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Book reviews for "Cobbledick,_Gordon" sorted by average review score:

Livin PO in Sandbed Hell
Published in Paperback by Southern Charm Press (2001)
Author: Gordon Long
Amazon base price: $18.95
Average review score:

I finished the book on a trip that I had to go on to Chicago. I know the people on the aircraft thought I had lost it. I have not enjoyed a book that much in a long time. I guess it could have something to do with knowing the guy that wrote it. I thought of my dad telling me about many of the things you talked about in the book. I can see you pulling some of the pranks and I can better understand why you dressed me down for not giving a test I made a 92 on a better effort. I will never forget you telling me that my southern roots would be both a hindrance and a help. I am now using them to be a positive.

Thanks for all the fun reading this great book.


Livin Po
LIVIN PO is an excellent and accurately descriptive book about life in the south during and shortly after the depression. Dr. Long's book brings back many vivid memories of that era. I enjoyed reading the true story of his family and I am thankful that circumstances have improved. H.Davis

Suffering and Humor are the Sources of Value
Dr. Long's book should be read by all those who take our contemporary lifestyle for granted. Through his perseverance in working in union with family while suffering the indignities of poverty during the depression, he gives us a glimpse of the character of many of our ancestors which laid the basis for the strong values and motivation to succeed of the generation that followed. A well written and entertaining biography.

Los Santos
Published in Paperback by Llumina Press (2002)
Author: Kevin J. Gordon
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.12
Buy one from zShops for: $11.12
Average review score:

What I'd give for the movie rights!
The perfect book for the beach, plane, or Costa Rican jungles. A fast-paced, sweaty romp through the humid world of Central American spooks, middlemen, treasure maps, CYA-obsessed diplomats, and the warped, greedy souls of men.

A gem of a book and a potential movie blockbuster.

Set in the 1980s and based on actual events
Set in the 1980s and based on actual events, Los Santos by Kevin J. Gordon (who has a distinctive flair for compelling dialogue) is the story of one man's obsessed determination to uncover the buried golden treasures of the Cocos Island. The journey takes Peter Bergman deep into mazes of the human heart as surely as hidden territory, in this intriguing and reader-involving tale.

Truth in Fiction
There's an intriguing mix of adventure, mystery and suspense to keep readers turning the pages as the plot begins to thicken. Because these characters are creative twists on real life encounters, the reader has the ability to relate on an easier and more appealing level. If you're the type of reader who enjoys historical fiction, politics, memoirs, third world settings or any combination of the mentioned, then this book will appeal to you.

Statistics for Experimenters: An Introduction to Design, Data Analysis, and Model Building
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (22 June, 1978)
Authors: George E. P. Box, William G. Hunter, J. Stuart Hunter, and William Gordon Hunter
Amazon base price: $99.95
Used price: $72.47
Buy one from zShops for: $75.60
Average review score:

Immediate usability in practice.
This is an excellently written book with clear examples of how to apply statistics to everyday experimental settings. Box delves deep enough into the underlying theory to give an engineer such as myself an appreciation for the "reality" of the mathematics, but sticks to concrete examples and putting theory into practice. Each chapter follows the previous one, but each is also reasonably self-contained. Terminology is easily clarified with a quick use of the comprehensive index.

Additionally, don't let the print date fool you... the book is timely.

classic but unconventional and practical book on design
This book was published in 1978 but as other reviewers have noted its practical methods and advice are timeless. George Box and Stu Hunter are both very famous statisticians who are also great teachers and lecturers. Bill Hunter is now deceased. All three authors have made major contributions to the design of experiments. The book is written for practitioners and in the simplest language possible. Emphasis is placed on practical designs and not optimal designs because optimal designs are very sensitive to model specification.

It does not include the robust designs of Taguchi which came later and could easily be included if the authors choose to revise it.

Still the "Bible" of practical design of experiments.
More than twenty years after its publication, this seminal work is still the undisputable "Bible" for users of statistical experimental design. The practical insights sprinkled throughout this book are invaluable especially to non-mathematical statisticians. This book will never be out-of-date!

Published in Paperback by Scholastic (2002)
Author: Gordon Korman
Amazon base price: $4.50
Used price: $1.98
Buy one from zShops for: $2.50
Average review score:

An awesome story full of adventure and danger:
This is the best book I have read in a very long time. I couldn't put down these books if I tried. The adventurous tale of the 4 youngest Everst climbers ever to attempt the peak is filled with truimph, tragety, and humor. The author does a great job of drawing you into the adventure of the story.Meet Dominic Alexis, 13 and small but a tough climber, Tilt Crowly, a heavy 14 year old, ... talking kid, Perry Noonan, a terrified 15 year old redhead, and Sammi Moon, a slightly crazy 15 year old girl. Add that together with Cap Cicero, the legendary climber who will lead this expedion, and throw the world's highest mountain into it all, then you have an absoulty fantastic story!I can't tell you enough how adventurous this story is. I mean, each kid almost dies about four times each! I read and reread this story over and over, and after it's done you're disappointed that it had to end.

Extremely good book!
This book is a great book for anybody who loves adventure, because these books (the Everest books) are very extreme. They have very intense parts. I liked that these books are not all action, there are good conversation parts, too. The characters are like real kids and they do what real kids would do. I would highly recommend these books to anybody nine and over.

Personally I loved this book and I think that anybody who loves adventure books would too.
One interesting thing in this book is that you never know whot's going to hapen next. Ther's also lots of mystory in this book.
EVEREST is worlds diferent from Island or any other of Gordon Korman's other books. This 3 part series is a book to be read over and over again. It's not like any other book I'v ever read. In my opinionit's #1.

Telecommuting Success: A Practical Guide for Staying in the Loop While Working Away from the Office
Published in Unknown Binding by Jist Works (E) (2001)
Authors: Michael J. Dziak and Gil Gordon
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:

best book on telecommuting
I recently reviewed a number of books on telecommuting and distance collaboration for a research center (...) and Dziak's book was the best I found on telecommuting.

While some other books dwell too much on details of home office setup (which this book does cover thoroughly in ch 4) Dziak is by far the most insightful about the real challenges of telecommuting, which are social issues of staying in touch. The book gives prescriptive advice in easily-digestable forms. Dziak is quite fond of top-10 lists, but manages to pack a lot of good content into this somewhat gimmicky format. My most-reference part of the book was his '10 Ways to stay on the corporate radar screen' (p. 181).

The Only Guide You Will Need for Telecommuting
Michael Dziak's book is very thorough, and is a comprehensive guide on telecommuting. The check lists, forms, and practical tips are very usefull. This book offers so much for anyone operating a home office, it is a good investment even if they don't telecommute. I agree with other reviewers this is the desk companion or bible for telecommuters. I highly recommend it.

Hitting Home
This is a good book. The design is very approachable, and the writing is quite readable - especially in an age when people would *like* to explore telework, but don't quite know where to begin. From Telework 101 to senior-exec-level concepts, it explains much of what today's teleworker - and even the at-home entrepreneur - needs to launch a fully-functional home office, without losing touch or professional stature with the corporate community.

Way to Be! : 9 Rules For Living the Good Life
Published in Audio CD by S&S Sound Ideas (06 August, 2002)
Author: Gordon B. Hinckley
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.95
Buy one from zShops for: $8.95
Average review score:

Great Book
This is the perfect book for our family with 15 grandchildren. We gave a copy to every one of them and it is referred to daily. What wonderful direction for youth (and adults) in a very confusing world. Thanks to Gordon B. Hinckley. dd

Way To Be
I got this book from my uncle. When i started reading this book i though this will be like a rule book. boy was i WRONG! This book helped me wil my problems in life, big and small. It's got helpful tips, storys to go with each be, and experiances of Gordon B. Hinckley.
Every one should read it. HEY It's also by the Prophet.

Way to Be
Although this little book is aimed at teenagers, I have found its down-to-earth advice a kind of compass for finding happiness in a noisy and distracting world. I'd recommend it for young and old alike.

Edward A. Smith, MD, MPH
Assistant Research Professor
Universtiy of Arizona College of Medicine

Wings of the Luftwaffe: Flying German Aircraft of the Second World War
Published in Hardcover by Presidio Pr (1987)
Authors: Eric Brown, William Green, and Gordon Swanborough
Amazon base price: $20.00
Used price: $15.00
Average review score:

First Hand Experience
World war two is history like other things we learned from books and media. But how many times could you find a reference is written by a person who actually flew those airplanes ? Especially they were not Allied's planes, they were German's military airplanes.

You could learn the speed, range or how many guns of each airplanes from tones other books, but you won't be able to learn the feeling to fly all of them by the same person from them.

This book was published long long time ago, but don't think the data and describtion is also old. Those experience is never faded away.

Back in Print, and Justifiably so...
Besides being in the Guiness Book of World Records for the number of different aircraft types flown (over 500!) Eric "Winkle" Brown has authored several books concerning test flying and evaluation. "Wings of the Luftwaffe" reads like all the others...scholarly with a welcome dose of English wit! The inclusion of clear photos, profile drawings and cut-aways are further enhancements. Readers of the Air Enthusiast and Air International from the 1970's will recognize that "Wings of the Luftwaffe" is a compilation Mr. Brown's flight test reports printed in those magazines during 1970's and 80's. Having them in one volume saves much time in not having to look through back issues. No other book I know of captures the essence of flying these earliest of jet aircraft. Layman friends of mine have also responded enthusiastically to "Wings of the Luftwaffe" It is therefore highly recommended.

Back in Print, and Justafiably so...
Besides being in the Guiness Book of World Records for the number of different aircraft types flown (over 500!) Eric "Winkle" Brown has authored several books concerning test flying and evaluation. "Wings of the Luftwaffe" reads like all the others...scholarly with a welcome dose of English wit! The inclusion of clear photos, profile drawings and cut-aways are further enhancements. Readers of the Air Enthusiast and Air International will recognize that "Wings of the Luftwaffe" is a compilation Mr. Brown's flight test reports printed in those magazines during 1970's and 80's. Having them in one volume saves much time in not having to look through back issues. No other book I know of captures the essence of flying these earliest of jet aircraft. Layman friends of mine have also responded enthusiastically to "Wings of the Luftwaffe" It is therefore highly recommended.

Work Transformation: Planning and Implementing the New Workplace
Published in Paperback by HNB Publishing ()
Authors: Ken Robertson and Gil E. Gordon
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.87
Collectible price: $19.96
Buy one from zShops for: $12.98
Average review score:

fine book on alternative officing
first-rate book on alternative officing. good discussion of rationale and obstacles. lots of good examples of what works and what doesn't, and why. well written and illustrated. Web site appendix could use enlarging, but good enough to get reader started. recommended.

Cohesive, Thoughtful
When I got through reading Ken Roberston's book, I was struck by its far-reaching implications. As a corporate real estate professional in a medium-size Midwestern city, I realize that there are few companies in the U.S. that are making optimal use of their available real estate options. (I'm sure this applies equally to Robertson's Canada and every other Western industrialized country.) One hears a lot these days about "downsizing" and "outsourcing"--and these are certainly among the options to many organizations. But Robertson goes way beyond these obvious alternative space arrangements to discuss how an organization needs to rethink ALL of its space requirements. What makes this book so useful is that he takes this major and complex challenge and shows step-by-step how to approach it, involve all parties, and implement and evaluate pilot programs. This goes a long way toward avoiding costly surprises. Although Roberston presents plenty of examples and case histories, he does not explicitly show how his appoach should be tailored to each type of organization. Some readers may consider this a flaw. I think, however, that such a treatment would be beyond the scope of the book. The thoughtful real estate professional will want to bring his or her own experiences/situation to bear, anyway , in applying Roberston's methodology. I highly recommend the book for it cohesive approach. The 300 or so pages are worth FAR more than would be thirty 10-page publication articles on the subject.

A "Must" Read for any HR Professional
Here, at long last, is a book that presents the 'big picture' as far as integrating altenative space arrangements, alternative work arrangements, and information technology. These days, it's hard not to be caught up in the excitement about the latest communication breakthroughs and how they might be used in your office. This book leaps past the technojargon, sales hype, and vague theoretical musings to present practical, useful tools for analyzing your organization's present space and work arrangements, and determining what changes would be most helpful. The diagrams are well chosen, and the writing style is clear. It's hard to know just who might benefit most from the discussions--executives, corporate real estate professionals, HR professionals, and even IT people (who often need to be brought down to earth with the rest of us) could all appreaciate this book, as I did.

Yves Tanguy and Surrealism
Published in Hardcover by Hatje Cantz Publishers (15 January, 2001)
Authors: Karin Von Maur, Karin Von Maur, Gordon Onslow-Ford, Susan Davidson, Yves Tanguy, Vito Acconci, and Steven Holl
Amazon base price: $31.50
List price: $45.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $26.47
Collectible price: $31.76
Buy one from zShops for: $30.15
Average review score:

Great Book!
I purchased this as a Christmas present to myself this year. It has become my favorite gift. I love Tanguy's paintings! Along with Miro', he was my favorite Surrealist. It's was good to see some pictures of the man and his life. Nice illustrations. Informative. Turn some Eno on in the background and get lost in the art of Tanguy.

Beautiful Surreal Landscapes Abound!
I am by no means an "ART" person, but there are a few artists that tickle my untrained eye, and Tanguy is on top of my list.
This is a comprehensive and insightful look into the works of this underappreciated surreal artist. Move over DALI here comes Tanguy! Get this item while you can!!!

An essential volume for lovers of 20th Century art.
No library of 20th century art would be complete without this splendid overview of the life and work of French-American artist Yves Tanguy. The background and technical information is thouroughly researched and wonderfully written, and the illustrations, including the flawless color plates of the paintings, are sumptious and wonderfully reproduced. A very well-designed and well-made book, too. Buy it!

Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God
Published in Paperback by Hendrickson Publishers, Inc. (01 June, 1996)
Author: Gordon Fee
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.36
Buy one from zShops for: $8.63
Average review score:

Gordon D. Fee has done everyone a favour. This is a scaled-down version of 'God's Empowering Presence', without all the pages of Greek exegesis. Suitable reading for the lay-theologian, a good devotional read.
Particularly interesting are his comments on the flesh-Spirit theme, and he certainly deserves to be heard in this regard. He competently expounds Paul's theology of what it means to be 'in the Spirit' and 'walking in the Spirit' (though the reader will have to go to GEP for the full exegetical background)and exposes the shallowness of the prevailing evangelical view that flesh and Spirit is about the unceasing internal battle between two natures, a doctrine which can be used to cover up sin and obscure the reality of the freedom believers have in Christ.
Fee's findings make great pastoral theology, and I have found his insights invaluable, both in my own life and in teaching others. My only concern is that his emphasis on the Spirit may tend to promote a corresponding de-emphasis on Christ, who is the central figure in Paul's teaching.

Refreshing Theology
This is an excellent book and written by a scholar. This book deals primarily with the presence of the Holy Spirit in the individual life of the believer and in the church. Fee examines the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament and shows how God dwelt amongst His people and how the presence departed and was renewed again.

He describes the eschatological nature of salvation, showing that salvation has a past tense aspect, a present tense aspect and a future tense aspect. Anothre theme shown in this book is that God is still saving a people for His name describing how salvation is corporate as well as individual and cites various scriptures to back this up.

Fee's teaching influences the way one reads the New Testament. Upon reading this book one can't help but see when ope reads the New Testament, the perspective the Early Church had on Salvation and their existence.

At the back of the book there is an appendix dealing with Spirit and Water Baptism.

For a clear balanced and uncompromising book dealing with the Holy Spirit and the Early Church this book is a must read.

"Justification by faith" is not the total thrust of Paul's message, according to Fee, as it is too narrowly focused. The life of the Holy Spirit has been minimalized in the church when it should be an experienced reality. The Spirit enables us to live an ethical, holy life, not by some New Testament rule-keeping, but by "walking in the Spirit". This Spirit-life is lived in a now/not yet existence inwhich kingdom life has begun, but is still yet to be fulfilled. Fee rules out "triumphalism" inwhich the "not yet" side of eschatology is supposedly "now". Fee maintains that the charismata(gifts of the Spirit) are mentioned by Paul in a passing, matter-of-fact sort of way, as they were the common experience of the early church. Paul's "theology" is not of the armchair type as Paul's letters were written to correct problems. I urge those of the Reformed and those of the Dispensationalist stripe(not to mention Baptists) would do themselves a favor by reading this book. Fee is a Pentecostal, true, but doesn't toe the Pentecostal line on everything. He agrees with Calvin that the true saints perservere to the end! Pentecostals and Charismatics who think for themselves will find much to ponder. MAKE SURE TO READ THE APPENDIX FOR FEE'S VIEW ON THE "BAPTISM OF THE SPIRIT". Fee is a first-rate biblical scholar and one would be poorer for ignoring this book. The fact that he doesn't fit perfectly in anyone theological "box" shows his attempt to be true to his reading of the scriptures.

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