance for years. Being deeply involved and interested in Napoleonic military history and the campaigns of the Grande Armee, I have again started to use this book as there is now a 'revisionist' (read 'excuse')school of Prussian history beginning to emerge, revolving around the disastrous, for the Prussians, Jena campaign of 1806. For this period, and indeed for the periods up to the end of World War II, this book is invaluable.

The author uses myriad German source material for his references, and the story he tells is accurate, lively, and riveting. He knows his material, and his subject, and is unflinching in calling a spade a spade when necessary. While I am only interested in those portions relating to the Napoleonic period and its immediate aftermath, students of the Prussian/German Army will find this book invaluable.

Craig's bona fides are impeccable and he writes with authority, verve, and accuracy. His analysis of the Prussian Army's beginnings in the aftermath of the Thirty Years' War set the definition and trends for what the Prussian Army would become, something apart from the people of Prussia and an army supported by a dynastic state. His demonstration of the effectiveness of the instrument under the Great Frederick, and of his policies, and those of his successors after the Seven Years' War, tell the tale of why is became nothing more than a 'parade ground facade', made up of half-foreign mercenary strength, which were two of the many reasons for its defeat and destruction by Napoleon and the Grande Armee in 1806.

The coverage of the Prussian reformers is also excellent, and dispels many myths, some of which unforunately are resurfacing under the guise of 'recent scholarship.' The War of Liberation from Napoleon was in actuality a war of liberating whatever German territory Prussia could grab in the chaos of the aftermath of French hegemony in western Germany (they took the Rhineland, most of Westphalia, and about half of Saxony, keeping the Saxon king, Napoleon's ally, as a prisoner of war). Additionally, force had to be used in Prussia to get the manpower required to fight the Grande Armee. The end of the tale is also excellently told-that of how the reformers, so necessary to Prussian resurgence, were treated and eventually disposed of politically, the Prussian monarchy almost completely retrenching to pre-1806 'values.'

All in all this is an excellent volume for students and historians of the period or of the Prussian/German army in particular. It is highly recommended.

Essential for military and German historians
Gordon Craig is the doyen of America's historians of Germany. Now retired from academic life, he is highly respected at home and in Germany, and is sought after for sound and temperate reviews and commentary in the media. No other survey has superceded The Politics of the Prussian Army, although it is now over 40 years old. (However, Gerhard Ritter's important, multi-volume "Staatskunst und Kriegshandwerk" covers a lot of the same ground, with a more conservative viewpoint. There's an English translation) There are two basic reasons for this, I think. One is of course the book's very high quality. Craig became throughly familiar with all the most important source material available, and his fundamental conclusions are unquestioned: that the army was the keystone and guardian of the Prussian monarchy and its conservative social order, and always at work to hinder the progress of democracy and the achievement of popular over monarchical sovereignty. The authoritarian (N. B.: as distinct from totalitarian!) sympathies and traditions of the Prussian officer corps survived after the end of the Prussian monarchy in 1918 and carried on in the Reichswehr of the Weimar Republic, and then in the Wehrmacht. Eventually the officer corps sold its soul to the "Austrian corporal" (Hindenburg's disdainful reference), Hitler, believing they could control him for their own ends, and that he was in any case the best available political option. But Hitler was nobody's fool, and his ultimate aim always remained to undermine the social authority and prestige of the regular army and in its place install himself, his party, and an absolutely fanaticized and obedient military force (the Waffen-SS). A sense of duty not to Hitler but to the German people and their civilization flamed up and extinguished in the assasination attempt of Oct 1944, led by Wehrmacht officers of the old Prussian nobility. Recent research (in English, cf. for example Omer Bartov) has tended to see more ideological sympathy for Nazism in the officer corps of the Wehrmacht more than Craig does here, though his focus is less on ideology than on the army's involvement in political machinations at the highest level. German historians and journalists are debating this issue at the moment, as new publications argue that the Wehrmacht committed war crimes on a greater scale, esp. on the Eastern front, than previously admitted, and that it fought unrestrained by professional ethos or conscience. A second reason for the book's longevity is that most of the Prussian military archive was destroyed in a 1945 bombing raid, which makes significant new discoveries impossible for the period before World War II. One has to rely on published sources, and as I noted, Craig read the most important of them. New histories of the Prussian army would be new interpretations of the same sources. One could, for example, to take a more sympathetic view of the army's 19th-century ideology and ethos - that it was defensive - in view of Prussia's vulnerable geographical position, the hostility of its neighbors, and the rise of the socialist movement. But in the early 20th century Germany was far and away the dominant power in Europe, and the question arises of what "went wrong" and led to Germany's (in my view) unprovoked attack and reckless strategy in World War I. Note: Despite the title, the book is really a history of the army after 1806, with an introductory chapter on the period before.

The Ice at the Bottom of the World: Stories
Published in Hardcover by Knopf (1989)
Authors: Mark Richard and Gordon Lish
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $9.74
Collectible price: $8.47
Average review score:

Shame on Doubleday
Mark Richard is simply the best current short story writer (with some competition from Tom Franklin). While no single story in this collection rivals Richard's "masterpiece," the story BIRDS FOR CHRISTMAS collected in CHARITY, each piece is subtle, precise, brilliant.

However, the overall enjoyment of the book is hampered somewhat by the shameful job performed by the publisher (Doubleday). ICE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE WORLD feels like it's printed on two-ply paper towels shoved between dry cleaning shirt cardboards which serve as the cover. You worry something must be wrong with the book because the publisher did such a cost cutting - dismissive job in producing it.

The Ice at the Bottom of the World
I've never read a short story collection like this one. I've since read it dozens of times and have sought out everything written by Mark Richard. The most frustrating thing about his books is that he doesn't write them fast enough.

Macabre, hilarious, desperate, heartwarming
Macabre, hilarious, desperate, heartwarming, Mark Richard's collection is stunning in its stark juxtaposition of a gamut of emotions and moods. The prose is sparse, and all the more evocative because of it. The world Richard depicts is itself sparse - his characters take their comfort where they can. It is a world of immense cruelty and immensely harsh beauty. There is pain in this washed out, painted over landscape of mudflats, fairgrounds and burning shacks, but also a piercing redemptive vision. As I read I found the first story superlative, then the next, then the next, right to the end. Books may not change your life, but this one may well leave its images searing your imagination for a long time. When I consider the lack of attention Mark Richard has received for his fiction, I'm tempted to believe there's no justice in the world at all, but then I realise that for such a gem of a book to exist at all is a kind of secret miracle. Witness it while you can.

An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms
Published in Hardcover by Addison-Wesley Pub Co (30 November, 1995)
Authors: Robert Sedgewick, Philippe Flajolet, and Peter Gordon
Amazon base price: $54.99
Used price: $32.50
Buy one from zShops for: $34.00
Average review score:

Not a reference guide
This book is REALLY for coursework : someone who is going to sit down and read and work thru this book sequentially, not randomly like a reference book.
Other than that caveat it does what it promises ably but be aware that it is MATHS heavy and REQUIRES the programme work.

A must have.
I read a lot of books about complexity analysis. And this book is a state of art in the field. Easy to read, and well done.It cover the necessary staff that every new commer to the field should know, can be used as a refference,and it make a good teaching material for graduate student.

Clear and concise
This is an excellent book on the analysis of algorithms. More specifically, it is a book on the mathematics needed for the analysis of algorithms. Quite a few algorithms are presented and analyzed in great detail, but the emphasis is on the analysis techniques rather than on the algorithms.

This is in contrast with Cormen,Leiserson and Rivest, or Sedgewick's own "Algorithms" series which emphasize the algorithms rather than the analysis.

If you're looking for a catalog of algorithms along with explanations, you want a different book, but if you want to know how to analyze that bizarre code (which Fred in the next cubicle wrote) and prove that it works well (or doesn't) then this is an excellent choice.

The book is aimed at advanced undergrads/graduate students and assumes a certain amount of mathematical sophistication - i.e. calculus, discrete math, probability, etc.

On the spectrum from "Mathematical Techniques" through "Analysis of Algorithms" and ending up with "Catalog of Algorithms", I would start with Graham, Knuth and Patashnik "Concrete Mathematics", travel through this book, on to Knuth "The Art of Computer Programming", then to Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest, and finally end up with either Sedgewick's "Algorithms" or Skeina's "Algorithm Design Manual".

Keenan: The High Times and Misadventures of Hockey's Most Controversial Coach
Published in Hardcover by McGregor Publishing (01 October, 2000)
Author: Jeff Gordon
Amazon base price: $16.77
List price: $23.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.95
Buy one from zShops for: $15.65
Average review score:

An amazing must read for any hockey fan
Although this book starts off a little slow it is still a must read. After the first chapter and a half of background information you will not be able to put it down. Great stories and interesting facts. This book talks about all his encounters with players, writers and GM's. All the dirt you wish you could know is in this book. I would say it is a must read.

Time to Revisit Keenan
I became interested in rereading this book after Mike Keenan's recent appointment to the ailing Florida Panthers. His story reads like a greek tragedy in that his fanatical drive continually prevented him from seeing and learning from his mistakes. Players and management either loved him for his discipline, or hated him for his sadism, unpredictability, and indecorous behavior with the press. Jeff Gordon does a wonderful job of detailing Keenan's strides and missteps without skewering him with a pitchfork. This book is also well-written and as fair of an account of Mike Keenan as a readers are likely to find. I highly recommend it.

A definite Hat Trick!! Gordo knows what he's talking about.

Not for Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony: An Illustrated History
Published in Hardcover by Knopf (1999)
Authors: Geoffrey C. Ward, Martha Saxton, Ann D. Gordon, Ellen Carol Dubois, and Paul Barnes
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $8.99
Collectible price: $17.99
Buy one from zShops for: $16.69
Average review score:

Wonderful recounting of many important women
This book fills a glaring need in history books. Not many people know more about Susan B. Anthony than she was one the dollar coin. This book corrects that oversight, and then some. Not only does the book give a balanced and well thought out look at Anthony and Stanton, the reader is also introduced to many, many other women who worked so hard for women rights.
I especially liked that the book didn't shy away from some of these women's more controversial stands, such as taking on the black person's cause.
All in all, a very good book.

Every Woman should read this book!
This book provides insight and history on the struggle that women went through to get the right to vote. It includes all kinds of interesting background and perspectives. It was a real eye opener for me and I'm giving it as a gift to all the young women I know.

What every woman should know
This book was an eye opener for me. Every woman should read this book to understand the fight for our right to vote. These women devoted their lives to something they knew they would never even see in their live time! Its a story of courage and strength. It's makes one feel proud to be a woman.

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