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Book reviews for "Seal" sorted by average review score:

Point Man: Inside the Toughest and Most Deadly Unit in Vietnam by a Founding Member of the Elite Navy Seals
Published in Hardcover by William Morrow (1993)
Authors: James Watson and Kevin Dockery
Amazon base price: $22.00
Used price: $2.97
Collectible price: $2.12
Buy one from zShops for: $12.75
Average review score:

You could almost imagine what it was like being in 'Nam - hear the ruffle of the leaves, smell the sweat, feel the dampness of the ground and hear the crickets. Read it alone at night and you could easily imagine Charlies waiting to spring a surprise on you. No regrets getting this book!

The royal heraldry of England
Published in Unknown Binding by Heraldry Today ()
Author: J. H. Pinches
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

An excellent addition to your heraldry shelf
The sovereign arms of dominion have long ceased to be "personal" arms, and this is, surprisingly, the first comprehensive book on the subject. Whether you're interested in Queen Victoria or in the blazons of the sons of John of Gaunt, all are covered in detail and most are ilustrated, some in color. Three dozen genealogical charts help the reader follow the circuitous succession and the changes in dynasties which caused graphic changes in the royal arms. A great weekend read, as well as a very useful reference tool.

Running Deep: A Novel of Submarines, Seals and Souls (Winning the Battle Series)
Published in Paperback by Anchorhouse Publishing Company (2002)
Authors: Robert Evan Stevens, Agkura Design Concepts Staff, and D. James Kennedy
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.75
Buy one from zShops for: $13.27
Average review score:

A superbly presented, high impact novel
Book One of the "Winning the Battle" series, Running Deep: A Novel Of Submarines, SEALs And Souls by Robert Evan Stevens is a tense, deftly written nautical thriller with a cast of characters possessed of hidden secrets, agendas, doubts and fears. A superbly presented, high impact novel that capture's the reader's attention and holds it fast through trauma conflict, Running Deep is a very exciting read from first page to last.

The Sacred Seal
Published in Paperback by Key Porter Books (2001)
Author: J. C. Mills
Amazon base price: $14.95
Buy one from zShops for: $10.00
Average review score:

Enter the world of Sam and the Goodfellow Chronicles
The Sacred Seal is the first book of the Goodfellow Chronicles.
Sam has just moved in a new home. His new room does not seem very inviting till he meets Mr. Goodfellow a member of the Sage clan. He has from this day on a new an very interesting life ahead of him.
I have to tell you that Mr. Goodfellow is special. He is tiny, so tiny you might at first take him for a mouse and that is what Sam did but even though he looks like one he is human like you and me.He is also 902 years old and has known many important people like Beethoven, Galileo, Newton and many more. Why does he look like a mouse ? Because "mice are the perfect disguise" said Mr. Goodfellow.
He lives in this old colonial house in New England who belonged
to a professor of ancient history . His name is Professor Hawthorne. Mr. Goodfellow seems to think it very strange that the professor doesn't live there any more. He needs a new partner and asks Sam to help him in his quest.They embark on a marvelous journey to find the missing professor and a legendary scroll. Their adventures has them fighting the evil Fenn, the devious Professor Mandrake and his nasty son Basil . They will attempt to solve one of the greatest mysteries of all time.
Sam will live two lives ,the real one and the other one in the stories the Mr. Goodfellow will tell him of his nephew Edgar and of the Goddfellow family.

This book will enchant the children who will read it . When you start reading it ou want to go on reading and reading .
I think that children grades 4 and over will really appreciate the whimsical happenings in this book. It could also be read aloud for younger children.
It was my first contact with this Canadian author . I was hooked and I would compare the pleasure I had reading it to the pleasure I had reading Philip Pullamn's His Dark Materials.

Scripts of Ancient Northwest Semitic Seals
Published in Hardcover by Scholars Pr (1978)
Author: Larry Herr
Amazon base price: $11.50
Average review score:

A Compendium of Northwest Semitic Scripts
This is a most valuable piece of scholarship for anyone who has an interest in ancient Semitic scripts.

This volume began as a doctoral dissertation given to the eminent Frank Moore Cross. When it was published in 1978 it had become a collection of almost 2200 ancient Northwest Semitic seals. Herr organized these seals according to their chronology (from 900 to 500 BCE) and according to their national script tradition as well. Herr includes chapters on Aramaic, Ammonite, Hebrew, Moabite, Edomite, Phoenician, and undistinguishable and forged seals.

While I can not say enough about Herr's book, I would like to add a digressive note. Most scholars are familiar with the theory of diffusionism made famous by Barry Fell and others. Fell claimed that many scripts such as the Los Lunas Decalogue were examples of paleo Semitic scripts and so he claimed that Semitic people had come to the Americas even thousands of years ago. Unfortunately Fell must not have had access to Larry Herr's book. Had Fell had access to it, he would have seen that his claimed Semitic scripts did not compare with the scripts found on Northwest Semitic seals.

Seal of the Prophets and His Message Lesso
Published in Paperback by ()
Author: Sayyid Mujtaba Lari
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $6.78
Average review score:

The Seal of the Prophets and his message
The book deals with the concept of Prophethood and the particular role played by the Prophet of Islam as the last messenger. It also explain the Quran, it's relationship with modern science and its various dimension. A great book for those who are looking for a analytical understanding of Islam and its concepts.

Seal Surfer
Published in School & Library Binding by Harcourt (1997)
Author: Michael Foreman
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.95
Collectible price: $11.39
Buy one from zShops for: $9.50
Average review score:

Great for animal and ocean lovers, beautiful colors, story.
Seal surfer is a story of a young boy and his friend, a seal. It contains themes of birth, life and death, and the enjoyment of time spent in nature and with animals. The artwork is gorgeous, especially the color and water views. The language is very descriptive and very sensitive. My four year old boy loved it!

Seal Wars: An American Viewpoint
Published in Hardcover by Independent Publishers Group (1986)
Author: Janice Scott Henke
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $17.99
Average review score:

Exposes negative results of animal rights industry activity
This is one of the only books on the Harp Seal issue that is actually based on fact. Instead of simply taking part in the media events, the author actually went onto the ice floes as the seal harvest was taking place. This book is the result of her observations as an Anthropologist and as a former contributor to animal rights campaigns. Most interesting is the documentation of the actual harm which has been done not only to the people of the area but to the seals themselves as a result of the various "Save-the-Seals" campaigns.

This book is excellent background reading for anyone interested in man's interaction with wildlife and makes an excellent college text for Applied Anthropology, Sociology, Political Science, and advanced Environmental Science courses. It is currently out of print with the original publisher (Breakwater Books) but college bookstores have been successful in obtaining copies throught the author.

The Seal's Surprise Baby
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Silhouette (2002)
Author: Amy Fetzer
Amazon base price: $4.25
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $1.95
Buy one from zShops for: $1.00
Average review score:

Navy SEAL Jack Singer attended his sister, Lisa's wedding, giving her away. He developed a hot passion for Lisa's best friend, Melanie Patterson, during the two weeks before the wedding. After a night of hot sex Jack got a recall and had to leave Melanie and report for duty. Gone for fifteen months.

You guessed it! Jack returns home after 15 months of wondering if Melanie will see him again. She has had his six month old daughter.

Due to his upbringing he insists on marriage so that his daughter will have his name and not be considered illigetimate. Melanie refuses as she wants more than just names on a paper. Until she experiences the disparaging remarks made by other people against her daughters birth.

The whole intrigueing way Jack worms his way back into Melanie's distrustful heart is really endearing. He works hard to teach Melanie to trust again. Of course, his falling in love with his daughter, Juliana, doesn't hurt one bit.

Wonderful story, wonderful characters [very realistic problems]as Melanie gathers the strength to face Jack's lifestyle and her love for him.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED -- Add this one to your collections.

Seals of Chinese Painters & Collectors of the Ming & Ch'Ing Periods
Published in Paperback by Hong Kong Univ Pr (1982)
Authors: Victoria Contag, Chi-Ch'Ien Wang, James Cahill, and Wang Chi-Ch&Ien
Amazon base price: $75.00
Average review score:

The Gold Standard for Connoisseurs
For anyone interested in Chinese art, where the provenance of a painting can matter more than who painted it, this book is a must. If you can, get the later edition (1966), which includes additional seals from American collections.

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