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Book reviews for "Hausknecht,_Murray" sorted by average review score:

Abide in Christ
Published in Paperback by Whitaker House (2002)
Author: Andrew Murray
Amazon base price: $8.99
Used price: $4.49
Buy one from zShops for: $5.25
Average review score:

Desiring Holiness?
Classic work of Andrew Murray who understood the heart of God. If you desire to live a holy life, but don't understand how, this is the book for you. Christ said, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." If that is not your experience, this book reveals the secret.

Simply Abide
I love this book. I pick it up every couple of years, and it continues to bless me richly with every read. Andrew Murray simplifies the teachings of Jesus down into three words: "Abide in me." If a believer will simply strive to abide in Christ, all the other benefits will result. Joy overflowing, fruitful ministry, answered prayer, etc. This book is an all time classic with great depth and simplicity in its theology. Buy it and a copy for all your close friends. They don't write them like this anymore.

Simple idea, yet life-changing revelation.
Murray takes on ideas and weaves into a series of short essays you can read in one month. Perfect as a devotional tool, but richer then typical pop spirituality.

Apollo: Race to the Moon
Published in Paperback by Touchstone Books (1990)
Authors: Charles Murray and Catherine Bly Cox
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $72.95
Collectible price: $195.00
Average review score:

The best book on the engineering achivements of Apollo
It is a crying shame that this wonderful book appears to be VERY out of print. It answers all the questions any technologically curious person would have about the design of the systems, the testing, how mission control worked, what all those acronyms really mean, the geeky geniuses and tough managers that made the program succeed. it covers the surprising numbers of "glitches" that made every mission more dramatic than news reports led viewers to believe.

Could it be that author Murray followed up this gem with the controversial The Bell Curve, and the publishing establishment is reluctant to see him prosper? Or is there a less nefarious explanation?

A Comprehensive look at the technology of Apollo
A comprehensive look at the whole of the Apollo program is given in "Apollo: the Race to the Moon". As well as the flights and the astronauts, this book also looks at the technology involved - the crawler and its special roadway, the exacting requirements for the lauchpad ("Stage Zero") to stand a Saturn launch, the problems in developing the F1 engines that powered the Saturn first stage, the power and magnificence or a Saturn launch.

A terrific book on the people and technologies behind Apollo
I just met one of the principle people interviewd for this book, and he called it the best book on Apollo for "outsiders." This book lays out the challenges (man, moon, decade), problems ("combustion instability"), and solutions (duct tape!) all in an incredibly readable format.

No cute astronaut stories. This is about the engineering that made Apollo work!

The Hepatitis C Handbook
Published in Paperback by North Atlantic Books (1999)
Authors: Matthew Dolan, Iain M. Murray-Lyon, and John Tindall
Amazon base price: $17.50
List price: $25.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.99
Buy one from zShops for: $17.38
Average review score:

I can't stress enough how much this book has helped me to learn more about hepatitis C. Matthew Dolan explains important things you want to know about, like PCR and genotypes and he gives an anology on genotypes that helps the new patient learn so easily. There's just so much great hep C info that this book has, it is a "must have!" I often tell people to get this book when they first tell me of their newly diagnosis of hep C. It's the best and I refer to my copy almost "daily!"

The Hepatitis C hand Book
This book is a must have for all who work with people with the hepatitis C, have Hepatitis C, or loves someone who has it. This book saves lives ! Thank you Mr. Dolan.

A Light in a Sea of Despair
I undertook a two-year very brutal drug treatment for HCV, and was recently miraculously cleared of the disease. There were times I felt like giving up, but relied again and again on the encouraging information I gleaned from this book. It is informative, well-written, and emotionally supportive. My Doctor wanted a copy too, since sadly, there is little information availible in the medical community. I highly recommend this book for anyone considering a treatment approach, or wanting a supportive source of compassionate and concise information.

Uncommon Sense: The Real American Manifesto
Published in Paperback by America West Pub (2001)
Author: William James Murray
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $3.40
Collectible price: $5.29
Average review score:

An uncomprimising look at liberty.
This is one of the single greatest books that I have ever had the privelage of reading. The writer describes in clear and concise terms the price of liberty, how we won it, and how we are losing it. You wont find this information in any government school or college.
Delightfully this book is an easy read. The author wrote this book with the common man in mind. Splendidly I tore through this book in no time at all without having to read a single sentence twice.
Patriots, students, and anybody dedicated to preseving liberty and economic freedom should definately read this masterpiece. Its amazing that the information in this book is surpressed from our schools. Everybody should read this book twice and buy copies for all your family and friends.

Uncommon Sense should be REQUIRED reading for all Americans.
Stated Simply, this book is the single best, easily comprehendable book on Americanism.

The author doesn't woo you with complex legal citings, boggle your mind with twists in logical and fanciful leaps.

In fact this book will help you indentify what kind of American you are, what kind of American you truely want to be, and how to recognize the difference between Real-Americans and those who claim or even think that they are being patriotic, but are are undermining the country we live in, mostly through confussion and inaction.

I wish I could afford to buy a copy for every person alive, it should be required reading for all Americans.

Think You're an American?
Think again! Read this book and find out if you know what being an American means. Are you an American, a Pseudo-American, or a Socialist? You can only be one or the other. Want to know more about our "Founding Fathers"? What does Patriotism mean? Is the Constitution our Country? Why is this important to us in our lives today? Do we live as citizens free of tyranny? People paid to form our Country - there is no such thing as a "free Country." What form of Government do we have? What do our fellow individuals we elected to govern us today think it is? How can you tell? Want to see what it was like to live back in the 1700's in our Country and see how smart our citizens were? Would you like to see their character? Actions speak louder than words. Then choose to read this book!

Apollo: The Race to the Moon
Published in Hardcover by Simon & Schuster (1989)
Authors: Charles Murray and Catherine S. Cox
Amazon base price: $314.50
Used price: $84.95
Collectible price: $84.95
Buy one from zShops for: $277.77
Average review score:

I've read most of the other "space" books and this one is the best by far. Most of these books are written from the astronaut's point of view, and while this is an exciting and interesting view point, it's pretty clear that there are thousands of people working behind the scenes for each astronaut out doing his job (his - this is Apollo - all of them were men).

After reading "Apollo" I have a new understanding for the amount of effort and love that went into the creation of the Apollo program. The men and women who helped put a man on the moon are every bit the heroes as the 12 who stood on the surface (as well as the seven, the nine, etc.).

If you really want to understand how America put a man on the moon, this is the book to read. After you finish, go back and watch Tom Hanks' "From the Earth to the Moon."

THE Definitive book on the Apollo program...
This book is the true "diamond-in-the-rough". With so many re-issues of material from the manned space program and specifically Apollo, it's hard to imagine that this book isn't re-issued again and again! This book (along with Andrew Chaiken's Man on the Moon and Jim Lovell's Lost Moon) is by far the definitive account of the Apollo program. Not just a re-gurgitation of the Apollo history, this story is told from a Flight Controller/Engineering perspective and gives a truer picture of what the early and subsequent days of the program were like. Here, Apollo Program Manager Joe Shea comes alive and is portrayed as an heroic/brilliant manager, not the villian of the Apollo 1 fire as in other accounts. You're down in the "trench" in Mission Control for not only the Apollo 11 Moon landing, but also for the lesser known Apollo 6, the ill-fated second un-manned launch of the Saturn V. It may be hard to find this book, but the effort is well worth of the top 5 books that I've ever read.

The best book ever written about Apollo
Murray and Cox wrote by far the single best book on Apollo. It covers the political decisions, the engineering, the people, and the history. The engineering is explained in a clear and non-condescending way that non-technical people can understand, and yet it's thorough enough to interest scientists and engineers as well. The detailed descriptions of the various technical and political debates, as well as the struggles between divisions of NASA and various contractors are well documented with many different sources consulted.

With the current resurgence of interest in Apollo and the reissue of a number of lesser books, it's a great pity this book has not been reissued.

Caught in the Web of Words: James A. H. Murray and the Oxford English Dictionary
Published in Paperback by Yale Univ Pr (1995)
Authors: K. M. Elisabeth Murray and R. W. Burchfield
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $6.20
Average review score:

The most comprehensive biography of the father of the OED
Elisabeth Murray writes a wonderful and highly detailed biography of her grandfather, James Murray. Simon Winchester reintroduced many in this country to Mr. Murray in his book The Professor and the Madman, which told the story of Murray and an American living in an English asylum named W. C. Minor. This book was highly readable, but not comprehensive as a true biography of Murray.

James Murray, the first editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, was a gentle man of words who dedicated his life to the study of the English Language. His efforts are best understood in this book by the descriptions Elisabeth gives of his scriptorum, where Murray spent the majority of his life, and where Elisabeth worked as a young lady.

In reading about this man's life and the effort that was required to undertake the construction of this dictionary, one really gets a sense of the vastness and complexity of the English Language, the historical richness and the regional diversity. One also sees in florid detail the life of one of the great late-Victorian pedants.

Fascinating history of a great man and a great work
This is really two books in one: the life story of James Murray, first editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, and the tale of the dictionary itself. Both are lovingly told. It's a must read for anyone interested in dictionaries or linguistics.

"J. Murray more major than W.C. Minor"
Elizabeth Murray, the granddaughter of James Murray, who was the chief editor of the huge Oxford English Dictionary on which every serious scholar of English continues to depend, has written an excellent biography of the greatest English lexicographer, and done more: she has also given an insight into his personality, and, yet more importantly, into the whole scholarly world of philology, lexicography etc. in Victorian England, and the difficulties which beset the creators of the dictionary. I recommend the biography most highly, and feel that all fans of *The Surgeon of Crowthorne* (chiefly on Dr W.C. Minor) should read this - preferably BEFORE that book (so as to get a sense of context), but otherwise after. - Joost Daalder, Professor of English, Flinders University (see "More about me')

Chronic Candidiasis: Your Natural Guide to Healing with Diet, Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, Exercise, and Other Natural Methods
Published in Paperback by Prima Publishing (04 June, 1997)
Author: Michael T. Murray
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.94
Buy one from zShops for: $8.69
Average review score:

A very informative book
This book is written in easily digestible chunks for the lay person, with the final chapter summarizing clearly the steps to take to rid oneself of the yeast syndrome. Useful recommendations are also given for women suffering PMS. However, while Michael Murray advises excluding dairy products (an entire food group), he does not offer any alternative sources for calcium apart from calcium tablets. Inspite of this, I would certainly recommend this book to anyone who wants to know about the symptoms and natural cure of chronic candidiasis.

Very Easy To Read & Understand
After months of doctor appointments, I was finally diagnosed with Candida. I knew nothing about candidiasis and so I started searching the web for information. I found so much varying information and most of it I didn't trust. When I found this book (...), I knew it was right. This book contains the most comprehensive, easy to understand information that I've found. The author is very thorough without going into overwhelming detail. I started following the diet and techniques almost immediately since the book gets right into problem solving. I can say my health has improved almost 100% in a very short time.

A well researched and written book
I am currently reading this book, and am a little more than 1/2 way through it. This author is on the cutting edge of this subject, and seems to know all there is to know about it. I hope he continues to research this subject, and also to inform the public about it. What I've read about candida in the past all comes together in this book. The author fills in the missing pieces of information in the books I've read before.

Man, Economy, and State
Published in Paperback by Ludwig Von Mises Inst (15 June, 1993)
Author: Murray N. Rothbard
Amazon base price: $35.00
Average review score:

Others here have done a great job of reviewing this book, so I won't say much.
I have to give it 5 stars.
I'll just say that a lot of people don't realize how critical a proper understanding of economics is to understanding many political issues. Taxes, minimum wage laws, unions, monetary policy, welfare, subsidies, protectionism, the list goes on. Yet most people do not know square one about economics, which is a shame. If you want to know, this book will teach you in a clear, understandable way.

Possibly the best economics book ever written
Ever thought economics was dry, boring, and incomprehensible? Wonder why economic pundits can never agree on anything? Puzzled as to why the economy goes through periodic booms and busts, and nothing the government does seems to prevent it? Read this book and you will get definitive answers (and some controversial ones), grounded on facts, logic, and common sense.

Starting with a few easily understandable and self-evident principles governing human action, Rothbard leads the reader step by logical step into a deep and comprehensive understanding of all the key areas of economic thought - supply and demand, price, economising between scarce resources, savings and investment, money, time preference and the rate of interest, monopolies, cartels and unions, market "failures", and the issues surrounding government intervention in the market (phew!). The beauty of this is that at no point does the subject matter become obtuse or incomprehensible - any reasonably informed and intelligent layman can follow the train of thought from beginning to end.

In complete contrast to the dry professorial meanderings of almost all economics textbooks, Rothbard's lucidity of thought and infectious enthusiasm for his subject matter practically bursts off the page. Almost every sentence is concise, clear, and directly to the point. Complicated subjects are explained in clear English, and often seasoned with wry humour or a jab of razor sharp wit. What a breath of fresh air, and a pure pleasure to read!

Of course, as a follower of the Austrian school of economics, Rothbard is vehemently anti-state, and makes no attempt to hide the fact. "Right-wingers", and even people who consider themselves staunch libertarians, may find themselves shocked at exactly how far Rothbard takes his train of thought. And Keynesians would be advised to pour themselves a stiff brandy before sitting down to read - this man takes no prisoners!

However, regardless of your political beliefs, I believe this to be essential reading. If you are an advocate of liberty and free markets, you will find yourself inspired by this impassioned and erudite defence of everything you hold dear. If you are a hardcore statist, liberal, egalitarian or Keynesian, then you will find your beliefs challenged and shocked to the core. Either way, you cannot fail to increase your understanding of the economic and political world, or be anything other than impressed at the towering intellectual achievement that this work represents (think of it as the free market version of Keynes' "General Theory"). If you are a layman, then you will finish the book with the realisation that this whole economics business can actually make sense after all (make sure to read Keynes, Friedman, and Samuelson to get the opposing mainstream views).

"Man, Economy, and State" was one of the 20th century's first attempts (Hazlitt possibly excepted) to take economics out of the ivory towers and put it back into the field of intelligent mainstream debate. Rothbard has built on the great achievements of Ricardo, Bastiat, and especially von Mises, and produced something at least as important, if not greater. Of course, being a fiery indictment of practically every mainstream school of economic (and political) thought, it was practically ignored by academia, and it is only through the passage of time that its reputation has spread, mainly by word of mouth.

I will admit to being heavily biased in favour of this book. My profession involves unfettered capitalism in the financial markets. My political beliefs are (mostly) libertarian. I consider Rothbard to have successfully engaged in a complete and utter demolition of Keynesian economic theory, and at least 90% of all cases of state intervention in the free market. But none of that matters - just as I read Keynes and Kaldor, and even ( shock horror) Marx, Chomsky and Pilger to understand the main opposition to my views, so others should do the same. You cannot coherently hold strong views without understanding the main criticisms against them.

Buy this book, and you will come away much wiser. At the very least, no one will be able to say that you "simply don't understand" economics. You might even have a few laughs along the way!

A Masterpiece
Every sentence in this book is an eye opener....

C++ Strategies and Tactics (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing)
Published in Paperback by Addison-Wesley Pub Co (1993)
Author: Robert B. Murray
Amazon base price: $42.95
Used price: $20.00
Buy one from zShops for: $34.99
Average review score:

I like this better than Effective C++ (second edition)
This was the original book of C++ "idioms and traps", full of practical details such as where to use virtual destructors and the correct way to write the copy constructor and assignment operators. Then Scott Meyer's book came along with such sparkle and wit that I put this book aside, even though they pretty much covered the same ground. The second edition of Meyers' book covers the new ANSI standard - and while this was needed, it has a fair amount of "code lawyering" and is no longer a breeze to read. I'm glad I held onto the Murray book to cover the basic concepts, even though it's slightly out of date.

All C++ programer intermediate and up should have this book
Once you have good knowledge of the basics and know basic OOP, you should start reading this book. This book has lots of good information reguarding design and loop holes all new programer can commit. But its best feature is that its so easy to understand.

Brain embedding knowledge
For the reviewer below that stated that this book is dated because it does not cover templates could not be farther from reality, as apparently he has not read the book nor has he looked at the table of contents. If my eyes are still functional, this book has two chapters consectutive dedicated to to templates, chapter 7 [Templates] and 8[Advanced Templates]. This book is easy to read and for the novice wanting to get up to speed on the syxtax of the language and more importantly when and how to use each contruct of the language, this book has no equal except two other books. The books are Kayshav Dattatri's C++ Effective Object Oriented Software Construction and James O. Copliens Advanced C++: Styles and Idioms from Prentice Hall and Addison Wesley respectively. This book is not even 300 pages which allows you to read it again and bolster what you vacumed on the first pass and ready for instinctive mastery for the second and third passes if you are really ambitious. The discussion on smart pointers is informative and will assist you in your way to patternizing COM code. This book is for all experience types and serves as a perfect desktop reference guide for C++ masters alike. With this book and the two mentioned above, plus the C++ IO Streams Handbook by Beale, there are no other books you should refer to, probably including Stroustrup's.

Taiwan: A New History (Taiwan in the Modern World)
Published in Paperback by M.E.Sharpe (1999)
Author: Murray A. Rubinstein
Amazon base price: $29.95
Buy one from zShops for: $29.95
Average review score:

Good info but Taiwan is still not Greater China!!
This book had good info but Taiwan is still not a Greater China! Taiwan is a great nation by its own merits because of its Taiwanese people with their ability to adapt and survived! Han Chinese had never set foot on China until Dutch have done so first! Dutch are the seed of capitalism, which is kind of like British have done so for great America in their past history!

Any good studies of the history will show that only losers Chinese ever even invaded Taiwan when they can't rule China. That's twice in Taiwan's history. One driven out the Dutch, and the other driven out the Japanese with what's left of their fighting force. However, both died on Taiwan as losers in history. That's how they will be remember.

BTW, CCK put a house arrest on General Sun Li-Jen, who I consider one of the great generals in WW2. I guess now is red China's turn. China without a true free political and free trade system will collapse very soon as USSR did! Do you believe in all of those fairy tales that communists cooked up for its great future? Communists simply have to go, and they will not go quietly for my life time! Please do the math and face the truth!

Taiwan serve its people and not a ruling party at the time, and it will not put a house arrest on their great talents just because they are more able than the ruling party at the time. Taiwanese will all decide for its future for its political and economic interests and national survival!!

Taiwan is NOT a part of China
I am a Taiwanese,living in Taipei,and I don't think I am a Chinese both in values and personality,though I'm taught in Chinese langauge in my obiligatory education here.I guess this feelings natrually far form "Chinese ones" is because that Taiwan has special history mixed up with colonial impacts and the experiences of 1950's-to-1980's political terror and heavy thinking control by the KMT.(Chiang Kai-Shek monopolized politics.) Taiwanese,of 90% residents,have live up in Taiwan island for 300 years and we speak Taiwanese or Japanese of the elders. As for the Chinese Nationalist Government(KMT),they came to Taiwan in 1947,did a sad a cruel "Taiwan MASSACRE"(we called 228) in 1947,killing 10,000 to 25,000 Taiwanese well-educated men. And,KMT brought 9.9% Chinese residents from China in 1949 for the the Chinese Nationalist Government(KMT),lost their soveregnty,named as Republic of China,in the Chinese civil
war,1949.They have been overthown by China since 50 years ago. In 2000,we have changed our govenment to Taiwanese Demacratic and Progressive government by President election here,so to equalize Taiwan(ROC) to China(People's Republkic of China) is not true.It is a fact that Taiwan(ROC) is NOT a part of China(PRC).Taiwan and China is just with similar names in 2 seperated sovereignties.

Taiwan is NOT a part of China.
I am living in Taipei,a Taiwanese.In Taiwan island,there excists a complex history and "society stuctrual problem" so that Taiwanese got different cognition of "what nation we are",and with polarity of feelings to China.

In residents here,90% are Taiwanese whom had lived in the island seperated from China for "300 years",mixed up bloodly with both aboriginals and 300-year-ago Chinese(Kanese),experienced "Dutch colony" times in 17th and "Japanese colony" times in 19th (from modernlizatoinal Japanese "Mei-ji revolution times" to the end of world war 2) for another 50 years. On the other hand,9.9% Taiwan residents,who can't understand Taiwanese langauge,and those who lost form Chinese civil war,1949,absconding to here with the lost government/party,Chinese Nationalist Governmnet(KMT),named Republic of China,ruled by Mr.Chiang Kai-Shek,are Taiwan Chinese. Republic of China governmnet got Taiwan's sovereignty from Japan,end of world war two,1947. But,an improtant but secret history point is the Chinese Nationalist Governmnet did a cruel "Taiwan MASSACRE"(we called 228) in 1947,killing 10,000 to 25,000 Taiwanese knowledged men,as teachers,lawyers,doctors,artists,and most students. It hurted Taiwanese feelings very much. Consequently,after 2 years,the Chinese Nationalist Governmnet lost from Chinese civil war and were overthrow by China people,so the govenment and some Chinese imigrated to Taiwan,and did the 40-year political terror and thinking control to exclude Taiwnaese in any public things after the "Taiwan MASSACRE",and to protect unfair revenues to those minor Chinese in Taiwan. Meanwhile,all Taiwanese and Taiwan Chinese were taught "China-only" obligatory education,which dosen't match Taiwan ancienstor's historical truths.
So for we Taiwanese,over-65-year-old generation who can only recorded their thinkings and opinions in Japanese had been sacrified or even "dead" in the Massacre or been prisoned. The Taiwanese baby-boom generation,as President Chen Sui-Bianand,and we youngers can learn Chinese langauge to begin compete with Chinese again here,are still of course past on something by our Taiwanese ancienster's special life experiences inside the family. So,to understand our history,you can know the reasons why from generations to generations,Taiwanese in fact is different from international imgaes or concepts as those of Chinese. But Taiwanese have to keep it in silence for the Chinese Nationalist Governmnet(KMT) controled since 1949 to 1990 all the media,politics,and let social resources unfairly distrubuted to 9.9% Taiwan Chinese,along with great political terror to Taiwanese. So,the island country,Taiwan,complexly contains 9.9% residents are purely Chinese in personality,habbits,values,and affection which brought by their DNA,history life-experiences,and family upbringings,and over 70% Taiwanese but not Chinese in recognization and feelings to the nationality.

The Chinese Nationalist Governmnet,who brought "Republu of China" in Taiwan seperated from "People's Republic of China" in China since 1949,had also been changed to a Taiwanese Demacratic and Proggresive Government,President Chen Sui-Bian and new Taiwanese ministry after 2000 President election,voted by every residents in Taiwan! So,it is a fact that Taiwan is NOT a part of China! Don't be tricked by the similirity of the names of these 2 sovereignties.I live up in Taiwan,used Taiwanese money,pay taxes to Taiwanese gonvernmnet,and do voting to Taiwan's president and so on by ourselves. If go to China,it's no difference as to apply a visa process to go abroad as to foreign countries. Why we are a part of China? Just because of the names are similar? Then it grants China an excuse to occupy Taiwan?

In conclusion,Taiwanese can't say our name for the Chiang's Chinese Nationalist Governmnet and his fake dreams of that China was legally owned by him for past 50 years in Taiwan island. But recent 10 years Taiwanese indeed made a silent but peaceful "political revolution" to returen thise things to people who lived up and made efforst here for at least 300 years. Pre-first-Taiwanese president Lee fostered Chinese Nationalist Governmnet to peacefully transfer to the Taiwanese Democratic and Proggresive Govnment without bleed.

Privately,I never feel I am a Chinese.In anthropology,Taiwanese are mixed up with half Chinese in 300 years ago and half island local aboriginals.So,we Taiwanese got different face shape with Chinese,with deeper eye frames and bigger eyes. Plus the colony experiences by Dutch and Japan influene Taiwanese different in personality,habbits,and values. But there're minior but monopolized Chinese live up in Taiwan since 1949 to now is a fact,too.

Therefore,Taiwan won't annouce "formally" independent too fast,for we have to respect the 9.9% Taiwan Chinese least their contary to deter our public proggresiveness.

But,Taiwan will keep going on our roads of "Democratic,Freedom,Human rights,and Peace." The roads which we Taiwnaese once deprived by 9.9% monolopized Taiwan Chinese. As for Taiwan's future,only the referendum is the fairest way to decide our country fate.

Even China is tougher now,and my family have factory there,as Taiwanese,BUT we would never feel like to be consolidate with China because it's the "roots" that we are different in nature. Nowadays is global vallige,if we Taiwanese lost our rights of decide Taiwan's fate to mainland Chinese or Taiwan Chinese again,we,who recognized in affection we're Taiwanese,would like to be "international citizens" more than a Chinese.

There's only one China. It is "People's Republic of China." And,"Republic of China" is newly ruled by Taiwanese president and ministry.Please,please don't be tricked by China's lie of that Taiwan is a part of China. Taiwan have been seperated from them for a handred years.

Thanks for reading. Peace and God blessed.

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