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Book reviews for "Cobbledick,_Gordon" sorted by average review score:

The Disease of the Health and Wealth Gospels
Published in Paperback by Regent College Publishing (01 January, 1985)
Author: Gordon D. Fee
Amazon base price: $3.95
Average review score:

short but very sweet
Gordon fee one of the best new testament scholars wrote a short but very helpful little 31 page book on the Word of Faith theology .....Great work for so little book....

An excellent, biblical analysis
This is a tremendous little book. Gordon Fee is a world-class New Testament scholar and a Pentecostal. He discusses the "theology" of the health and wealth teachers and preachers and how they take Scripture out of context. With all the imbalances and biblical distortions going on in the Pentecostal/charismatic scene today, Dr. Fee's book is refreshing and much-needed.

Don't miss this one!

Releasing and Thought Provoking
This book clearly presents a thorough exegisis on the key proof texts cited to justify the popular Health and Wealth teachings. He makes the point that scripture must mean to us what it meant to its author and his original readers. For example the popular verse "Beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health" was merely John's personal wish for Gaius. That is what it meant then and so what right has anyone to suggest it means anything different today. Gordon Fee also examines healing and whether or not it is part of the Atonement.

Gordon Fee is charismatic and starts of the book almost apologetically.

I think this book brings balance to the body of Christ and I thoroughly recommend it.

Eat This Book: The Last Diet Book
Published in Paperback by West Graphics (1987)
Author: Billi Gordon
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $8.45
Average review score:

"Sisters of Plenty Unite !!"
This book has given me a new look on life. I'm not only confident, I'm convinced that I look good just the way I am, so watch out world here I come., Mystique

Even my psychiatrist loved this book!
My psychiatrist, Dr. Sam Snatchaway, reccomended this book. What can I say? I was resistant, but I tried it. This book made me once and for all give up the foolishness of dieting and accept myself, and laugh at myself, for who I am. I call this book "Ha-Ha Therapy." Run (or if you can't do it like me)... walk to get this book!!!

The sassiest diet book at which I have dared to glance!!
This book restores my faith in humor of a darker nature. It will not help you lose weight unless you are laughing so hard you are too sore to eat, or are too depressed because you look like the fabulously full figured model (could she be the author?). It's not exactly politically correct, and it's not for the faint of heart, which is why I love it. Buy it. Enjoy it. Eat it. Give it to a friend with a sick sense of humor.

Effective Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques
Published in Hardcover by Academic Press (2001)
Authors: Nathan J. Gordon, William L. Fleisher, and C. Donald Weinberg
Amazon base price: $59.95
Used price: $49.99
Buy one from zShops for: $59.95
Average review score:

Effective Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques
I have read several books on this topic in the past. I found this book to be very interesting and easy reading. It contained excellent information applicable for anyone involved in the field of interviewing.

The book was very well organized, and answered many questions for even a trained interviewer/interrogator.

I would highly recommend it for anyone in the fields of intelligence, law enforcement, private investigations or polygraph.

This Book Delivers
I have just finished reading this book and I am thoroughly impressed with it's attention to detail, usable procedures, and overall organization. It was a very quick read, and I now feel like an expert in the art of interrogation. I am already confidently putting these new techniques into practice and seeing results. If your goal is attaining the truth in an interview situation, buy & read this book.

An Obligatory Handbook on Interviews and Interrogations
Nathan J. Gordon, et al have authored an outstanding publication which is well documented, authoritative, well organized, and an easy read as well as a page turner. This reviewer,who has authored several textbooks on polygraph testing, highly recommends this book to anyone involved in the art and science of interviewing and interrogation.

The Encyclopedia of Pregnancy and Birth
Published in Paperback by Trans-Atlantic Publications, Inc. (1989)
Authors: Janet Balaskas and Yehudi Gordon
Amazon base price: $29.50
Buy one from zShops for: $35.98
Average review score:

Way too much information but still essential.
I'm writing this from the point of view of a father, not a mother, so for me this book contained way too much information... but the section on massage during childbirth proved invaluable when our first child was being born, so I recommend this book strongly.

What can I say - it's The Bible
Can not reccommend this book highly enough - it is one of the most comprehensive you will find anywhere - and I have read a great many to qualify this statement! It was the only book I actually BOUGHT when pregnant (sorry!)
Excellent birth education, a wonderful reference section and useful 'self help' sections are just some of the highlights. Caters for all your questions - physical, emotional and intellectual. Excellent inspiring and educational photos too. Should probably add that I was lucky enough to give birth at home with no drugs or significant problems - this book went along way towards preparing me to do that.

The best book I've read, and I've read them all!!!
I was reading this book all through my first pregnancy. It contains so much information, it always had something new for me to read. The book has a wonderful positive attitude towards pregnancy and birth, and is really an inspiration. Childbirth and pregnancy are natural and healthy, and this book guides you through them in the most gentel way. It contains sections about pre-natal and post-natal Yoga style excercises, which are wonderful, and also a baby massage section. I found this book to be truly wonderful, and recommend it very highly.I wonder why is it out of print.

Enola Gay: Mission to Hiroshima
Published in Hardcover by Motorbooks International (1995)
Authors: Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan-Witts
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $23.70
Collectible price: $36.00
Average review score:

Real to Life
This book is as real to life as possible in its discription of the events from Windover to Tinian and on to History. My grandfather served under Tibits and is pictured and mentioned several times in this book. As I turned the pages I was reading what I had heard first hand for several years from my grandfather spelled out across the pages. The attention to detail and recreation of the stories, events, and emotions capture the readers attention and draw you in. The various perspectives of the events also allows the reader to understand the magnitude of the bombings and the enourmous undertakingas that transpired prior to the event.

This is a must read for those who are interested in WWII History. I will pass this book along through the generations as the most accurate account of what transpired for my Grandfather and the men who served along side him.

Feels like you rode along when they dropped the bom
I read the authors Voyage of the Damned a long time ago and really enjoyed it. So when I found this book I had expectations. And they were easily met.

The authors take you along with Col. Tibbets and the rest of his squadron - through training, hellraising and more. The book reads like a novel even if it is based on well documented facts. They also cover both sides of the story including the experiences of Hiroshima survivors.

All in all a good and enjoyable read.

Excellent. Well researched information and fast paced.
From the very beginning this narrative grabs your attention. It wasn't until one hour away from Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945, that Enola Gay's pilot, Paul W. Tibbets turned around and announced to his crew that they were about to drop the world's first atom bomb.

The crew was handpicked by Tibbets. Their training was so secret and compartmentalized that they didn't even discuss it among themselves. They all "knew", but they didn't "know" until they were told. Survivors of "Little Boy" were also interviewed for this story.

Another book recommend is Flight of the Enola Gay written by her pilot, Gen. Paul W. Tibbets. This is the story from his perspective. Excellent.

Michelle deBreuil Farrell - Military Aviation Photojournalist.

Everybody Wins! A Life in Free Enterprise (CHF Series in Innovation and Entrepreneurship)
Published in Paperback by Chemical Heritage Foundation (01 July, 2001)
Authors: Gordon Cain, Arnold Thackray, and Michael C. Jensen
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.50
Buy one from zShops for: $8.99
Average review score:

Real Capitalism -- The Way It Should be
We need more business leaders and managers who embrace and practice Mr. Cain's brand of business and general living. very pragmatic, down-to-earth, no-frills, seeing things for what they are -- Very ZEN.

Mr. Cain is a hero, not so much for the wealth he created for himself and many others, but the way he lived his life when he did not have alot of money.

Involved in a number of his transactions from the banker's role, Mr. Cain has set an example for all of us who call ourselves capitalists. Unfortunately, the corporate scandals of the day get the headlines whereas the true successes that create value for everyone, including the employees get little or no attention.

Integrity, Accountibility and Maximizing Long-Term share-holder Value -- not going for the quick buck at the expense of others is what is all about -- it allows us to discover, explore, educate, entertain and enjoy the life before us -- society progresses as a result. Everyone Wins.

High recommend this read to everyone -- whether or not you have an interest in business becasue it is the true story of one man's journey who just happened to become a successful businessman through a series of "happy accidents.

A gentleman who is an inspiration
Indeed, this work is a thoroughly enjoyable and fascinating autobiography of a remarkable visionary.

Wonderful story and well written
A true story an ethical businessman who is in fact a gentleman

Existentia Africana : Understanding Africana Existential Thought (Africana Thought)
Published in Library Binding by Routledge (2000)
Authors: Lewis R. Gordon and Paget Henry
Amazon base price: $90.00
Used price: $59.51
Buy one from zShops for: $49.99
Average review score:

Scholarship as its best...
If you are at the least familiar with Prof. Gordon's work, then you should need no prompting in purchasing this text. If not, then I wholeheartedly recommened "Existentia Africana" for anyone with an interest in race theorizing along existential lines. Gordon draws influences from such existential theorists as Frantz Fanon, W.E.B. DuBois, Jean-Paul Sartre, and bell hooks to paint a very coherent and useful picture of modern Africana existential thought. Buy it, and read it, you won't be dissappointed.

Political Philosophy and the question of black existence
Sylvia Wynter has said that it is the challenge of the writer to create new "forms of life." Lewis R. Gordon has done just that with "Existentia Africana." With chapters such as "Can Men Worship?", "'What Does It Mean to be a Problem'?", and one of the most moving sections, "Writing: Words and Incantation", Gordon pours out his soul in trying to explain to the reader why in the year 2000 black people in Africa and the African Diaspora are still regarded as problem people. The author is a writer, philosopher par excellance, a jazz musician, a product of both Jamaica and black America, the academy and the realm of grassroots political activity. Discussing persons such as Frantz Fanon to Angela Davis to Jean-Paul Sartre to W.E.B.Du Bois to Naomi Zack to Josiah Young to Abbey Lincoln and to others, Gordon's words and incantation force the reader to confront the meaning of black existence from Jamaica to the United States to the UK to Africa to aboriginal Australia. Gordon differentiates between the European movement of thought "Existentialism", versus what he terms a "Philosophy of Existence/Existential Philosophy." A Philosophy of Existence addresses issues of freedom, anguish, dread, and responsibility in a way that does not limit discourse to European thought and thikers such as Sartre, Heidegger, Jaspers, and Simone de Beauvoir. Dear reader, please read on if you are willing to confront these serious and pressing issues of our times.

An Invaluable Addition to Aficana Philosophy
Professor Lewis R. Gordon (Brown University) has outdone himself in this groundbreaking introduction to Africana existential thought! In addition to a breakthrough in Africana studies, Fanonian and DuBoisian students and scholars alike will appreciate the fruit of Gordon's labor. I would highly recommend anything written by Gordon; his style and method are very endearing to the reader.

Facing Your Fifties: Every Man's Reference Guide to Mid-Life Health
Published in Paperback by M Evans & Co (2002)
Authors: Jeff Miller, Gordon, Md. Ehlers, and Jeffrey Miller
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.57
Buy one from zShops for: $10.03
Average review score:

Helped Save My Life!
After reading this book I decided to get a checkup. Although I work out and passed my treadmill test there was an area of ischemia. A catheter procedure found a torn LMC, a partially blocked RCA, and a partially blocked PDA. Two AVE stents and an angioplasty behind me I am now much better informed. I have read this book from cover to cover more than once and I have incorporated its recommendations into my daily life. This book made me aware of changes within my body I had not noticed and in essence saved my life by motivating me to see my doctor for a checkup. Glad I did. I lived to see 56.

A Wealth of Information!
This book is fantastic!It is full of information that is really helpful to wives, who have husbands that do not like to talk about their health! It covers a broad range of topics from heart disease, blood pressure,prostate,sexual issues and male menopause! My husband has started reading it now and is learning all kinds of useful information! This was a lucky find! Very well written!

What took so long?
Finally, a book written for men doing just what the title says;"Facing the Fifties" written by a couple of guys who obviously don't subscribe to the "if you have fabulous abs everything must be just fine" school of health. Incredible it took this long for someone to realize with all us "boomers" out there that the need for this kind of book was huge. I like how straight forward, simple and easy this book is. No BS, just clear information and a nice sense of humor about it as well. This was clearly written by men who understand what we're up against physically and emotionally and I recommend it to anyone in the neighborhood of their fifties.

Fading Victory: The Diary of Admiral Matome Ugaki, 1941-1945
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Pittsburgh Pr (Txt) (1991)
Authors: Matome Ugaki, Masataka Chihaya, Donald M. Goldstein, Gordon Prange, and Katherine V. Dillon
Amazon base price: $49.95
Used price: $151.06
Average review score:

A True-to-Life Account
Though I am a Japanese American born after WWII, I wanted to know what was going through the minds of the Japanese in Japan who decided to bomb Pearl Harbor and get involved in the conflict. This book got me about as close as I could get to talking to someone high up and powerful in the Japanese naval command. The highs, the lows, the delusions, the misconceptions, the hopes, aspirations - they are all clearly laid out. The account of Yamamoto's death and Ugaki's survival is better than an Indiana Jones-tale. The main thing you come away with is this man's patriotism and devotion to a misguided cause. Ugaki and Japan seriously misjudged their strength versus the power and resources of the United States and their allies.

A unique account of the Pacific War
Anyone who calls themselves a true historian of the Pacific War should read this book. There are a variety of things that make this "Fading Victory" unique and important. First and foremost, Ugaki was one of Japan's leading military men and he was privy to the Japanese planning of much of the Pacific War. His mistakes, conceptions of the wartime situation, and commentary on the Allied victories and defeats create a new dimension to the Pacific War that standard histories do not provide. Furthermore, the account, unlike other wartime accounts, was not doctored or recalled years after the event. This means that what Ugaki wrote in, say June 4, 1942, is how Ugaki perceived the situation as it happened. Finally, "Fading Victories" also details the gradual defeat of Japan and how a Japanese patriot perceived it. It is almost sad to hear Ugaki in 1945 speak of countering raids by hundreds of American planes with a mere handful of Jpanese aircraft. If this were not enough, Ugaki also writes extremely well and the editors did a fantastic job of correcting him and presenting what really happened. The net result is that Ugaki's own biases become readily apparent. Do not pass this one up!

Excellent war journal written by Admiral Ugaki.
I wondered whether this was going to be a boring self-serving narrative, but once I started reading it, it was so interesting that I couldn't stop. Ugaki details his day to day activities and lets you know his opinions and insights as he goes along. You get to like the guy, even though you know, in some cases, he's trying to fool himself about who's going to win the war. He is involved in just about everything in the Pacific War, and he narrates nicely. One of the best parts that you look forward to is where he and Yamamoto are shot down by U.S. planes. (Yamamoto is killed, but Chief of Staff Ugagki survives miraculously.) - The editor of this book every now and then corrects Ugaki (in italics) when Ugaki makes claims, such as ships sunk and planes shot down. This is extremely helpful, else you might think like Ugaki. This way you can sort of analyze Ugaki and where he's coming from. - Ugaki, the consumate samurai ends the book by demanding a kamakazi plane so he can die gloriously by sinking an enemy ship. He is unsuccessful. In the end, you sort of like and admire the guy. Very good reading if you are into the Japanese version of the Pacific War.

The Five Minute Parent: Fun & Fast Activities for You and Your Little Ones
Published in Paperback by Bayou Publishing (01 September, 2002)
Authors: Deborah Shelton and Frankie Gordon
Amazon base price: $11.66
List price: $12.95 (that's 10% off!)
Used price: $8.98
Buy one from zShops for: $8.98
Average review score:

Ideal for rainy day activities
The Five Minute Parent: Fun & Fast Activities For You And Your Little Ones by Deborah Shelton is a compilation of 115 quick, easy, and very enjoyable parent-child projects designed specifically for families running short on time. Simple black and white drawings by Frankie Gordon illustrate such activities as making colorful "button flowers" out of construction paper, buttons and pipe cleaner, hanging a pine cone bird feeder for feathered friends, handprint art, and a great deal more. A fun and lighthearted resource, The Five Minute Parent is ideal for rainy day activities, single parent visitations, family night plans, kid's parties, and any time there's a few extra minutes in the day for family bonding with the kids.

A Reminder to Stop and Smell the Flowers with your Kids
More than an activity book, The Five Minute Parent is a reminder for parents everywhere to stop and smell the flowers with their children. If you are like the rest of us busy parents, and find yourself telling your little one "not now, later", then this book is for you!

From organizing craft supplies to making time for kitchen experiments, this book is filled with quick and easy ways to spend quality time NOW with your children. And as the author reminds us, there is no reason to wait for the weekend when you can do it today!

Teachers, parents, grandparents, and other caregivers will really enjoy the easy format and quick activities contained in the pages of this book. Seize the moment!

A Must Have!
I recently received this book as a gift and was blown away by how much great information is inside! These activities are perfect for fast fun; when you only have small blocks of time. They're also great starting points for when you have more time together. I whole-heartedly recommend this book for moms and dads who are looking for fun things to do with their children.

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