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Book reviews for "Hausknecht,_Murray" sorted by average review score:

You're Retired Now What? : Money Skills for a Comfortable Retirement
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (1998)
Authors: Ronald M. Yolles and Murray Yolles
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $24.95
Buy one from zShops for: $9.23
Average review score:

Excellent for the new retiree
Just retired and this book answered alot of questions. I always felt that I could manage my investments by myself in retirement. This book makes me realize that I may eventually have to go to a financial planner for help.

Outstanding Retirement Guide
As a financial advisor, I've personally purchased over 100 books to give to my retired clients as gifts. They love it. This book is an excellent guide to retirement finance. It covers almost every concern known to any retiree, for example--how much of your portfolio should be used for income? Their logic and reasoning makes it simple for anyone to understand the economics of living off your portfolio during retirement. The case studies are great--real life examples of life changing financial decisions. Thank you Ron and Murray for such a wonderful gift of your knowledge.

Magnetic Reading
Once I started reading this book I realized how much thought has to go into the retirement proccess. This book starts you off in the right place and takes you through the proccess in exactly the right order. I found the book very easy to comprehend and the charts were very helpfull to illustrate the points that were being made. I have read other books on the subject of retirement and I found that this book is very comprehensive and easy to follow.

Anarchic Harmony: The Spirituality of Social Disobedience
Published in Paperback by Breakout Productions (1992)
Authors: William J. Murray and Robert Anton Wilson
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $110.92
Average review score:

an excellent read.
the book reads simply.
not just for anarchists; everyone should be exposed to this thinking. what you can do for yourself.
-my quick, abbreviated 2 cents. (read it for yourself, duh)

this book presents a lot of ideas that could prevent a lot of people from getting their heads messed up by the world of today. i especially like the chapters on trivialization and heroism.

An incrediable read
This book presents a lot of "out of the box" thinking on social freedom to the point that most people on both the left and the right of the polotical spectrum will be disgusted at first, but by the end of the book I experienced a change in the way I think. I no longer look at the world around me and see things the way I've been raised to believe, I see things the way are, and the way I can make them. This book presents aspects of social freedom that simply can't be found anywhere else. So good, I've worn out my copy and am going to buy another!

An Atheist Epic
Published in Paperback by American Atheist Press (1989)
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $26.00
Collectible price: $18.00
Average review score:

A mind-blowing eye-opener
This is the uncensored account of Madalyn O'Hair and her family when the proverbial religious dung hit the fan. Her son, William announced to the world that he did not want to pray or be forced to pray because he was an Atheist. The things that some Christians did to this family in reprisal were downright criminal. The fact that they all survived is an inspiration to me and my Atheistic family. This book tells the inside story on what made that family tick during those trying and brutal years leading up to the 1963 Supreme Court decision of Murray Vs. Curlett.

If you've ever thought that Christianity was only about love and kindness, read this book. You'll never think about your god or your religion the same. Remember, it's all the truth, straight from the horse's mouth.

Joe Zamecki

Previous Reviewer Inspired Me!
Hey, any book that's "lies, lies, lies" yet still worthy of 5 stars is definitely worth checking out! (Have you noticed how many "true believers" can't seem to figure out how to give 1 star instead of 5 stars to books they don't like? Someone should write a book about that!)


Church Planting: Laying Foundations
Published in Paperback by Herald Pr (2001)
Authors: Stuart Murray and J. Nelson Kraybill
Amazon base price: $13.99
List price: $19.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.94
Buy one from zShops for: $13.89
Average review score:

Finally, a Biblical view of Church Planting
This book is insightful, thought provoking, and practical. This isn't a "how to" book, so anyone looking for a step-by-step book should look elsewhere. However, Murray offers something much more--an approach to church-planting that is both practical AND based in solid ecclesiology. Ecclesiology is lacking in my faith tradition (evangelicalism). This book helps to fill the void. Anyone considering being a part of a church plant MUST get this book.

Murray and Kraybill have produced a comprehensive book that examines Church Planting from a very balanced perspective. Their treatment of the objections to church planting is extremely valuable. Although their efforts to stay balanced cause the book to occasionally "bog down," the net effect is a classic work that will stand the test of time. This book will be a helpful guide for the leaders and participants in any church planting movement.

Necessary Read!
This is by far the best of the best. It challenges pragmatic approaches by most popular models/methods of church planting and calls for planters to understand their greater purpose as the missio Dei (mission of God). It is a trenchant critique of the idols of "purpose," "programs," and "personalities" over and above kingdom principles and perspectives.

Thoroughly biblical, yet liberating!

Clare: A Light in the Garden
Published in Paperback by St Anthony Messenger Press (1992)
Author: Murray O. Bodo
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $3.25
Buy one from zShops for: $6.07
Average review score:

This is a wonderful book. Also, check out the movie "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" and the book "Francis: the Journey and the Dream".

beautiful - breathtaking of timeless love and fairy tales
I love this book for a million reasons but probably the simplest reason is the mystery that is as old as the world and the separateness and unity of the sexes themselves. It paints Clare the human woman and Clare the divine woman and seeks not to compromise either but makes St. Clare real flesh and bone and brings her radiant awe into a new era when mankind is floundering for as sense of identity. Friar Bodo writes like no other and from the point of view of a contemplative,the inner way and written by a man who himself seems to be madly in love with the Lady Clare - and who himself has the touch and the gift of a medieval poet.

this book is written with all the tender poignancy of a lover and with all the insight and wisdom of a man who has followed in the footsteps of the Franciscan Way. For all who are interested in a more intimate knowledge of Clare and Francis or anyone simply interested in a love story at it's zenith and it's purest - this book is purely a real fairy tale and pure treasure.

A beautiful, gorgeous book that invokes prayer
Clare - A Light in the Garden is a book to be cherished, endeared, words to be read over and over. Murray Bodo paints a picture like no other person. He definitely has a sense of the holyness and purpose of St. Clare. Enjoy and share with others!

Colossians & Philemon (Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament)
Published in Paperback by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. (1991)
Author: Murray J. Harris
Amazon base price: $16.80
List price: $24.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $14.95
Buy one from zShops for: $14.50
Average review score:

A unique tool for exegesis of Colossians
For a number of years I have taught second year Greek for seminary students in Asian and Africa using Colossians as the set texts. Harris has in effect taken all of the work out of this effort for both the teacher and the student! This is good in that it frees up the student to focus on decision making about critical exegetical issues, to work on background issues and to grapple with application. One hopes that Harris or others will quickly finish other volumes in this series.

A Unique Tool For Serious Bible Students
This is not a "commentary" in the traditional sense, but rather, as the title says, it is an "exegetical guide" to the translation and interpretation of Colossians & Philemon. Those who know Greek will find this extremely helpful in the evaluation of various exegetical options. For preachers or teachers, the homeletical support is excellent. This is a unique and extremely helpful tool for the serious bible student; check it out - you've not seen anything like it. I too am eagerly awaiting the next installment in the series!

A must have for pastors who are serious about the Greek NT.
This book is a must have for pastors and students who are serious about studying the biblical text in its original language. Each section advances with an analysis of the paragraph structure, followed by a succinct, yet, very helpful analysis of each phrase of the Greek NT and culminating with a translation, an expanded paraphrase, suggested books and articles for further study and homiletical suggestions for preaching the text based upon sound exegesis. This volume is well worth while, I can hardly wait for the next installment in this series.

Conceived in Liberty
Published in Hardcover by Crown Pub (1975)
Author: Murray Newton, Rothbard
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $3.00
Collectible price: $26.47
Average review score:

Histroy at its Best!
It's a lot to read, but well worth the time. Any serious student of America history should own these volumes. Rothbard explodes many of the contemporary myths espoused today by would be historians. For example he proves by historical documentation, that the accepted myth that only 1/3 of the colonial population were in favor of the revolution, 1/3 neutral & 1/3 loyal to England, is WRONG! The letter from which this supposed fact was taken, by John Adams, is clearly referring to America attitudes toward the French revolution, not the American. In another letter, Adams estimated that the American Revolution was indeed supported by over two-thirds of the colonial population. A striking contrast to popular belief. He supported these findings by quoting from a book by John R Alden, 1954, "The American Revolution." This is an example of what you find in Professor Rothbard's books. He gives an extensive study of the religious and political issues of the time and spells out the prejudices of slavery and the evils of tyranny. Conceived in liberty will surly open your eyes to early American history in our day of revisionism and double-speak. These volumes should be the historical textbooks in our schools and colleges. I recommend adding them to your library and using them as a valuable source of truthful information.

Conceived in Liberty... You should conceive a purchase!
Anything by the late Murray Rotbard is worth reading. He is a brilliant economist and he proves to be a great historian as well with this groundbreaking book set. Enough said.

American history lost from the Classroom
Although, I am not finished reading this pleasingly large four volume book of American history, I can say unequivically that there is more historical value in this book than in all of my elementary (1-12) years of education. Presented in understandable language and in sufficent detail as to lend an entirely new perspective to "the discovery of America" and the subsequent conquering of her native peoples in the name of the monarchey. Will open the eyes of any patriot.

Crazy Visitation: A Chronicle of Illness and Recovery
Published in Hardcover by University of Georgia Press (2001)
Authors: Saundra Murray Nettles and Rafael J. Tamargo
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $11.47
Collectible price: $15.20
Buy one from zShops for: $11.88
Average review score:

Emotionally rewarding, highly recommended reading
Crazy Visitation: A Chronicle Of Illness And Recovery is the personal story of author Saundra Murray Nettles, who lived with an encroaching brain tumor affecting her memory, personality, mood, and physical well-being for years before its diagnosis and removal. Pieced together through written records and the recollection of others as well as the author's own memory, Crazy Visitation is the story of both sickness and the long road to healing. A deeply moving and uplifting book, Crazy Visitation is emotionally rewarding, highly recommended reading.

Through Pain there is strength, courage and renewal
This book offers an intimate and "real" view of what it means to suffer, strive to maintain dignity, fight the oppressive forces in our lives and survive! Saundra Murray Nettle's reflections are inspiring. I was inspired to keep fighting, keep searching for what is good and loving and to stay engaged with living life.

"Crazy Visitation": A Quiet Storm of Inspiration
What Saundra Murray Nettles has done in her narrative, "Crazy Visitations", is transcend the inherent, self-imposed limitation of western psychology... what she has done is summon the courage to open a path to bring spirit into psychology. Summoning this courage is, in itself, a miracle given the fact that so many African-American women suffer from a rare and lethal strain of fear; the by-product of innumerous years of unfathomable racism, sexism, and oppression. Yet, Dr. Nettles emerges... a beautiful warrior-poet willing to follow her inner-compass toward reconstruction. What makes Dr. Nettles' narrative so compelling is that she has managed to prepare a pathway for spirit to take its rightful place as focus point of the field of psychology. After reading her story, it is quite evident that human beings cannot define or attempt to fully understand their true selves in terms of behavior, innate abilities and processes, and/or personality traits, because these things are easily manipulated by outside persons and/or objects (e.g. "an orange-sized meningioma"). Apparently there is something more to the human experience than meets the eye - an eye that has for far too long been pathologically concerned with finding physical, empirical "proof." I believe that "something more" is spirit. This word has not had any place whatsoever in the field and I believe this is why western psychology will always fall short of finding those "universal truths" it so relentlessly pursues. The absence of spirit in the field has led us to a plateau where there is an abundance of empirical data, but limited, superficial progress in using that information to better humanity. Psychologists must realize their role as healers and, even further, understand the profound implications of this role. Dr. Nettles' narrative makes it unquestionably clear that this is thoroughly understood in her spirit and is beginning to take verbal shape in her consciousness. She has taken the time to critically reflect on her experiences, not as isolated events, but rather as a process that is constantly moving her toward her highest good. As such, Dr. Nettles is in a state of continual healing and renewal that radiates to all that come to know her story. I once heard something to the effect that it was truly sad that so many wonderful, brilliant people pass through this life nameless -- leaving behind a legacy of profound achievement and decency -- before anyone got a chance to simply say, "thank you." Right now, Saundra Murray Nettles, I say thank you. You are an inspiration and I am so grateful that our paths have crossed.

David Martyn Lloyd-Jones: The Fight of Faith 1939-1981
Published in Hardcover by Banner of Truth (1990)
Authors: Iain H. Murray and Lain H. Murray
Amazon base price: $27.99
List price: $39.99 (that's 30% off!)
Buy one from zShops for: $26.90
Average review score:

Words Fail . . .
After twice reading this second volume of Murray's wonderful biography on Martyn Lloyd-Jones, words still fail to describe how much it has meant to me. Lloyd-Jones was perhaps the greatest preacher of the 20th century, leaving a legacy worthy of the eight hundred pages in this book! He restored expository preaching to the modern pulpit, recovered the theology of the Reformation for a new generation, fostered a hunger for the reviving work of the Holy Spirit, revived an interest in historical Evangelical literature, and labored for true unity among Evangelicals. All of this and more is documented in this very readable and instructive book. Pure delight!

Engrossing Book
I bought this book (together with vol 1)almost 8 years ago & I remembered that I literally devoured the book. He was one the Christian who made greatest contribution in my spiritual life.

Murray portrays him as the great man of God he was & the many contributions he has made to Christendom. No one can read this biography without gaining some benefit. Although the book is bulky, it never seem the case to those who are acquainted with the subject.

Now I am going for round 2 of this book which should attest to the value I have with regard to this book.

The compelling account of the greatest preacher of our times
A giant of our times such as Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones surely merits a two-volume appreciation as magnificent as that which Iain Murray has penned. The factual details recounted in this biography are not only of the most crucial significance in understanding evangelicalism in the twentieth century; but they make compelling reading. At the same time, the character of the man shines through in every page. Reading the account of the final few days of his life, I almst felt as though I were losing a dearly-beloved grandfather. But the pages of this book do not speak so much of the activity of man as of the activity of God, who raises up leaders in every generation. Those who sense a true spiritual calling into the ministry should most certainly read and reread this account of a preacher who should be reckoned as a worthy successor to George Whitefield and Charles Haddon Spurgeon; the greatest British preacher of the twentieth century.

The Dogs of Our Lives: Heartwarming Reminiscences of Canine Companions
Published in Hardcover by Birch Lane Pr (1995)
Author: Louise Goodyear Murray
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $1.78
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $8.88
Average review score:

What a wonderful book!
Reading it was such a pleasure. I cried and laughed with those heartwarming stories and admired all these people who really love dogs, and who can appreciate what a dog can give you. A special gift you can't get unless you live with those little Friends. Almost all the books I have about dogs deal with their characters and ilnesses etc, but this book has a special place on my shelf because it speaks to the heart. I highly recommend it.

This book was a pleasure to read.
This was a very enjoyable book to read. The people who contributed their stories shared many of the memories that I have of my own dogs. I recomend this book to all dog lovers. If I could give a six star rating to the book I would. I hope that the book has helped the Humaine Society.

Great book with many interesting and heartfelt K-9 stories
This is a great book -- especially if you are crazy about dogs! The book is a collection of short stories written by all types of people -- rich, poor, famous, lonely, happy (you name it) -- and their canine friends. EXCELLENT GIFT idea for friends or relatives that love those furry faces. Also, a great gift for someone who is grieving over the loss of a dog. Definately a worthy purchase -- all proceeds go to the SPCA. The editor/author must have a big heart.

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