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Book reviews for "Cobbledick,_Gordon" sorted by average review score:

God's Empowering Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Letters of Paul
Published in Hardcover by Hendrickson Publishers, Inc. (01 July, 1994)
Author: Gordon Fee
Amazon base price: $27.97
List price: $39.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $22.40
Buy one from zShops for: $26.29
Average review score:

Understand the Holy Spirit in Paul's letters
God's Empowering Presence is not a small book, nor light reading. In developing an article for the Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, Fee realized very little secondary literature existed on the topic of the Holy Spirit as seen in the letters of Paul of Tarsus. Because of the dearth of Pneumatological studies in general, no one had ever thought to write a text specifically focused on how Paul viewed the person and work of the Holy Spirit. So, Fee sought to remedy this. In doing so he realized that he could not simply make assertions without first having a firm foundation of Biblical analysis with which he could base his findings. Understanding that this had not been done in a way which focused on the broader understanding of the Holy Spirit in the Pauline corpus, he felt he had to create his own body of textual analysis which went through the various letters and analyzed verse by verse, use by use, Paul's understanding of pneumatology. It is this textual analysis which comprises the great bulk of God's Empowering Presence.
Having exegeted the great bulk of the Pauline Epistles, Fee then feels able to make some observations and conclusions about Paul's general pneumatology in the last 100 pages of this nearly 1000 page book. He concludes that the Spirit was for Paul more real and evident than we can possibly imagine in our day and age, that the presence of the Spirit was an assumed reality, because of which specific theological discussion is limited. But in the off hand remarks, asides, benedictions, and other such casual comments Gordon Fee is able to discover and lay out eight primary conclusions about Pauline pneumatology. These conclusions are not meant as simply academic points of interest, but are in keeping with Fee's profound pastoral sensitivity and seek to point out ways in which the modern church can regain some of the liveliness and fullness that is found in Paul's understanding of the Holy Spirit. If you don't care about the exegesis (though as a reference I can't imagine not caring) Fee has another book called Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God which consists of just his conclusions and insights.

Great book, but be ready to trudge through tons of stuff
This was the most excellent book I have read discussing the work of the Holy Spirit,and it's importance to the Christian. Fee caused me to do a lot of thinking about my previous beliefs. He challenged me. THe one problem with the book, and Fee admits as much in the introduction is that the first section of the book is absolutely exhaustive. Not only is it an exhaustive discussion of the Pauline texts dealing with the Spirit, but it will "exhaust" you in reading through it. However, don't let that stop you from reading this fantastic work. It could change your life and appreciation for the wisdom of GOd.

A MUST for the study of Paul's teachings on the Holy Spirit
In the Pauline scholarship, Paul's pneumatology is often overlooked. One purpose of Fee in writing this book is trying to show how significant the teachings of the Holy Spirit is in the Pauline theology. It is related to various theological themes in Paul's theology such as Christology, soteriology, eschatology, anthropology and Paul's view to the Law. This book is divided into two parts: the first part, two-third of the whole book, is devoted to careful exegesis of all the Pauline texts about the Holy Spirit. I find it inspiring especially in his exegesis on the 'Spirit's' text in Romans. The second part is his systematic treatment/ exegetical synthesis of Paul's pneumatology based on the exegetical results of the first part. In this part Fee interacts with recent NT studies on the Holy Spirit such as Dunn and Scott, protesting against their approach of reducing the Holy Spirit as but equivalent expression of the experience of the rised Lord Jesus Christ. The most interesting part is his "pneumatic criticism" against "The New perspective on Paul" proposed by Dunn and alike. Before you are immersed into this 'great book', about 1000 pages, you can read first Fee's essay 'Paul's conversion as Key to His Understanding of the Spirit' in the book "The Road from Damascus: the Impact of Paul's Conversion on His Life, Thought and Ministry", edited by R.N. Longenecker, p.166-183. This essay may give you a quick look on Paul's pneumatology, which may give you more motivation to read, at least, the second part of this his commentary as well as NT theological book on Paul.

Gordon Ramsay: A Chef for All Seasons
Published in Hardcover by Ten Speed Press (2000)
Authors: Gordon Ramsay, Roz Denny, Georgia Glynn Smith, and Charlie Trotter
Amazon base price: $24.50
List price: $35.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $16.25
Buy one from zShops for: $17.75
Average review score:

Outstanding Cookbook
I purchased this book and Alfred Portale's 12 Seasons Cookbook at the same time. Both are gorgeous to look at and flip through, but I find myself going to this one time and time again for recipes I actually plan to try. Clearly, Gordon Ramsay is a man in love with food and his craft. Don't let what you may have heard about him (e.g., he does not roam through the dining area of his top rated restaurant to glad-hand patrons and solicit their thoughts, believing that anything leaving his kitchen is perfect and beyond criticism) deter you from picking this up!

I found the one theme, intended or not, that makes this a favourite is that many components of the various recipes are interchangeable. For example, there is a great recipe for a lobster and mango/baby spinach salad. I was shopping for ingredients and found the lobster sub-par, so I managed to substitute his marinated tuna recipe in with great success. Same goes with recipes for various pureed sauces and soups. And particularly useful are discussions on the best of seasonal ingredients (notwithstanding that many may not be available to the average cook due to cost, or geographical limitations)

Overall, a top notch book and highly recommended.

Great Scots Chef
With a talent for the simple and elegant, Gordon has produced a book with class. Typical of Ramseys attention to detail a multi-tude of simple and surprisingly easy recipes. No poncy overblown recipes here just class. And to think he played for Glasgow Rangers Soccer team. what he lacked in finesse on the field he more than makes up with finesse in the kitchen and nice to here him singing the praises of the quality of Scots ingredients.

A Cookbook Of Purity and Elegance
These are the words Charlie Trotter described Ramsey's cooking. I bought this based upon a recommendation about new, hot cookbooks coming out. Sometimes one is really disappointed with the final product.

By first inspection, I imagined this was another of those letdowns. Beautiful photos, seasonal recipe organization,and what appeared to be bland style recipes.

But upon trying several, this book delivers Trotter's assessment: purity and elegance. Although tried only Cauliflower and Sorrel Soup, Tomato And Parmesan Gratinee Tarts and Duck Breasts with Endive Tarts, this food is elegant and tastes are clean, distinct and so, so satisfying.

Anxious to explore this hot London cook even more.

Greek Grammar
Published in Hardcover by Harvard Univ Pr (1983)
Authors: Herbert Weir Smyth and Gordon M. Messing
Amazon base price: $42.00
Used price: $34.00
Collectible price: $12.00
Average review score:

The best for all pre-modern Greek except Hellenistic.
This is an excellent reference book! It has passed the test of heavy usage, and it has outlasted many academic fads.

Smyth does a thorough yet concise job on the known varieties of written Greek usage from the Homeric epics up to the beginning of the Hellenistic period .

Smyth does not cover Hellenistic (Koiné) Greek as much, especially not for texts that have Semitic or Egyptian "flavors:" the Septuagint, New Testament and Egyptian Greek papyri. For real grammars on those, look up these authors: Wallace, Dana, Mantey, Robertson, Blass, Debrunner, Funk, Conybeare, Stock and Zerwick.

Some writers in the centuries between the reigns of Augustus and Constantine, and the Byzantines afterward, tried to "return" to Classical Attic usage in writing, with mixed results. When reading them, use both Smyth and a Hellenistic/Koiné grammar together, carefully.

You will thank yourself.
This specific edition of the book is a joy. The brilliant oxblood leather cover, the cream-colored pages, intoxicating in their aroma. You think I'm a fool, but this book is a dream. And as a grammar, it's indispensable. Read what the other reviewers have said, then read what I have and decide: is $30 too much to spend for such a valuable reference, and so beautiful a book besides? I think not.

Need this book be praised?
Smyth is the only grammar for ancient Greek worth buying (besides the advanced treatments of specialized topics like Goodwin on the moods and tenses and Denniston on the particles). Unlike Latin, where the field of grammars is much wider, Smyth is the only English grammar of ancient Greek comprehensive enough to warrant any attention from Hellenists. Goodwin and Gulick's volume is too sparse in comparison (but note they cover prosody and Smyth does not) while Kaegi's is a step below theirs in depth. Ideally all intermediate level Greek students will begin to use this text as a reference grammar. Very reasonably priced for the wealth of information it contains. The book itself is also durable and will endure years of constant thumbing.

Half Past Autumn: A Retrospective
Published in Paperback by Bulfinch Press (1998)
Authors: Gordon Parks, Philip Brookman, and Corcoran Gallery of Art
Amazon base price: $28.00
List price: $40.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $18.38
Buy one from zShops for: $16.57
Average review score:

A Great Book by a Great Photographer
Buy this book and see the wonderful and varied career of Gordon Parks. See the world through this stunning photographer's eyes, and you will never see the world the same again. Then buy *A Choice of Weapons* and find out how this man came to create these masterworks. Everyone knows his genius as a photographer, filmmaker, and composer, but people may not know that he is a master memoirist as well. Put this book and *A Choice of Weapons* on your Christmas list!

learned so much in one day
Seeing the exhibit was the most wonderful day of my life. Getting the book was the next best day. I am not sure if another photographer so talented in all fields will ever appear again. Raad A Choice of Weapons also by Gordon Parks, it will help reinforce the Retrospective.

Note to from Gordon Park's assistant:
Please note that the cover that you show on the internet is incorrect. I am the photgrapher and what you show is the photograph that was used for the dummy book shown at the book fair. The photograph shown is an unpublished photgraph. Please look at the book for the actual cover.

Intimate Strategies of the Civil War: Military Commanders and Their Wives
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (2001)
Authors: Carol K. Bleser and Lesley J. Gordon
Amazon base price: $30.00
Used price: $14.95
Collectible price: $30.01
Buy one from zShops for: $19.95
Average review score:

very insightful
Carol Bleser and Lesley Gordon did a wonderful job with this book,delving into the personal lives of several famous civil war figures, along with black and white photographs of the couples.Some of the marriages in the book include the Shermans, Grants, Lee's, Custer's , Stonewall Jacksons, and many others. With so many figures from the civil war this book gives a wonderful overview of some of the more famous marriages and there family life. With so many figures to choose from I think the authors did a suberb job with the couples they featured. This is a book not to be missed.

Fascinating insights re personal lives of Civil War leaders
This collection of twelve essays explores the personal lives of prominent Civil War military commanders and their wives. The writers paint vivid pictures of how family life and the war were interwoven. The most striking thing to me is the great variation between the relationships of the various commanders and their wives, all within the Victorian societal structure. I think this book makes great reading for everyone, regardless of a person's interest in history.

Comments on "Intimate Strategies"
In this book, editors Carol K. Bleser and Lesley J. Gordon bring together essays describing the marriages and personal lives of a dozen Civil War leaders. The essays remind us of the essential humanity of the leading figures in that awful conflict. We gain an insight into the stresses placed upon these husbands and wives by the calls of patriotism, political and military duty, and career ambition on one hand, and the responsibility to home and family on the other. We sense through excerpts from letters and first-hand memoirs the flow of their emotions as they suffered illness, loss of loved ones and, certainly in the South, loss of homeland. Seen against the events of September 11, these essays help us to empathize with the suffering and sacrifice undergone by many of our contemporary countrymen and countrywomen.

Jester Leaps in
Published in Digital by St. Martin's Press ()
Author: Alan Gordon
Amazon base price: $23.95
Average review score:

Smart, sassy, suspenseful
This book is great news for lovers of historical mysteries, but even better news for those who love books with a great setting, intriguing characters, crackling dialogue, and wit to spare. One of the best new series going.

As Good as Thirteenth Night
Jester Leaps In equals Gordon's Thirteenth Night in being an exceptionally entertaining and inventive story.

This is not because of what Gordon does with Shakespeare's characters from Twelfth Night, but because of how he uses history. Early thirteenth century Constantinople is brought to life, and the idea of a Jesters Guild continues to be a clever and original plot device.

I'll be eager to read the third book in the series, as the Fourth Crusade approaches Constantinople.

Can the Jester's Guild stop a terrible crime?
In JESTER LEAPS IN, Alan Gordon posits a medieval Jester's Guild responsible for bringing some sort of sanity to a world in trouble. Now a Crusade, dominated by Venice, is under weigh and all of the Jesters in Constantinople have vanished. Trouble-shooting fool Theophilos, along with his beautiful new wife (and Duchess and apprentice Jester) Viola are sent to find out what has happened and what it means.

What has happened is murder. Someone has killed all of the Jesters in Constantinople in an attempt to hide a plot to kill the Emperor. Theophilos has to find out who, why, and then decide if the world would be better off with a new Emperor.

Gordon does a wonderful job describing Medieval Europe and the role played by the Byzantine Empire at this time. The concept of a Jesters' Guild is wonderful and just believable enough to make the plot more enjoyable. Better is Gordon's character development. Both Theophilos and Viola are fully characterized, likable, and motivated. They may be fools, but they're no dummies and they're a joy to see in action...

Kids Learn America!: Bringing Geography to Life With People, Places & History
Published in Paperback by Williamson Publishing (2003)
Authors: Patricia Gordon, Reed C. Snow, and Loretta Trezzo Braren
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $6.94
Buy one from zShops for: $6.95
Average review score:

great learning tool
We just got the book kids learn america for our homeschool. As a family we hope to learn more about the nation that we live in. The first state in the book is connecticut. It talks about Mark Twain living and writing there. So that opened a discussion on his writing as we will be watching a movie based on his writings tonight as a family. I look forward to learn more as we got through this book.

The Perfect Information Source For Children
Did you know that Minnesota, the "Land of 10,000 Lakes" has an amazing 90 lakes called Long Lake? Or did you know that the two Choctaw Indian words "okla," meaning people, and "humma," meaning red, makes up the state Oklahoma? Well, these facts along with a plethora of other information can be obtained in this fantastic book.

This book is absolutely perfect for children. Each state is consisely laid out in an easy-to-read format that is loaded with information. The drawings are also excellent in peppering the pages to break up all of the details.

This is a type of hands-on book that challanges children to learn about their country in fifty educationally-fun geography lessons. This book gives its readers a lesson in human spirit by teaching a little bit about America's past, while imploring everyone to partake in it's future. This book is a must read for children.

Great for Home Schoolers
We are a homeschooling family who is always looking for a fun and easy way to learn any subject. This book was top-notch with our five children from ages 7-16. Perfect U.S. geography course in 50 easy lessons! Highly recommended.

Hebrew: A Language Course Level One
Published in Paperback by Behrman House (1996)
Authors: Bella Bergman, Ora Band, Sheldon Dorah, and Joel Gordon
Amazon base price: $13.95
Average review score:

the most pedagogically astute work in Hebrew instruction!
Ora Band and Bella Bergman have shattered the rules of Hebrew instruction with this ground breaking work. The "Shelabim," in the vernacular, works with all sides of the brain to ensure total absorption of grammar, language and usage. One can use this text for young and older adults, teens and younger kids with equal ease. Students will come away from this work really having learned something. I used this text on a college level, and the students learned a great deal without feeling they had overly exerted themselves. this is a measure of how finely attuned this work is to the way people actually think.

The best Hebrew text around
I used this book when I was a kid and thought that it was the best Hebrew book that I had. I am now using it to teach my own students. It is a very great book because it does not assume that you have outside knowledge. The texts build on each other like you would hope that a language text would. The series is aimed at adults however I would recommend it for any age group.

Nice cultural introduction
This book assumes that students aren't in an ulpan or other immersive environment, which is good because I'm not and most American students aren't. It takes it slowly with lots of exercises. The other thing I really like about this series is that it uses examples from Jewish culture, the Bible and other Jewish writings. It goes beyond teaching language to teach culture.

Introduction to Old Norse
Published in Paperback by Clarendon Pr (1981)
Authors: Eric V. Gordon and A. R. Taylor
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $15.59
Collectible price: $31.76
Buy one from zShops for: $52.47
Average review score:

Good, but here's another idea...
This is a very nice book and the one we used in my Old Norse class at BYU, and the selections are all very good, very interesting. However, I agree with the reviewer that this is, despite the title, hardly the best introdruction to the language.

What I recommend is this: Get yourself Stefán Einarsson's fine book, "Icelandic: Grammar, Texts, Glossary", which is set up in lessons for the beginner and which you can get real cheap here at Amazon. That book is modern Icelandic, so the readings aren't about Egill Skallagrímsson or Snorri's Edda, but not only is the Old Norse spirit very much alive in modern Iceland (and all the people very familiar with the old stories), but the language has changed extraordinarily little in the last thousand years (very very minor things), so that if you learn modern Icelandic even reasonably well (which you will from Einarsson), you can easily pick up the sagas with no problem.

Then, when you've finished with his book, you can get Gordon, which will be much more enjoyable then. Alternatively, you can get the texts of lots of the sagas online from Icelandic sites and get hardcopy English versions here at Amazon to use as "ponies". (Hrafnkels saga is a good one to start with, or Snorra Edda.) Good luck!

But not for beginners
Please don't send away 30 dollars thinking that this book is going to teach you to read Old Norse / Old Icelandic. If you're hoping for a basic grammar, with graded lessons, you're going to be disappointed. This is an excellent work, an indispensable work, but it's a reader for those who have already learned the basics of Old Icelandic.

After a brief introduction to Scandinavian history, the Viking expansion, and saga literature, the author gives about 160 pages of West Norse, normalized into classical Icelandic. Most of the selections are from the sagas, and they are well annotated, and a full vocabulary is included in the back of the book. There is also a section on what he calls "East Norse" (the Old Norse particular to Denmark, Norway and Sweden), and a small section dealing with the language of the runic inscriptions.

There is a 40 or 50 page section where he presents the grammar, but it's more along the lines of an outline of the grammar. It's sufficient for someone who already has a good knowledge of Old English, OHG, or Gothic, but my hat's off to anyone with the determination to acquire a reading knowledge of the language from this grammatical sketch alone.

There's the rub: where DO you get the introduction to Old Icelandic that will enable you to use this book with benefit? The superb learning grammar "Old Icelandic: an Introductory Course" by Valfells and Cathey is out of print. Kenneth Chapman wrote "Graded Readings and Exercises in Old Icelandic" about 35 years ago, but that's disappeared as well. Until either of those works is reprinted, or a new introduction is written, it's going to be tough.

But none of this is meant to take anything away from Gordon's work; it's a wonderful, scholarly work. Problem is, you really do need to have something of a background before you use it.

A very good introduction to the Norse language
G.V. Gordon's book is an excellent introduction to the Old Norse Language. It explains the intricacies of Norse grammar lucidly, and is very easy to work with. The fact that one cannot obtain it here, is really unfortunate; however, on the positive side, I know for a fact that at least one other major internet site has it.

Island Bound
Published in Hardcover by 1stBooks Library (2002)
Author: J. D. Gordon
Amazon base price: $24.45
Used price: $19.93
Buy one from zShops for: $19.86
Average review score:

Lots of action, great locations
I loved the mixed of locations and interests related with the story line. I got my copy as a gift prior to going on vacation. I almost finished the entire story by the time I had my first poolside drink. I read it again before getting back to Chicago.

Island Bound
I picked this book up while on vacation in Key West. It was great. The characters were believable and I love the hero Eddie. Makes me want to go find myself a fireman!

James Bond Lookout
Eddie the fireman could give James Bond a run for his money. This novel takes you on quite an adventure through some incredible locales - Key West, The Caribbean, a tropical island off of Cuba.

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