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Book reviews for "Cobbledick,_Gordon" sorted by average review score:

Ifor on Ifor: NATO Peacekeepers in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Published in Paperback by Connect Trading Ltd (1997)
Authors: Rupert Wolfe Murray, Ifor (Organization), Richard Holbrooke, and Steven Gordon
Amazon base price: $30.00
Used price: $14.98
Buy one from zShops for: $29.95
Average review score:

Bosnia has pretty much faded into the background of American concern. When the American Division of the NATO Implementation Force (IFOR) rolled in on December 1995, the spotlight was on Bosnia and Americans became aware of the military role that their forces would play in the Balkans. Out of the tragedy and confusion of war came a book entitled "Cry Bosnia" by Paul Harris which chronicled the war in Bosnia itself through words and pictures.

Inspired by the success of Cry Bosnia, Ruppert Murray decided to write a similar book which would focus on the peacekeepers themselves rather than the political elements of Bosnia. His idea was merely to write minimal text with pictures but as he began to interview the soldiers and have them share their opinions, backgrounds and experiences the book began to take a life of its own. IFOR on IFOR is the soldiers' stories of their perceptions of why and how they came to Bosnia and what they feel their presence will accomplish.

The book is divided into three sectors representing the United States of America Division, the British Division and the French Division. He interviews the men and women of the armed forces who candidly share their views with him. Listen to these young warriors as they share their apathy, hope, and naivite in sharing their views of their deployment. The voices are diverse within each division and you can see the differences of opinions that run from nation to nation. The insights you get are extraordinary.

On a personal note, I was deployed to Bosnia and stayed there for a year. Everything that you have read, heard and seen in these interviews are what I experienced with this group of international soldiers. I highly recommend this book to you in getting the story of the soldier. Six copies returned home with me and many more were purchased for friends and relatives. This is an excellent chronicle in pictures and words.

An interesting series of first hand accounts by IFOR troops
This book offers a valuable insight into the attitudes of military personnel who were stationed in Bosnia to implement the Dayton Accord. I have read many books on Bosnia which have fuelled my indignation at how the international community stood by and let the Serbs mount what is tantamount to a genocidal war against Bosnian Muslims. This book gives an idea of how military people felt about the Bosnian issue. Their attitudes range from the idealistic and noble to short-sighted and complacent ( in fact some will fill you with rage at their indifference). It is rare that one encounters a book dealing with a major historical issue which allows the ordinary person, albeit a soldier, to articulate their views so openly. The photographs are excellent and Mr Wolfe Murray's introduction is very insightful. It would, however, have been even more interesting to have a similar book which gives voice to those UN troops who were there at the height of the conflict.

A unique account
The book was given to me by the author himself with dedication and as soon as I read it it became my absolute favourite. IFOR on IFOR has the largest accumulation of reviews, interviews and facts as well as interesting thoughts not only by the author himself but by the interviewed soldiers as well. As the author is in Bosnia from 1993, he knows the situation so if you need a close-up look on our rugged country check this book out.

An Introduction to Economic Reasoning
Published in Paperback by Ludwig von Mises Institute (2000)
Author: David Gordon
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $13.49
Buy one from zShops for: $13.95
Average review score:

Good intro for a novice
This is a very good book for a high school economics 101 course. This book should be read by every high school student. The ideas are put forth in a very straight foward manner that is almost too easy to understand. If you have any knowledge about ecomomics, do not get this. You will be board with the concepts Gordon goes over.

Basic Economics Made Easy
AN INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMIC REASONING is probably the first book you want to read if you are planning on studying economics. Although this work is called an introduction to "economic reasoning," it is perhaps more accurately considered an introduction to economics as such.

This book is quite basic, and could be profitably used by high school students or anyone without a knowledge of economics. It hits many of the basic topics in economics, such as marginal utility, supply and demand, and money. It is from the Austrian perspective, so it could save a high schooler from years of unlearning. The only drawback is that although it contains many useful study questions, it doesn't include the answers (nor is there, from what I can tell, a teacher's guide).

Dr. David Gordon is associated with the Ludwig von Mises Institute, the nation's premier free enterprise think tank. The Institute has published another work - ECONOMICS FOR REAL PEOPLE by Gene Callahan - that is more advanced and would make an excellent follow-up work.

Did you always want to understand what economics was about..
... but found nobody whom to ask?

This book is definitely the way out. It has everything a beginner's textbook is asking for. Witty writing, step-by-step explanations, practical examples. By the way you understand what is meant with concepts and theories economists use to explain to us why a certain policy should be pursued or abolished, like the labor theory of value, price controls, minimum wages, and different currency systems. And before you know you understand what is behind the arguments of current policy issues, what are the true and the false arguments, misleading paths, right or wrong theories behind them.

The author is not soft on the issues, but uses logical reasoning and explains in every step the possible fallacies. In the end - if one likes it or not - one has to follow his cogent conclusions about the way markets work in a free society and how government intervention affects those outcomes.

The Iron Cross: A History, 1813-1957
Published in Hardcover by Blandford Press (1985)
Author: Gordon Williamson
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $16.95
Collectible price: $23.05
Buy one from zShops for: $29.00
Average review score:

Lt. Colonel Michael Burkert
This book is no longer in print, but is should be. A must for the collector and enthusiast. The author begins with the origins of the 1813 Iron Cross, which was first awarded during the Napoleonic Wars. Always interesting and difficult to put down. The book contains information provided by several World War II recipients of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. Fascinating read. Apolitical, it simply details some of the exploits of some very brave German soldiers, sailors and airmen (some non-Germans as well) who fought for their county, served the German Fatherland, and were given the gratitude of their nation in the form of a very special medal.

Fascinating and Interesting book about forgotten warriors
A great book that tells the story of German Soldiers and Sailors who achieved the Iron Cross from the Napoleonic Era through the end of WWII and the forming of West Germany. The author did an excellent job of explaining the lives of these heroes of battle and how they earned the Iron Cross (Germany's Medal of Honor). From Von Buehler to Otto Skorzney all of the recipients had to face battle and overcome overwhelming odds. Some of the winners of the Iron Cross do not deserve it but you can tell who the real warriors are from those who are just petty imitation. Highly recommended to any military history and WWII enthusiast.

Excellent piece of research; a must for collectors
A very well-documented reference work tracing the history of the Iron Cross from its origins to present day. Superbly presents information that makes for interesting reading, but also serves as an invaluable source document for collectors of Germany's venerated combat decoration. Five Stars!

It Came From Memphis
Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (2001)
Author: Robert Gordon
Amazon base price: $11.55
List price: $16.50 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.51
Collectible price: $31.76
Buy one from zShops for: $10.78
Average review score:

It's either this or Will and make the call.
This is the kind of book I dream about. When I look for my next read, I look for a book that is 1) passionate 2) not pretentious and not totally mainstream, and 3) about quirky (in a trashy and at least slightly out of control way) people and things. Sounds simple enough, but lord knows it ain't as easy to find a book with those characteristics as you might think. But Robert Gordon has torn it up and come through for us. Really, it's amazing that this book is still in print because it's "target audience" must consist of about thirty people. And therein lies its beauty. Imagine something as idiosyncratic as a zine, but, unlike a zine, not poorly written! Also, it doesn't hurt that a nice sized portion of the book is devoted to the godhead, Alex Chilton, which means a lot to us Chilton-ites since no real definitive bio exists. Of course, there's tons else besides Alex--take for example pro wrestlers, hippie bluesmen, and a cool-as-hell photographer--but if you don't dig Alex, maybe you should pass on this anyway and go and see if Will and Grace is available on DVD yet. Your type sickens me.

Gordon's It Came from Memphis is a must read for music fans.
Gordon's It Came from Memphis helps to unravel the rich heritage of a city whose musical heritage is largely overlooked save for BB King and Elvis Presley. He succesfullly attempts to expose the politics, racism, and situations of circumstance that fueled Memphis to become what it is today both musically and socially. A young gifted author whose style is both easily readable and profound, Gordon offers a book that is a must read for any fan of modern music. I recommend this one highly.

If you've never been to Memphis, this book will either make you drive straight to the airport or convince you to stay far, far away. Gordon's round-up of Memphis eccentrics, flops, and genuises is short on Elvis and B.B. King, and long on Alex Chilton, Dewey Phillips, Jim Dickinson, and Furry Lewis. An indispensible and hilarious guide to America's deep-fried music capital.

Jasper's Magic Blanket
Published in Hardcover by Novel Approach Publications, LLC (05 March, 2001)
Authors: Debbie A Atwood, Danny Gordon, and Debbie A. Atwood
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $8.99
Collectible price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.44
Average review score:

Wonderful children's book with family values
"Jasper's Magic Blanket" is an absolutely delightful children's book. It tells the story of a mystery of epic proportions - How is it that Jasper is always tucked in under his blanket in the morning? He kicks it off, tries sleeping on the floor and a variety of other ways to see if he will always wake up all tucked in snugly. Jasper eventually solves the mystery and in the process finds out about how special it is to be loved.

An exceptional picture book with a beautifully written story that promotes positive family and self concepts, what more could you possibly ask for from a children's book.

Debbie Atwood is a skilled and clever storyteller
Young readers will follow Jasper along as he conducts several experiments that lead him to the conclusion that his blanket is magic! There are a lot of surprises in store for Jasper when he reveals his discovery to classmates, and how the classmates go about uncovering the secret to Jasper's magic blanket. Danny Gorden's illustrations are a key to young readers finding the clues to what Jasper's magic blanket is really all about. Debbie Atwood is a skilled and clever storyteller. It is strongly hoped that Jasper's Magic Blanket will only be the first of many more unique and charming children's books to come!

Beautiful book!
We purchased this book after our children began an art class with the talented illustrator, Danny Gordon. The illustrations in this book are beautiful! They're colorful, contemporary, and uplifting. My children loved the story. We especially liked the way he "sneaked" Bible verses into each illustration. It gave the book even more meaning. My children enjoyed finding the hidden verse references, and looking them up in their Bibles.

Many children can relate to having a special "lovey," whether it's a blanket or toy. What I really liked about this story was that it's not just the blanket that's special -- it's the love within the family. Read it and see for yourself. :)

We eagerly look forward to more books illustrated by Mr. Gordon.

Lafayette Escadrille Pilot Biographies
Published in Paperback by Gordon, Otoupalik, and Schultz (G.O.S.) (1991)
Author: Dennis Gordon
Amazon base price: $19.50
Used price: $47.27
Collectible price: $38.11
Average review score:

A inspiring gift for a researcher
For the last eight years, a group of aviation history enthusiasts in Mexico have done much research about one of Lafayette's pilots: Didier Masson. Dennis Gordon has obtained much more information, both in quality and quantity, that in the end has become an inspiration for our museum project. (And he did 38 times! ...Shame on us!)

What Outstanding Devotion!
Dennis Gordon's comprehensive look at each of the Lafayette Escadrille's 38 pilots, from birth until death, shows what outstanding personal devotion these brave Americans with diverse backgrounds had for a just and honorable cause.Also included is information on influential persons associated with the squadron, personal aircraft markings, memorials,and the lighter side of the pilots wartime lives.

Best information on the Lafayette Escadrille
This is the best book on the Lafayette Escadrille. Compiled as separate biographies on every pilot who served with the escadrille, there are also sections devoted to interesting subjects I had always wondered about such as aircraft markings, squadron locations, the lion mascots, fun in paris,etc. Dennis Gordon did a fantastic job on this book. The time and effort it had to take to thoroughly investigate each pilot as well as the history of the squadron must have been monumental. The book is very well written and put together. You can tell it was a labor of love for Mr. Gordon and fans of the Lafayette Escadrille (like me) will never be able to thank him enough.

The Last Flowers of Manet
Published in Hardcover by Abradale Press (1999)
Authors: Robert Gordon, Andrew Forge, and Richard Howard
Amazon base price: $12.98
Used price: $8.92
Buy one from zShops for: $8.92
Average review score:

A Beautiful Little Book
A wonderful yet small collection of reproductions of Manet's last works. A very great artist, at the end of his days, paints exquisite small works of flowers. What else could you want?

Manet's last works are simply perfect!
As an art student studying the techniques of the masters, this little book has been invaluable to me. This is for anyone who seriously wants to experience Manet's genius. His little florals leap off the page! The printing is good, too. Faithfully shows detail and tone well. While nothing replaces seeing these works in person, this book is one every artist should have.

Breathtaking Mastery
During the last months of 1882 Edouard Manet was gravely ill. This was to be the last year of his life. He no longer had the strengh for large ambitious work. With frequent rest periods, he had just completed "A Bar at the Folies-Bergere."

Due to his ebbing energy he began to paint on a smaller scale, simple bouquets of flowers in a variety of glass vases. Often these were the flowers friends brought to the convalescing artist.

"The Last Flowers of Manet" is a little gem of a book presenting 16 of these elegant, magical paintings. There are ethereal white lilac blossoms and slashes of pink peony petals shimmering before rich, black backgrounds. There are roses and tulips in warm, golden shades.

Just as Matisse in his last days could not make a false stroke when creating his cutout compositions, so Manet brings total mastery to these exquisite, soulful still lifes.

Leader Effectiveness Training
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (1980)
Author: Thomas Gordon
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $1.95
Average review score:

The book gives a thorough discussion on the PRACTICAL implementation of the Transactional Ananlysis "I am OK, You are OK" theory.

It is therefore a must read if you are into Transaction Analysis or you just want to imporve your leadership skill.

Please remember to come back to give this review a vote after you have purchased the book and have read it form cover to cover.


The First Step in Leadership Training
Dr. Gordon lays the foundation for successful leadership. His book describes the very basics that must be mastered by leaders who wish to be effective. The L.E.T. tells you how you aquire followers and what turns off your subordinates. He describes listening techniques as no one else has ever done. If you only purchase one book on leadership this should be the one.

One of the best on leadership - a classic.
Dr. Gordon's pioneering book "Group-Centered Leadership" was published in 1955. Later he wrote best selling "Parent Effectiveness Training," highly praised Teacher Effectivess Training and this leadership book. I still believe Gordon is one of the most influential thinkers on the topic of working well with others. His "No-Lose" method was later re-invented as the "Win-Win" method of problem solving. Learning his active listening method and using it for the past 30 years has been the most valuable tool I've had in becoming a successful parent, spouse and business person. I've solved many problems by doing nothing except listen to others. I've also mediated many crisis situations for global companies and health organizations by teaching and using active listening with those involved in the conflicts.

Leader Effectiveness Training L.E.T.: The Proven People Skills for Today's Leaders Tomorrow
Published in Hardcover by Perigee (09 October, 2001)
Authors: Thomas, Dr. Gordon and Dr Thomas Gordon
Amazon base price: $16.07
List price: $22.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.49
Buy one from zShops for: $6.80
Average review score:

LET Leader Effectiveness Training
Tom Gordon has a unique skill - being able to provide clear and concise models to complex human interactions. His needs-based approach to conflict resolution has been consistently reinforced by research. His listening skill approach is the best, a reflection of his work with Dr. Carl Rodgers at the University of Chicago.

If a leader wants to build their interpersonal skills and strengthen work relationships - i.e. build their "emotional quotient (EQ)" - this is the book for them.

LET Trainer - OD Leader
I was first introduced to Gordon's approach a couple of years ago. Sceptical at first, I took the time to read the book and found it very compelling. I immediately tried to apply the lessons at home and found success early in spite of the fact that some of the methods felt foriegn to me. The book and Gordon's philosophy are built on a model that respects the needs of both parties and that mutual respect becomes the foundation of a productive leader-follower relationship. The skills presented include active listening to help others, confrontive I-messages to help one's self and conflict resolution methods to build win-win solutions. Unlike other books on leadership, this book reads like a training program. You immediately know what to do with the information. I am a better leader, husband and father for having read the book and applied the approach.

Since then, I attended an L.E.T. program as a participant and an L.E.T. train the trainer program. I have now taught the course to dozens of grateful participants. It has become the foundation course in leadership at my company and has had a very positive impact on our culture. We are more productive and people are treated with more dignity and respect.

How to make leaders out of managers
This is the long-awaited update of the 1977 version of L.E.T. Dr. Gordon is a pioneer in teaching leaders to sharpen their most important skills: how to communicate, how to resolve conflicts so that no party loses, how to handle meetings, and provides an alternative to unproductive performance reviews.

Now that the economic (and political) future of the world seems so uncertain, this book is all the more timely and important. In fact, after September 11, nothing seems more important than improving our ability to resolve conflicts peacefully. Dr. Gordon - who is known for this book and his books for parents (P.E.T) and teachers (T.E.T.) - was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize because of how his work benefits our world.

But besides the high falutin' ideals about conflict resolution and its importance to the world, L.E.T. is all about skills that make your work easier, more productive and more rewarding. What this book does is simultaneously keep both feet firmly planted in two different worlds (a goal most business books don't even dream of achieving): it's both a life-changing philosophy of human relations and a book to give you and your company a competitive advantage.

I've been using this system for a few years now and it really works. It's not a magic cure, and it takes a commitment to learn and put the skills to use, but it's such a worthwhile payoff: problems with other people still pop up, but I don't get stuck dealing them like I used to and my blood pressure doesn't go nuts. Also, the communication and problem-solving skills you learn aren't ones you're able to just turn off and leave at the office -- they have a habit of insinuating themselves (and improving your relationships) when dealing with friends, spouses, kids.

Don't let the fact that this is a new version of a book that was originally published in 1977 keep you from buying it. Its concepts are universal and timeless. Lots of other books on leadership have come and gone in 25 years; there's definitely a good reason why this one's still around.

L.E.T. makes a great companion to Steven Covey's 7 Habits (another fine book, though it's not as straightforward and skill-laden as this one).

The Life God Blesses Weathering The Storms Of Life That Threaten The Soul
Published in Paperback by Thomas Nelson (14 May, 1997)
Author: Gordon MacDonald
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.60
Collectible price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $3.65
Average review score:

Whatever Storms May Come
The Life God Blesses is a must read. I have been continually challenged to be proactive. I find myself watching for warning signs and making every effort to be prepared for the sudden changes life brings. I have weathered a recent storm that shattered my emotional foundation. The loss of loved one to leukemia was unexpected and sudden. Having read and understood the importance of anchoring down in the midst of adversity kept me from completely backing out of life. I believe this book creates an awareness for those who seem to have things come easy to them. It did for me. I never wanted for much, yet during the storm I found myself needing a new perspective. This book provided that for me. I use many of the teaching principles when speaking in casual conversation. It is an everyday easy read for anyone looking to be prepared before the storm. The question is never will a storm come my way, but when is the storm going to hit. And to the latter, one never knows. It is true that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

A "must read" book for anyone tired of the superficial.
Gordon MacDonald had accomplished in this book a well-written and easily understood guide to building internal strength. Most of us know people who face life changing or perhaps life shattering events with such strength and courage that it puts us to shame. That type of strength does not come automatically. This book points the way to obtaining that type of internal strength that carries us through our "storms of life.". It is encouraging and challenging. I highly recommend it!

You can overcome life's storms!
It is no secret that Gordon MacDonald is my favorite author because his books challenge me to grow in mature in my walk with the Lord. This book is among the best that he has written - for he shares how to focus on the inner life - so that we can survive the storms in our outer life! Throughout the book, MacDonald uses the analogy of a ship to show how we can "ride the waves" of the storms of life. He insightfully compares the keel of the ship with the cabin of the ship - and shows us how in our lives we have a "keel" and a "cabin" also. He helps us to understand what it is that we need to focus on - the keel that others may not see but keeps us afloat! The keel of the ship doesn't show most of the time. However, as Gordon points out - if you lose the keel from a ship it will sink during a storm. Unfortunately, many first-time boat owners may be tempted to focus on the interior decoration of the cabin - and neglect to make sure that the keel is in good order. MacDonald's book is designed to help us do two things: a. recognize the "keel" in our life - the soul issues we need to deal with b. focusing on the "keel" in our life - by recognizing true spirituality, strengthening our convictions and identifying our life's mission. If ou feel like the circumstances of life are storms that are buffeting you daily - read this book. You too will learn how to have a keel that will help you to weather the storms of life!

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