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Book reviews for "Collins,_An_fl._c." sorted by average review score:

Casimir Pulaski: Soldier on Horseback
Published in Hardcover by Pelican Pub Co (1995)
Authors: David R. Collins and Larry Nolte
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $4.70
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Average review score:

Casimir Pulaski
This is an excellent book to read about the life of Casimir Pulaski who was a hero in the Revolutionary War. Pulaski was from Poland, yet came over to America to help fight against England. There is a monument and a fort named in his honor in Georgia. Best read by 4th graders and older. Middle School students would enjoy the book and read it easily. The cover of book offers a nice visual for early elementary students during a study of Pulaski's life.

Cast a Road Before Me: A Novel
Published in Paperback by Broadman & Holman Publishers (1901)
Author: Brandilyn Collins
Amazon base price: $12.99
Used price: $7.98
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Average review score:

Dynamite in Black and White!
Ms. Collins' command of characterization is nothing less than phenomenal. Every individual in the story is someone who could live down the street, and yet so intriguingly drawn that there is nothing ordinary about any of them. This is the kind of book that wets your appetite for more with every page turned, and yet contains too much meat for a single sitting. Be prepared to get cozy once you open the book. You'll be sitting for a long time, then reluctantly step away to get on with "real life," longing for the moment when you can return to the printed page. Your emotions will be tugged every which way until the end, a satisfying conclusion to a gourmet meal.

My advice? Get your hands on anything Ms. Collins has written. You won't be disappointed.

Castles of Scotland (Collins Gem)
Published in Paperback by Harpercollins Pub Ltd (1900)
Authors: Elaine Henderson and Harper Collins
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $5.95
Average review score:

Great guide to the Castles of Scotland.
I personnaly bought and used the 1994 edition of this great book to plan a trip including Scotland. It's size and details were great as an "on the road" reference. Now I can really say-"Been there, Done that, Got the shot glass from Eilean Donan"

Charles Lindbergh, Hero Pilot (Discovery Book)
Published in Library Binding by Garrard Publishing Company (1978)
Authors: David R. Collins and Victor Mays
Amazon base price: $8.22
Used price: $53.96
Collectible price: $53.95
Average review score:

Great Biography for Elementary Students
This biography of Charles Lindbergh is especially good for younger readers. It covers the span of his life from boyhood in Minnesota to his death in Hawaii. The book gives children an idea of why he began to fly and what drove him to achieve all that he did. It briefly covers the baby kidnapping, in only a few paragraphs and without much detail, but enough information for the younger children. It also covers his service to our country during WWII. This book was my 3rd grader's Biography Project and was very useful.

Check in to Danger (Disney Adventures Casebusters, No 4)
Published in Hardcover by Disney Press (1995)
Authors: Joan Lowery Nixon, Kathleen Collins Howell, Lowery Joan Nixon, and Singer
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $1.99
Average review score:

Check Into Danger
On a visit to Piney Point Manor, an elegant seaside resort, Sean and Brian Quinn investigate a series of thefts that have baffled local police, and someone tries to frighten the brothers off. This series i recomend for all young readers.

Check Your Vocabulary for Law
Published in Paperback by Peter Collin Publishing (1997)
Author: Peter Collin Publishing
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:

Check your Vocabulary for Law - a workbook for users
This workbook provides ELS students (English as a Second Language) an excellent overview of the most colloquial words related to legal matters, from poltical to criminal issues. A fun book, with interesting and varied exercises, for both self and class study. Excellent material to be used in ESP (English for Specific Purposes) classes, specially with law professionals and students as it enables them to comment on several articles that bring forward law-related matters. It has been a great asset to English teaching.

Children of Jonah: Personal Stories by Survivors of Suicide Attempts
Published in Paperback by Capital Books Inc (01 November, 2001)
Authors: James T. Clemons and Judy Collins
Amazon base price: $12.76
List price: $15.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $5.50
Collectible price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $5.45
Average review score:

Thoughtful, Important Book
One of the hardest things for those left behind after a loved one commits suicide is to find the peace and understanding to forgive that loved one.

This haunting book will help suicide survivors feel the support of a group of people who went through the same thing. "Children of Jonah" will also help the family and friends of those who survive suicide and those who succeed in taking their life.

This is a very important book. I highly recommend it to anyone who has either tried to commit suicide themselves or who knows someone who has.

Chile's Free Market Miracle: A Second Look
Published in Paperback by Food First Books (1995)
Authors: Joseph Collins, John Lear, Walden Bello, and Stephanie Rosenfeld
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $9.95
Average review score:

A devastating indictment of Chilean neoliberalism
This book contains an analysis of the economic and social effects of the Pinochet dictatorship by John Lear and Joseph Collins around 1990 and an epilogue by Stephanie Ronsenfeld from around 1994.

The authors show the effects of deregulation on all aspects of Chilean life. The public health system--which seventy percent of Chileans as of 1990 belonged to--has been rapidly defunded , farmed out to municipalities. Relatively few Chileans can afford the relatively new HMO-type companies whose primary focus is accomodating people who can pay the most i.e. the well-off. Thyphoid fever and Hepatitis rapidly expanded to epidemic proportions from the mid-70's until a decaded later--short term profit, absent government restraint, makes dumping industrial waste and chemicals into rivers into the water supply a reasonable cost-effective mean as does neglecting to ensure adequate sanitation standards in the food you sell. The government finally enacted some regulations in the mid-80's to try to roll back the epidemics. The authors point out the declining infant mortality rate, which neoliberal advocates point to with pride is, apart from the expanding birth rate in the upper classes, in large part due to "socialistic" government programs targeting new mothers and infants. The health of the infants and mothers after they conclude the program is, of course, another story. The authors show that Chile's privitization and municipilization of education has grossly skewed the benefits towards wealthy municipalities able to generate the resources and high-income students to be "self-financing."

They show that the privitized social security accounts are of scant benefit for a large number of Chileans who cannot generate enough income to meet their stringent minimum requirements. This great mass of people inevitably have to fall back on the scant package offered by the government which, combined with required government payments to those who retired before the early 80's when privitization was implemented, promises to bring severe fiscal probolems for Chile in the next few decades. They show that wages have stagnated or declined relative to pre-1973 levels--per capita income did not return to its 1970 level until 1989. They show that the monumental economic crises in the early 80's which admirers of Pinochet's economic policies like to forget, was very much due to the extreme neoliberal policies of the junta. In the late 70's Chile's economy took off. Tarrifs were eliminated, restrictions on foreign investment lifted and the Peso was pegged at 39 to the dollar, considerably overvalued. The result was a flood of ultra-cheap imports, mostly luxury items and little productive inbestment. The banks, freed from regulation, recklessly loaned out. Then at the end of 1981 all of the suddent there was recession in the U.S. and thus restriction of its market, capital flight, corporations and banks under enormous debt went under and the economy was on the verge of collapse. Pinochet took over the bankrupt banks and corporations using the resources provided by Chile's immensely profitable government owned companies to get back into shape and then sold them to his friends and foreign corporations at grossly undervalued prices. During this process some unkind critics labeled it--"the Chicago road to socialism"--government ownership was as high as it ever was during Allende's term--after the proteges of University of Chicago free market gurus like Milton Friedman who took over Chile's economic policy after 1975. The immensely profitable public companies then followed into the private sector, again grossly low prices.

The show that working conditions, wages and living conditions have largely gone down hill, helped enormously by Pinochet's extreme anti-labor policies. The rapid elimination of native forests and fisheries protends serious problems. Miss Rosenfeld points out that the democratic governments since 1990 have eliminated some of the harder edges of Pinochet's policies by increasing spending considerably for housing and other social services and increasing the minimum wage and have shown more success in narrow statistical indicators than he ever did. But the structure of his society is still more or less intact; Chile is still primarily an export-oriented economy, largely by exploiting non-renewable resources. Its over-reliance, for instance, of grape exports, the workers in whose industry are mostly temporary laboring under bad conditions and low wages, makes it very vulnerable to new competitors who are discovering more cheaper ways of production and can pay even lower wages. Government funding for research and development and funding of infrastructure before 1973 laid the basis for the industry's prosperity but since that time it has been eliminated.

The book is a little bit dated and I didn't understand one or two points but it is a very important book and, for an economics book, lucidly written.

China Calls
Published in Audio Cassette by Media Books (2000)
Authors: Anne Collins Walker and Joseph Campanella
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $6.92
Average review score:

Fascinating for junkies of politics and advance work!
A wonderful quick read with a great touch of humor to a historical journey! I strongly recommend it!

Changes: Becoming the Best You Can Be
Published in Paperback by Quest Intl (1988)
Authors: Garry R. Collins, Linda Barr, Don Robison, and Bill Cosby
Amazon base price: $5.48
Used price: $1.43

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