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Book reviews for "Book,_Rick" sorted by average review score:

The Essential Cook Book: The Back-To-Basics Guide to Selecting, Preparing, Cooking, and Serving the Very Best of Food
Published in Hardcover by Stewart, Tabori & Chang (September, 1997)
Authors: Caroline Conran, Terence Conran, Simon Hopkinson, and Rick Rogers
Amazon base price: $50.00
Used price: $12.00
Collectible price: $26.47
Buy one from zShops for: $18.95
Average review score:

The Essential Cook Book: The Back-To-Basics Guide to Selecti
A very thorough and dependable guide to foods and spices, complete with preparation how-to's and recipes. A great system of cross referencing saves time and beautifully detailed photos make this a must-have book.

Starters' encyclopedia to cooking
This book is a complete compilation of ingredients and food we eat. I borrowed this book from the library with the intention of knowing names of food I usually purchased but do not want what it's called. The pictures in this book allow you to acknowledge them. It is a good resource to help me in using recipes that I read from magazines & cookbooks. This book does not delve into the nutritional aspect of the food but focus on how each food is usually prepared. The glossary on every page brings you to related pages of the food. The book is well organized and the pictures are clear and sharp. I bought this book eventually after returning the library's copy.

Great for a Learning Chef Student!
My Girlfriend gave this book to me as a gift and i can't thank her enough. I'm doing a Chef Course here in Venezuela and it's a great help in classes because it talks about everything you need to know on picking any kind of food and how to cook it. This type of books are really hard to findSimply Great!

Red Green Book: Wit and Wisdom of Possum Lodge
Published in Paperback by Prima Publishing (November, 1997)
Authors: Steve Smith and Rick Green
Amazon base price: $11.00
Average review score:

I'm a man, but I can change, I guess.
Some women might want to call "The Red Green Show" chauvinist because there's nothng but men on it. Have you ever noticed that? Actually, I can remember one episode that had a beautiful model pretending to be Bernice, Red's never-seen wife. But that was the one and only woman I have ever seen on the show. I said women COULD call it chauvinist, but if they watched it, they SHOULDN'T. It's a show that does nothing but make fun of men. And it is funny.

This book takes some of the best material from the show and kind of throws it together. You'll meet pretty much all of the Possum Lodge members; a wierd collection of some of the goofiest regular guys you'll ever meet. I'm a particular fan of Buzz Sherwood who alledgedly can fly his airplane around Possum Lake, but when you're that stoned all the time, how do you do it? You might be glad to learn O.L.D.M.A.N. Sedgwick's full name.

If you're a regular viewer of the TV show, then you don't need me to tell you to buy this book. If you haven't seen the show, find it somewhere on you local PBS station, or gripe to the station for not carrying it and get one of the videos. Then, maybe you'll appreciate this book and maybe you'll buy it, or something.

Well, Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati. (you'll need to read the book or watch the show carefully to figure that out.)

A must-have
This book is all of the hilariousness of The Red Green Show laid out in book format. There's Red giving advice to middle age guys, Harold's advice to teens, Red's songs, Harold's for-sale and other announcements, and so forth. I recognized some of these from the show, but by no means all. (Then again, I have not been lucky enough to see every episode.) Then, there's piles of information on Possum Lodge: the pledge, the charter, the rules (yes, they have some), Lodge merit badges, a history of Possum Lake, the transcript of a Lodge meeting (complete with Old Man Sedgwick, Stinky Peterson, Moose Thompson, et al.), a Meet Your Member bio of many member, [pant, pant, pant] and so much more!

This book is great. As soon as I got it I immediately started reading it out loud to my wife (her gardening book couldn't possibly have been as good as this one!). Don't be fooled, the jokes start right at the beginning of the book (if you can find it). This is a great book, a must-have for all Red Green Fans. Hurry up and buy it!

hilariously funny
I bought this book for my husband, because he loves the show. He has had to fight me to get hold of it to read. It is a must buy!

Rick Steves' French, Italian & German Phrase Book & Dictionary
Published in Paperback by Avalon Travel Publishing (May, 1999)
Author: Rick Steves
Amazon base price: $8.95
Buy one from zShops for: $6.97
Average review score:

It was my best friend in Europe
Rick Steves' phrasebook was my best friend during a recent three- month tour of Europe. This book is perfectly written for the budget traveler with clear pronounciations and slices of Rick Steves' humor that his readers have come to love. The book even includes a bit of a "script" for reserving a hotel room over the phone by including the exact phrases in the logical order. Thanks to the book, I was able to eat well in Nice, sleep cheap in Provence, chase the casanovas away in Florence and much more. Overall, this book is probably not essential for those who are only traveling in major cities where travelers are apt to find plenty of English spoken. However, this book is a bible in small towns where no English is spoken. In addition, the book helped me to show most locals that I was taking an interest in their language and not making the assumption that others could speak mine. As a reward, I believe that people were more helpful, more likely to carry on a conversation with me and, when applicable, more likely to respond in English. This was especially true in Paris.

The best phrase book
Easy to find what you are looking for. Has all of the truly importaint words and phrases. I think that the food translations were used the most, by me and anyone else that figured out I had this book. You really do not need a phrase book if you are traveling from big city to big city, but if you find yourself in a small village or town, this book will be very handy. If you want a phrase book, this is the one. Next time I take off over seas, this book will make its way into my backpack.

Very Helpful
This book was great for deciphering menus and other printed material. On my trip to France and Italy I didn't really have much trouble getting by with English, so the book really only came in handy when translating written stuff. Unfortunately Rick leaves out the curse words that are in his other language books.

The Watch
Published in Audio Cassette by Dove Books Audio (July, 1989)
Author: Rick Bass
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

Amazingly fresh and timeless stories
The stories in The Watch are both youthful and wise. Rick Bass is a master of the short story form and this collection is a wonderful representation of his earlier works of fiction. Highly recommended for someone looking to get into contemporary literary fiction. Back in '92, the book captured me.

casts a spell
One of my favorite short story collections. The language is beautiful. The characters, settings, and actions are all so persuasive, and complement each other so well. Finally, the stories are MOVING--not just witty or clever or inventive. Bass' stories have it all!

In praise of The Watch
The first story I ever read by Mr. Bass was "Fires", published in "The Quarterly", a now-defunct publication. Since then I've bought every published work he has put out. "The Watch" is a superb example of Mr. Bass' haunting and near-mythical prose about the lives of everyday people. His characters are larger than life and imbued with a strength of personality. "In Ruth's Country" is a beautiful, poignant story of modern-day star-crossed lovers. "Choteau" is a fine example of Bass' ability to create heroic figures out of ordinary people. "Mexico" grips one with such a strong sense of place that you can imagine yourself in any of the character's shoes. "Juggernaut" allowed me to return home to a simpler place and time that I'd almost forgotten over the years. Every story in this collection is as fine as any writer today is producing. Each character is true, and the prose is full of desperation and longing. If you liked this book, you will probably appreciate short story collections by Richard Ford ("Rock Springs" and "Wildlife") and "Borrowed Hearts" by Rick DeMarinis.

Birding (Nature Company Guides)
Published in Paperback by Time Life (March, 1900)
Authors: Joseph Michael Forshaw, Terence Lindsey, Rich Stallcup, Steve N. G. Howell, and Rick Stallcup
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $5.95
Collectible price: $8.50
Buy one from zShops for: $8.75
Average review score:

Great Overview of Birds
This book has a wealth of information about a wide variety of bird topics. It has bird anatomy, songs, how to build a nest box, etc. The main chapter of this book, named 'The Habitat BirdFinder' is a field guide to about 100 of the most commonly seen birds in North America, and isn't in any specific order, but by which habitat it is most likely to be seen in. It is very useful, with a large photograph and colour drawings with text for each bird. The range maps are very clear and easy to use. In the back of the book there is a good selection of other books and resources, including local birding organizations.
If you are looking for a first birding book, to get you started and familiar with birds, then this is a great start.

You need to buy this!
This book has been an excellent addition to my library on birding. Splendid photography! Helpful tips!Interesting insights and all at a great price. The book is beautiful and is clearly of high quality. You won't be disappointed!

A beautifully illustrated and informative reference book
This is a wonderfully put together reference book for bird watchers. I also gave one to my father as a gift and he just can't put it down. The pictures are teriffic and there's a lot of information about each bird. I would recommend it to anyone that enjoys birds.

Oracle in a Nutshell
Published in Paperback by O'Reilly & Associates (01 December, 2002)
Authors: Rick Greenwald and David C. Kreines
Amazon base price: $34.97
List price: $49.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $25.48
Buy one from zShops for: $32.09
Average review score:

Definitive Oracle work
This is a huge book, and it's tough to consider it a "nutshell" (I'd hate to see the squirrel)---but it is far and away the most accurate and complete of all the Oracle mega-references out there. If you've tried to muddle through Oracle documentation, this is really a breath of fresh air.

Excellent Reference
As an Oracle developer, I have been frustrated reading all the Oracle documentations. It's hard to locate what you want to know in those big and thick documentations. I was thrilled to find this book -- it really is a great reference and it can basiclly replace my collection of some other Oracle books. This book is very well-organized into different topics including architecture, data dictionary, SQL, PL/SQL, JAVA and much more. Some topics like PL/SQL and Java, (imagine they are in one book!) look more like a dictionary. You can easily look up for the systax/commands. It gives you a few lines coding as example followed by a brief explaination --All in a concise manor. ( I believe the author has spent considerable time and effort not only in writing the book to make it as complete as possible but also in oragzating each topic in a logical and easy to follow way. ).

Bottom line, this is a very comprehensive resource covering lots of topics, pretty much whatever you need is all in there, in one book!! I have been benefit a lot from having this book at my desktop for quick and easy reference.

Incredible Book
You might think that 900+ pages is a big nutshell, but they couldn't have done Oracle justice in fewer. This book ought to be one of the first, maybe THE first, on every DBA or developer's bookshelf. Fantastic!

So Many Bunnies : A Bedtime ABC and Counting Book
Published in Hardcover by Lothrop Lee & Shepard (March, 1998)
Authors: Rick Walton and Paige Miglio
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.33
Buy one from zShops for: $4.95
Average review score:

One that I'll keep with other treasures from baby-time
This large size book captivates with detailed, gloriously colored illustrations and a story my children love. Mama Bunny puts each of her 26 children to bed, each baby bunny named with a successive letter of the alphabet and corresponding number "1 was named Abel, he slept on the table. 2 was named Blair, she slept on the chair". My children have memorized the book and can "read" it with me -- it has helped me teach them numbers beyond 10 as well. My kids giggle with delight when I incorporate their names in the book and make up silly rhymes to go with it. This book will definitely go in my keepsake chest among our most precious memories of these early years.

Educational and Fun!
I love this book. I teach kindergarten in a public school and this book is a must read. The book reviews letters, numbers to 26, and rhyming words. Learning to identify words that rhyme are difficult for many kindergartners, but this book makes it easy, and fun. The flow of the language makes it natural for the kids to choral read with me. The pictures are wonderful,too. Definitely not too "cutesy" for the kindergarten set.

Put This In Somebody's Easter Basket
This is such a clever, well-illustrated picture book that teaches counting, ABCs and rhyming in a delightful,warm-hearted way. Using the familiar foundation of the old nursey rhyme about the old woman in the shoe, this story tells us about Old Mother Rabbit who has 26 children and knows just what to do. She gives them some carrots and broth and some bread and kisses them gently and puts them to bed. The bunnies all have special places to sleep and this book has a lot of charming stimulating pictures for little ones to explore as they're learning to count and say the ABCs. It's so cute and well done and little pre-schoolers are sure to enjoy it. Since most little ones like to have their stories read over and over, parents will welcome this book's detailed pictures and clever rhymes that make the book as fun to read aloud as it is to hear it read.

How to Do Everything with Your CLIE(TM)
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill Osborne Media (25 November, 2002)
Authors: Rick Broida and Dave Johnson
Amazon base price: $17.49
List price: $24.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $15.39
Buy one from zShops for: $15.99
Average review score:

Could not do without it
I purchased this book when I bought the Sony Clie T-655. Even though this book is mostly about the NR70v it helped me understand how my clie funtioned tips, websites, suppliers it has it all. I have upgraded to NX70v and It is just as helpful if not more then before. There is nothing that this book does not cover and I even mean the dumb mistakes beginners make and what the Clie book doesnt have in it. So if you own a sony clie it is worth every penny for all the info is used in every aspect of your clie. Now I hope they come up with a newer version for the OS.5. thanks Guys for a great book. would be lost without it.!! Dr.

Easy, handy & helpful
I've enjoyed this book. Much easier to read than a boring manual. I would buy other books from these authors.

A book full of useful information--worth every penny!
I bought my first PDA, a Sony Clie SJ-20 on Amazon a few months ago and saw where someone recommended buying this book along with it, which I opted to do. This turned out to be a great decision! This book is great for a novice PDA user. It does a great job of covering the basics, which the Sony Clie instructions really don't, as well as tons of advanced (and well explained) suggestions and additions of other software and hacks that you can add on to make your Clie using experience even better.

Professional SQL Server Development with Access 2000
Published in Paperback by Wrox Press Inc (September, 2000)
Author: Rick Dobson
Amazon base price: $34.99
List price: $49.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $24.97
Buy one from zShops for: $28.99
Average review score:

Outstanding resource for making the transition to SQL Server
By far the best book I have seen regarding the difficulties encountered when moving an Access application to SQL Server. Until reading this book, I couldn't figure out why my Access queries that were 'converted' into Stored Procedures could not reference each other, why my forms would not work, why the tables weren't updateable (primary keys weren't copied during conversion), etc.
All these and many more perplexing issues are clearly explained here. For quickest results, read Appendices B and C, then the first 7 chapters before trying to convert your first Access database to SQL Server.

An invaluable guide to Access Projects
Having spent a number of years using Access to develop commercial solutions I recently moved on to Access projects and found this book a real find in getting up and running in a short space of time. Covering each topic in logical chunks I found it to be more than a good grounding in the subject. It is also well written in plain English and avoids the unnecessary complications that are often found in such books and I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone who is considering developing Access projects.

A professional "getting started" book
I have years of experience in programming but knew nothing about Access, SQL or VBA when I got my latest assignment. I can't stand those 1000 page books that want to hold me by the hand while I build some simple-minded application through eight chapters. I just need to know the basics quick and then see a few examples of some typical tasks. This book is just what I needed to quickly get me up to speed and working on my own application. There are a few minor differences with Access XP (like changed menus) so you'll need a good XP reference also. I recommend this book to any developer that needs to come up to speed quickly on either SQL or Access.

Castellini on Computers : The Book that Should Have Come with Your Computer
Published in Paperback by Brivin Press (January, 2001)
Author: Rick Castellini
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $5.67
Buy one from zShops for: $3.85
Average review score:

So simple, toddlers and grandmothers can learn computers
If you're looking for a book with clear, concise instructions on the things you've always wanted to know about your computer, look no further. "Castellini on Computers" is it. Even as an experienced technical writer, I picked up a few tips from Castellini that after 15 years of being a computer user I still didn't know. Also, as one who has written user's manuals, I found Castellini's layout to follow the rules of sound instructional design. There are distinct categories such as how to navigate and setup your desktop, how to surf the Web successfully, and hints and tips on email, including how to overcome those nasty problems with attachments. This book also gives step-by-step instructions with graphics and screen captures. Castellini even provides suggestions on how to prevent data loss - your biggest fear! - and shows you how to safeguard children when they are using the Internet.

Castellini's approach is so simple and direct that he can teach your grandmother to become a computer whiz in a matter of hours. Your only complaints might be that Castellini has too much fun with fonts and that he tries to cover too much ground too quickly. Still, I'd recommend this book to anyone from a novice user to one well-versed in computers. Having this book by your computer will save you time and hours of unwanted aggravation.

Castellini on Computers
Mr. Castellini's book facilitates using the computer by providing step-by-step instructions for a myriad of tasks. Not only is the book packed with practical information, but by following the easy-to-read tips, a wealth of knowledge is gained that will increase the efficiency of any computer user. The diagrams enhance comprehension and ease any apprehensions that neophytes might encounter while performing computer functions that they have never done before. Hopefully Mr. Castellini will share his expertise with us again in another book.

Castellini on Computers
Every page of this outstanding book has info that you can use. There is step by step examples of how to use your PC, stuff you can use day to day and you thought you knew already. I agree "The Book that should have come with your computer" is an understatement.

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