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Book reviews for "Cobbledick,_Gordon" sorted by average review score:

El médico
Published in Paperback by Ediciones B (1992)
Author: Noah Gordon
Amazon base price: $6.00
Buy one from zShops for: $10.94
Average review score:

The best novel
The Physican is probably the best historical novel I've read. Noah Gordon is a superb writer. In fact, I've reread it and even enjoyed it more the second time. I've read everything that Noah Gordon has written. The same accolades go for all his novels! Read and enjoy!

Este es ya un clasico de la historia de la medicina.
Muy interesante, ya que yo soy medico en Inglaterra y conozco los lugares hablados, describe a la perfeccion la figura de cirujano-barbero (Mister), caso unico ingles, diferente del medico (Doctor), de aqui la diferencia actualmente entre los "misteres" y los "doctors" ingleses. Y como ambos reconocen que uno no esta completo sin el otro, por ello "Mr" Cole decide hacerse tambien un "Doctor" a un precio tremendo, mas o menos lo que he vivido yo 1,000 anhos despues. Cole tenia la oportunidad de estudiar medicina en Espanha (Salamanca, Alcala y otras), Salerno (Italia) o Bagdad, ya que las universidades de medicina eran Arabes, prefirio irse a Bagdad y estudiar con Avicena. Yo personalmente tambien cruze el mundo para estudiar medicina en Alcala de Henares. A leer este libro que es de lo mejor que he leido.

I couldn't put the book down. Noah Gordon is one of my favorite authors.

El Ultimo Judio
Published in Hardcover by Ediciones B (01 January, 1999)
Author: Noah Gordon
Amazon base price: $29.95
Buy one from zShops for: $21.99
Average review score:

I loved it
This book has a little bit of everything: a moving story, an interesting setting, many little misteries, a lot of historically correct information about the times of the Spanish inquisition. It is written in a friendly, easy-to-follow language, and it leaves us with many thoughts about discrimination, courage, love, and the human spirit.

Todo catolico debe leerlo!
A manera de novela, Noah Gordon nos invita a vivir el horror que padecieron los judíos durante la inquisición. Allí uno se entera de lo que la Iglesia Católica calla. España es el escenario para conocer esa parte de la historia (que aunque en este libro fabulada y recreada con personajes que no existieron como tales) de la que los católico se averguenzan. Es una novela maravillosa, finamente escrita, atrapa la atención del lector al leer las primeras líneas y desde allí se hace dicífil cerrar el libro, hasta llegar al sorprendente final que es la esperanza misma.

El Ultimo Judio - Magnifica Obra de Noah Gordon
El autor logra capturar la atencion del lector y es dificil dejar de leer esta novela. El autor revela la aventura de este joven judio durante la España del 1500. Tiene suspenso, amor, y atencion al detalle en una narrativa facil de leer. El que ha viajado a, o vive en España, apreciara esta obra de marco historico. (Si les gusto The Name of the Rose, les gustara esta).

Fight Like a Man: Redeeming Manhood for Kingdom Warfare
Published in Hardcover by Tyndale House Pub (1996)
Author: Gordon Dalbey
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $12.95
Collectible price: $31.76
Average review score:

This book a MUST for all Christian Men to READ
I read all 3 of Gordon Dalbey's books. Brother's in the Lord, I urge you passionately to read them. These books have helped see things about myself that I would never deal with. They get to the core of a man's Spirit. Brother's, are you READY to face yourself? This book from Dalbey will help you see things about yourself. ARE YOU READY? Are you ready to know the one True Commander? It takes courage for a true man to face himself!! Remember, the King of Glory will be by your side as you read and do some serious soul searching. It's time for the true men of God to face their "STUFF" and be the men the Father has called us to be!!

A must read for every man. A fantastic book!
Gordon Dalbey's Fight like a Man will help every man understand why he feels the way he feels, and what can be done to overcome. Not only is it brilliantly written, the insights contained in it will uplift and comfort every reader. A must for every man who has felt different and wants victory over his perceived inadequacies. I cannot recommend this book enough.

Desperatly want copy of this book - unable to find one
Book was recommended to my husband and we cannot find a copy. Any ideas

Finding Laura Buggs
Published in Paperback by Lexington-Marshall (01 September, 1999)
Author: Stanley Gordon West
Amazon base price: $9.60
List price: $12.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.75
Collectible price: $6.00
Buy one from zShops for: $7.84
Average review score:

Amazing Book with a huge twist
This book was so well written that it did not hit me until half way through that a man was writing in first person of a teenage girl. The main character is fun loving and going through so much that you hope that everything turns out for her. A shocking twist that you don't want to tell anyone, but demand that they read for themselves.

excellent reading
this is a wonderfully deep and interesting book, that asks a lot of questions about what really matters in life. Laura's search is more about finding out who she really is than finding out who her real parents are. This self-searching renders the book a different read for everyone, as each individual reader fills in the gaps for themselves, in their own way. This is certainly a book I shall return to, and would encourage anybody with a penchant for soul-searching to make their next book.

The story of an adopted girl seeking her real mother is only the beginning. Stanley Gordon West explores what it means to be adopted, and what families are about, in such vivid, tender, emotionally rich prose that this book simply glows.

From Silence to Voice: What Nurses Know and Must Communicate to the Public
Published in Hardcover by Ilr Pr (2003)
Authors: Bernice Buresh and Suzanne Gordon
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $15.14
Buy one from zShops for: $13.92
Average review score:

Finding Voice
From Silence to Voice by Bernice Buresh and Suzanne Gordon is a must-read for all nurses. The message of the book is one nurses need to hear: talk about your work, show the world what you do, communicate the fact that nursing is skilled, responsible and interesting work. Buresh and Gordon make clear that much of the devaluing of nursing arises out of the fact that nurses avoid the limelight. Like the ubiquitous 'good woman' behind every successful man, nurses let their work be the backdrop for medical care, and for patients managing their own care. The consequences of downplaying the contribution of nursing to patient care is that our work is not noticed, our profession is not valued, and fewer and fewer people want to become nurses. Buresh and Gordon not only argue convincingly that nurses can be their own worst enemies in this respect, they provide a comprehensive range of strategies to teach nurses how to talk about their work, and (vitally) how to make people interested in hearing about it. These strategies range from ways of talking about nursing work to friends and family, to running a media campaign to support a union action, to writing oped pieces for major newspapers. I learnt a great deal from reading and re-reading From Silence to Voice and I recommend that it be part of curriculum for nursing students, be used for professional development sessions for working nurses, and adopted as a tool kit for union activists, professional officers and nursing leaders. Whether you are a student starting out in the nursing profession, a bedside clinican, a manager, organizer or educator, Buresh and Gordon's text is an eye-opener. Nurses as individuals and as a profession need to develop the communication skills and political savvy this book offers. And we need to do it right now! Sioban Nelson, RN, PhD, BA(Hons), School of Postgraduate Nursing, The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Editor, Nursing Inquiry.

These two journalists are nursing the nurses
Bernice and Suzanne are two journalists who have taken on the nursing profession more or less the way we take on a patient with a life-threatening condition that is curable but requires both intensive and long term care. The diagnosis is silence. On account of our collective silence, we nurses miss the opportunity to show ourselves as consequential in the delivery of health care. And, as we well know, being inconsequential is ultimately fatal not just to nursing jobs and the status of the nursing profession but to our patients, who pay the highest price for inadequate nursing care. The remedy for silence is voice--our voices raised in conversation first and foremost with our families, friends and patients and also with the general public. I love this book. It's full of stories and information. It's also refreshingly direct. My copy is marked up from front to back.

Getting the word out about Nursing
 Veteran journalists Suzanne Gordon and Bernice Buresh have produced a practical,intelligent guide on public communication for nurses. How needed this is and probably more currently than ever before. Until now there's been very little available to teach nurses the nuts and bolts of public communication. Nurses who read this book will learn how to do the basics --construct anecdotes that explain why they make a difference, refine professional presentation, integrate nursing research findings into struggles for better staffing in hospitals, write a letter to the editor of a newspaper, or an op-ed or commentary, or speak compellingly on the radio or TV.

But another reason I like From Silence to Voice so much is that the authors sensitively explore the cultural barriers that have made women and women''s work so hidden in this society. In my own work and my work with other nurses, I''ve discovered how reluctant some of us are to toot our horns and broadcast our accomplishments. Our self-silencing is a detriment to quality patient care and real health care reform. This book can be a catalyst for a new approach by nurses to public education and communication. I highly recommend From Silence to Voice, particularly to nurse educators who should consider incorporating its timely lessons into their curriculum.

Claire M. Fagin, PHD,RN Dean Emerita, Professor Emerita, University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing

The Genesis Diet
Published in Paperback by Be Well Pubns (1996)
Author: Gordon S. Tessler
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score:

Arguably the best resource for human nutrition.
We bought the book after Dr. Tessler made a proper diagnosis of my wife's intermittant low-thyroid condition, something five specialists in three different states were unable to do. These specialists included an endocrinologist, three neurologists, and a general practitioner. Most of these had mistakenly identified her condition as Multiple Sclerosis.

Combining a simple supplement with the Genesis Diet resulted in a near 100% improvment in her condition. To top it off, she's now pregnant, something we've been unable to achieve in six years of trying!

Even so, I remained a scoffer, until my wife began feeding us both according to the Genesis Diet. As a result, I've found tremendous improvement myself, including greater energy, significant reduction in chronic joint pain, and a dissappearance of headaches which had plagued me from time to time.

I'm convinced: We humans simply do NOT eat according to the way our bodies are designed to process food. Following the Genesis Diet has restored to our bodies the harmony of proper nutrition, much of which you simply won't find in any modern nutrition manual.

A simple to understand guide to eating healthy
This book was a easy read, but packed with information. I thought it was put together very well, with the different chapters put together in a way that I will be able to return to it often for reference. This is the first book that I have read in a long time that truly motivated me. Gordon Tessler is on track with his nutrition information. I liked it so much that I also read the Lazy Person's Guide to Nutrition.

A balanced perspective of healthy eating.
I have read many books on the subject of healthy eating, but only a few from a biblical perspective. Tessler's book is an excellant study on the importance of eating right for your health. Whether you read and believe the Bible or not the conclusions are the same as modern research is proving today. A healthy diet must have it's focus on plant foods and not animal-based foods. Tessler does a super job of proving this point from a biblical perspective. It is clear, conciseand easy to understand and is a great "starter"book for those interested in attaining or regaining superior health. For years and years I suffered many health problems. When I made similar changes to the ones mentioned in the book my problems went away. Truely, the diet as stated in Genesis 1:29 is a healthy one! God must have known what He was doing when He gave the original command! Check this one out if you care about your health and not being a statistic to heart disease, cancer or the myriad of other degenerative diseases that abound today!

Give Me One Wish
Published in Paperback by Berkley Pub Group (1991)
Author: Jacquie Gordon
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $0.55
Collectible price: $20.00
Average review score:

major inspiration
I can't even begin to describe what an impact this book has had on me. I read it for the first time in 6th grade, and since then my entire frame of mind has changed. I've found that I really love things like Monty Python, 80s punk rock, the Muppets, and so much more. So it (this book) has changed me a lot in that way, but it also is such an inspiration because of the fact that Christine never really let her cystic fibrosis pull her down into the dumps. She had "spunk and a spirit" for life, and that in itself is something to admire. In the dozens of times that I've read my copy of this incredible story, I've laughed, I've cried, and I've felt like I can actually identify with Chris...she was a regular girl who just happened to have a fatal disease. Her mom (Jaquie Gordon, the author) caputured Chris's life in such an amazing way, and I wish I could thank her for being so willing to write about it and changing my outlook on life.

I first read this book when I was in 5th grade and fell in love with it the first time I read it. Since then, I have read this book several times and it is one of my favorite books because there is so much one can learn from the lives of the people in the book, especially from Christine, a girl who has cystic fibrosis. What makes me read it time after time and keeps my attention is the strength and courage of one family and especially Christine. It is so encouraging when you can read someone's story like the one in Give Me one Wish and know that she was able to keep such a positive attitude and not let her illness "get the best of her". The lessons that can be learned from this book will stay with you for the rest of your life and so will the impact of this book. The person that wrote the book was Christine's mom and the story she tells from the journal entries of Christine's to evoking the emotions that Christine had are amazing. This is both an incredibly inspiring book and an incredibly sad book. It makes me cry every time I read it. All I can say is, incredible.

A must read for anyone who knows someone with CF
Jacquie Gordon takes a courageous step in sharing the story of her daughter, Christine. You will feel like you know Christine as well as anyone after reading this book. Just a regular kid with a horrible disease. I'd recommend it to anyone!

Field Guide to the Slug: Explore the Secret World of Slugs and Their Kin -In Forest, Fields, and Gardens from Southeast Alaska to California (Field)
Published in Paperback by Sasquatch Books (2003)
Authors: Western Society of Malacologists, David G. Gordon, and Western Society of Malacology
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $3.32
Collectible price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $4.78
Average review score:

Not so great for anything other than garden pests
This is a neat little package that gives a wealth of info about slugs. It was a little less technical than I had hoped. If you're looking to answer specific biology questions or have the hopes of a key, this is not the answer.

Field Guide to the Slug is good press!
What on earth am I doing reviewing a book about slugs? Because I live in Slugland & I want to know more about those slithery slimers who mug my lettuces & ravish my sprouts. This little book is a gem, a must for anyone living among gastropods. This book inspired me to write a poem about these critters who have been around far longer than we! Still don't like 'em, I'll tolerate them because David George Gordon has written a funny, informative, charming book about a subject most would rather stomp on! So there!

A book about slugs? Great!!
I found this book to be a concise, thorough discussion of the subject of garden slugs. Every gardener has had to deal with them in some form or another and this little book is the perfect addition to your gardening library on the subject. Excellent artwork and drawings, also.

Flying Low: And Shot Down Twice During World War II in a Spotter Plane
Published in Hardcover by Southfarm Press (2001)
Author: Joseph Furbee Gordon
Amazon base price: $27.00
Collectible price: $69.84
Average review score:

Flying Low: and shot down twice
This is a straight-forward narrative by a young college boy from Louisiana, telling a gripping tale of flying the smallest airplane in the U. S. Army into the battle for Europe, flying over the battle as an artillery forward observer in WW II.
This frank memoir takes you all the way through training to fly right over the front lines, in fact so close that he was shot down twice.
Follow this seldom told story of how these few brave pilots in unarmed spotter planes helped win the war. It's time well spent.

Flying Low - January 2003
Flying Low would generally be considered a man's book - and it is. However, Joseph Furbee Gordon's account of his days as an artillery spotter pilot is much more - it's a book for men, women, anyone who wants to learn more about the World War II era. Gordon's narrative gives one a sense of "being along for the ride." Although more than half a century has passed, his words manage to capture the elusive spirit of youth. Flying Low tells how it was for one young warrior during WW II, and reminds us how very young are the ones who defend us today. Read Flying Low - you'll be glad you did!

Flying Low
Flying Low is a warm, personal account of the experiences of a young pilot from Texas who survived being shot down twice in his light aircraft while spotting for his artillery unit. Gordon mixes memories of his days in Europe toward the end of the war with glimpses from his youth, onto his flight training in the Army Air Corp and then the eventual assignment that almost cost him his life - twice.

I would highly recommend Flying Low to anyone interested in learning about some of the quiet, unheralded heroes of WW II. Can you imagine slowly drifting 1000 feet above a battlefield with artllery shells, anti-aircraft and small arms fire zipping past you? Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, just you, a pair of binoculars, a radio and a small plane with no protection.

Gordon tells his story - not from the point of being a brave pilot - but as someone who knew his duty and did it with honor and integrity. A great read - you won't be disappointed.

Foodchain: Encounters Between Mates, Predators, and Prey
Published in Hardcover by Aperture (2000)
Authors: Catherine Chalmers, Michael L. Sand, and Gordon Grice
Amazon base price: $20.97
List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $20.67
Buy one from zShops for: $14.00
Average review score:

it's like a car accident
I must say this is a pretty cool book although not for the squeamish. Graphic full color photographs that read like crime scene photographs or stills from a horror movie.

There's the sexy display between two praying mantis before the male becomes a post-coitus snack. Another praying mantis dances merrily on the head of a fat shiny toad before meeting its inevitable end. Caterpillars greedily gorge themselves on tomatoes only to be sucked dry by more ever present praying mantis.

The most graphic scenes though are the ones with the pinkies. Pinkies being born amongst a white blood smeared backdrop only to be gobbled up by another fat toad.

It's sick to look at and even a bit morbid at times, but it's Mother Nature and a testament to the circle of life and the survival of the fittest.

cool photographs
Truly fascinating but not for those with weak stomachs.

The book consists of excellent photographs of various critters (bugs, frogs, spiders, mice, snakes, etc.) eating or being eaten by others. Not for the squeamish.

The more prudish reader might also be disgusted by the scenes of hot, steamy preying mantis sex.

For those with the stomach for it, the material presented in this work provides a fascinating and detailed view of a small part of the world we live in.

Fantastic. Brilliant. Phenomena and Occasionally Revolting.
Fantastic. Brilliant. Phenomena and Occasionally Revolting. I want more.

"Life is Hard and Then You Die," I saw this bumper sticker on the rear of a car about the same time I got "FoodChain." I felt that this would be a great subtitle for this provocative book. The photography is stunning and Aperture, one of the leading publishers of fine art photography, has done a dazzling job in portraying the moments between life and death. Catherine Chalmers has given the layperson insight into the world that we live in but seldom see. Her progressive plates vividly take you from birth to death and then back again to birth. Caterpillar eats tomato, praying mantis eats caterpillar, tarantula and a frog eat praying mantis, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

If you thought sex was fatal because of the roulette of disease in our world today, consider the bazaar appreciation that a male praying mantis gets from his lover. Chalmers captures the strange "thank you" the female gives by devouring the male-head first. This book is a collectible and should be in your hands and library. Highly Recommended

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