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Book reviews for "Cobbledick,_Gordon" sorted by average review score:

Philosophy of Science and Belief in God
Published in Paperback by Trinity Foundation (1996)
Authors: Gordon H. Clark and John W. Robbins
Amazon base price: $8.95
Collectible price: $3.50
Average review score:

A critical examination of the nature of science
The average person's view of science differs drastically from how science is perceived by scientists themselves. Modern medicine has found cures for once fatal diseases, modern technology has provided a standard of living (at least in the West)higher than most previous generations would ever dare to imagine. This has led to a popular perception of science as being infallible. Christian apologetists in the 20th century have chosen to defend the faith by suggesting that scientific evidence favours a Christian worldview (see the popular scientific creationist movement). Gordon H. Clark in "The Philosophy of Science and Belief in God" presents an alternative approach. Clark examines the philosophical approach to the scientific method. In doing so he demonstrates clearly that "scientific proof" is an improper basis for one's epistemology.

Excellent study of science vs. religion
In this book the late philosopher Gordon H. Clark takes a critical look at the fundamental workings of the scientific method and demonstrates that science is incapable of discovering truth. Science is a collection of useful falsehoods, which we may use to manipulate and control nature. It is useful for giving us technology and for providing working theories of the natural world, but these theories are forever that - theories. They can be proven false, and often are proven false, but no scientific theory can ever be proven true. Therefore the modern fascination with science (which borders almost on idolization) is misguided. Since science cannot discover truth, science has nothing to say about the existence of God, or the truths of Christianity and the Bible. These things are outside the domain of science. This means that there is no fundamental conflict between religion and science, once science is properly understood. Truth does not come from science, but is, rather, a gift revealed to us by God in the pages of the Bible. This book is well worth one's careful study.

Truly Understanding Science
This is by far the best book I have encountered on the philosophy of science. And it's a necessary field of philosophy to understand. In a few years, the late Carl Sagan may well become a saint, and this book explains why we worship science and scientists and why such worship is ridiculous. For anyone who wishes to defend the idea that science doesn't have all of the answers (more likely, none of them), this is the critical book.

Radio Fifth Grade
Published in School & Library Binding by Scholastic (1989)
Author: Gordon Korman
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $2.22
Collectible price: $7.00
Average review score:

Still lusting after Gordon Korman
I met Gordon Korman when I was 11 years old in Germany. He had achieved everything I wanted: to write a book by 7th grade. And Radio Fifth Grade was my favorite. These kids were funny, smart, had initiative, and always figuring out how to get the things that they needed in an adult world that wasn't too sensitive. Today I actually work in radio, and I still remember this book, what it was like to be inspired at a young age, and remembering all of the oppressive details of childhood. A witty, insightful, and hilarious portrayal of kids.

The fifth grade radio show is a disaster.
The author of my book,Radio Fifth Grade, is Gordon Korman. His books do not tell the meaning of life. The main character of this book is Benjy Driver. He is the star of the fifth grade radio show called Kidsview. He is funny and very impatient. He has short,curly,dark brown hair. The fifth grade radio show's new Mascot of The Week,Winston Churchill the parrot,won't talk. Benjy's teacher,Mrs. Gucci,wins $8,300,000.00 and moves to Honolulu leaving Benjy and his class with a new teacher called Ms. Panagapoulos.Last but not least, the school bully, Brad Jaworski, keeps writing stories about two kittens named Fuzzy and Puffy and thinks everybody likes his stories when he reads them on the radio. This story takes place at Centennial Park School. I thought this book was funny because Winston Churchill kept saying wierd things. I really liked this book and would like to read more books by Gordon Korman. I have some questions about Gordon Korman and his books: I wonder how much books Gordon Korman has made? I wonder if Gordon Korman is going to make more books? What does Gordon Korman do in his spare time? Will Gordon Korman ever make books about himself? When is Gordon Korman's birthday? Gordon Korman has made books about two boys named Bruno and Boots, but I wonder if he will ever make a new book about them with a new character? Will Gordon Korman ever make a book about a retold fairy tale? How much copies of each book does Gordon Korman make? Does Gordon Korman make books about his friends or enemies? Does he have a book all about an animal or will he make one? Has Gordon Korman ever made a book all in another language? That is the end of my book report on Radio Fifth Grade. I hope you liked it and I recommend this book,Radio Fifth Grade.

No one really listens to his show any way.
The author of my book Radio Fifth Grade is Gordon Korman. Gordon Korman lives in New York and likes to explore Canada. Gordon writes books full time. In this book,Radio Fifth Grade the main character is Benjamin Driver. Benjamin's nickname is Benjy. Benjy has brown hair and brown eyes and is the co-producer. Benjy owns a Radio program on station 95.5fm. No one at school listens to Benjy's program except the pit and people at home.

There once was a teacher called Ms.Gucci then she was gone because she hit the jackpot. She won the lottery!! She left,of course then there was a new teacher called Ms.Panagopoulos. She gave really hard and WEIRD homework. She said that she wanted the questions to be answered creative. Well she sure got creative from Benjy. Benjy got creative by creating a game quiz show on his radio show and uses his homework questions as the questions on the game show. Then all he and his friends have to do is keep his new teacher from finding out. Then Benjy has this Mascot of the Week to go on his show and this week it's a parrot called Winston Churchill he and won't talk so Winston ends up on the show for 4 weeks until it's not a very good line to repeat...!

This story takes place in Cenntenial Park School with a pet shop accross the street.

I liked Go Jump in the Pool the best because almost every part in it was funny. It was funny when "The fish" won a jack-in-the-box and when he opened it and it sprang up and punched him in the face! I thought that was the funniest part in the book! I give this book 5 stars too.

I recommend Gordon Korman books to almost everyone I know!!!!! Britney Sears

Real Hope in Chicago
Published in Paperback by Zondervan (25 September, 1995)
Authors: Wayne L. Gordon, Randall Frame, and William Favata
Amazon base price: $14.99
Used price: $4.50
Collectible price: $4.71
Buy one from zShops for: $12.52
Average review score:

True Ministry
I read this book and wanted to cry. I asked the Lord where is this kind of true, loving, caring ministry today? Whatever the Lord has sent me to read, he will use. My husband and I are now in a one-year old ministry. I hope to use this book as a model of love and caring for the people of God. I have done much reading on what goes on in ministry for those who name the name of Jesus Christ and I have come away sorely discouraged and disappointed. I have given this work to our ministry leaders and asked them to read it! The comments from those who read it were truly blessed by this man's work and obedience to God. To think that his work started with a "washing machine"; just meeting the needs of God's people, opened a great door of ministry in Chicago. I truly love this work! I have never met the author, but his work has greatly influenced what we will do in our ministry for God. He that has begun a good work... I tell our leaders that this is the spirit we are endeavoring to have in our minstry at Christ's Church. Thank you for sharing his story and carrying this resource.

A World Without Color Barriers!
How can a white man go into an all black neighborhood and change the community? Wayne Gordon felt the calling of God to leave his comfort zone and step out into a community with little hope. He dared to break the wall of racial prejudice and strife in one of the toughest inner-city areas of the nation. It is a story of hope that will motivate you to accomplish the seemingly impossible and to trust in the God who can make it happen. Simply amazing!

inspirational story of a revitalized neighborhood
The narratives in this book will tug at your heart and inspire action in a time of easy inertia. Wayne Gordon has created a special community by developing leadership from within, supporting basic needs within his neighborhood and valuing each individual for who he or she is. The various profiles are moving and show clearly that there is "real hope" not only for Chicago, but for the rest of our nation as well.

Realizing the Promise of Corporate Portals: Leveraging Knowledge for Business Success
Published in Paperback by Butterworth-Heinemann (11 October, 2002)
Authors: José Claudio Terra and Cindy Gordon
Amazon base price: $27.99
List price: $39.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $27.79
Buy one from zShops for: $26.67
Average review score:

Practitioner's Point of View
I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Cindy Gordon and Dr. Claudio Terra recently at the Knowledge Management Conference in New York, where I attended a workshop with them. Their depth of knowledge in this area is world-class, and the insights they shared in their new book demystified the realities of implementing enterprise corporate portals. Their business strategy accumen, and balanced practical experiences make them a refreshing change to consultants with no substance - as they are experts with strong proven credentialing. What prompted me to write this review was their humbleness in their workshop and openness to learn from us as attendees. Their appetite for learning from those around them was very refreshing and I am looking forward to their next book as well.

Fact Based Stories on Corporate Portals World-Clas
I read this book a month ago and found the case studies rich with insights and very refreshing from the usual books on the market,very practical implementation advice supported by real customer stories and rich lessons learned. This is a must read for any executives, or IT professionals responsible for implementing corporate portals or knowledge management strategies in their organizations.

Corporate portals make sense to me now
This book enabled me to "get" the business purpose of corp portals & knowledge mgmt. Before reading it, the area of CPs and KM seemed too squishy and non-mission critical ... this book is a good antidote ... it's fact-based, clearly written ... the authors seem to have a hands-on sense of the real technical/ operating/ ROI issues in designing/ implementing/ exploiting IT. The cases studies (almost 200 pgs by themselves) are really useful and avoid the "ra-ra" cheerleading [stuff] I've usually seen in such things. Definitely worth the time & $.

Restoring Joy: Ordering Your Private World, Renewing Spiritual Passion, Rebuilding Your Borken World(3 Bks in 1)
Published in Hardcover by Budget Book Service (1996)
Authors: Gordon MacDonald and Robert C. Savage
Amazon base price: $14.99
Average review score:

Only know of one "book" that's more divinely inspired.
Could tell he was writing this at no small cost.

I count it a privilege he'd share this with me -- at any price.

(P.S. Amazon's spell-check is the only thing "borken". That's not the real title.)

What's with the above review?
That kind of sarcastic response does not do the book justice. Gordon Macdonald is a thoughtful Christian with a difficult job--get off his back!

A must read for all reckless presidents out there.
After reading this book I'm back on track, and think I can get by with 1 intern a year from here on out.

The Road Taken: A Journey in Time Down Pennsylvania Route 45
Published in Paperback by The Local History Company (01 December, 2001)
Author: Joan Morse Gordon
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

A Delightful Tour
A touching tour of both history and an area in Central Pennsylvania that hasn't changed considerably (thankfully) since the 18th century. The people and stories that Gordon brings to life through her travels along Route 45 are touching and allows one to reflect on the more imporant things in life and our often mis-guided priorities. The book is an easy read and interspersed with a wealth of historical references to tie the story together as well as the valleys and towns that Route 45 connects.

Outstanding Book, great detail
Using this book helped us to not only understand the history of the area when we did a three day weekend on PA Rt 45 but also helped us to find places off the beaten path.

Soulful observations and colorful local personalities
Joan Morse Gordon's The Road Taken: A Journey In Time Down Pennsylvania Route 45 is the story of one woman's journey that began with an Interstate drive, and which led to her fascinating survey of regional Pennsylvania, its history, and the people who call the land home. Picturesque black-and-white photographs, soulful observations and colorful local personalities make The Road Taken a genuine treat for the armchair traveler and/or the Pennsylvania history buff.

The Road To Eleusis: Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries
Published in Hardcover by William Dailey Antiquarian (1999)
Authors: Carl A. Ruck, Albert Hoffman, R. Gordon Wasson, Jeremy Bigwood, Albert Hofman, Jonathan. Ott, Carl A. P. Ruck, Huston Smith, and Danny Staples
Amazon base price: $50.00
Used price: $45.00
Collectible price: $52.94
Buy one from zShops for: $50.00
Average review score:

an intellectual feast!
This is an inspiring collaboration between a passionate amateur scholar and his professional scholar friends. How delightful to read something that isn't dumbed down. The analysis and induction is nicely supplemented by the "Hymn to Demeter." Much for the brain to chew on!

Wasson et al's revelations of the complexity of the myths that surrounded the Eleusian mysteries are fodder for hours upon hours of thought play about the foundations of our culture today.

Important argument, beautifully produced book
The authors of 'Road to Eleusis' - they include Albert Hofmann, the discoverer of LSD, and Gordon Wasson, the white man who in 1957 revealed the continued existence of the pre-Columbian sacred-mushroom rite to the non-Mexican Indian world - argue that a water-soluble alkaloid contained in ergot, a tiny fungus which attacks grains and grasses, was the principal psychoactive ingredient of the 'kykeon', the sacred potion drunk before the celebration of the Mysteries of Eleusis by those awaiting initiation. The philological and psycho-pharmacological argument of 'Road to Eleusis' is compelling but to get the most from the book, read it in combination with 'Eleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter' by Karl Kerenyi, a disciple of Carl Jung, which provides an introduction to the history of Eleusis and contains a psychological study of the Mysteries.

In pre-Classical times, it is likely that almost the entire population of Athens walked the fifteen-mile distance to Eleusis at harvest time every year in order to drink the 'kykeon' and experience the sense of the mythic reunion of Persephone, the Daughter, with Demeter, the Mother who taught men how to plant seeds and reap the fruit. The Christ, the draw in the psychological game of chess between the Hellenised Middle East and Israel, speaks distantly but clearly of Eleusis in John 12: 20-24 and Cicero, the Roman philosopher, author and statesman who coined the phrase 'bread and circuses' to damn the spectacular politics of his time, was an initiate.

Iktinos, architect of the Parthenon, also designed the Telesterion, the classical-period temple of the Mysteries of which only broken columns survive. However, scattered throughout 'Eleusis' by Kerenyi are bits and pieces of the psychological vocabulary of the Mysteries which with the help of ancient Greek and Indo-European comparative etymological dictionaries allow a reconstruction of the mind of the initiate. For example, 'tele', from 'telos', the full circle, the crown - today, we hear it many times every day in connection with technology; however, at Eleusis 'tele' had a sacral meaning.

Eleusis was to religion in Athens what democracy was to Athenian politics: essential.

'Road to Eleusis' and 'Eleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter' - read both; and when in Greece, don't miss Eleusis, 20 miles south of Athens on the mainland across the water from the island of Salamis, open every day from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. except Monday when the site is closed.

A powerful document on attaining Greek wisdom
If other books are dynamite, this is nuclear. It documents how the Mystai at Eleusis became Epoptes, a standard rite of passage for all the famous Greek minds we seek to understand. Full understanding is not possible without initiation such as is outlined in this volume. Eleusis is at the end of a line of mystical experience that goes back to 5000 BCE. Is is not so much that the Mystery of Eleusis is revealed, as that it points the sacred way how to unravel the mystery of our own existence. The Greeks knew, and if you do as they did, you can. Wasson tells us what the Greeks did.

Selected Poems (Dover Thrift Editions)
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (1993)
Authors: George, Lord Byron Gordon and George Gordon Noel Byron
Amazon base price: $3.49
List price: $1.50 (that's -133% off!)
Used price: $0.01
Buy one from zShops for: $0.76
Average review score:

Byron...who knew?
I am not a fan of the English Romantics but I will make a big exception for Lord Byron. He's wild! "Don Juan," parts of which are included in this book, is bawdy and hilarious. Keep in mind that the poem was not considered fit for young ladies to read when it came out...are you tempted yet?

The Dover Thrift Editions are surprisingly well-constructed - they'll outlast, say, your Oxford World Classics paperbacks - and the poems are usually well-chosen. And they'!

You can't go wrong with this one
This is a great collection of thirty of Byron's short poems, arranged in chronological order. Everyone should own at least one collection of Byron's work, and at this price, why not make this the one?

Short but sweet
This is a great collection of mostly short poems by one of the greatest poets in memory. beginning with "Damaetas" and ending with "On this Day I complete my Thirty-sixth year" these 30 poems, in chronological order, represent a great portion of Byron's work, including portions of Childe Herold's Pilgramage, hebrew melodies, don juan, and manfred. great as an introduction to byron.

Sensual Massage for Couples
Published in Paperback by Arcata Arts (2001)
Authors: Gordon Inkeles and Greg Peterson
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $11.59
Average review score:

Exactly what I was looking for...
If you want a complete massage book to suprise your significant other with, this is the one for you. When I received the book, I was shocked at the completeness of it. It will give you and your mate hours of pleasure. The book is extremely detailed with every massage technique needed to make your mate beg for more. This is a must have for anyone who wants to give a better massage.

Very useful massage resource
One simply can't run out of inventive and wonderfully pleasurable routines in this lovely book. It's massage from A to Z with an emphasis on sensuality. All the instructions are very clear and, thanks to the inspiring photos, easy to learn.

I have all of Gordon Inkeles' books. This one is the longest and is the best value for the money. Very beautifully illustrated. As always, the massage technique is right on target. Everything is very easy to learn and you can expect many pleasurable hours.

Shadow Enemies : Hitler's Secret Terrorist Plot Against the United States
Published in Paperback by The Lyons Press (2003)
Authors: Alex Abella and Scott Gordon
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Those Who Do Not Learn From History Are Doomed To Repeat It
With a plot that reads as if it came from the mind of Alistair MacLean, Robert Ludlum or Tom Clancy, this long unreported episode in our nation's history could not be more relevant in 21st century America.

From a World War II Nazi plan for espionage and terrorism, the authors have managed to craft a compelling and intriguing historical account, which raises many important questions. Questions which desperately need to be asked in post 9-11 America. But, they are questions which are all too often being ignored by most of the ratings-starved and war-hungry media.

Messrs. Gordon and Abello have done their home work, and it shows. Bravo, to the first time collaboration of this judge and this novelist.

Really Enjoyable!
Abella and Gordon hit the nail on the head with this book. If you are even slightly interested in WWII history, this is a great read. Given what's going on in the world today, the subject matter is truly relevant. Abella and Gordon make this historical story accessible and interesting.

What a great story...
This terrific book is about foreign terrorists who land on American shores and plan to destroy American buildings, military bases, and kill civilians. In particular, they plan to bomb Jewish owned businesses and stores such as Macy's. No, this doesn't take place now, but in 1942. And these terrorists are Nazis.
The first part of the book describes the true story of how 8 Nazis landed on the eastern coast in 1942. These were men who had spent part of their lives in the United States, so they knew how to blend in and they knew American customs.
If not for the work of the FBI, and for the defection of one of the men to the Americans, the damage that would have been done to America would have been horrendous. And these 8 may have been just the first of many terrorists to follow.
The second part of the book describes how the men were given military tribunals, because Roosevelt believed that public trials would only endanger our national security and our country. Sound familiar?
This is a well-written, timely book that holds the reader's interest from start to finish. I thought I knew quite a bit about World War ll, but I didn't know anything about the events described in the book.
I highly recommend this book to anyone concerned about the politics and policies of today, and for anyone who is simply interested in a good and interesting story.

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