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Book reviews for "Hausknecht,_Murray" sorted by average review score:

The Martial Arts Athlete: Mental and Physical Conditioning for Peak Performance
Published in Paperback by YMAA Publications (1998)
Authors: Thomas Seabourne, Tom Seabourne, and Andrew Murray
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.49
Buy one from zShops for: $10.00
Average review score:

Awesome Book
The thing I liked most about this book is that everything that Dr. Seabourne demonstrates can be done in the comfort of your own home. There is no fancy equipment that you need nor do you have to go to a gym and find a particular machine to use. Dr. Seabourne also demonstrates a wide array of exercises. I cannot stress the diversity of exercises he offers in this book. The tips that Dr. Seabourne provides are invaluable. He offers imagery tips, relaxation methods, plyometric drills, weight training drills, the whole 9 yards. I am indebted to Dr. Seabourne for the information he has provided through this book. If I had one complaint it would be in the ordering of the photographs, they can be hard to follow from time to time.

Hit harder and kick faster
Hit harder, kick faster and use martial arts fitness routines to maximum advantage with the use of Martial Arts Athlete, a guide which offers training and conditioning techniques to enhance a martial arts routine. These exercises are especially tailored for the martial arts and black and white photos throughout provide clear instruction on the steps.

The Martial Arts Athlete was one of the best all around fitness books I have ever read. It provides information about how to tighten your abs, stretch correctly, heal low back pain, and improve any sports skill, especially martial arts.

My Twice-Lived Life: A Memoir
Published in Hardcover by Ballantine Books (Trd) (29 May, 2001)
Author: Donald Morison Murray
Amazon base price: $15.37
List price: $21.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.50
Collectible price: $6.87
Buy one from zShops for: $4.99
Average review score:

Move over Maury......
Look out and Tuesdays with Maury are about to be replaced. Dr. Murray delivers his book even better than he did in the classroom. As a former student of his....this book made me laugh....brought a tear to my ear and a lump to my throat. First he taught me to write. Now he teaches me about life as we all face growing older. Thank you for a great read!!

A superb columnist looks at life and at looking at life
I got to know Donald Murray's writing while living in Massachusetts in the mid-90s. Ever since, I've read his Boston Globe column online, and almost always forward it to people I know, from my teenage son to my father in his 80s. I keep hoping the columns will be collected in a book. In the meantime, there's this wonderful memoir. There is more wisdom in a Donald Murray column than in most of the rest of the paper put together, but it's not WISDOM, delivered from on high and meant to make you feel inadequate. He's had a mixed life - a ghastly childhood, wartime service, professional failure and success, profound grief, enduring friendships, a satisfying marriage - but the book is not just a collection of "and then I" passages. Murray conveys so well how the past is always present, how it can be seen more clearly from the distance that decades provide, and how old age is enriched by that clarity, even as one deals with the inevitable losses and physical decline. His style is conversational-seeming, but without the extraneous matter true conversation always has. The passages about being bullied in boyhood are heartbreaking because there is no anger in his account. He doesn't need to express it; the reader will be furious on his behalf. Murray is a teacher of writing, and as a writer, I find his books on the subject are well worth reading (wish I could have studied with him). Readers will learn a great deal about good writing from "My Twice-Lived Life," as well as a great deal about living.

The Courage and Clarity of a Twice-Lived Life
My Twice-Lived Life has long been in the making. Murray's first idea was to publish a collection of his Boston Globe columns that dealt with aging, the Depression, and World War II. His editor convinced him to look at the subject matter as a memoir, whole and of itself. Good idea.

I've read most of Murray's Boston Globe columns. It is often amazing what he does with these 800 word personal essays. But the memoir gives him more room to explore and develop his subject matter.

We're used to Murray writing about writing. There is a little of that woven throughout the chapters in My Twice-Lived Life. But writing isn't his primary topic here. He writes about the stuff of his life---his childhood, his parents, and World War II, in which he was a paratrooper.

One chapter is titled "The Not-So-Good-Old School Days." I'll use this chapter with my students at Miami University who are studying to be English teachers. In direct opposition to those who deify some past golden time of schooling, Don recounts his own school days and deromantizes that myth. He speaks of teachers today, how they seek further learning in summer programs and professional development, and he writes about how he came to teaching writing.

All those chapters were good reading, but the really courageous chapters are about aging. His wife, Minnie Mae, has had serious medical problems with Parkinson's, diabetes, and breast cancer. Don writes about these times of increasing care-taking clearly, compassionately, and unsentimentally.

In "Fatherhood" he ends the chapter by focusing on the death of his 20 year old daughter of Reyes' Syndrome in the late 1970s. Many of us know bits of this story, because those bits have worked themselves into Don's textbooks and columns, but here we get the most complete rendering and sense-making of that story, including one poem he wrote of Lee's passing.

In the last two chapters Don writes about the extended dying of a neighbor, what he learned as nurses and one doctor tended to her and touched her and helped her to let go. I wished I'd had this book to read two years ago during the time my mother slipped away gradually and inexorably.

A friend of mine in Utah used to say of such writing, "That's it. Write about the tough stuff."

Don Murray does that in My Twice-Lived Life. Reading it made me want to live life well, fully attuned to my senses, aware of the compassionate stories around me, learning how I might approach the coming years with courage and caring and humor.

Queen of the Mist
Published in Paperback by Beacon Press (2000)
Author: Joan Murray
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $7.24
Buy one from zShops for: $11.93
Average review score:

Required Reading
Joan Murray deconstructs the boundary between poetry and science, biography, tourism, history, womens' studies. I am a college instructor and plan on using Murray's book of poems in an essay-writing course next year. She has written a stunning, subtle, believable book and has created a new genre.

compelling! murray choreographs language exquisitely!
i read murray's poetic and lively journey of annie taylor in one sitting. it was breathtaking, honest and all too real. Taylor was centuries ahead of her time. Her major flaw was that she believed that her feat would transcend gender. Murray's book should be taught in every grammar school so that children of all genders can exerience the world of realizing one's imaginative and so daringly creative forces. RUN OUT AND GET THIS BOOK! I GUARANTEE YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PUT IT DOWN UNTIL THE LAST GASPING PAGE!

Richly powerful poetry with the pace of an adventure tale.
With passion and compassion, Joan Murray gives Annie Taylor a voice and makes her a heroine, a woman of courage, who did what she had to do to survive. My colleague Jack and I both read this book about the first person to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel, and we each read it in a single sitting--very unusual for a book of poetry. But this is an unusually compelling book. Highly recommended.

The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming
Published in Audio Cassette by St. Anthony Messenger Press & Franciscan Com. (2001)
Authors: Henri J. M. Nouwen and Murray Bodo
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.92
Buy one from zShops for: $13.38
Average review score:

A wonderful book
I found this book very moving. It changed how I think about the story of the Prodigal Son, and how I think about my own spiritual journey. Highly recommended. If you read the Genessee Diary and related to Nouwen's personal reflections there, you will get even more out of The Return of the Prodigal Son.

A Magnificent Synthesis
Having "The Genesee Diary" many years ago, and upon learning of Nouwen's untimely death, I was surprised to learn that he had written over 30 books. I was, and continue to be, overwhelmed by hearing his talk on "The Prodidgal Son." This represents a magnificent synthesis of his lifetime of searching. The fact that his cascade of insights is triggered by the painting of a fellow Dutchman, Rembrandt, and a searching soul as well, is remarkable. Because Nouwen is both priest and psychologist, I found his insights to be even more pointed and thought-provoking. When listening to this tape while driving, I have often pulled off the road because I was stunned by his cutting right to the core of so many issues. This could only come from a lifetime of struggling.

Native Americans believe in the healing power of stories. Jesus was, among other things, a story teller. Nouwen tells his own story of going out and returning, using the prodigal son parable as a framework, in these talks. This is truly a warm, wonderful, and deeply human volume. I highly recommend it.

Powerfully depicts art as a reflection of the inner life.
The lives of Rembrandt and the author take vivid shape before the mind's eye of the reader as Henri Nouwen tells the history of Rembrandt's painting. Rembrandt's famous canvas is inextricably intertwined with the story of the painter's own life and, as the author movingly shares, Rembrandt's experience was so powerfully human that it transcends generations and centuries and resonates clearly with contemporary women and men. The Return of the Prodigal Son may be said to be much more than the story of a painting; it is a beautiful story of love conveyed by Rembrandt through his painting.

In as much as love may be considered both human and spiritual, the reader is invited in to the intimacy of two men's deeply human and profoundly spiritual journeys though life. Despite life's suffering and bitterness, the author and the painter share their reasons for maintaining a firm grip on hope and inner peace. This is wonderful jewel of a book that has yet to be discovered and appreciated for it full worth - at least judging by its sales rank.

Stiff: A Murray Whelan Mystery
Published in Hardcover by Arcade Publishing (1999)
Author: Shane Maloney
Amazon base price: $23.95
Used price: $1.67
Collectible price: $5.29
Buy one from zShops for: $9.98
Average review score:

An insider's view
Maloney's 'hero' Murray Whelan is a superb addition to the landscape of political satire in this country. His stories are also well-written with none of the clunky contrivances that less-skilled authors display.

Highly recommended.

Australia confused
The mystery part of this novel isn't the greatest. But the sideshow is a real whopper. The story is told by Murray Whelan, gofer and fixer for Charlene Wills. Charlene and her colostomy bag are Minister for Industry of the reigning Labor Party. Her advisor, Angelo Agnelli, is Murray's boss who sends him to the Pacific Pastoral meat works to check out possible political implications in the freezing death of foreman Ekrem Bayraktar. Things spiral downwards from there with the entry of an industrial super mogul, the questionable shop steward Herb Gardiner, not to mention Ayisha Celik, that Turkish honey pot.

The author not only has a way with words. He also has an incredible sense of humor. He takes the Australian political scene apart in a roaring satire without letup or ending. His description of the Italian and Turkish minorities is memorable.

This book makes you laugh all the way to the end.

Stiff- isn't
Murray Whelan is a low ranking political go-fer for the Australian Labor Party who can create chaos from the simplest chore. He redeems himself with a self-effacing humor that both entertains and endears. If you do not cry tears of laughter at his description of insulating his attic, something is seriously wrong with your funny bone.

Murray is asked to investigate the death by freezing of a Turkish immigrant meat packing plant worker. Everyone agrees it was an unfortunate industrial accident. Murray's investigation is for the sole purpose of determining if there is any potential for political fallout on the issue of worker safety.

Soon someone is trying to kill him. Is it right wing Turkish militants? Is it industrialists in high places? Is it the janitor at the plant? Is it the mis-tattooed constituent who wants redress from the government?

Reading Shane Maloney's take on Australia in the late'80's will satisfy your yen for mystery (the whodunnit is subtle), double you over with laughter and (especially for "Yanks" like me)create an unforgettable image of Australian society!

This Bo Peep Ain't No Fairy Tale
Published in Hardcover by 1stBooks Library (2001)
Author: Murray M. Silver
Amazon base price: $21.79
Used price: $15.70
Buy one from zShops for: $16.79
Average review score:

As a kid growing up in Savannah, I used to be sent to Bo Peep's by my grandfather H. Blair(mentioned in the book) to retrieve my uncle "Boogie" who loved playing pool far more than practicing law. What a rich, wonderful stroll down memory lane.

Excellent intrigue, scandal, celebrities, sex, violence!!
This book carefully relates the story of Savannah's infamous "wheeler-dealer" Bo Peep, internationally known book maker, gambler...funny, heart rendering, graphic...I read it in one day, re-read it again the following week. Super insight to a notorious figure.

Thoroughly excellent, I laughed and cried!
This book is ADULT NON-FICTION...about Savannah, Ga., from 1929-55, with a legendary character named "Bo Peep." Operated a pool room-bar-restaurant for over 25 years...celebrities abound. "Dizzy" Dean. Joe DiMaggio, Frank " The Godfather" Costello, Al "scarface" Capone...

A Thousand Shall Fall
Published in Paperback by Stoddart Pub (1998)
Author: Murray Peden
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

Hearty bellows of laughter torrential tears
Quite simple the best book I have ever read on any subject. Reccomended to all!

If you only read one book on WW2 - read this
Quite simply, the finest book I have read covering WW2. Plenty of laughter, plenty of tears, and the burning desire to vividly relive the drama of those days, (and I'm relatively young). Anyone who lived through it will find old memories rekindled by the score

A Thousand Shall Fall
Ranks with Miles Tripp's "The Eighth Passenger" as one of the 2 best Bomber Command reminiscences I have read. Perhaps that is due to Peden, like Tripp, becoming a laywer after the war. Peden's sense of humour, honesty, and writing skill combine to make it a winner. Perhaps the humour is the best part, but it is also heart-wrenching and thriling. An absolute winner.

Schaum's Outline of Laplace Transforms
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill Trade (01 June, 1965)
Author: Murray R. Spiegel
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.57
Collectible price: $10.25
Buy one from zShops for: $9.99
Average review score:

A good supplement
If you are not already in a calculus class and are well versed in the terminology, you may find yourself a little lost with this one. This book assumes that you understand integrals and other mathematical theories. I would not use this to teach myself about Laplace transforms.

As a supplement, this is a fairly good book. As with most books in the series, there are various step-by-step instructions to show you how these work and to explain the various functions and theories. There are supplementary exercises at the end of each chapter with the answer right there for you to test yourself.

Wonderful reference, lotsa problems
I used this book (among others) for an undergraduate course on 'Fourier and Laplace Analysis' in my sophomore year in engineering. The author had presented the concepts of Fourier series and transforms before progressing to Laplace transforms. Many important topics like Convolution, Initial & Final Value Theorems as well as the applications of Laplace transforms in solving differential equations were presented in a clear-cut, understandable way.

Using this book was a rewarding experience.

Useful not only on Laplace Transforms
This book is excellent! It contains a lot of exercises in several levels, from basic to advanced ones. The great advantage took ver the other books on this matter is that it's not necessary any previous knowledge about Complex Variables. The book is specialy useful for students not so used to the Math tricks. I used this book in a course on Applied Mathematics at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. I've found this book useful not only for learning Laplace Transforms but also can be used as a reference guide and introduction to Complex Variables, Partial Differential Equations, Integral Equations and a little taste about Circuit Analysis. Be sure of having one of this at your professional library.

Schaum's Outline of Probability and Statistics
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill Trade (17 March, 2000)
Authors: Murray R. Spiegel, John J. Schiller, R Alu Srinivasan, and Alu Srinivasan
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.00
Buy one from zShops for: $11.09
Average review score:

This is a helpful tool
This is a great helpful tool for students to use! I was struggling in my stats class and this book helped a great deal. It is set up with many helpful hints and practice problems! Bravo Schaum's

Need a replacement
As per all Schaum's thjis is also excellent. Like many of the others I have, especially the Concrete Book, this one too, worn out. Since it was required for a course that I took for an elective, would you beleive Economic Statistics. An easy A for math majors and Engineers; no real hard core economics covered.

Had this course over thirty years ago; upon recomendation of a friend. Professor did ask one question regarding economics; "which one of these bell curves represents percent of total income". Most wrongly (as I did) the symettric one as opposed to the correctly skewed to the left one.

Nom more economics, then. Pure probability, Stats, and Fun. Since the prof was a sports and gaming fan, as am I, this is my favorite math.

The downside, was the prof was veiwed as biassed against women, because his one-point (out of 500) bonus question was always sports trivia. I actually usually hit them, although I remember, the one test before Memorial day 1970, that if were after I would have known that the Late Tony Hulman alwasys said "Gentlemaen, start your engines".

But I digress. Get this book, agree -- cheap thorough and worth it. My favorite and most practical branch of math; so buy, learn and beat the lotto, cards, horses, and slots.

Practical way to become proficient in problem solving
I have used this book to teach myself statistics and probability theory in a relatively short period of time. The essentials are well laid out and reinforced with plenty of examples and exercises. I would recommend using a Schaum outline authored by Murray Spiegel for becoming proficient in problem solving in that particular area. I got started this way after reading the book, Indiscrete Thoughts by Gian Carlo Rota.

Securing Linux: A Survival Guide for Linux Security
Published in Paperback by SANS Institute (01 February, 2003)
Authors: David Koconis, Jim Murray, Jos Purvis, and Darrin Wassom
Amazon base price: $39.00
Average review score:

Linux Makes the World Load Faster
Wow! What a book. Although I know very little about Linux as an OS, even less about security and can barely dress myself, I successfully used this book to set-up a secure, linux-based environment for my top-notch anime collection... All in all, I highly recommend this product...

Refreshing and Informative
Why does every book on Linux try to tackle too many issues? Let's face it, 700-800 or even a 1000 pages is just TOO much information. If you are looking for a complete and concise guide to securing your Red Hat Linux installation then I HIGHLY recommend picking up this book.

I would rank this as a book that is perfect for intermediate Unix admins but a colleague of mine without ANY Linux experience said she found this book to be a valuable resource in her steep learning curve. The book provides many examples of different configurations and provides great pointers to other resources if you want more information about a particular topic.

All in all, I was VERY impressed with this book and I would consider it a "must have" for anyone interested in securing their Red Hat Linux installations.

Great technical manual!!
The excellent SANS "Securing Linux Step by Step"guide suffers from a
major problem: you can't cut-and-paste the commands from it into your
Linux system! The desire to do so constantly appear while reading the
manual, and I was very eager to try some of the things described

The guide presents ultimate hands-on, indeed as step-by-step as they
do. A little of text and a lot of commands to accomplish it! All
configuration "recipes" are supposed to be tested by many of the guide
contributors and reviewers. I have found no inaccuracies of any kind.

Its a pity that there is no way to cut and paste from the book and
click on links too. The guide begs to have a CD, floppy or a companion
site since commands need to be typed on the server.

The book starts from a nice security policy primer and a summary of
security principles, which even touch upon physical security, backups
and other useful operational issues.

The range of advice is wide and covers everything from very basic
passwords security to complicated methods of chrooting various network
daemons for extra security. The complete step-by-step instructions for
chrooting bind and ssh are provided together with several sample
configuration files. Tips on securing many Linux applications such as
Apache, Sendmail, Bind, Samba are also detailed in separate
chapters. Securing Wu-FTPD, however pointless it might be in light of
a flood of attacks, is also described. Its a pity that common
replacements such as qmail, proftpd and djbdns are not covered.

While other books offer more breadth (such as coverage of many
different tools etc), this is ideal for those seeking depth. This
guide would likely not win any literature prizes, but can save a life
of a Linux admin.

Moreover, even if you think you know _everything_ about Linux security
- read it anyway, since you find some new stuff, just like I did. On
the other hand, complete novices will also benefit from it greatly,
since even just typing the command blindly and then reading up on them
and gaining in-depth understanding is no the worst way to jump start
your Linux security expertise. Overall, if you own or administer a
Linux system - get the guide.

Anton Chuvakin, Ph.D., GCIA, GCIH is a Senior Security Analyst with a
major information security company. His areas of infosec expertise
include intrusion detection, UNIX security, forensics, honeypots,
etc. In his spare time he maintains his security portal

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