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Book reviews for "Collins,_An_fl._c." sorted by average review score:

Poetry 180: A Turning Back to Poetry
Published in Paperback by Random House Trade Paperbacks (25 March, 2003)
Author: Billy Collins
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.63
Collectible price: $14.71
Buy one from zShops for: $9.48
Average review score:

My review of Poetry 180
I enjoyed the poems in this book very much. It is impossible to pick a favorite, because I loved them all. I really enjoy reading poems about different human experiences. Poetry 180 is filled with almost every human emotion.

I loved the poem entitled Love Poem 1990. It is about a man falling in love at different stages in his life from childhood to old age and how he feels about it. Another one of my favorite poems is entitled May. It is about the painful experience of putting a dog to sleep. The Green One Over There is a wonderful but sad poem about the relationship between a sister and a brother. I could really relate to the way siblings compete as described in this poem. The subject matter of the poems in this book are diverse. I never knew a subject could evoke such emotion. One of these poems is entitled What Would I Do. It is an insightful poem about what a husband would do if his wife cheated on him. The Quest is a excellent poem about a mother's fear that her daughter will be hurt and the extent she would take to protect her.

I was drawn to some of these poems because of the title. I loved the titles Vegetarian Physics, The Poem of Chalk, 1-800 Hot Ribs, and The Grammar Lesson. These are humorous and descriptive poems I could read over and over just for a laugh. My appreciation for poetry has increased so much. I loved this book.

Don't know much about what poets to read?
The premise of this anthology is a poem a day for high school reading, or I might think for a high school reader. It is a wonderful little text. The works are neither simplistic nor obscure and cover the broad range in style and subject of contemporary poetry. Be advised, not all of them are "new" works, and not all important contemporary writers are represented:(Some of the BIG big names are not here). Still, for anyone wanting to develop familiarity with what has been going on in the world of poetry there is a lot of pleasure at a reasonable price.

I rather like the idea that there is no obvious agenda here, nor any pretense of "the best." Readability seems to be the standard. It is a book for a bus-stop, or the short ride home. It is light and easily portable. I can envision a poem over breakfast, or one to conclude an evening of study. Along those lines, the print is nicely laid out; it's the sort of book that I can read without my specs - after all my discovery of poetry in high-school was decades ago.

Prestressed Concrete Structures/Book and Disk (Prentice Hall International Series in Civil Engineering Mechanics)
Published in Hardcover by Prentice Hall College Div (1991)
Author: Michael P. Collins
Amazon base price: $86.00
Average review score:

Great basic reference
I used this book as a primary reference for a senior/graduate prestressed class. Overall, the book is clear and wonderful. I really appreciated the way the author stressed fundamental behavior.

I found the section on deflections heavy going for my students so I picked a simpler, but less accurate, approach from Scordelis's report.

I strongly encourage the author to update this book or publish a new text.

Modified Compression Filed Theory "Bible"
A "must have" reference book for Structural Engineers in the area of prestressed concrete.

Chapter 7 and Chapter 9 are the most comprehensive single source of information on the Modified Compression Filed Theory and procedures for the design of disturbed regions(corbels, dapped ends, ledges,etc.) on concrete structures(except maybe for MacGreggor's).

The book is advanced and requires some knowledge of concrete behavior, prestressed concrete design and mechanics of materials.

Software has been updated and is available on the Toronto University web page (Response 2000-compute Moment Curvature Diagrams of Prestressed Concrete Beams). The software is excellent and easy to use.

The Ring and the Book
Published in Paperback by Broadview Press (2001)
Authors: Robert Browning, Thomas J. Collins, and Richard D. Altick
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $17.25
Buy one from zShops for: $24.95
Average review score:

I've just read some Amazon reviewers' responses to T. S. Eliot's poetry as testimony to his possibly being the greatest poet ever. Such an evaluation practically proves Eliot's insistent point about the cultural impoverishment of the present.

Indeed, Browning's masterwork may very well be the ultimate poetic epic in the English language, rivaled certainly not by Spenser, Wordsworth, and Pound but only by Chaucer and Milton. The fact that even the "trial of the century"--the O. J. Simpson case--did not produce widespread renewed interest in its literary predecessor and equivalent would produce surprise and disappointment were I not so aware that, outside of Shakespeare, the academic canon has been foreshortened (and engendered) to a tradition that begins with Virginia Woolf and ends with Sylvia Plath.

In "Ring and the Book" Browning takes the sordid event of an enraged husband murdering his helpless bride--the daughter of a prostitute and rescue project of a priest--to "explain the ways of God to man." The reader of the poem becomes, in effect, a "privileged" juror in the trial of the murderer, positioned through Browning's protean and powerful rhetoric within the consciousness of each of the principals before finally being enabled to glimpse the "truth" that affords meaning to human mutability and suffering.

The poem no doubt will remain in dust closets, largely unread even by literature Ph.D's. But there's little chance of its ever becoming lost. Like the priest-hero of the poem, a few priests of the imagination will ever so often make the poem's discovery and be lured into the quest of pursuing its singular meanings.

The unknown masterpeice of English literature
As an English major at the University of Pittsburgh, I was never exposed to this series of dramatic monologues. It's a pity, because when I finally stumbled across it, Browning went from being just another 19th-century poet to my favorite English language poet of them all, at one fell swoop. The Ring and the Book is based on a real-life murder trial in 17th century Rome. The story is told from multiple perspectives, changing with every new section of the book; we hear from the "Man on the Street", the murderer, the victim on her death-bed, and even the Pope. The details of the story are far too convoluted to explain in summary and do anything resembling justice to the book, but it can be safely said that once you've begun, you're in for a whirlwind ride through a carnival of a trial that makes the O.J. Simpson affair look like a parking-ticket dispute by comparison. The truly stand-out feature of The Ring and the Book is not in the story itself, however, but in the telling. Browning handles the English language like a virtuoso emulating angel's choruses on a Stradivarius. If the book suffers any single flaw, it is the simple fact that at times, Browning writes these lines almost TOO well, making it difficult for the reader to pay attention to the actually progression of the story, as said reader becomes entraced by the beauty of the poetry. (In particular, I consider Caponsacchi's description of the flight from Arezzo beginning at line 1152 of Book VI to be one of the best written passages in literature of all time.) Dramatic blank verse hasn't seen genius of this level since Milton wrote of the angelic Fall. It's a pity this book isn't more widely recognized and discussed, for it deserves recognition as one of the best-constructed poetic stories of history, and the pinnacle of 19th century authorship.

Royal Weddings
Published in Paperback by Harlequin (1996)
Authors: Diana Palmer, Marion Smith Collins, Kathleen Korbel, and Harlequin
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $1.25
Collectible price: $2.49
Buy one from zShops for: $1.99
Average review score:

The first story by itself makes it worth it.
I actually got this book at a sale at the local library for a dime. The first story really does make the entire thing worth it. I found myself wishing I could be in the heroine's shoes. It's a lovely book for those of us who want to believe in fairy tales. Who wouldn't want to be swept off her feet by a charming prince (or king in one case)?

Royal Weddings
Royal Weddings consist of King's Ransom by Diana Palmer, A Prince Of A Guy by Kathleen Korbel & Every Night At Eight by Marion Smith Collins.

I got my copy of Royal Weddings thanks to Amazon's out-of-print service.

The stories, or rather just my favourite story alone--King's Ransom, makes it well worth its price.

In King's Ransom,Brianna Scott, your ordinary girl-next-door, absolutely detests "foreign dignitary" Ahmed Bin Rashid. She threw a paper weight at him.

Unknown to Brianna, this overbearing "dignitary" is actually a King. One whom terrorists are after.

Sparks flew, Diana Palmer style, when His Royal Majesty is forced to live with Brianna for the duration till the terrorists are caught.

I absolutely adore the culture shock HRM encounters. Especially when it comes to food.

"Tell her to stop shoving oblong containers of suspicious meat wrapped in buns at me!"


Diana's characterisation is absolutely wonderful. One couldn't help but wish to be in Brianna's shoes...

A great story not to be missed. Enjoy,...that is, if you can get a copy!!

I find A Prince Of A Guy a bit like the story of The Prince & The Pauper. Casey Phillips from Brooklyn bears a remarkable resemblance to the kidnapped Princess Cassandra...

When Prince Eric von Lieberhaven, a real dishy kind of guy, asks Casey to stand in temporary for the real Princess,...things start to get interesting.

I enjoy the changes that Casey made whilst being a temporary princess. Casey's gleeful anticipation of the real Princess Cassandra's surprise/shock upon her return to the palace is a joy to read. It left me grinning.

In contrast, Every Night At Eight seems a bit tame. Not much of ups and downs. Selena Mastron, a sophisticated woman from an ancient family was deemed to be a suitable bride for Nicholas Sabre, King turned President.

A country in transition, they need to make both the country's democracy and their marriage work. But how to balance demanding state "careers" and a marriage ? Why, by making an appointment, of course. Every Night At Eight!!

A Seed Grows : My First Look at a Plant's Life Cycle (My First Look at Nature)
Published in Hardcover by Kids Can Press (1997)
Authors: Pamela Hickman and Heather Collins
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $4.83
Buy one from zShops for: $3.99
Average review score:

A Great Collection
This book has been great fun to use while planting our garden. It helps speed the process along to show what will happen next, plus has great illustrations to show what happens under the ground. This entire series of books is top-rate.

Fun and Facts!
I really enjoyed this book that I donated to our school library. I seldom see books that are both non fiction and fiction in one edition. The illustrations were great and the flip format was fun.

Sensitive Chaos: The Creation of Flowing Forms in Water and Air
Published in Paperback by Anthroposophic Press (01 January, 1990)
Authors: Theodor Schwenk and J. Collins
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $18.00
Buy one from zShops for: $20.81
Average review score:

Water, Water, Everywhere
It's out-of-print. No one you know has ever heard of this book. No matter: the trouble you may have in finding a copy of Sensitive Chaos will be worth it. The images will remain with you. The text will teach the old dog (you) new tricks. And years and years from now you will still recognize the spiral of water in the things you see, and you'll even feel a little more connected to the world. Beautiful book.

A beautiful and poetic view of science
This beautiful book remains scientifically accurate while describing in poetic and spiritual style the flowing of fluids in nature. A beautiful collection of pictures illustrates how even living things follow the rules of fluid flow as new cells flow forth in the growth process.

Sexual Ethics and The New Testament : Behavior & Belief
Published in Paperback by Crossroad/Herder & Herder (2000)
Author: Raymond F. Collins
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $10.98
Buy one from zShops for: $11.97
Average review score:

Finally! A Responsible Look at Sexuality and Christianity!
While I do not consider myself a biblical scholar, this book definitely caught my attention. I have to admit expecting a Roman Catholic papal redundancy on this topic, but instead I found Fr. Collins to be very insightful and penetrating in his analysis of controverisal topics. This book has challenged me with its nascent call to a sexual identity that is both wholesome and spiritual. Kudos to Fr. Collins! He is a welcome beacon in an often stale, stolid tradition.

Let's Talk About Sex!
I was introduced to Fr. Collins' work while studying theology and have come to expect much from this fine scholar. This book upholds the consistency and penetrating depth I have found in his other works. In this book, Collins explores relevant New Testament texts in both a historical and literary context, offering to the reader a new understanding of how discipleship and sexuality relate to each other, necessarily. Using poignant examples from the Gospels and the epistles, Collins dispels many misunderstandings about sexuality in the New Testament by using his fine exegetical skills, especially in noting the various lenses inherent to any hermeneutic task. Collins does not seek to define certain meanings or construct a systematic program; rather, he opens the New Testament texts to allow them to speak for themselves, to speak to the fact that human sexuality is a complex reality permeating any person's existence--hence the subtitle of his work: behavior and belief. The central motif of this book is that all disciples of Christ are called to embrace their sexuality as both gift and responsibility. In this affirmation Collins offers a look into the cultural conexts of the New Testament and elicits the reader to grapple with the questions offered in the New Testament texts themselves and those still very applicable in our own time: divorce, adultery and homosexuality. The parameters of this challenge can be found in Collins' conclusion; that a viable contemporary sexual ethics must include the following: the notion of embodied existence; the dignity of women in God's plan; and the overarching demands of agapaic love. Though written and executed in fine academic fashion, Collins also brings to this work his pastoral experience and compassion thereby making the book accessible to anyone who seeks to integrate sexuality and ethics as a living reality. Though attempts have been made to separate human sexuality and ethics, Collins invites his readers to integrate these realities. Thus, he gives us yet another great work, providing a valuable resource not only to ethicists and theologians but to all who wish to explore the possiblites of growth in their Christian identity.

Small-Scale Quiltmaking: Precision, Proportion, and Detail
Published in Paperback by C & T Pub (1996)
Authors: Sally Collins, Joyce E. Lytle, and Diana Roberts
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $99.99
Average review score:

Miniature quilts made easy.
How can this author put so much into a book. She begins with easier piecing and takes the mystery out of putting tiny pieces together. She goes beyond this by showing the best value of color to make the quilt dance and sparkle. This is an amazing book, one that every quilter should have in their library. She solves problems, causes you to want to make tiny quilts in many many colors for every room in the house.

Miniature quilts made easier.
SMALL SCALE QUILTMAKING takes the mystery and fear out of tiny piecing. The selection of fabric is so very important, showing that the strong contrasting fabrics have more character. Many projects to entice any quilter with information to make this tiny project a reality.

Speeches That Changed the World
Published in Hardcover by Westminster John Knox Press (1999)
Authors: Owen Collins and Andrew Young
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.89
Buy one from zShops for: $4.35
Average review score:

The Greatest Inspiration
There is something noble about those things that inspire you. I got this book because I speak for a living and wanted to read the words of some of the most articulate speakers of all time. When I got this book, I found a volume of inspiration beyond what I expected. There are, of course, the great speeches like MLK's "I have a dream" speech and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, but there are also a good number of jewels that most people haven't seen; like a brief submitted to the Supreme Court by Mother Theresa that made me think long and hard about a very tough subject and reexamine my stance somewhat. If you purchase this book, you won't be disappointed.

If you love history, you'll love this
This is a remarkable collection of famous speeches, as well as those that are not very well known. It is organized in chronological order, beginning with Moses and ending with Hilary Clinton. If you're looking to expand your knowledge of history, or simply looking to see what great speeches are made of, this is the book for you!

Spend on Your Future: Investing and Money Management Made Easy
Published in Paperback by Orca Book Publishers (1994)
Authors: Tim D. Collins and Jane D. Lehr
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $1.22
Average review score:

Great for the novice investor
"Spend On Your Future" offered great tips for the novice investor. The authors did a superb job of explaining and presenting the information in a user friendly way. I felt more educated and confident in starting my own investment portfolio after reading this!

Great beginning investment book!
This book shows how to make money management for the beginner simple and fun. I've snoozed through many investment books in the past but found this one to be pleasant to read. The authors also do a good job of highlighting tips for the reader to remember for later. Well done Tim Collins and Jane Lehr!

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