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Book reviews for "Cobbledick,_Gordon" sorted by average review score:

52 Ways to Find True Love
Published in Hardcover by Chronicle Books (1998)
Authors: Lynn Gordon and Karen Johnson
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $3.25
Buy one from zShops for: $4.68
Average review score:

Lots of good advice!
These cards are filled with good ideas and reminders of what it takes to find the right person. It's easy to get into a rut but these cards have ideas on how to get out of the house more and hopefully put yourself in a situation where you'll meet someone. These cards are well worth the money to give yourself a boost especially if you've been out of the dating scene for awhile.

Cute cards!
This little box set of cards are more aimed to singles and actually included very surprising and helpful tips. The suggestions on the cards range from specific action steps (like going to a new place) to more internal suggestions (like smiling!). I thought they were adorable, illustrated well, and a very clever alternative to having an actual book. I would recommend this set to anyone who is looking for that special someone. Also makes a good gift.

Published in Paperback by St. Martin's Press (1988)
Authors: John Javna and Gordon Javna
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $3.35
Collectible price: $3.55
Buy one from zShops for: $3.30
Average review score:

The best look back of the century!
Excellent. I read every little bit of it. Literally! It was very informative and I am currently using it to write my novel that is set in the sixties! It will be called Summer Rain. The Javna's did a wonderful job of including the best of the sixties and the worst of the sixties. They said it best: This was your life!

All around great nostalgia book!
This is one cool book! For anyone who loves pop culture, Americana, and campy fun, this book is a godsend! It is jam packed with photos and no aspect of 60's culture is left untouched.

Accidental Systems Librarian
Published in Paperback by Information Today Inc (03 February, 2003)
Author: Rachel Singer-Gordon
Amazon base price: $29.50
Average review score:

Offers a wealth of useful and practical advice
The Accidental Systems Librarian by Rachel Singer Gordon (founder and webmaster for the library career site and "Computer Media" review columnist for the Library Journal) offers a wealth of useful and practical advice for adapting to, and incorporating advances in, contemporary technologies in order to solve various problems systems librarians encounter as they acclimate themselves to evolving demands for expertise in a rapidly changing field. Individual chapters discuss online classes and tutorials for self-study, IT projects, networking, instruction techniques, and much, much more. The Accidental Systems Librarian is a very highly recommended, reader-friendly guide for systems librarians of all skill and familiarity levels with modern computer capabilities.

Recommended to all who run computers in libraries
The Accidental Systems Librarian is entertaining, informative, and reassuring. As a trainer, I am constantly encountering librarians who were not hired as systems specialists but somehow found themselves in that role. I will be recommending this wonderful book to my students.

Adventures of a high school hunk
Published in Unknown Binding by Omnium Pub. ()
Author: Gordon Hoban
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $150.00
Average review score:

Insider's View of a Dominant Boy
If you are into voyeurism of young men exploring their innermost sexual fantasies with other boys this is the book for you. Hoban gets inside the heads of all the characters, and the feeling is that you are sharing the experience. On of the best books of this type I have ever read

great reading. has been re-written for '90s
really great adventure of Bucky Clark, HS QB

The All-in-One Guide to Natural Remedies and Supplements
Published in Paperback by Ages Pubns (2000)
Authors: Elvis A. Ali, David Garshowitz, George Grant, Gordon Ko, Joseph Levy, Ehab Mekhail, Selim Nakla, and Alvin Pettle
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $18.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.95
Average review score:

Where are the reviews we (the publisher) posted
for 1-886508-28-3 and for 1-886508-10-0 : They are NO LONGER SHOWING, UNDER THE PUBLSISHERS REVIEWS/COMMENTS, as they did previously! What's happening?

Great book on natural choices & self-health care seekers.
Wow - its like condensed orange juice! Clearly explains the how, what, why of healing. The chapter and chart on Price versus Value of supplements was the clearest and easiest explanation in a few short pages, that I've ever read. The doctors and pharmacists involved in writing it, deserve applause - first time I got the whole picture, along with clear and easy to understand information about everything from herbs to vitamins, flower remedies and everything in between. Dr. Pettles one page description on his natural menopausal hormone replecment therapy and natural choices versus the drug approach, made getting the book worth every cent! I copied the page for a friend, who ended up getting the book and showing it to her doctor. She said it was so simple and clear, her doctor stopped trying to push the drugs and gave her a prescription for Dr Pettles natural hormone replacement therapy - on top of that its working for her. Not since I read Mindells Vitamin Bible, have I read such a clear, information packed book! A must have for anyone interested in natural remedies and supplements - fanstastic value for the money. Incidently, I am NOT related to the authors.

And ...Howe!: An Authorized Autobiography
Published in Hardcover by Power Play Pubns Inc (1995)
Authors: Gordie Howe, Colleen Howe, Tom Delisle, and Gordon Howe
Amazon base price: $32.95
Used price: $6.75
Collectible price: $7.36
Average review score:

best book i have read
this book made my love hockey even more and know more about the howe family and there lives and i live in mich and gordie in on of the most see people in ths town and state

I am not an avid reader, but this book kept me glued to every page. Gordie and Colleen Howe share many interesting stories of not only their life with hockey but also of their family. I recommend this book for everyone, especially hockey fans.

Anticipating Madam President
Published in Paperback by Lynne Rienner Publishers (2003)
Authors: Robert P. Watson and Ann Gordon
Amazon base price: $22.50
Used price: $13.14
Average review score:

Some Day a Woman Will Be President
Ever since 1993 when Margaret, the icon from the Dennis the Menace cartoon, proclaimed enthusiastically to Dennis that "Someday a woman will be PRESIDENT!" the subject has intrigued me. After reading "Anticipating Madam President"
it has become much clearer to me why we have yet to see a
woman nominated or elected to the office of president in this
country. The roadblocks are many and are outlined most effectively in the chapters written by experts in the political arena. The part I found most fascinating was the way the media
treats woman and men differently when they are involved in running for office. When women candidates appear on television,
the interviewer encourages them to share personal stories. However, when male candidates appear, they are often given an opportunity to focus on the ideas they want to implement if they are succesful in being elected. Statistics in the book validate that women running for office are rarely invited to be guests on news shows and most of the time they are not invited back the way male guests are. Be sure to read the Preface because it tells in detail what motivated Dr. Robert Watson to edit this
wonderful book.

The realities of women in powerful political positions
Collaboratively compiled and edited by Robert P. Watson (Visiting Associate Professor of Political Science, Florida Atlantic University) and Ann Gordon (Assistant Professor of Political Science, Ohio University), Anticipating Madam President is a impressive consideration of when (not if!) the United States will elect a female President. Studying the realities of women in powerful political positions, anticipating gender-based biases that a female President might encounter, and examining the question of whether a female president will change the nature of the presidency forever, Anticipating Madam President is a simply fascinating and thought provoking discourse of the future of American presidential politics.

Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics Handbook
Published in Hardcover by London Bridge (01 January, 1996)
Author: Gordon W F Drake
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

The biggest book I ever bought!
This book should come with warnings of possible back injury due to improper lifting :) It's a physics library you can carry on your back. A must have for all physics majors!

Drake has done a great job!
The AMOP Handbook has been a treasured tool back at the lab. This text is invaluable whether your need results from course work or understanding research. Buy it now!

The Back Pain Revolution
Published in Hardcover by Churchill Livingstone (15 November, 1998)
Authors: Gordon Waddell, Alf L. Nachemson, and Reed B. Phillips
Amazon base price: $84.50
Used price: $64.94
Buy one from zShops for: $64.94
Average review score:

Excellent source for practice of evidence-based medicine
This book offers an excellent summary of the most current evidence about causes, prognosis, treatment and rehabilitation of back problems.
I recommend it for physicians, patients and policy makers.

Back Pain:Reversing the epidemic.
The book is fascinating. Some issues discussed in this book might challenge the reader and that is the main purpose. The chapter "Back pain through history" gives an important historical perspective of the matter. "Psychologic Distress" "Beliefs about Back Pain" and "Social interactions" are of enormous importance for those who deals with "Back Care". The message is: Back pain should be a benign, self-limiting symptom and rest should be avoided. I strongly recommend this book for everyone who deals with Back Care.

Becoming (Other)wise
Published in Paperback by Heinemann (2000)
Authors: Erick Gordon, Ruth Vinz, Bill Lundgren, Juliette LaMontagne, and Greg Hamilton
Amazon base price: $22.00
Buy one from zShops for: $17.60
Average review score:

Teacher's aide
"Becoming (Other)Wise: Enhancing Critical Reading Perspectives" is that rare book on teaching--a work that manages to combine a discussion of pedagogy seamlessly with sensible, practical methodology that the teacher of English can take right into the classroom.

I am a student of Erick Gordon (one of the co-authors of Becoming (Other)wise) at the New York City Lab School. I just wanted to say that the curriculum of the Mockingbird Monologues, based on To Kill a Mockingbird and written by eighth graders is ingenius. The Mockingbird Monologues are a culmination of a year's worth of work which began with reading the book, Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes and then later, reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, by Ken Kesey. While reading these two books, we focused on the idea of empathy- really understanding where a character was coming from- by doing various writing exercises. We also looked at culture now, including advertising and how everything effects everyone by what it is saying and how it is written. We read To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee which welcomed the grade into the official Mockingbird Monologues project. Since then, we have kept an extensive portfolio with twenty or so entries which helped us get into the voice of our randomly assigned character. The portfolio includes work which we have done in English, history, math and music classes, showing how literature can be incorporated into many aspects of life and our education. In history, we read and listened to oral histories from the South after the Civil War and then wrote oral histories in the voice of our individual character as one of our portfolio entries, to get into the voice of our character prior to writing our monologue in the voice of the character. Once everyone had a first draft of their monologue written, we all had a chance to read our piece aloud to our class to get feedback to improve upon our writing. After more individual revising, final drafts were handed in and we got to work forming thirty monologues into a play. The sequencing of our play shadows the style used by Anna Deavere Smith in the play of monologues, Fires in the Mirror, about the Crown Heights riots in August of 1991. Our monologues are in an order based upon how they fit in leading up to and following the trial of a black man for raping a white girl. Some monologues give background about Maycomb, the fictional Alabama town where the book is set, some monologues show the racial tensions in the South and other monologues face the inequalities that make life interesting. The Mockingbird Monologues showcase the techniques that we have learned throughout the year to become a character and then capture an audience as that character.

If you choose to interpret this idea into your curriculum, you will see immediate results. Your students will begin to feel empathy for characters and peers, build skills to write for a specific audience and will forever remember you as an amazing teacher.

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