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Book reviews for "Cobbledick,_Gordon" sorted by average review score:

Two-Stroke Tuner's Handbook
Published in Paperback by H.P. Books (1975)
Author: Gordon Jennings
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score:

In Respect of a Great Tuner
This book was very instrumental in allowing me to achieve some of the accomplishments and rewards that I have earned to date. This man put into one book the knowledge of the universe as it related to the field that he wrote about. My closest friend had the oportunity to work with him on a project and the knowledge that Mr. Jennings shared has been shared with many others in this book. The book has been treated by us like a bible for the two stroke engine. No other book or other single source of information has existed that has embodied so many practical formulas and actual information that allows one to construct systems and redesign engines. Much regrets that furthers writings on two-stroke engines from Mr. Jennings have not been published.

Two-Stroke theory and port area diagrams
The Jennings book is a simple masterpiece. He has taken some research that was done and published by Nagao, all to do with inlet tract delivery ratios, and without emphasising it he introduced the idea of port time areas. I am not sure if Nagao really understood the value of that idea, and it was a gem. Jennings read it and understood the value. He did his own investigation, and turned a minor suggestion into a real tool. This book is about the single idea of how to use port time-area diagrams. The other material in the book is good filler, but without port time-area diagrams I doubt the Jennings would ever have written this book. Written in 1973, and way ahead of its time, this is a must have book. This book really puts some method in to your tuning madness, just wonderful. Get it if you can!

Practical Information
Although this book is focused on modification of 2-stroke engines for racing, it is full of a wealth of practical information on the internal combustion engine in general. It is far more useful than the SAE papers dealing with the minutae of fluid flow and vibration.

Unfinished Business:
Published in Paperback by Rodopi Bv Editions (1997)
Author: Brian Gordon Kennelly
Amazon base price: $28.00
Average review score:

Out-Genet's Genet
Clearly has an insight which needs further exploration. Such original thinking should encourage further scholarship along the same lines, but I hope we hear from Kennelly again real soon.

A True Putecoup
Elegant, illuminating, and boldly anti-oldschool. Well worth reading and rereading. Charts a new course for genetic criticism while walking the fine line between brashness and brilliance.

Unfinished Business Indeed: Charting a course for Genetians
Eye-opening and ground-breaking. In comparison, the recent special issues of Europe, Roman 20-50, and L'Esprit createur (dedicated to new research on Genet) seem brittle and yellowed. Kennelly traces a bold path with the new that demands critics rethink the well-worn paths they have followed with the old.

100 Ultimate Blues Riffs (Book&CD)
Published in Paperback by A.D.G. Productions (1995)
Author: Andrew D. Gordon
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

Learn what makes blues "blues ".
For someone coming from playing a different style (classification ) of music this book is a must have.You can use it constantly as a reference tool.It could be useful to a beginner if they have the time and energy to spend with it but, would be more useful to the intermediate player. I'd listened to a lot of blues thinking that I would pick up the style from c.d's (Jimmy Yancy,Ray Charles,Vann Walls,Jay McShann Meade Lux Lewis etc ).I did pick up a lot but was left feeling I was missing a lot,and that's where thhe 100 Ultimate Blues Riffs came to my help.My reading is fairly good but I think that with blues a c.d is a must so that you can get more of a "feel " for the music.At first,I thought playing blues was very simple and that the music itself was very simple.100 Ultimate Blues Riffs has helped me understand how to play and how to listen to Blues;and how to appreciate the music.

Learn exactly what makes blues different from other styles
For someone coming from playing a different style (classification ) of music this book is a must have.You can use it constantly as a reference tool.It could be useful to a beginner if they have the time and energy to spend with it but, would be more useful to the intermediate player. I'd listened to a lot of blues thinking that I would pick up the style from c.d's (Jimmy Yancy,Ray Charles,Vann Walls,Jay McShann Meade Lux Lewis etc ).I did pick up a lot but was left feeling I was missing a lot,and that's where thhe 100 Ultimate Blues Riffs came to my help.My reading is fairly good but I think that with blues a c.d is a must so that you can get more of a "feel " for the music.At first,I thought playing blues was very simple and that the music itself was very simple.100 Ultimate Blues Riffs has helped me understand how to play and how to listen to Blues;and how to appreciate the music.

Excellent Blues Riff Book
It has been somewhat difficult for the intermediate/advanced piano player to find a book of riffs and melodic ideas to add to their blues repetoire. This book, "100 Ultimate Riffs" is just what you're looking for..and it delivers what it's name implies. "100 Ultimate Riffs" provides a good mixture of chords and individual note runs that you would expect from such a book. It also provides riffs in different keys, wih a variety of rhythms.

NOTE: The riffs may be too daunting for the beginner, but anyone from early intermediate onwards will find useful and fun blues riffs in this book.

This is not a "how to" book, nor is it a compliation of blues "standards". This book does not provide theory or concept on progressions, turnarounds, is what it's name implies, a riffs book.

Aleck Maury, Sportsman
Published in Paperback by University of Georgia Press (1996)
Authors: Caroline Gordon and James Kilgo
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $7.51
Buy one from zShops for: $12.96
Average review score:

Aleck Maury Sportsman - A novel by caroline gordon
"It is, in a sense, a prose AENEID, written with so much economy and constraint that the reader is only aware at the end that he has been following the wanderings of a hero." -Andrew Nelson Lytle, New Republic (1934)

Absolutely Lyrical
A minor classic that is too often overlooked. The pure aesthetic beauty and simplicity of Gordon's language is a revelation.

A masterpiece of Sport and the pursuit of excellence.
This highly regarded but not widely known masterpiece chronicles the life of Aleck Maury from his earliest forays into opossum hunting and flyfishing to his latter days of quail hunting and fishing in old age. His lifelong quest of excellence in the field conflicts with his commitments to family and social responsibility. The novel is based on the author's father. Ms. Gordon was the wife of Allen Tate, the noted literary critic and poet. The Agrarian context and concerns of Tate are evident in her work, though her writings are unique. She shows herself here and in her other novels to be a master of her craft.

The Animals of Farthing Wood (Children's Choice)
Published in Audio Cassette by Listen for Pleasure (1989)
Authors: Colin Dann and Hannah Gordon
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

I Grew Up With These Books!
When I was little I used to watch the T.v series, The Animals Of Farthing Wood, and I loved it!!!!!!! It contributed to my love of animals and when I read this first book I found it even better!
This story of how the Animals OF Farthing Wood find their home being destroyed and have to leave is a remarkable tale of love as they have to learn to trust each other, including sneeky Adder. I love all the charcters, especially Fox, Vixen and extremly funny Weasel. This book made me laugh and cry (especially when the hedgehogs got run over!) and I stayed in my room reading for hours. It is definatly a must-read for anyone who loves animals. If you have kids, then read them this book! I benifited hugely from it! I still have the T.v series on tape, even though I hardly ever watch it I won't let anyone tspe over it!
The next books are just as good as the first, and I thouroughly enjoyed the prequel (The Animals Of Farthing Wood, The Adventure Begins.) The next books are great as we learn about Fox and Vixen's cubs (Bold, Friendly, Charmer and Dreamer). Bold runs away from the animal's new home White Deer Park seeking adventure and Charmer typicly falls in love with Scar Face's son Ranger. (Scar Face is her dad Foxe's arch enemy) It's an ace tale and I hope that Colin Dann writes some more books as I've read most of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xxx

A Charming tale
This is a great book and is the best book I have ever read. The book is about a group of wildlife from Farthing Wood who,s homes are being destroyed. The animals do nothing about it untill the humans filled in the pond. Then they all meet in Badger,s set to discuss the problem together but nobody has any ideas untill Toad (who has been missing for over a year) returns and tells the animals that on his travels he came across a Nature Reserve called White Deer Park. The animals agree and the next night they leave led by Fox. But the creatures face many dangers and some die. I realy recommened this book. It is a wonderful tale.

A must for animal lovers
The animals of Farthing Wood is a short but very amusing novel told from the view of a small group of woodland creatures intent on finding a new home. There arn't many books on in this type of category and I must say I fully enjoyed it. The tale goes of how Farthing wood, home of around two dozen creatures is in danger of being destroyed by man. Distraught, the animal's only way of surviving is by reaching a nature reserve - White Deer Park. Led by Fox (a main character)the group takes an oath to not eat each other and travel through danger after danger on their long journey. There are many sequels stemming from this book and the entire story has been adapted by a cartoon under the same name - one of the best I've seen at that. All in all this book is worth reading. An adventure of a different kind.

Animated Objects
Published in Paperback by Space and Time (1997)
Authors: Linda D. Addison, Gordon Linzner, and Barry Malzberg
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $10.00
Average review score:

An evocative, richly-textured collection.
This is a wonderful collection of poems and short stories; a truly beautiful book. The works are thought-provoking and sometimes disturbing, and always handled deftly. Ms. Addison is a very fine writer, and Animated Objects belongs in the collections of dark fantasy readers everywhere.

At turns thought-provoking, touching and wonderfully weird.
Author Addison masterfully manipulates words. Whether prose or poetry, the end result is a cut above the rest, in any genre. From her whimsical retelling of "Little Red Riding Hood" to her thought-provoking poetry, her words stay with you long after the book has been closed.

Imaginative, creative, ideas you won't see anywhere else
A true flight of fantasy! Abandon logic when you open this book and just 'let it flow.' You'll love it's creativity. Follow the progression in the illustrations too.

An extra plus is the authoress' personal journal; this should be a requirement in all books.

Art Isn't Easy: The Theater of Stephen Sondheim
Published in Paperback by DaCapo Press (1992)
Author: Joanne Gordon
Amazon base price: $14.00
List price: $20.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.90
Buy one from zShops for: $5.99
Average review score:

An Academic View of the Musicals of Sondheim
Of all the books currently published on Sondheim's musicals, Gordon gives the best academic treatment to his works. Mainly a formal analysis of the shows, she peppers in enough historical and biographical facts to provide any reader with a better understanding of the plays. The chapter on _Sunday_ is particularly good. It does help to be familiar with the shows before reading, as Gordon wastes little time on plot synopsis. A must for any Sondheim scholar.

Sondheim fan? Wanna become one?
This book takes us musical-by-musical through some of the most famous and artistically valuable of Sondheim's musicals (the latest entry being Assassins). Each chapter looks at the musical with a critical eye (or listens with a critical ear, as the case may be) and responds to criticism about the musical in question. This is not a book simply about selling Sondheim - when the author is unimpressed, she lets us know. But Gordan finds much to admire in Sondheim's musicals, and helps us to appreciate that. Each chapter outlines in detail the plot, characters, and songs - especially useful for in-depth study. You can't get much more specific without actually taking out the libretto or following along in the score! All her arguments are well-founded and supported with examples from the text. The use of lyrics is especially appropriate. This book is especially valuable from a literary and theatrical standpoint. The observations on the music itself are correct, but not plentiful, as Gordan's expertise is in theatre, not music. Accessible to the casual audience member and the Sondheim groupie.

Comprehesive and informative for any Sondheim fan.
Whether you are well versed in all of Sondheim or have just seen a show once this books covers everthing from plot, to technique, to reviews. I used this for my thesis on Sondheim and found it very informative.

A Baby Book
Published in Hardcover by Chronicle Books (1994)
Authors: Lynn Gordon, Chronicle Books, Deborah Schenck, and Bewes Ciccon
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $10.97
Average review score:

Best baby book around
This was the first personal item I ran out to buy when we learned our second child was on the way. Our firstborn has the earlier design, with the vintage shoes, and I love it. The look, feel of the paper, and the vintage design help capture the timeless aura of the early days more than a commercially-styled book that will date itself in five years. Ms. Schenck lets her artistry shine in these beautiful memory books.

A Baby Book
We received an earlier addition of this book for our son before he was born. It is one of the best baby books that we have seen. It allowed us to journal and to document things about the pregnancy, ultrasound, first holidays, growing chart, firsts and express our thoughts on what he would be like. It was nice to be able to have specific pages to document his life even before he was born. Most baby books start at birth, this one starts at conception.

I love this baby book!
We bought an earlier edition of this book for my son and have enjoyed using it through the years. As we get ready for our second child, we are excited to share this experience again. The book is displayed very well and is more fun than other baby books available.

Bald Eagle
Published in Paperback by Houghton Mifflin/Walter Lorraine Books (2003)
Author: Gordon Morrison
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score:

very information
My son picked this book our at the library today. We read it together. Lots of great info along with a story of how baby eagles grow! Fun book!

Beautifully rendered illustrations with insightful narration
I absolutely love this book--visually stunning with accurate, sometimes to the point of scientific, drawings of the growth cycle of the bald eagle. The narration is very informative while at the same time engaging for younger readers as well. I learned more in this book about eagles than in any field guide. When's the next one coming out?

This book is very appealing for both parent and child.
The illustrations and the story are both immediately appealing. The information is fascinating and what is especially useful is that there are two levels of information available on each page. That is, the story for children about how a baby eagle joins the world and then additional information for the older child and the parent. Its so engaging and beautiful!

When Living Hurts
Published in Paperback by Dell Pub Co (1989)
Authors: Sol Gordon and Sol Gorden
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $0.59
Collectible price: $2.75
Average review score:

A Lighthouse Among the Storm
Sol Gordon takes a very complex and painful issue and explains it in a more digestible form. While those who are experienced with depression and other affected disorders may find that he does not go into enough detail (the "What else is new?" complex), I'm sure they will appreciate the kind, gentle style of writing. One can almost feel the author right beside you, speaking to you the very words you read. I was also pleased to find that he dedicated a section to the effects of homosexuality on adolescent depression. An already hard-to-reach portion of the population, Gordon's readiness to accept sexuality differences will go far in helping GLBT teens to find comfort admist animosity. Moreover, the slightly religious glow of the language does not alienate readers from a non-Judaic faith. The book will be of great use to many people facing depression for the first time, desperate for some sanctuary.

I read this book while I was incarerated. This book help to lead me back to my path of God. And to understand myself, the crime I commited and why. I read this book in an hour, I was and still am forever touched by this book. I have looked in local bookstores for this book and have not been able to find it. I think this book should be put in rehab. facilities for all to read. I honestly believe they can change the story to fit anyones life and their addictions. Thanks for this wonderful life changing book.

Very helpful with humor to boot!
I'm a friend and husband of the person who gave me this book(also going in for a liver transplant) It helped me to see all sides of the situation it's not a cure all -- but it does make you think right.

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