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Book reviews for "Child,_John" sorted by average review score:

I Love You, Good Night
Published in School & Library Binding by Simon & Schuster (Juv) (1988)
Authors: Jon Buller, Susan Schade, John Buller, and John Nuller
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $2.99
Average review score:

How much do I love it? as much as raccoons love trashcans!

An "I Love you" bedtime story, with a different twist. In the book, mom and daughter are preparing for the little girls bed time, and out doing each other with...

"I love you as much as...."
and inserting some humorous images, instead of over done sweet or sappy lines.

MY little girl is 11 now, and we don't read bedtime stories, but we still remember this book and say " I love you as much as frogs love puddles."

I Love You, Good Night
This is a wonderful book that children love to hear over and over. The beautiful drawings depict a mother helping her little girl prepare for bedtime while telling her how much she loves her. My 2 year old daughter (and my 9 year old son) enjoys "reading" each line with me. This is a book that gives a warm, snuggly feeling everytime we read it!

Wonderful and easy to memorize!
I first read this book while I was a nanny for a beautiful, intelligent little girl. At the time, she was 3 years old and owned over 300 books! She knew almost every one of them by heart. This book was one of her favorites and mine. We would read this before her nap and she could tell me what was coming up on the next page. It cute and so easy to memorize. Memorizing a simple, loving book like this one, shows your child how important reading books is in life. Plus, everyone wants to know how much they are loved! I love this book, like "...pigs love pies!"

Counseling in Schools: Essential Services and Comprehensive Programs
Published in Hardcover by Allyn & Bacon (1992)
Author: John Schmidt
Amazon base price: $54.00
Used price: $21.99
Average review score:

School Counselors guidelines
This was a required text for school counseling. It is very informative. Includes guidance units as well as what to expect your position to be.

The School Counselor's Bible
There is an acute public health crisis in this nation; a crisis precipitated by the burden of suffering experienced by children with mental health needs, and their families.

Today's students are challenged by an array of concern that directly impact their well-being. Child abuse, family dysfunction, economic dislocation, and the prevalence of violence, sex, and the objectification of woment in our popular culture all influence childrens' lives each day. Children represent 100% of our future. Therefore fostering social and emotional health in children as a component of healthy child development must be a national priority.

The services of the school counselor should be aimed at preventing problems, focusing on developmental issues, and addressing critical issues that pose an immediate threatto the student's emotional social, and psychological well-being.

Contemporary school counseling services are essential to a schools' educational misssion. John Schmidt's text provides an overview of the school counseling profession, including the components of a comprehensive program of services and the current legal, ethical and professional issues that are important to school counselors. It is not only a scholarly presentation of the responsibilities and ethical obligations of the school counselor, it is also a practical guide for beginning counselors. Other topics include the history of the school counseling profession, the varying roles of the school counselor, individual versus group practice, and student appraisal.

This book is highly recommended for student's in school counseling programs, as well as beginning counselors.

John Paul Ii, Every Child a Light: The Pope's Message to Young People
Published in School & Library Binding by Boyds Mills Pr (2002)
Authors: John Paul, Jerome M. Vereb, John Ii Paul, Jerome M. Verbe, and Paul, II John
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.48
Average review score:

Beautiful photography elevates this book
"Every Child a Light: The Pope's Message to Young People" combines excellent full-color photographs with excerpts from the discourses of Pope John Paul II. The book is edited by Jerome M. Vereb. This book is full of visual appeal. The photographs, which show John Paul interacting with children of various ages, are crisp and full of life. The Pope is effectively depicted as a caring and joyful man.

The book is beautifully designed. The Pope's word's are arranged as poetry on the pages; this nicely complements the photos. The text is drawn from the Pope's global ministry.

The content of the words themselves is often rather bland and vague. Controversial topics are generally avoided. Sometimes the messages are a bit mixed. In one excerpt, for example, the Pope seems to be taking a multifaith tone, praising children for offering each other "a hand / with no regard for color, / social condition, or religion." Elsewhere he seems more theologically exclusive. For example, he claims that "a generous 'yes' to Christian faith / is the purest sense of the fullness of life"--a statement which I'm sure those of other faiths would dispute!

Still, many of the statements are relevant and inspirational to young people of any faith or culture. He tells young people, "The future belongs to you; / for you are the leaders of tomorrow" and challenges them to be "men and women of high principles / and hopes." But the book as a whole is, in my judgment, mainly relevant for Catholic children and adults.

John Paul II Every Child A Light
Not only did the photographs in this magnificent production touch the heart, but the words of the Holy Father are emblazoned in our minds for all to see for years to come. His holiness shows his tenderness and love of children in the words and pictures, revealing his compassion, humor, and child-like love.

Mommy Poems
Published in Paperback by Boyds Mills Pr (2001)
Authors: Lori McElrath-Eslick and John, Jr. Micklos
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $6.39
Average review score:

Mommy Poems
This is a companion addition to last year's Daddy Poems. I enjoyed this volume more. In this anthology, there are more poems by famous poets in a variety of styles. Everyone should find something that speaks to them. Not only are the poems better, I like the illustrations better. They are more brightly colored and pleasing.

Poetry for everyone
This book is an absolute gem. The poems included are perfect for reading aloud to young children. The themes have universal appeal: cuddling in bed together, having to finish dinner (yuck) before eating dessert, nap time, burned toast on Mother's Day. The tone ranges from whimsical to wistful, never veering into condescending cuteness or self-important cleverness. The range of styles and topics is impressive--and guaranteed to hold the interest of little ones. The lush, colorful illustrations are a perfect complement to the poems. This is a truly beautiful book. Don't take my word for it, though. The experts--my kids, aged two through seven--love it too. See also "Daddy Poems," by the same author/compiler.

The School and Society and the Child and the Curriculum
Published in Hardcover by University of Chicago Press (1991)
Author: John Dewey
Amazon base price: $12.00
Used price: $7.99
Average review score:

What to teach
Dewey, a profound contributor to the field of education, displays some of his beliefs of the best methods to teach children in The Child and the Curriculum. To begin Dewey's discussion, the child's world is examined. In this examining, a sense of how the child's world operates is formed. Children learn through the process of experiencing things, life. In this book Dewey, finds that the schools in which children are educated contradict their very learning style by nature. "The child's life is an integral, a total one," (p.183, 1902). The way the school disseminates the curriculum is not the most optimal method for students to learn.
A child's life collects all the experiences, thus the child learns. Dewey postulates a change in the formula for teaching children, the curriculum. Why change the curriculum? As Dewey states, children need to be intertwined in the process of doing. Children will learn by doing, making clothes to wear, furniture to sit on, and growing food to eat. The idea of the separate subject area is a key area Dewey analyzes because of how children learn. When a child wants to build a chair to sit on, they examine disciplines across the realm of mathematics, science, and language skills while building the chair. Instead of separating this activity into different disciplines, it is woven throughout the activity. Throughout this book, it is stated that their needs to be a link to what the child is learning and what the child sees as a benefit to themselves.
As an educator, it is important to be exposed to varying ideas as to how the school systems have functioned and are functioning today. There are ideas in this book that a pre-service or current educator should consider during their teaching career. Are Dewey's ideas relevant for today's society? I believe this is a question one has to answer for themselves, construct your own meaning.

Why going to school ?
From a high school student's point of view, reading Dewey couldn't provide something else than hope for educational systems, most of which, despite the efforts of making a school a more living atmosphere, organizations still remain too mechanical in learning procedures and detached from social applications regarding the capabilities they serve.

Originally from Cameroon, I've had the opportunity to explore three educational systems from different cultural influence each. It was an advantage that surely opened my mind to different perspectives by interacting with different cultures in different social contexts, but especially carried me out to realize how the so called "education" - in general, but in high school in particular - shortly addresses fundamental needs as much individually as socialy, since people tend to ignore its essential functions or misunderstand the concepts it involves, precisely because their implications are so general that they shouldn't be analyzed in separated contexts, school and society, as far as they are, with respect, one a component of the other but the other being the expression of the first one in a long term.

By observing both components as a whole, Dewey proposes a model that doesn't necessarily apply to actual issues or give factual solutions, but at least redefines "education" by integrating inherent aspects to human nature in its double acception - as a group as much as an individual -, which reveals the values traditional education still mostly hides.

I delibarately took the initiative of question what high school didn't explained to me, and probably often forget to ask itself. In what ways education serves people in the aim of blooming personally and socially ? which role schools are therefore supposed to play and in which patterns ? The questions are so simple that the answers appear obvious. In fact, they should be when the problematic is carefully put. this is the reason most people can get it wrong and sometimes don't even try to question what is already established. Dewey was an excellent starting point for my research and I recommend it to EVERYONE, not especially those concerned with education because it shouldn't be a matter of a restricted segment of people. Education is everywhere. Sorry for my english :)

Wanted: Perfect Parents
Published in Paperback by Troll Assoc (1994)
Author: John Himmelman
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $1.20
Buy one from zShops for: $3.95
Average review score:

A lot of fun to read and look at!
My sons both laughed their heads off at this one! The pictures are just great---especially of Gregory's room after it hadn't been cleaned in a good long while. My older son loved it that Gregory built tunnels and bridges with all his room mess---it's his own dream to be able to use all our furniture to do that! This book could be a good conversation starter about what perfect parents really would be for your child.

Teacher Suggestion
A great book to read before open house and do a brainstorming chart on what the kids would want for perfect parents. I then make a poster and write "Wanted Perfect Kids" and the parents leave suggestions for that one. It is usually a great hit!!!

Helping Your Hyperactive/Add Child
Published in Paperback by Prima Publishing (1997)
Author: John F. Taylor
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $2.75
Collectible price: $5.29
Buy one from zShops for: $5.99
Average review score:

This Book is Real Help for Frustrated Parents
We have applied Dr. Taylor's recommendations to our child. We did not discontinue the Ritalin. By applying Dr. Taylor's ideas on nutritional supplements, diet modification and sensible parenting together with the medication, our son improved his academic performance from straight "D"s on his report card to all "A"s, "B"s and one "C" in the same academic year. Needless to say we are very proud of our son and very grateful to Dr. Taylor.

Very Informative
I found this book to be very helpful and full of very concrete ideas on how to help my son. It puts things in language that everybody can understand not just doctors. It doesn't start with the mindset that Retalin is good or bad like most books these days, it just says that if you do take it then try this, this and this to make it eaiser!

This book offers real help for parents
As the parent of a child with ADHD, I've read a lot of books on the subject and on related conditions, and I've investigated many different approaches and therapies. This one book could have replaced my years of research. Dr. Taylor gives the reader a clear, understandable description of why these kids behave the way they do, and of the major options for helping them.

Unlike many other authors, Taylor has dealt with ADHD as a parent, as well as a professional. He is able to see these challenges from the parent's perspective, and his compassion comes across clearly. This is a welcome change for parents who are very tired of being blamed for things over which they have little control. The author's bio notes that he has over 30 years of successful experience in helping families of these challenging kids...and it shows!

The book has a user-friendly approach that can be understood by the layman, but it also provides impressive documentation to support the science. After they finish reading it, I would encourage any parent to share it with their child's teacher. Or, better yet, donate a copy to the school for all the teachers to use. It would be a much more appreciated Christmas gift than yet another box of stationary.

History of Warfare: Warfare in the Seventeenth Century
Published in Hardcover by Cassell Academic (2001)
Author: John Childs
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $9.75
Collectible price: $17.98
Buy one from zShops for: $10.98
Average review score:

Nice Overview of 17th Century Warfare
This lavishly illustrated book provides a nice overview of the complex series of wars that comprised the 17th Century. The book briefly covers the 30 Years War, the English Civil Wars, and the wars of mid-century, as well as the wars of Louis XIV. There is even a chapter that discusses the wars outside europe. The pictures and maps are really what make this book nice. The text is concise and to the point. The only drawback here might be the often cursory attention paid to some topics. To cover an entire century of complex warfare in one slender volume is bound to leave many gaps. Still, the reader will find a nice introuction to this period, and can use this book as a stepping stone to move on elsewhere in readings.

Interesting reading, but not for novices
First, I must admit that I have not read much about warfare in the 17th Century, other than some articles in Military History magazine. Therefore, I expected to learn a lot from this book. I was not disappointed, although I found some sections difficult to follow.

Overall, the book is excellent. The author's research is thorough, his writing detailed, and conclusions well founded. His main thesis of the book is that warfare in the 17th century was not revolutionay, but evolutionary. He provides ample evidence to support this point. He describes the technological advances that changed tactics and techniques on the 17th century battlefield, and also highlights crucial war, battles, and sieges that occurred in this era.

All of this makes for some fascinating reading, and the illustrations (maps, diagrams, images, pictures, etc) are excellent. My one main issue with the book is that it is hard to follow during certain sections. I think that the author assumes that the reader possesses both a decent knowledge of the events of the 17th century, and of European geography when he describes certain events. For instance, in the section about the wars of Louis the XIV of France, the author describes battles that occur all throughout Europe within the span of a few pages. I found myself flipping back to the reference section of the book, and maps to try and keep track of battlefield locations, and the key leaders involved.

Therefore, I do not know if this is the best book, if you are new to this era of warfare, like I am. Otherwise, I recommend this book to anyone interested in learning more about this "evolutionary" period of warfare in history.

The Pike and Shot Era
At last a great work that try to write the truth of the Pike and Shot era, The seventeenth century for a lot of historian was the beginning for the modern warfare and the innovations of the famous Gustavus Adolphus were nothing new, but thanks to John Childs we now can read the history as it should be understanding that this century changes were evolutionary, not revolutionary.

All the conflicts are study with maps and illustrations, Thirty Years War, English Civil War(Cassell have a volume only for the English Civil War by Bob Carruthers and Stuart Reid which I also recommend) Franco-Spanish War to the Wars of Louis XIV, a great chapter about the Conduct of War 1650-1700, the Famous Rise of the Standing army and all the aspect of this Wars that make Europe seen so much bloodshed.

The Majors conflicts are study and this book will help you as a good introduction to some difficult theme like The Thirty Years War started as a religious war but eventually evolved into a political struggle between the Hapsburgs of the Holy Roman Empire and the Bourbon dynasty of France. Embroiled in this conflict were Austria, German Catholic princes, and Spain against France, Sweden, Denmark, and German Protestant princes.

Maps of the famous Siege of Breda(Arturo Perez Reverte have a great Novel from this siege, is fiction but would also help you understand the conduct of the soldiers in the beginning of the The Thirty Years War, "EL SOL DE BREDA") to some great battles like the Rocroi were the Spanish Tercios lost their reputation of the best Infantry of Europe(they were the best on their time)
and as I say before with the help Paintings of some battles this is a Book for all the Historian to the re-enactors...
Well this is a unique book, I like it and recommend it.

Children Are From Heaven
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins (24 August, 1999)
Author: John Gray
Amazon base price: $25.95
Used price: $0.70
Collectible price: $3.25
Buy one from zShops for: $1.02
Average review score:

As a counsellor, I have long admired and respected John Gray for his vast and learned knowledge and for his ability as a writer. "Children Are from Heaven" is a beautiful concept. Grey reinforces the power of positive attitudes in the role of parenting. He bases his philosophy on the concepts it is okay to be different(we are all unique individuals,) okay to make mistakes(we learn from our mistakes,) it is okay to express negative emotion (children also have negative feelings,) it is okay to want more(wanting more, incourages children to dream, achieve and reach for the stars,) and it is okay to say,"no" but remember Mom and/or Dad are still the boss (children will test limits, both yours and theirs.)

The book contains very accurate and positive information; however, Gray's concept about raising children with a positive attitude is nothing new in our modern-day world. What is extremely disheartening is the fact not all parents understand the importance of, nor do they implement, a nurturing and positive environment for their children. The approach taken here is similar to many found in other professionally written parenting books, except the author has chosen different words and his own unique writing style to relay the concept. I expected to find an expanded version or a new theory in Gray's book but that did not happen. For this reason, the book received a rating of four stars and not five. Regardless of what words are used, the book still contains a valuable message, and it is certainly worth matter how many times you may have read or heard the message before.

Excellent resource for the most difficult job in the world
This book is truly an excellent resource for all parents who want to raise emotionally healthy, spiritually healthy, and physically healthy children (as well as feel heathly themselves). Although I do not think that there is one single book that everyone will agree with 100% (other than the Bible) this is an incredibly enlightening and energizing book. The book could definitely be a bit shorter (it is slightly redundant) however it is very worthwhile reading! I definitely recommend this book to my own friends and family members, and to you.

This book makes sense
I was very excited to start using the parenting skills I have learned from this book. Not only did I start using them with my own two children (ages 7 and 11), I started using it in my preschool class. I was amazed at the immediate positive response I received from my own children as well as my preschoolers. I also was given the confidence I needed to use these skills. Most of all the relationship with my children seems to be different and we are so much happier and the stress is also down. I wish I had this book sooner. A must read and great gifts for all new and old parents, even the grandparents!!!!

Raising Great Kids
Published in Paperback by Zondervan (01 January, 2000)
Authors: John, Dr Townsend, Henry, Dr Cloud, and John Sims Townsend
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.25
Buy one from zShops for: $9.02

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